-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.34/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 34</A>
Laissez Faire City Times
Aug. 30, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 34
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Viet Nam

Part 8: Military Science, Tactics, and Strategy

by Robert L. Kocher

In his book In Retrospect, McNamara quotes a then-classified paper
issued by General Westmoreland defining the U. S. military objective of
"ending the war in the Republic of Vietnam by convincing the Viet Cong
and the DRV[Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam] that victory was imp
ossible, thereby forcing an agreement favorable to the RVN [Republic of
(South) Vietnam] and the United States" [1].

I hope, for the sake of Westmoreland's reputation, and for the sake of
the reputation of the U. S. Army's general staff, that the above
strategy was not his or indicative of the quality of thought of the
military, but was one forced upon him. It had been the implicit military
and civilian policy position for some time. It is a recurrent theme
throughout McNamara's book. It was not the objective the military was in
agreement with, if they were in their right minds, but was the one
remaining through the process of having been denied other options.

The result of this policy was foreseeable inevitable prolonged disaster.
There was no way it would come close to working. It was a recipe for
military failure insuring that military success will never happen. It
was also a guarantee that political negotiations would never happen
because under the policy expressed there was no reason for the North to
agree to anything at all.

When the goal ends at making the enemy understand he can not win, it
doesn't mean he will ever lose nor that he is being told to understand
that the situation is taken seriously enough, or is serious enough, that
he could lose. If he doesn't see the threat of disastrous loss, he is
under little motivation to quit or negotiate. The real message was a
coded assurance to the enemy that he would never lose. The secondary
message was that there would never need be any justice for the people
the enemy killed. The military statement of the Viet Nam theater of
operation was the equivalent of announcing permission to throw Molitov
cocktails at you because you have a sprinkling system, and eventually
whoever is doing it will tire of it after learning they can only p
artially burn your house down at any particular moment. When it's
somebody else's lives and villages getting firebombed, or it's your own
troops, they have realistic reason to become demoralized or even think
you are insane or perhaps working for the other side.

Political Lines

It is tactically self-defeating to fight a war in which enemies are
allowed to pull back behind an arbitrary line and regroup without fear
of invasion or counter-invasion, while they are allowed to invade you.
It results in a unilateral pressure. The enemy has nothing to lose and
is essentially under no real threat. They have complete initiative and
control over the military timetable and focus of attack at relaxed
convenience. Their staging and supply areas are not denied to them by
strategic invasion and occupation. They do not need to deploy or
maintain a dedicated defensive structure. All their forces can be
employed in an offensive mode. They can maintain hostilities forever on
their own terms, with essentially no threat to themselves. It is a
recipe for slow military suicide. Anybody with any intelligence knows
that. Under the approach that was being employed in Viet Nam,
twenty-five people could wear down and defeat the entire American Army.
At no time should a military operation be conducted in such a way that
the enemy is unilaterally allowed to determine any rules of military
engagement whatsoever. If that mistake is made, the first rule they make
is that they win.

As an absolute military principle, once hostilities begin, the enemy,
and that includes the enemy leadership, should have no place or period
free of direct military pressure. Gudarian understood that. Patton
understood that, Doolittle understood that. Rommel understood that.
There are no politically drawn geographical battle lines in applied
tactical warfare. The battle line should always be immediately in front
of the enemy's face, or one foot behind his rear end, no matter where he
moves--whether it's Hanoi or the north pole.

As an ordinary military principle, if one side disperses its forces it
is militarily catastrophic because it allows concentrated military
action to advance into strategic occupation of tactically critical enemy
terrain or homelands, and leadership, nearly unopposed. On the other
hand, if the enemy is assured concentrated military action will not be
seriously directed toward that goal, particularly in sparsely populated
terrain which offers cover and concealment, the enemy can disperse its
forces into a pattern of constant diffuse harassment from mobile and
hidden positions, and one man can have the effect of ten. In the terrain
and population density of Viet Nam, using standard tactics, it would
require from a very minimum of thirty or more friendly troops to control
one guerrilla fighter under the above limitations of warfare.

The Russian Analogy

Assuring an enemy control over his home or base territory immobilizes
indigenous opposition to the enemy within that territory. The invasion
of Russia by the Germans in World War II was initially successful
without significant opposition. The Russian military and people were
sick of Joe Stalin and viewed the Germans as potential liberators. They
would have been willing to join the Germans to free themselves from
Stalin. Hitler had the war against Russia won. German armies had the
opportunity to march to Moscow through streets lined with cheering
Russian supporters.

In a stupid move, the SS came in to declare Russians inferior beings and
put them in concentration camps. To avoid that, the Russians began to
fight like hell against the Germans and eventually destroyed the German
army. That was one of the major mistakes that cost Hitler victory in
World War II.

Ho Chi Minh was not popular. His strong centralized system of control
violated the political culture of Viet Nam. There had been a number of
serious internal uprisings in the North which had been subdued by hard
military response. Several entire cities were nearly wiped out to secure
his hold on the North. There is no reason to believe that the ordinary
people in the North were enthusiastic about undergoing hardship or being
conscripted for extending Minh's revolutionary vision to a South that
had no real meaning beyond abstraction. There was no motivation in terms
of re-unification or nationalism. Historically, the South had been a
separate country. Ho Chi Minh's agenda represented no advantage while
conferring considerable suffering upon the people of the North. Given
their choice, the ordinary people in the North would probably have
preferred to remain at home doing what they had always done without
being bothered.

