-Caveat Lector-

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 4:43 PM
Subject: CAUSupdate: A Major Event?

> Dear CAUS Members:
> Wednesday night/Thursday morning, during my appearance on Art Bell's Coast
> Coast, Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) in
> Seattle reported, what appeared to be, a "major event."  Several
> and unconventional aerial objects were spotted as far north as Canada and
> Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.  The objects, ranging in
> from 1 to 7, left glowing trails and at times were seen to "break apart"
> shoot off in different directions.  Several of the callers to NUFORC and
> Art's show, reported some form of maneuverability, including what one
> described as a "U-turn."  The reports occurred from 9-9:30 p.m. PT though
> report from Utah placed the objects still in the air about three hours
> Interestingly, while the objects were being reported, military activity
> also being observed in the same general area as the sightings.  And to add
> touch of the bizarre, blackouts were reported in Nevada and Northern
> Could the three events be related?  Was it merely a coincidence that all
> three occurred at the same time.  Does each have an independent prosaic
> explanation?  Is eyewitness testimony readily susceptible to
> misinterpretation?  Well, you be the judge...
> CAUS thanks Jerry Rolwes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Washington State MUFON
> for the following two reports:
> "I was listening to the Art Bell Show last night and Peter Davenport's
> on the series of calls he was taking from citizens re: the "Major Event,"
> occurring over the Western United States.
> I called Peter Davenport and reported to him that I had contacted the
> Fairchild AFB Command Post and was informed there were no reports from
> eastern Washington.
> In my pursuit of an explanation as to what happened last night, I did
> something very easy to do. I called the Air Force Public Affairs office
> the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), Peterson AFB, Colo. They
> control the management for the Cheyenne Mountain Command Post complex.
> can be reached at (719)-554-3714. I spoke to a USAF Major Nouis.
> The bottom-line is this. It was a spectacular event, but anything but a
> UFO event. Major Nouis reported that it was a Russian rocket body item;
> catalogue item number 25761. Specifically, it was a center motor part from
> Russian SL 12 rocket launched 28 Feb 99. It reentered the earth's
> at 10:11 PM Mt. Time/ 0411 Greenwich mean time. Speed upon reentry was
> approximately 17,000 MPH.
> I hope you will all report this on your various programs and web sites and
> let the citizens and listeners make up their own minds. I asked Major
> about the comment made by some callers that the USAF said this item was to
> reenter in a few more days and "What would the USAF come up with for an
> explanation this time?" Major Nouis stated that these items are reentering
> the atmosphere worldwide on a very frequent basis and some more of the
> may be arriving in a few days. I'm certain if he went further, and I did
> ask him to, he could get a projected reentry list of all junk ahead of
> It is not classified.
> Gentlemen, it just doesn't take that much to check these things out. Mr.
> Bell, I would assume that with a little research you could get a 24 hour
> officer phone number from NORAD and call them while your on the air. That
> would lend itself to some quite incredible real time broadcast journalism.
> And I feel most listeners would really appreciate that aspect.
> Before, we in this UFO research business start declaring something a
> UFO event," we may all wish to check out the facts.
> I even went to the trouble of trying to call the Nevada and Utah Highway
> Patrol offices, but was too early. Major Nouis said "It was possible that
> piece of the motor could have crashed along the Nevada/Utah border." Which
> was reported by one of your callers. As to the power outages--has anyone
> called the local power companies to see what they have to say as to why
> outages occurred?
> Accuracy in UFO research is not that difficult to come by with a few phone
> calls. I hope this info will be of value."
> "Please reference my earlier e-mail with the information from NORAD on the
> reentry of Russian rocket body material NORAD catalog #25761 with a
> time of 10:10 Mt. time 1 September 99.
> Mr. Davenport called me around noon today and was concerned I was coming
to a
> too quick assumption about this "major UFO event." He requested me to
> out the Art Bell Shows lady caller from the Portland, Oregon area
> the Oregon Air National Guard (ANG) F-15 fighters quickly launching and
> departing south in "pursuit of something."
> Again, I simply picked up the phone and called the command post for the
> Tactical Fighter Wing Portland, Oregon ANG. I attempted to speak with
> Civilian Mona Jordon, 142nd ANG Public Affairs Office. I was not able to
> her. So I asked to speak to the on duty supervisor of flying (SOF). I
> explained the comments made by Mr. Bell's caller about the late evening
> launch and recovery of a sizable number of F-15's.
> The following was provided to me by Oregon ANG Major Hook, on-duty SOF.
> (Paraphrased) "We launched a package of six F-15 aircraft last night on 1
> September 99. The first aircraft launched at 8:30 PM and last one off was
> 8:45 PM. None of the aircraft launched went into military power
> as was reported by the woman caller. The fighters were then recovered an
> and fifteen minutes to one hour and twenty minutes later. They were not in
> pursuit of any unidentified boogies. They were launched as part of a two
> phase of night flying training which was published in the local area
> press." As reported by Major Hook.
> It just didn't take that much to make these telephone calls to the active
> ANG USAF organizations. I have done this to attempt to prove a point.
> everyone starts making assumptions about USAF operations--just pick up the
> phone and call these folks. They are easy to talk to and the material is
> easily verifiable. Mr. Davenport expressed concern over the strange power
> outages throughout the country. I asked him if anyone had called the
> power companies to ask the reason for the outages. He stated he did not
> time to call in that the flap was still going on.
> I asked Major Nouis of SPACE COM Public Affairs if it was possible that
> one couple who called in and said they saw a crash along the Utah/Nevada
> border could that have been the Russian space debris. He said yes it was a
> possibility, but we took it a step further. Question: Could the debris,
> without fuel, create an explosion with light. His answer was yes. You have
> metal returning at hyper velocity. The kinetic energy alone could give off
> heat energy regardless of what it would hit, but if it hit stone there
> be even more given off.
> This information takes away a lot of the strangeness of the reported
> There may well have been other unrelated events, but here's the prime
> of what occurred. I doubt this is a very major event. I hope that Mr. Bell
> and Jeff Rense will air this aspect of the alleged flap tonight so that
> listeners can make up their minds based on what information I have
> We need to quit speculating before we check issues out. It's
> counterproductive for any of us to look bad."
> So is the Russian rocket booster re-enty a cover story?  Were the jets on
> military exercise?  What was the CAUS of the coincidental blackouts?  Will
> ever find out?
> Does anyone really care?
> Stay tuned.
> Peter A. Gersten
> Director
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