-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.mcn.org/b/poisonfrog/diana/page5.htm">Princess Diana
Murder Conspiracy</A>
Part Five

by David-Charles Hammonds

People have asked the inevitable. American conspiracy theorists have
asked, as they always do, 'is there a conspiracy'? You bet your life
there is. Let me fill in you in on how and why MI6 were able to
terminate Diana. and why they needed to.

Diana has always been a worry to the British Royal family. She was
selected by Buckingham Palace, to be little more than the 'surrogate
mother' to Prince Charles' role as constitutional 'stud'. Although she
undoubtedly cared for Charles, maybe even loved him, she knew at her
marriage that Charles' affections to her were eclipsed by his affections
for Camillia Parker-Bowles, a woman of a minor aristocratic family.
Camillia is two years older than Charles. A woman of Cammilla's age
would have been in her late thirties at the time that Charles married
Diana. A woman more of Charles' age would not have had bodily-clock with
the same ample mileage left that Diana's did. A marriage was forced
between Charles - a man selfishly pre-possessed with becoming King and
providing heirs - and Diana, a young bedazzled girl caught in the web of
one of the most devious women in Britain - The Queen Of England.

Charles was always far more unpopular with the British people than Diana
and he resented this, resented this a lot. Charles was the important
one, it was he who was to head the British State, and yet this shy,
inarticulate girl was beguiling to to the British people and later the
world. From the start of the marriage, Diana knew that she would have to
'make' Charles love her, she knew full-well that he didn't already. She
knew he still loved Camillia. 'There were always three of us in our
marriage', she said on BBC's Panorama. But throughout this unhappy time,
she'd managed to do her job - she'd provided two healthy boys, she'd
provided the all-important heirs.

Although the Queen's plan had been an immense success, she couldn't help
but be horribly cruel towards Diana. The Princess of Wales was not given
ladies in waiting - she was always a pseudo-Royal in the eyes of the
Queen. This, understandably, took it's toll on Diana. She descended into
bouts of bulimia, became psychologically scarred. Yet, even in her
frailty she was being a pain in the arse to the Queen and her darling
Charles. She was as popular as ever. While Charles played the
grouse-shooting Aristocrat and was alienating the British people from
the Monarchy, Diana was transcending such matters and was developing
herself into a formidable force. More and more the world saw her as the
House of Windsor's Cinderella, who was fighting her way to the ball.
Yet, Charles, the envious little creature that he is, could not take
pleasure in the asset of Diana. She outshone him and he hated it. He
didn't love her, resented her, maybe privately despised her - he really
wanted her out of his life. Throughout this time Charles was having a
relationship with Camilla. Diana had tried to make him love or even like
her. She had failed. She would have to start to live her own life. This
she did.....

It was when she began to acknowledge that she had no real future with
Charles she inevitably looked for other love-interests. This she found
for a time with the swashbuckling Capt. James Hewitt. However, the
Establishment, sensing that Diana had given her first two-fingers to the
House of Windsor, she was in for trouble. Now not only a target of the
Queen, she was now a target of Britain's domestic intelligence agency -
MI5. Behind closed doors, the establishment of Aristocratic Elites and
related Conservative politicians (up to the moment of her death,
Conservative politicians were mounting a venomous assault of words,
accusing her of being party-political, 'A loose cannon') decided to
launch a campaign to discredit her in the eyes of Britain. The
unaccountable, secretive and often down-right evil MI5 were called in to
monitor Diana, tap-her phones, dig the dirt. This they did, and their
greatest triumph came with the 'Squidgy' tapes (intimate calls between
Diana and another male friend, 'Gilby', proving adultery) which were
leaked into the press by M15. And yet, British opinion was not as
conservative as the growing conspiracy had thought. People were not too
bothered, they saw Diana as a victim, they excused the affair, they were
more angry that someone had tapped the woman's phone. The establishment
plot was failing. The British Monarchy was looking bad, the future King
was looking bad, the whole British constitutional system was slowly
being viewed with resentment by a larger portion of the population than
ever before. Yet through all this Diana was shining, bringing a
fairy-tale magic in fleeting moments to AIDs victims, the homeless, the
war torn. If the British establishment was showing worrying subsidence
cracks, the mythological fairy-tale Diana was certainly not.