"The People Love Ho"

Close to a million people had already fled Ho's regime. There were
probably a couple million more in the north who would have aided anyone
who would free them from him. A hundred thousand anti-Minh cooperatives
could provide information enabling dissolution of Minh's internal
political command chain. Indigenous dissatisfaction with Hanoi was
strong and was waiting to cooperate with anyone offering outside relief.
However, by guaranteeing we would not move north on the ground, we also
guaranteed the integrity of the political policing structure which
maintained his grip on the country, and we thus immobilized internal

It's important to realize the important difference between iron will of
the people versus iron will of distant leadership.

In an oppressive regime 15 percent of the population can very easily
control the other 85 percent and has done so on numerous occasions as a
matter of historical fact. This is particularly true if that 15 percent
of the population has control of the communications and propaganda
structure while being able to deny use of that structure to any
opposition. It is to the advantage of that 15 percent to continue doing
so because they enjoy privileges of rank and distance from hardship. On
the same basis, an oppressive regime can field strong armies of
unwilling and unenthusiastic conscripts who are too controlled and
intimidated not to fight. Most armies are composed of people who would
rather be somewhere else than be shot at. One of the reasons uniforms
were originally adopted was to be able to identify and discipline
deserters in battle.

By way of illustration, Pol Pot was able to maintain such a captive
population control structure while he killed 25 percent of the
Cambodians and subjected another 50 percent to abuses that were nearly
lethal in his determination to build the ideal communist society. The
Cambodian population obviously hated it, but needed outside help to
break Pol Pot's organizational grip.

This is also true in instances where an unarmed population is subject to
brutal inadequately-opposed guerrilla insurgencies. According to Sir
Robert Thompson, who had success in opposing communist insurgency in the
Malay Peninsula, 35,000 Viet Cong were able to control a population of
5,000,000 people in an area of South Viet Nam in 1964 [2]. It was done
with the same technique and rigorous brutality employed in the Pol Pot
regime. According to Thompson, page 27, 25,000 civilian South Vietnamese
were abducted or murdered between 1956 and 1965, exclusive of battle
casualties, along an increasing curve as the Viet Cong increased their
hold [3]. In 1961 when the Viet Cong began to move in earnest, there
were 6,130 assassinations and 6,213 abductions.

Thompson says:

When, during the insurgency period, retribution is coupled with terror,
acts are committed whose brutality is hardly credible in a law-abiding
society. On one occasion in Quang Ngai Province, when the Viet Cong
regained control over a village which had been in government hands for
some period, they seized the headman and his family, disemboweled his
wife in front of him, hacked off his children's arms and legs and then
emasculated him. This method of dealing with 'traitors' is certainly an
effective way of winning that "popular support' which so endears
insurgent movements to less-informed critics of the local government and
of those western governments which support it [4].

It should be added that it was endearing to liberal western journalists
who deliberately failed to report it or find it objectionable. God bless
Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather for their support of such murderous
brutality by helping to hide its reality.

Since the headman may have lived, this would have been listed under

North Viet Nam had already been in that state continuously. For
practical purposes North Viet Nam was a large concentration camp filled
with reluctant inmates. As with all such structures, a small number of
tightly organized and controlled guards and enforcers can control a
large captive population. The control dynamics are both complex and
fragile. In the event the control dynamics become weakened or fragmented
to the point where inmates feel secure in revolt, the system can
collapse. One military goal of forces opposed to an oppressive
leadership is physical presence to break up indigenous oppressor command
and control dynamics.

People living in oppressive societies and conscripted into oppressive
armies may become institutionalized much the same as abused women become
inverted in bad marriages and may defend husbands who nearly kill them
because they lack an alternative. A similar institutionalization occurs
among men who have spend substantial time in prisons. Imprisonment and
constraint becomes a predictable and secure way of life to which they
become adapted, and they would not know how else to live. While such
parallel institutionalization reduces potential active opposition to
oppression within an entire country, active support by such mentalities
for an oppressive regime is shallow. What evolves is a type of resigned
docile compliant numbness in the population which becomes resistant to
change. (It seems to be developing in America under the prolonged impact
of liberalism.) For this reason, it is essential to provide any
indigenous opposition to a regime with hope and support by moving
quickly and aggressively before they become institutionalized. A second
aspect is that an indigenous resistance movement should be organized and
supported as an alternative to institutionalization.

In chess the game is only won by check-mating the opponent's king. It
makes no difference how many pieces and pawns the opponent has left on
the board, when his king is killed, the game is ended. Until the king is
killed, the game is not ended. And it is the same way in life.

Hearts and Minds

In military operations against an oppressive regime, action against the
aggressor's army in the field may be instrumental, but is seldom
decisive. It is a necessary tactic and should be conducted with
seriousness, but by itself it will not solve anything. No practical
military victory is decisive until it creates a direct perceived
physical threat to the top oppressive operational leadership. An
oppressor who is not directly threatened has no motivation to change.
All military operations must be directed toward that ultimate goal. If
the oppressive leader and his cadre lose people from the other 85
percent of the sociopolitical structure, including the military, in
their minds they have lost nothing. The 85 percent of the population
were nothing but faceless pawns to be manipulated and sacrificed anyway
as tools of the state. With such sacrifice. the status and power of the
leader and cadre continues. That is their only concern and goal. If they
operate under the imposed framework of fighting for a political idea,
the idea continues to be enforced in the homeland.

