-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.impactnet.org/dirty.htm">Dirty Secrets</A>

The Senate's Dirty Secret

by: Dan McCandless

(Click HERE for the author's background)
In August of 1993 Representative James Inhofe, now Senator Inhofe, ( R.
– Oklahoma ) stood in the well of the House of Representatives and
exposed the "Secret Discharge Petition". The "Secret Discharge Petition"
was used for over sixty years as rather effective tool to keep popular
legislation ( debt reduction, campaign finance reform, balanced budget,
etc.,) from ever becoming law. Thanks to Senator Inhofe we can now find
out within a matter of minutes just where any particular member of the
House stands on any issue. Their constituents can take those
Representatives that profess conservatism, yet refuse to sign the
Discharge Petition that would force a vote on a particular issue, to

There is, however, in the Senate a method of stopping cold any
legislation or appointment that is far more sinister. It is called the

Over a hundred years ago one senator would put off or "hold" the passage
of a bill or an appointment in order to accommodate a fellow senator.
For example, let's say that senator "X" had promised a contributor (or
relative) a job in exchange for a "voluntary" contribution or there was
a vote due on a piece of legislation that affected his state while he
was "detained" with a young female constituent and a bottle of
champagne. Another senator would "hold" up the necessary action for
passage until senator "X" could make it to the floor. What was once a
simple "courtesy " to keep a degree of "comity" ( i.e., "I'll cover your
bottom – you cover mine") in the senate has now become the most
dangerous and damning threat to the people's right to know "who" is
doing "what" to "whom" ever devised. The rules for using the "Senate's
Secret Hold" are really quite simple: There are no rules! Unlike the
"Secret Discharge Petition" that once kept House bills bottled up, the
"Senate Secret Hold" has no WRITTEN RULES! What is really horrifying is
that not only can senators place a "Secret Hold" but also literally

For example: "…this insidious manner of unknown people putting holds for
unknown reasons on pieces of legislation…" (Senator Exon; Safety
Legislation, Senate, October 08, 1994; p. s14991). By 1998, the number
of KNOWN "Secret Holds" had swelled from just a few to "…there were over
42 holds in play at one time. As I mentioned, this game of legislative
hide and seek was underway outside these Chambers" ( Senator Wyden;
Secret Holds On Nominations And Legislation, Senate, June 22, 1998, p.

On November 08, 1997 Senator Wyden made the following statement: " The
irony of all this [referring to "Secret Holds"] Mr. President, is that
often even Senators don't know when a hold has been placed in their

name. I have had a number of Senators tell me since I've come to the
Senate that they have been approached about holds. They were told they
had a hold on a measure. It turned out the staff had put a hold on it
without their even knowing about it." (Senator Wyden, Senate Holds,
p.s12075). Not only can a Senator's staff member place a "secret Holds"
on a piece of legislation – but so can a staff member of ANOTHER Senator
in the name of the first Senator!

Because there are no formal written rules who's to say that a lobbyist
cannot place a hold on a bill? What is there to stop a senator from
proposing a bill to get elected then killing their own bill with a
"Secret Hold" after the election? If you honestly believe that a member
of Congress wouldn't go that far – think again! It got "Read my lips –
no New Taxes" Bush elected didn't it?

As Mchiavelli stated "…I deem it best to stick to the practical truth of
things rather than to fancies". The practical truth is those that are of
a conservative philosophy are losing out and will continue to do so for
one basic reason: They lack a common issue on which to focus. Liberal
groups – from the Democratic Socialist of America to the Congressional
Black Caucus – all have their own personal agendas yet work in unison to
achieve their focused goals.

To be successful, the Right must learn from the Left. Conservatives
"MUST find a common issue to rally around. One such issue could be, and
should be, the ABOLITION of the "Senate Secret Hold".

No Republic, no Democracy can survive when those that are elected to
make the laws are allowed to make their own rules. (St. Thomas Moore
learned the hard way). That is an historical truth!

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Last modified: April 20, 1999
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
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Roads End

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