Although often emotionally fragile, Diana had shifted from the plain but
pretty, slightly gormless young girl into someone now bolstered by a
powerful network of friends and colleagues. She was now beginning to
play the Queen at her own game. She was getting her own back, fighting
deviousness with deviousness. Through her band of advisors she was
making Charles look more and more the bad guy. She was also the greatest
influence over her two boys and the Queen and Charles found this
infuriating. While Charles was seen taking the Princes out for
Blood-sports, Diana was trying to give them as many 'ordinary'
experiences as she possibly could. Charles encouraged the Princes to
look on others as inferiors, while their mother encouraged them to look
on others as equals.

Towards her divorce and after she was orchestrating the media to present
her as the more favourable of the two. To a large extent, she was
succeeding. While she had started out as a constitutional liability,
Diana was now actively attacking the constitutional elite. She was
threatening to destroy the horrible British constitutional system which
had done her so much harm and treated her as merely a slab of meat, an
incubator of heirs, a stooge of the House of Windsor.

But not only was Diana now seen to be attacking the Public State, she
was now doing something far, far more dangerous - she was attacking the
most evil sector of the Private State - the Arms industry. Diana was
speaking out against land-mines and calling for a total worldwide ban on
their manufacture and sale. This was at a time when the Private state
was doing a pretty good job of smothering centrist and left-of-centre
calls within the New Labour party for a ban. Here was Diana, stirring it
all up, jet-setting around the world, mingling with more ethical
world-leaders, getting very good support. She was even able to get
Hillary to make Bill reconsider his position on the issue. World-wide
Diana was quietly making many enemies. Her actions were particularly ups
etting to the Arms Barons in Britain, where lower-tech weaponry such as
landmines is a big industrial deal. And of course, Arms Exporters are
monitored and aided by secret security services, occasionally in
'legitimate intelligence gathering', most often in the protection of
Western puppet-dictatorships, which provide markets for killing machines
and provide an excuse for Western Armed Forces to stay tooled-up. Diana
had been the target of intelligence attacks before at the hands of
Britain's bumbling MI5, now she was to be targeted on a much higher
level - she was to cross the path of the world-wide secret government
where intelligence agencies, big corporations, Royal Houses, powerful
individuals, neo-Chivalraic Orders, and powerful secret societies merge
into a blur. The British wing was to act on both worldwide and domestic
concerns through the infamous MI6. With Diana's death, Charles and his
mother would be set to gain complete control over the Princes, the
increasing popularity of Diana over Charles could be curtailed, the
British Arms Industry could lance an irritating boil.

Yet Diana was not alone in getting up the nose of the British system.
Another individual was up to the same thing - Muhammad Al-Fayed.
Al-Fayed is the controller of a huge business network and, like most
self-made billionaires, had the attitude 'Well, I've made it! Up
yours!'. The darling of Margaret Thatcher, Al-Fayed epitomised the
right-libertarian philosophy - do what you you like and tread on as many
toes as you like in the pursuit of wealth. This type of attitude leads
to an ethical vacuum, nothing is a barrier to making money. Al-Fayed was
soon slipping bungs to high-ranking Tory Party figures such as Neil
Hamiliton and Jonathon Aitkin and countless others proven and unproven.
This Egyptian fellow was happily undermining democracy in Britain. When
news of the bribes broke, Al-Fayed was only to happy to own up and was
willing to expose many others as bribe-takers. These 'sleaze' incidents
were further nails in the coffin of the Establishment's political
place-men, The Conservative Party, who were to lose heavily at the next
election (although, the establishment, devious as ever, had infiltrated
Bilgerburger Tony Blair's new right-wing Labour party as a contingency
measure). This was an Egyptian citizen who had power to destroy a
British Government. The once ally of the British establishment was now
it's victorious enemy.