There is a romanticized myth around this based upon imprecision of
thinking and sympathy with the ideology of the oppressive regime. It was
particularly evident as a propaganda ploy by the radical left in this
country to support communist actions in Viet Nam. The argument claims
the reason leftist military action persists in the face of continued
defeats or apparently overwhelming opposition is because of spirited
profound dedication to the ideas of a political cause. (This reasoning
applies only to leftist military actions, by the way. Leftists are
viewed as motivated by idealism. Non-leftists are depicted as being
motivated by fanaticism.) However, that is not why the fighting goes on.
The fighting goes on because the military action is at a place where it
has not directly affected the comfort levels or safety levels of the
controlling interests who are blithely sending other people out to kill
or be killed.

Clever support and installation of a leftist government can be achieved
by sympathizers or subversives infiltrated within the opposition
political structure through purposely bungling or sabotaging military
opposition to the leftist movement, then falsely claiming that the
leftist's successes are due to his strength of ideology rather than
sabotage of military opposition through subversion.

In many cases the leader and portions of the oppressor political cadre
may be pathologically detached from reality to the point where realistic
threat is not perceived or of interest. In a word, they are nuts,
insane. Every good left- wing political movement should be, and is,
built around several percent intractable true believers, or sometimes
just Gestapo-type sadistic psychotics, as enforcers to control the
people. Once that pathological intertwining is integrated into the
movement as policing and controlling elements, reality, sanity,
morality, or impending doom all become irrelevant while the population
is forced to sacrifice to the end. Military losses among the pawns
become irrelevant. The imposed leadership control must be broken to
break the grip those people and the system have upon the masses and to
degrade the capacity to impose further military action through pawn

The Isolation of Leaders

The war and fighting will continue as long as the leader and 15 percent
controlling interests remain unaffected and want to continue with the
help of their two to five percent or more psychotic enforcers. If they
are insane enough, they'll continue until they are killed. In most cases
they must be captured and/or killed because that is the only thing that
stops psychopaths. The people who are sent out at lower levels to fight
and be killed aren't highly motivated spirited idealists. They are being
forced to fight for someone else's ideological commitment or insanity
and don't have anything to say about it in a political environment where
the person next to them may be a member of the secret police. Any
continuation of hostilities is only a demonstration of the oppressor's
grip upon the people, not commitment of the people. Eventually, of
course, the pawns in the oppressive structure are positioned such that
they must fight to win for their own survival. The pawns will also grow
to hate the opposition for reasons having nothing to do with ideology.
As they are forced to participate, they become committed to what they
are doing.

The Viet Nam War policy of showing the other side they could not win
never touched nor inconvenienced the people at the top in Hanoi who were
running the operation. Nor did it break the controlling chain of
command. The military tactics and strategy were as irrelevant as if we
had bombed Arizona. What was stated in the Westmoreland and similar
statements was a thinly veiled announcement of protection of the
communist leadership and apparatus compelling continuation of the war.
It is hard to understand why more American people didn't see through it
then, and don't to this day.

A good parallel can be drawn to the gladiatorial contests in old Rome.
Large groups of people were forced to fight each other to the death in
arenas for amusement of the emperor and the privileged public. On any
given day, half the gladiators might lose their lives. There was not
much future in it for most of the gladiators and they weren't very
ideologically committed. However, they were serious about their jobs and
were invariably quite punctual in showing up for work because they
weren't able to break the Roman controlling structure.

On the other hand, if the emperor had suddenly found his butt kicked
into the middle of the arena among people chasing after him with swords
and spears, there would have been a hurried subjective reevaluation and
drastic change decreed regarding gladiatorial contests. That's the issue
and the difference. The ultimate goal of a military operation is to kick
the emperor's butt into the middle of the arena as soon as possible.

At the initial stages, war between nations may be viewed as gladiatorial
contests where one or more leaders whose own lives are not yet in
jeopardy conduct the contest at a more distant arena. This was the
essential allowed continued position of Ho Chi Minh and other leftist
ideologists in Viet Nam. One of the military strategic tasks is to put
the enemy's leadership and privileged into the center of the arena as
quickly as possible. This was never done in Viet Nam.

McNamara’s Folly

A group meeting with President Johnson in November of 1967 elicited a
memorandum from McNamara. There is a key sentence which makes the point
talked about here. Referring to North Viet Nam's will to fight McNamara
says, "Nothing can be expected to break this will other than the
conviction that they cannot succeed." What is amazing is that McNamara
was able to get away with making such statements. What he was really
doing, through clever manipulation of language, was remove all risk
from, and pressure upon, the enemy and assuring them they would not
lose. This had been the basic operating premise for six years. It
contained substantial errors of reasoning bordering on the psychotic and
was basically irrelevant. In the first place a vague
political/geographical boundary is substituted for more accurate
concrete reality. "The North" has nothing to do with anything. The
motivational and organizational dynamics of the war resided in a small
group of people, Ho Chi Minh and others, who happened to be safely
quartered in North Viet Nam, formerly the country of Tonkin. This
distinction is important.

Until that small group of people safely in the North were seriously
threatened, and probably killed, nothing would change. It was
specifically 'their' will which had to be broken. Nobody else's will
counted, because it was the determination of that small and rather
comfortable group that would be the single deciding factor.

