-Caveat Lector-

Note from Bill Koenig:

Below are a few article titles and links about the Thursday,
September 9, national Y2k power grid test in the United States and
Canada. Also, there is information on the 9/9/99 "end of file" date
scenario that many industry officials believe will be a non-event.

There is also other international articles and links on Y2k and a
full article below that.

We will follow the Y2k news very closely in the next seven to ten


Sept. 9 Will Test Y2K Contingency (New York Times)

Bracing for little-known `Nine Problems'  (The New Straits Times)

Get set for a date with 9.9.99  (The Times of India)

Nuclear plants on alert over "9/9/99" computer bug ( The
Independent - London)

Worried Up to the Nines 9/9/99 an Early Test for Y2K (ABC News)

Aussies Will Survive 9-9-99 (Computer Daily News)

Thinking about the Y2K Problem in a Mathematical Context


Nuclear plants on alert over computer bug
The Independent - London

BRITAIN'S NUCLEAR watchdog has issued a warning to atomic power
stations about the dangers of a computer bug which is due to strike
on 9  September.

The Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) is taking the threat
of the  "9/9/99" bug sufficiently seriously to have asked all
nuclear operators to prepare contingency plans.

A Health and Safety Executive spokesman said that in order to prove
that they can shut reactors down safely in an emergency, nuclear
operators have to take the date into consideration as part of their
safety assessments, without which they are not allowed to operate.
"We don't think the 9/9/99 bug is widespread but nevertheless it is
being taken seriously around the world as a potential date for
trouble," the spokesman said.

The fresh concerns about millennium-type problems came on the day
that the Global Positioning System - a network of 24 navigation
satellites controlled by computer chips - resets its date to zero.

The "roll over" of the GPS occurs every 1,024 weeks - about once
every 20 years - and was due to take place at midnight last night,
potentially causing problems for anyone with a hand-held receiver,
such as hikers, sailors and light-aircraft pilots. Although the NII
did not issue any warnings about the GPS rollover, it has taken the
potential risks of computer failure due to the 9/9/99 bug more

Tony Stock, the Operations Director of Action 2000, the government
task force set up to deal with millennium bug issues, said the 9
September bug stems from a historic accident when computer files
were processed according to date, with the earlier dates being
dealt with first. To ensure that any totalling of the records was
done last, programmers inserted the "nonsense" date of 99/99/99,
which was guaranteed to be later than anything else in the computer

"This, we believe, has been misconstrued as 9/9/99, a real date
rather than the dummy value. Our assessment and the US government's
assessment is that we don't anticipate any major problems," Mr
Stock said.

Just two authenticated examples of the 9/9/99 bug have so far
emerged: one in test equipment used by the rail industry to monitor
vibration in tracks, and one in a piece of medical equipment, which
did not endanger patients. Some computer users see the bug as a
test for the millennium bug proper at the
end of the year.

Businessmen were yesterday warned they could face legal action if
they fail to take precautions against the millennium bug. Don
Cruickshank, chairman of the government's Action 2000 bug watchdog,
told firms they could be liable if it prevents them from fulfilling
a contract or if their faulty systems disrupt another company.
Millennium bug damage is unlikely to be covered by insurance as it
is a foreseeable event.

Koenig's International News - Bill Koenig - http://watch.org/
Post Office Box 671127, Dallas, TX 75367

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