Al-Fayed, in his former days as establishment darling, had struck up an
association with Diana. This was very much renewed after Labour won the
election and Diana and her Sons took a holiday with Al-fayed on his
substantial yacht. This was really rubbing the establishment's nose in
it! It was saying, 'I've undermined you, now I've taken your country's
most prized woman. The heir to your throne sees me as an Uncle'.
Al-Fayed encouraged his playboy son, Dodi, to strike up relations with
the Princess and soon there was a much publicised romance.

It had now gone too far for the establishment. Diana had undermined the
British constitutional system and was threatening a key industry, and,
to top it all, this Johnny Foreigner had made them look like fools. Not
only this, a possible Al-Fayed half-brother to the Heir would have been
just too unsettling for the Establishment. Diana had to be terminated.
If they could get Al-Fayed too, so much the better.

And so all MI6 needed to do was pick it's moment. Diana's Merc may well
have been tampered with in some way to ensure she is killed (stunt teams
alter the structure of cars all the time). The Merc leaves the Ritz
hotel at *high speed*, before any Papperazzi follow. It's just after
midnight - a fair few people about on a Paris night, but too many as
it's quite late. The papparazzi are fairly *amiable*, not an evil horde
as they're being portrayed on the news at the moment (this is almost
certainly now a cover-story). Diana smiles at the cameras, she's
sparkling. Diana and Dodi sit in the back of the car. Dodi's 'Security
Man' drives. A front seat passenger who may be British intelligence also
rides, possibly in some sort of shielding to protect him from the fort
hcoming impact. The car speeds away along on it's way to a private
house. The papperazzi follow on hair-dryer motorcycles but do to
adversely interfere with the car. The Merc enters tunnel with little or
no traffic. There are few possible witnesses about - the dark tunnel
provides good cover. The Motorcycles follow behind, not causing too much
trouble. Possibly, a 'British Agent' (either Rees-Jones or an external
obstuctor) forces crash, car crumples, as it may have been set-up to.
The concrete tunnel is an ideal place to smash up a car. Britain's Queen
of Hearts is injured, later to die. Al-Fayed's son is dead on scene.
Driver is dead. Papparazzi on bike are rounded up by French Police.
Ambulance is somewhat late. Only a few witnesses. Information
implicating papparazzi is disseminated by British intelligence through
the BBC. Papparazzi are possible witnesses to some of the the actual
events. Their film-roles are taken from them.

MI6, I believe, accomplish mission...

The Aftermath

In the first section I outlined why it is unlikely that this was just
your random car crash. I gave a brief outline of the politics of Diana's
interactions with the British and World Establishments. The next
sections explain the course of of the conspiracy as new information -
and more importantly, disinformation - become available to the world.

The 'Bodyguard'

A major anomaly was the BBC's treatment of the surviving passenger,
initially described as 'British Special Branch', and called Trevor
Rees-Jones. This information 'came from French Police' and was reported
mid-morning on the Sunday. It is likely that French police found an
identity badge of some sort on Trevor-Rees Jones' person, although this
is speculation. A little later, the same day BBC announce that Scotland
Yard deny that he works for them. Was he posing as Scotland Yard, but
working for a much higher agency? The BBC later announce he's an
Al-Fayed 'security man' or 'body-guard', and some report hims as Diana's
'bodygaurd'. Later announcements, (11.00 Sept. 1st) described Rees-Jones
as a 29 year old ex-Soldier. We are given no description of his rank or
 regiment. Is he an ex-Officer? SAS? The television news does not tell
us. Is he someone who might be recruited by MI6? My American contacts
tell me that some earlier reports describe him as 'ex-Special-Branch'
rather than an ex-soldier. He's only 29 - are we to believe he's been a
soldier of some sort, a member of Scotland Yard's Special Branch and a
top Al-Fayed security man?

Several British Newspapers have given more of the background of Trevor
Rees-Jones. If we are to believe these reports we can construct the
following picture of the man. Rees-Jones served in the 1st

Battalion of the Parachute Regiment from 1987 until 1992. He had served
in the Gulf and in Northern Ireland, reaching the Army rank of
Lance-Corporal until his retirement in 1992. An email respondant
suggested that I check this information in a volume called "The Army
List' available in large reference libraries. This I haven't had time to
do, but at the moent I'll run with the information from the newspapers.
Anyway, this tends to support the idea of Rees-Jones as someone who may
have been chosen to inflitrate the Al-Fayed security team.