To put it into simplistic folk language, the name of the game being
played by the communist leadership in the North was, "Let's you and him
fight until the very end." Nothing in McNamara's statement changed that
game. When the game becomes, "Let's you and me fight and you're going to
get killed," the game loses detached amusement value.

In a parallel military confrontation, Iran and Iraq recently fought a
prolonged war that reportedly killed off as much as a possible 50
percent of the male population of a generation on each side shelling
each other across boundaries. Why did the war continue for so long? The
answer is simple. The war continued because the wrong people were being
killed or suffering losses. The top leadership was never under direct
threat or killed.

McNamara and others supposedly thought, or claimed to have thought as
part of some type of deception, in terms of displaying overwhelming
opposition. There is no such thing as overwhelming opposition unless
that opposition is used in an overwhelming manner. A well equipped army
of 400,000 men against a poorly equipped army of 10,000 is not an
overwhelming force. It is a

potentially overwhelming force. If it doesn't act incisively to remove
opposition and destroy the opposition's controlling leadership, it is a
collection of 400,000 directionless clay pigeons who are going to suffer
astronomical losses. That is what our men were in Viet Nam. The
communist caught on to it immediately.

If you guarantee or imply, either explicitly or through the implication
inherent in inept patterns of military action, that the first and
ultimate order of business is not the destruction of opposition top
leadership while the men in your army are used as targets of
opportunity, it is disrespect for your own people. It is a criminal act
against the men in your own military which should be punishable by death
with no statute of limitations.

Ironically, the McNamara statement, "Nothing can be expected to break
this will other than the conviction that they cannot succeed," was
actually describing the condition that was to be inflicted on the
American side, not the communist side, during the war. With the inept,
if not deliberately subversive, mishandling and immobilizing of American
military participation, the American side, instead of the communist
side, would be sabotaged and ground down to the point of conviction that
success or resistance was impossible—while McNamara argued that it was
somehow the other way around. It is incredible that McNamara was not
challenged on this.

The Appearance of Confrontation

What occurred was an outward appearance of military confrontation
masking an exquisitely engineered plan for prolonged American and South
Vietnamese defeat.

There has developed a ludicrous chivalrous attitude that we should not
assassinate or kill foreign leaders, even in time of war. Even in the
Gulf War there was the silly idea that a systematic attempt to hunt down
and kill Saddam Hussein violated some sort of code. Why? Not doing it
violated sanity. That is exactly the opposite of the way it's supposed
to be. The person who starts the mess should not to be sitting back in
privileged nonchalant safety while the common soldiers are made to die
slugging it out on the ground. The eligibility for being killed should
be a universal equal opportunity experience among the opposing side with
the first priority being the person who was responsible for starting and
continuing the slaughter. If an American soldier is expected to take a
bullet, the clown on the other side directing that soldier's death
should be eligible for the same fate, be he Chairman, Premier, King, or

In the case of communist crackpots or others, opening their mouths about
intention of starting revolutions and killing people is sufficient
enough declaration of serious intent to constitute moral cause, and even
obligation, to remove them preemptively in self defense rather than see
thousands or millions of lives lost later. It's their choice. In the
real adult world it reasonable to expect hostility in return when you
threaten to kill people. Contrary to recent practice, war is more
effective, less costly, and even more just, when the killing is first
applied to those at the top, and then works downward rather than
starting only with expendable poor souls imprisoned at the bottom while
the thugs at the top remain at comfortable distance.

There are only two military strategies that count in operations against
oppressive systems. One is to take immediate physical control over
opposition population and land, and then provide enough security so that
indigenous opposition to the oppressor can join you in capturing the
leader(s). The second is to move quickly without waiting for internal
aid and capture or kill the leader(s).

Why was there a D-Day and a Normandy invasion of Europe rather than
restricting action to continuing to shoot at Nazi planes as they bombed
England to prove to Hitler that he could not succeed? The answer is
obvious. The war would have continued at Hitler's convenience until the
Nazi leadership died of old age. The Normandy invasion is the only thing
that would have worked.

The only thing that would have ended the Viet Nam conflict would have
been to directly threaten Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh, and the thugs around
him. Unless the conflict was entered with this level of understanding
and commitment, the result would be military disaster and endless
useless American and South Vietnamese deaths. Anyone who did not have
this understanding should not have been in a command or decision-making
position whether in the military--or in Washington.

"Measured" Military Response

There was floating around the intellectual climate the concept of
measured military response. The idea was to use only enough military
counter-force to push the enemy back into his boundaries and deny him
his goal. Presumably, after repeated pushes back into containment and
denial of his military goals he would realize the impossibility of his
goals and give up his military effort. It was to be a little like the
idea of conditioning a rat or monkey in a psychological laboratory or
repeatedly slapping a child's hand for reaching for the wrong thing.
There are several serious errors of reasoning in this.

The first thing that the enemy leadership learns in this situation is
that his goals are obtainable. He learns that the penalty for wanton
criminal transgressions is not being captured and being brought to
justice, but remaining within an area of safety to engineer new
initiatives. The seriousness of risk is removed. His chances continue
indefinitely. (Saddam Hussein has been a more recent demonstration of
this truth.) War becomes an amusing game where the basic military and
political structure engineering the war continues indefinitely for the
following reasons.

1) Enemy architects at a comfortable distance from the action do not
directly experience the consequences and remain aloof from negative

2) Measured response carries on a war at a level within the capacity of
the enemy to participate and re-participate.

3) Measured response is severely debilitating to the morale of troops
waiting to be attacked and killed, while they were only allowed to push
the attackers behind a line of safety and then wait to be attacked
again. In such a situation, you might as well sell chances and award
stuffed panda bears as prizes for every American killed.

4) Measured response violates psychological law and basic rules of
survival. When someone is trying to kill you the consequences should not
be measured response, but appropriate response. It is a reasonable
response to become angry about it and to hunt down whoever is doing it
by all possible means before they try it again or are successful.
Measured response in place of appropriate response is conditioning
people into passive schizophrenia. Who was conditioning whom in the
concept of measured response was open to question.

We were conditioned to believe the situation in Viet Nam was impossible.
The situation wasn't. The tactics and strategy we employed were. The
leadership we had in Washington was.

For practical purposes the strategy America applied in Viet Nam was such
that we conducted the war for the North Vietnamese through assurance
that no serious threat would be made to their homeland or leadership.
The American side provided the correct manpower exquisitely misdirected,
immobilized, and mis-deployed in such a way as to produce maximum
destruction of manpower and morale within the American military as well
as maximum destruction of support at home. Meanwhile, small groups of
communists were able to wander freely through South Viet Nam terrorizing
the rural villages at convenience. One hundred of them divided into
groups of five had the effect of an entire army as the villagers
everywhere would huddle in fear at night to wonder who was going to be h
it next. Five hundred could bring down an entire nation.

Suppose a political group of five hundred people based in New Jersey
came into New York City with machine guns and killed people
periodically, but they weren't pursued into New Jersey and mauled when
they returned to resupply their ammunition. Further, suppose there was
an implicit guarantee that they would not be pursued in New Jersey. In
three months the millions of people in the New York metropolitan area
would be panicked and would collapse and eventually be forced to agree
to surrender to the 500, who would then claim it was a democratic
decision by virtue of the agreement involved. Measured response of
waiting to see if they attacked New York again or if they felt they
couldn't succeed would be properly viewed as insane. Then why should the
same approach have been expected to work in Viet Nam?

Safety dominates over ideology or politics. If there is not absolute
seriousness in guaranteeing the safety of the people, eventually they
will be forced to capitulate to the oppressor, not as a matter of
affection for his ideology, but as a matter of personal survival.
Expecting people to wait and be killed indefinitely while intellectuals
play with gossamer concepts such as measured response or whatever forces
those people to gravitate to the only remaining possible source of
safety or survival, the enemy. In a master stroke the leadership in
Washington assassinated the president of Viet Nam, then forced the
people in South Viet Nam to gravitate toward the communists to save
their lives, then afterward claimed the reason the war was lost was
because so many people failed to resist, sympathized with, or joined,
the enemy.

In an amazing inversion of logic, the personal safety of the communist
leadership was assured in the North, while the personal safety of the
South Vietnamese was not guaranteed.

Ho Had No Incentive to Settle

The easiest way to evaluate the military tactics we employed is to ask
the question, was there any way the North Vietnamese communists were
threatened with a military catastrophe from which they could not have
easily extracted themselves? The answer is, fighting on their own
timetable of convenience on somebody else's land—with no potential
danger to their own staging areas, homeland, or leadership—if they lost
a skirmish or momentarily withdrew, never.

Was there any reason for Ho Chi Minh et al to negotiate a peace or a
treaty? Absolutely not. There was little or nothing they wanted that
they didn't already have. The communists were already assured of the
best benefits any negotiation could possibly offer them. If they wanted
a rest, they could discontinue attacks for such time as was convenient
or enjoyable, for whatever time they wanted. In fact, if they did not
engage American or South Vietnamese troops, they need not withdraw, but
could move about to position themselves to advantage at rest. At any
arbitrary time they could resume military engagement while in the
intervening period Americans and South Vietnamese would be required to
endure constant pressure of staying on full alert in an immobilized
South Viet Nam waiting for the next arbitrary decision in the North or
elsewhere. What motivation was there for the Northern leaders to
negotiate concessions when they had what was for them the best of all
worlds? The North would be fools to negotiate away a superior position
such as that. Eventually, they took the country.

The pseudo-intellectual fops at Kennedy's, and later Johnson's,
Harvard-on-the-Potomac-River debating society, otherwise known as
Washington, never considered anything from that realistic frame of
reference and continued to argue for eventual negotiations. That's
making the charitable assumption the ultimate destructive consequences
(for America) were not the real ultimate intent.

America violated every known military and political principle in
conducting the Viet Nam operation. There were a few attempts to drop
small clandestine South Vietnamese army units into the north. The tactic
should probably have been devastating. The idea had the support and
planning of an advising general who was a North Vietnamese agent. He
would then have North Vietnamese units waiting at the drop zone two
weeks ahead of time to kill or capture the units. Nobody caught on that
this was happening?

William Colby makes the point that McNamara made the mistake of
escalating the war by increment [5]. No man of military background and
talent would do that for two reasons. To do so sacrifices enemy surprise
and vulnerability. All great generals throughout history understood the
importance of surprise and shock. Caesar built bridges across the Rhine,
went across with his legions, then returned all in the same day to daze
Ariovistus. Patton would break through a front, then come from behind
the enemy's own lines to hit him in the rear. Rommel trained his troops
superbly to hit from the side least expected because it was thought to
be impossible.