Early reports of Rees-Jones' condition conflict markedly to what is
being said now. Early reports state that 'the front seat passenger' is
'in no danger'. One of his family was shown on BBC in a calm, relieved
state. Later reports state he is 'critical' and in 'intensive care'. At
this point, it seems as if he may not, officially, be in a fit state to
talk. Again, we might not necessarily be being given the true state of
play regarding the man's condition. My guess is he's maybe talking
already and British intelligence are deciding how to handle what he's
saying. Maybe he's more cut-up than expected? Maybe he'll want to blow
the whistle, blow the whole evil operation. Maybe he is genuinely not a
'British Agent', maybe he's just a victim who knows a truth more t
errible than the 'truth' the Big Media is feeding us. Still, at this
point - Sept. 5th. - I have by no means ruled out that Trevor Rees Jones
is a British Agent who has earlier infiltrated the Al-Fayed security
set-up ready for when 'the time comes'. Look out for a freak relapse.

Leaving the Ritz Hotel

A man from Britain's Daily Express paper described, early on the Sunday,
that the press outside the Ritz Hotel was calm. Diana smiles at camera
calmly gets into car. The car speeds off before Papperazzi apparently
follow on motorcycles. This revelation has only been heard once on the
BBC. The Big Media story is that Diana and Dodi were to exit at the
front door, saw the mob of papperazzi and sneaked out the 'back way'
into the Mercedes-Benz. Apparently, we are to believe that Henri Paul
was beckoned by someone to 'be the Driver'. Although Paul is also one of
Al-Fayed's security team we are being led to believe he's little more
than some sort of unqualified Ritz 'bell-boy'.

Of course, the shock revelation came that he was Three-times over the
French Drink-drive limit, two times the British limit. This has opened
up a can of worms. People who knew Paul, are now coming forward to say
he wasn't the sort of drink much, and that that he often refused to
drive if he had had even a small amount to drink. Indeed, his family
have demanded a second blood test, they are so amazed by this news. Why
did the car speed away from the Ritz when the Papperazzi were being
fairly restrained? Were the Papperazzi such a big deal? What scraps of
treasure would fall through the Merc's blacked-out windows? Why the need
for high speed? Wouldn't the Papperazzi have dispersed when it became
clear that there was no pictures on offer? It's now becoming clear that
a drunken Paul who taunts the papperazzi and then drives off at 100mph
with such important people in his care is increasingly untenable. What
did Trevor Rees-Jones think about this drunk getting in to drive? Was he
plastered too? It's just too out of character, too unlikely. Something
is badly wrong.

It may well be that Henri Paul's blood-sample has been tampered with so
as to give the impression that he was drunk. If MI6 could discredit
Paul, and lay much of the blame for the accident at the door of Muhammad
Al-Fayed, then this may smother Al-Fayed's own investigations. The last
thing MI6 want is for another investigation to undermine their own
carefully constructed "truth'. If the Al-Fayeds, with all their private
resources, are to launch a major private inquiry into what happened this
could well present a problem for the establishment plot? Would Al-Fayed
punish them one more time?

The Papperazzi

Although the papperazzi is being blamed world-wide, it was nearly two
days after the event that the papperazzi were charged with anything. At
the time I wondered, 'Are they looking for their Lee Harvey Oswald?'.
Now this has been blown out of the water - it's gone totally surreal.
They've charged the whole seven of them with Manslaughter! One of the
seven isn't even a papperazzi - he's just a motorcycle courier on his
way home. Another of of the seven told the BBC that he feels as if he's
'fallen into a net'. Of course, those accused of a crime, say all kinds
of things, whether guilty or innocent. But it's a curious thing for him
to have said, 'fallen into a net'. What have the 'French Police' done to
these wretches?