Contrary to this principle, the increased troop deployments and other
activity took place in a fashion such that the enemy could adapt ahead
of time. The critical necessary military elements of surprise and shock
were lost.

Could the war have been won militarily? Absolutely and probably in a
short time.

Kennedy, Johnson, and the Fops

It would have required a radical change in civilian leadership. Neither
Kennedy nor Johnson had military experience or that peculiar development
and discipline of the mind which is a requirement for military
operations. Neither one of them had the depth required to make military
level decisions or policy. Johnson was acceptable for anyone wanting a
domestic left-wing social agenda, but was otherwise incompetent. Neither
Kennedy nor Johnson were equipped to handle situations requiring depth
or insight, and neither had the requirements to be president.

Their advisors were hollow academic showpieces who, if not subversives,
lacked intellectual and background qualifications for their positions.
Lansdale and Colby were the two people who had the most, perhaps
anything, going for them.

To win the war the first thing that had to be understood was that it
would be necessary to offend somebody. At this point we can bring in the
dramatic arts department to protest the possibility of plunging the
entire world into a nuclear holocaust. The smallest risk is argued as
being unacceptable if it risks incinerating the world. Then, is there
ever a line to be drawn? Where is a line to be drawn?

Did this mean that every time the communists didn't get their way they
had but to scowl and we would give them what they wanted—out of
conjecture that they would have a tantrum and destroy the earth?

At the beginning the decision had to be made to either win or get out
with no consideration given to making a half-efforts and pulling back in
fear, sacrificing tens of thousands of men in the process.

It had to be understood the situation was serious and was going to
require military commitment and angry civilian support. From what was
known about guerrilla movements, at least 100,000 troops would be
required much earlier than they were actually employed.

Any military operation must be suited for the type of terrain and the
type of enemy. The American military was, and is, well suited and
predisposed to carry on operations suitable for the European theater of
operations in World War II in which a superiority of materiel and
firepower can be focused on a concentrated opponent along a well-defined
and visible position. This type of enemy was also put in a position of
having to defend its capitol and homeland against invasion and

The American military in recent decades is not a combat infantry
military. It is a technological and armor military, weak in squad level
and individual combat ability. To be blunt, America has forgotten, and
is now unable, to fight in a war that can not be conducted primarily
with push-buttons and cellular phones.

Jungle Fighters

There is a well-known story from World War II. A captured Japanese
soldier was asked who the best jungle fighters were. When asked about
the Aussies and several others, he said they were very good. An American
officer expectantly asked the Japanese whether he thought the Americans
were good. The Japanese is reported to have said, "No, Americans first
remove the jungle, and then fight."

>From a practical standpoint of confronting necessarily concentrated
Japanese forces who were themselves occupying foreign territory and who
were dependent upon supply from home, such operation made sense and was

After World War II and Korea, the American military at top levels had
grown lax, complacent, and unimaginative. The comfort levels and
political manipulations of general grade officers became dominant and
were not to be disturbed.

When I was drafted in 1961, the training at Fort Leonard Wood was based
upon World War II equipment and overwhelming materiel philosophy. The M1
rifle we were using in training was one of the finest combat rifles ever
designed, but was not being used outside of training centers. There was
training with antique, leftover rifle anti-tank grenades that could
barely be aimed and would have been ineffective against soup cans. The
squad tactics we were shown were cursory and irrelevant. Most people
were shipped out without basic modern military combat skills relative to
what they would need on the front line. Most of the people shipped out
of basic training would have been unable to defend themselves in small
unit warfare, let alone pursue aggressive attack. It was to continue
that way for at least several more years. Nobody reviewed the training
procedures or rocked the boat, and nobody gave a damn.

Diffuse guerrilla warfare in a jungle situation where opposition
leadership is implicitly or explicitly protected, and where the enemy's
tactics are controlled by terror rather than physically obvious and
structurally defined occupation, is a far different situation requiring
different skills and orientation.

The type of diffuse jungle wars that occurred in Viet Nam are won at the
individual, squad, platoon, and company levels. Plans and orders from
brigade and division level commanders become useless if there are
platoon and squad level deficiencies. There needed to be solid
preparation at that level. At least by the middle of 1963, large numbers
of top quality junior officers and NCOs should have been sent to Viet
Nam for front line experience and education. After six months these
people should have been brought back to train large numbers of troops
for jungle type warfare. An experienced leadership training corps of
10,000 should have been built up by the end of 1964 who were training
another 300,000 people. Basic training should have been upgraded,
modernized, and increased in length by a minimum of two weeks. There
should have been concurrent development and training in appropriate
squad through company level tactics.

The great Marine sniper, Carlos Hathcock, made over 90 confirmed kills
at distances of up to 1,000 yards on the basis of rifle marksmanship and
civil war vintage, rugged, individual-centered Indian-warrior combat
skills. This was the type of combat skill needed in Viet Nam. With 1,000
more like him employed early in the conflict, the Viet Cong would have
been destroyed or demoralized in a year. This was the direction the
military needed to go.

Oval Office Masturbation

That type of military professionalism and combat ability is difficult to
produce in Americans raised in front of TV and accustomed to air
conditioning. Nobody at any level of the armed forces wanted to bother
with it, and this softness would be a critical factor in success or
failure of the anti-guerrilla campaign. But it had to be developed in an
elite corps capable of extensive penetrating anti-guerrilla deployment.
It should have been developed to give more men in this country a sense
of seriousness, self-confidence, and self respect which has been sorely
lacking in recent periods. About the only people who now have any use
for them is some of their mothers. The reason the President of the
United States can run around the Oval Office with his pants off playing
with himself, and have it found acceptable, is because such behavior has
become the normal level of expectation for American men in recent years.

Specialized counter-guerrilla infantry units should have been developed.
Every counter-guerrilla infantry platoon should have had at least four
K9 units. In my guerrilla warfare training library, one area where there
is complete emphasis is, in the event you are a Guerrilla being pursued
by a force of any kind incorporating dogs, the absolute imperative for
your survival is to kill the dogs first rather than the personnel.
(Note: "If the enemy does not use dogs you have a good chance of
remaining undetected. Consequently, during fire fights, concentrate your
fire on dogs and their handlers. They are among your greatest enemies."

Dogs are among the most lethal dense-foliage anti-guerrilla forces
known. You can dig a hole, hide, or escape into jungle and ordinary
infantry will never find you. But, dogs will nail you every time and can
cover areas faster and more thoroughly than infantry could ever hope to.
They'll cover a 10-acre field of thick vegetation the same way hunting
dogs will flush out quail. They give pursuers the equivalent of x-ray
eyes while those who are being pursued can not see dogs until it's too
late. In this case the foliage can work against the guerrilla as much as
for him. As amusing as it sounds, 20 good, well-trained Rotweilers,
properly observed and supported by snipers, will drive and destroy a
dispersed battalion of jungle guerrillas.

In an ordinary situation a small band of guerrillas in high grass can
ambush a company while the people under fire will have little initial
idea the ambush is waiting, or where the fire is coming from. By the
time the company reorganizes, the guerrillas begin to recede and fade
into the underbrush where there is no chance of finding them. It's a
sport. Dogs turn it into a death wish.

(In 1963 I petitioned for the employment of large-scale utilization of
canine units and special tactics, but was rebuffed. There had been
limited trials of dogs in anti-infiltration techniques that had been
highly successful.)

Distributed Targets

There is a relative weighting of the advantages and disadvantages of
being a guerrilla, versus being a member of a military group of superior
size that has control over the air and is able to form large
invulnerable troop formations and technological firepower concentration

The individual soldier representing the large technological force can
bring the power of that force to his command in thirty seconds by use of
a radio, even though the nearest large force emplacement is ten miles
away. If a concentrated enemy element is found, devastation of that
element is as close as a call to the nearest artillery battery or
aircraft coordination site. An isolated infantry squad has the firepower
of a battalion at a moment's notice. Supplies are readily available by
air or truck.

This sounds like an absolutely foolproof, certainly-won confrontation.
In practice, it has gaping holes in it because certain premises need to
be fulfilled. It assumes the enemy will collect in large groups. It
assumes the position of those groups will be found. If those conditions
are not fulfilled, all the technological power in the world is useless.
You end up blowing up half a mountainside or many square miles of jungle
hoping to knock out three guerrillas by accident. As it happened, in the
early part of the Viet Nam war our military was frustrated by guerrilla
refusal to expose themselves and participate in large scale direct
military engagement that made concentrated firepower useful—which was
smart on the guerrilla's part.

Two to five guerrillas could enter and terrorize an unarmed village at
night, withdraw a quarter of a mile and hide in the jungle, then return
the next night. If an ordinary squad or platoon sent out to find them
happened to pass within a few feet of the guerrillas the next day, they
probably would not even realize they were there.

The guerrilla's power lies in his being difficult to find in the jungle.
As long as the guerrilla stays away from large groups and stays hidden,
massive concentrated fortification and firepower of his enemy become
irrelevant or useless. It's like trying to kill dispersed invisible
flies by swinging a two-by-four.

According to Thompson, "It is the secret of the guerilla forces that, to
be successful, they must hold the initiative, attack selected targets at
a time of their own choosing and avoid battle where the odds are against
them. If they can maintain their offensive in this way, both their
strength and morale automatically increase until victory is won." [7]

What are the disadvantages of being a guerrilla? The guerrilla is always
isolated and can not call for help from other forces. He does not have
the numerical strength to establish concentrated larger scale
formations, or to attack such formations and fortifications. He can not
be easily resupplied.

As long as the guerrilla is not seen or located, he is king of the
jungle with the possible exception of one other person. Once seen or
located, he is completely vulnerable. One or several guerrillas can not
survive an attack by an experienced infantry squad. Dogs bring the
specter of discovery and change the balance. K9 detection is lethal to
individual or small groups of guerrillas.

If guerrillas collect in group defense for any period it increases the
probability of their detection whereupon artillery and superior numbers
and firepower then eradicate the guerrillas.

Tracking snipers are essential in anti-guerrilla warfare; they are
co-kings of the jungle. As mentioned earlier, before retiring due to ill
health, the great marine marksman/guerrilla Carlos Hathcock was
responsive for nearly 100 confirmed kills, many of whom were important
or critical personnel. Two good snipers can play havoc on guerrilla
activities up to half a mile from their position. Snipers should be
equipped with high-power scopes, night-vision scopes and certain other
equipment and tactics which are classified. The sniper representing a
numerically and technologically dominant military organization can call
for artillery support.