Well, perhaps someone in the French Police force is feeling very guilty
about what's been going on behind those closed doors. On Tuesday night -
Sept. 2nd - a Police report was leaked accusing the seven of the most
appalling things - obstructing the emergency services for one. Is the
Policeman responsible for this leak guilty that his colleagues are
taking part in a set-up, and so wants to undermine the trial by leaking
documents? A French Policeman claims that these papperazzi pushed him
out of the way as he tried to assist the victims. Yet, this conflicts
greatly with the testimony of the French Doctor who was on the scene
within minutes of the crash. He said that although there were men with
cameras there, they caused no obstruction to him in his work. Is the
Policeman a "manufactured witness'?

It now also transpires that these papperazzis were riding what can be
classed as little more than "hair-dryers', rather than higher-speed
sports bikes. They wouldn't touch a Mercedes-Banz tearing away at

The Witnesses

We have already mentioned the winessess of the papperazzi, the French
Doctor, and the French policeman.

Other key witnesses we are being told about are those who have claimed
to see the crash or the events surrounding it's immediate aftermath.
Bizzarrely, these are almost completely made up of American toursists!
It would be easy, but sloppy, to suggest that the CIA had lent their
British cousins a few spooks for the afternoon, but it does merit
bearing in mind. This evil incident was a immaculately organised affair
- anything is possible. One American family described the Papperazzi
"swarming over the car talking pictures', but did not see the papperazzi
"cause' the crash. Very early reports quoted witnesses as seeing/hearing
an explosion, rather like a terrorist attack.

There is now major conflicting testimony emerging from witnesses. Many
people saw car travelling at 90, 100, 120mph. Yet, police are
interviewing someone who claims to have seen a Motorcycle 'zig-zagging'
in front of the car. Zig-zagging at 100mph on a "hair-dryer' motorcycle?
Come on! Is this 'witness' a British Intelligence creation, another
"American Tourist'?

Diana Injury Anomaly It is now clear that early reports of the crash
suggested Diana was injured, but that her life wasn't threatened. The
French Doctor treated her for some time at the scene before an Ambulance
took her to the French Hospital. The crash occurred at just past
midnight, but Diana was not declared dead until 4am. I'm not sure what
to make of this.

There is now question as to what hospital Diana would be taken to.
Someone has said she would have been quicker treated taken to an
American hospital. I have not been able to verify this at this point.

Many respondants, world-wide, have told me that early interviews with
the French doctor on the scene say he saw the princess 'thrashing
about', while other reports describe her motionless with her head on her
shoulder. Thrashing about? If she was this could have been for all sorts
of reasons, but did the agent who caused the crash, inject her with
something - just to make sure?

Incredibly, there is no mention whatever of a Diana post-mortem. And of
course, the body was taken straight back to the UK.

The Establishment React

For me - although some would cry "too subjective' - the reaction of
British Political leaders is telling. Bilderberger Blair of New Labour
and Paddy Ashdown of the Liberal Democrats both looked and sounded
genuinely upset, Blair's voice cracking with emotion. William Hague, the
Conservative Leader, seemed unmoved, unaffected, disinterested, trying
to sound concerned but failing. Did Hague suspect what was going to
happen to Diana? Are the Conservative old guard privately relieved that
the 'loose cannon' has been finally silenced? Has Mr. Soames shown his
face in public?

The Queen's reaction is telling, seeming to lend support my initial
claims. The Queen seems to have adopted the most insidious of 'life goes
on' attitudes. The Union Jack over Buckingham Palace was not lowered to
half mast, unlike most other British institutional buildings. The boys
were taken, as per, to Church by the Queen as if nothing had happened,
exposing the grieving Princes to minor public attention. The Queen
obviously does not want the People's Princess to get a Royal funeral. Of
course, it was the Queen who was instrumental in removing HRH from
Diana's title. The Queen is now being to subjected to a barrage of
public outpouring. She is having to shift ground fast. So much that she
is to address the Nation on Friday Night - this is unprecedented to see
the head of state being buffeted on the waves of public outcry. Has the
whole mess got too big for the House of Windsor?

What of the Papperazzi films?

It was revealed that a day later, the 'French Police' (who we are being
led to believe is leading this investigation) decide to develop the
photos apparently taken by the papperazzi on motorcycles. If any
photographs exist they will have been developed straight away and are
now being vetted. Telling photos may well be removed by MI6.