Anti-guerrilla companies should have been developed for combating
guerrillas within Viet Nam parallel to the Special Forces concept. Each
platoon should have had two K9s and two snipers per squad. The
development should have proceeded to brigade and even division level as
quickly as possible. Large scale sweeps should have been made of
guerrilla-inhabited areas. Snipers should have stationed themselves
within range of villages experiencing communist harassment at night.


According to Thompson, "It is not often realized that in guerilla
warfare guerilla forces are just as vulnerable to ambushes as are
government forces . . . Many of the most successful ambushes in Malaya
were carried out by small parties of two to five men at night, on small
tracks which the terrorists were known to be using." [8] This is the
type of combat ability that should have been developed on a large scale
by the U. S. military.

By the middle of 1965, when communists were sending regular regiments
south, there should have been a sophisticated army of over 300,000 men
sent to Viet Nam, en mass, with sophisticated officers and NCOs waiting
for them with invasion plans. Simultaneously, there should have been
another 200,000 in training. Within two weeks after arrival all troops
should have emplaced. Fifty thousand anti-guerrilla personnel should
have been positioned for action against communist forces within South
Viet Nam. Fifty thousand should have been airborne and other mobile
units prepared to seal off Hanoi from the north. Two hundred thousand
should have been emplaced at the southern borders of North Viet Nam.

Beginning at dawn, a full scale invasion should have begun with massive
shoulder to shoulder formations along a line. Beginning an hour before,
the heaviest possible bombardment should have begun on all northern
military targets throughout the country, including Hanoi, and continued
for support, shock, and confusion. The invasion force should have driven
northward to Hanoi, found Ho Chi Minh, executed him and any known
accomplices, and stuck their heads on poles for public display. The
exact details of the troop movements are not important. There would have
been some leapfrogging and coastal invasions and whatever to hit Hanoi.
The basic idea is easy to grasp.

This may at first sound like the ruminations of a disordered mind. Let
it be pointed out that in December of 1967, we had 485,000 troops in the
south being killed while they were milling about with no sense of
direction and inflicting no real damage upon the enemy—and there was
bombing of the north which had proceeded incrementally, was directed
toward improper targets, and had allowed the communists do disperse or
bury targets underground. It was going to continue for years.

The panicky arguments for not doing this bring up China and/or the
threat of provoking nuclear war with the destruction of all mankind in
the balance

What is the basic threshold or principle behind provoking nuclear war?
Would the fall of Hanoi have provoked a nuclear holocaust? Why? Was the
survival of Ho Chi Minh so important? If the survival of Ho Chi Minh was
that important to the communist world, was the survival or success of Ho
Chi Minh's revolution in the south equally as important? Then it can be
argued that if the Kennedy and Johnson administration's masochistic
military operations in the south had somehow worked, instead of nearly
destroying America and delivering South Viet Nam to Hanoi, it would have
provoked a similar temper tantrum in the communist world that would have
resulted in their raining bombs on America.

At that point the only appropriate and honest alternative would have
been to kill Diem sooner rather than later, and simply say of South Viet
Nam, "Here it is, take it," without bothering to go through a
meaningless, contrived theatrical production that took close to 60,000
American lives and put tens of thousands of others in wheelchairs.

Would China have sent troops? Execute the military operation quickly
enough and withdraw so that when Chinese troops arrived they would find
Ho and his friend's heads waiting on poles.

Clearly, if the people in South Viet Nam were allowed to live, develop,
and prosper in peace without a communist government, it was going to
offend a lot of people. If that offense was endurable, then the war
could be won militarily.

At the war's very beginning, the South Vietnamese village home guards
should have been armed and trained. That they weren't, indicated serious
lazy indifference on the part of people in our government and military.

Ho Chi Minh was not invulnerable or a military genius. He wasn't even
militarily competent—and had a losing situation. He simply was never
seriously opposed, or even criticized. The Viet Nam War was lost here in
America, not in Viet Nam. From the standpoint of military science and
tactics, the military action in Viet Nam was easily winable. The real
front line was subversion and incompetence in America.

It was obvious to Ho Chi Minh, and to anybody else, that if he would
simply continue hostilities on his own terms from protected areas, with
little personal or military risk, then the continuing U.S. military
attrition, combined with subversive elements in America, would assure
him victory and that's what happened. It's impossible to believe
McNamara and others like him did not realize the same thing. It is for
this reason that an exasperated Barry Goldwater labeled McNamara a
yo-yo, a polite understatement which was used to portray Goldwater as
abrasive and insensitive.

The Viet Nam War wasn't easy to lose. Not only massive incompetence, but
also dedicated, exquisitely sadistic, subversive genius was required to
do it.



[1] Robert S. McNamara with Brian VanDeMark, In Retrospect: the Tragedy
and Lessons of Vietnam, Times Books, New York, 1995, p. 209.

[2] Sir Robert Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency, Praeger
Publishers, New York, 1966, p. 41.

[3] Ibid., p. 27.

[4] Ibid., p. 25.

[5] William Eagan Colby, with James McCargar, Lost Victory, Contemporary
Books, Chicago, 1989, p. 123.

[6] Major H. von Dach Bern, Swiss Army, Total Resistance, Panther
Publications, Box 369, Boulder, Colorado, 1965, p. 81.

[7] Thompson, p. 115.

[8] Ibid., p. 118.


Robert L. Kocher is the author of "The American Mind in Denial," as well
as many other articles. He is an engineer working in the area of
solid-state physics, and has done graduate study in clinical psychology.
His email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 34, August 30, 1999
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