How can we know what is true and what is not?

People have been asking me 'how' I know the media is moulding and
remoulding the truth to some covert plan? People are so trusting of
these 'respectable' institutions like CNN or the BBC. But Britons - look
how the BBC presented a completely skewed image of the Falkland's War,
the Gulf War, the Minor's Strike, the Poll Tax riots, the Criminal
Justice Act riots, or the Sea Empress disaster in a way which was far
from what actually happened. This is not by journalistic chance or
quirk. And Americans - see how the Big Media massaged and remoulded the
News of the 'Blacks/Syphilis' scandal and the 'CIA/Drugs' scandal
through different news bulletins.

Look at the Media with any possibility in your mind, not just the one
they want to furtively push into your mind. The First Report is often
the least doctored, the least massaged.

What has Col. Gaddafi got to do with it?

The BBC went out of their way today - Sept 3rd. - to mention the
comments of Col. Gaddafi of Libya. The Dictator claims, along with many
Arab nations that Diana and Dodi were killed by British and French
Intelligence. Although it is easy to call this "a Dictator's
propaganda', we must bear in mind that British Intelligence have been
all over Libya, Gaddafi would know much about how they operate.

But, more importantly, why the hell did the BBC bother telling the
Nation about the comments of an Arab who hasn't been in the British News
for ages? I say it is do undermine Westerners who are close to the
truth. For example, at the start of the Vietnam War, every
self-respecting right-wing American was anti sending American Boys out
there to fight for a "load of Gooks' thousands of miles away. But of
course, when being anti-war became associated with "left-wing
subversives', Joe Reactionary had to be seen to support the war, helping
to prolong the American losses.

The same sort of currents are operating here. MI6 want to paint
"Intelligence Job' theorists as being in league with the Arabs! Magic

Mr. and Mrs. Dodi Fayed

Rumours abound in the UK, that Al-Fayed was to help Diana set-up a
Charitable Foundation, which obviously would be seen to be strengthening
their bond. Other rumours suggested she was to retire from Public life
in the Winter, possibly marrying Dodi.

The marriage rumours are now near fact. A close friend of Dodi told a
British Arabic newspaper that the couple did indeed intend to marry this
year. Also, Diana and Dodi had visited a top Paris jeweller on the
fateful day - a &pound130,000 ring was purchased. This must surly be an
engagement ring. Dodi told the jeweller how much he was in love with the
Princess. If Establishment moles had discovered that a wedding
announcement was imminent, they would have had to act immediately. If
she was topped after this announcement, too many people would be
suspicious. They could not allow this announcement - no way, not no

Ok, just how do you suppose MI6 set this up?

People have asked me, quite reasonably, 'Why did MI6 top her in such a
built up area? Why did they not kill her by a more definite method?'
Well, if they'd gone for the 'mad gunman' acting alone, the schizoid
lunge in the street, the car crash in the isolated country lane, the
'suicide' then the whole world would be screaming, 'MI6! MI6! MI6!' No,
that would be far too obvious. It had to look like a believable random

It is now clear that no one, and I'll repeat that, NO ONE claims to have
been a witness to the actual crash, not even the famed, 'American
Tourists'. The Papperazzi, the French police now have to admit, did not
appear on the seen until a short time later. NONE of the Papperazzi saw
the crash! NONE of the witnesses saw the crash. Trevor Rees-Jones is the
only person alive who likely saw what happened. Trevor Rees-Jones, I now
believe, will suffer a relapse and die, or he'll be too cabbaged to
divulge any facts. I'd like to see exactly what's going on in that
hospital room, exactly what's going into that man's drip.

With no one actually seeing the crash, the MI6 task becomes ridiculously
easy. Hell, all they need to do is cause an obstruction guiding the
Mercedes-Benz into the wall! This obstruction could have been many
things, maybe an MI6 agent on a high-powered motorcycle. I haven't
discounted that Trevor Rees-Jones was in on it in some way.

If they couldn't have run them off the road under the bridge, no doubt
there would have been a crash somewhere else.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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