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Bankers are scared, and do you know why?  Do you understand fractional
reserve banking?  The banking system that is/has been used to
destroy/contol America?  Do you understand fraud?   Well, if you do not
understand fraud, just read what follows, and you will start to get a
much better picture.

But, while you are doing so, you had also better start paying
attention.  I said that bankers are scared.  What follows is not what
scares them (they are not aware enough to understand this is coming).
What scares the bankers is losing a portion of their deposits, which are
used to support their "credit."  Do you understand?

People are starting to pull cash out of the banks (smart people!).  If
the banks lose as little as 2% of their deposit base, they will need to
start calling in outstanding loans at the rate of about TEN TO ONE; for
every dollar going out the door, they have to call in ten dollars in
loans.  A mathmatical impossibility.  This is why every nation which has
permitted fractional reserve banking has self destructed.  Eventually,
the people always wise up enough to lose "faith" in the bankers credit.

But, those countries did not have the Declaration of Independence, and
the people had no recourse.  When the following info gets into enough
hands, do you suppose this may accelerate the bank's problems, just a

The American economy is a greatly expanded balloon.  It is going to
collaspe, or it is going to go boom.  What happens to you and your
family when the economy stops is strictly dependent on what you do to
prepare now.  Think about how bad it is going to be in the cities.  Then
read the following, and get involved.  There are solutions being found.
You can help, and by helping, you can gain a tremendous amout.  What
would it mean to your family to have no house payment when things get
tough?  And no need to pay the so-called property tax?  Would it be
easier to survive?

Your decision.  I have sent out enough info over the last several months
that you should be getting some clues as to how possible this is.  God
Bless, David


BANKING & CREDIT: There are some essentials relating to banking and
     credit that must be understood in order to come to terms with how
     successfully discharged bank-originated debt. The first matter is
     nature of "credit" extended by Federally chartered and/or Federal
     Reserve or FDIC-member financial institutions. The first is to
     what "credit" is, as defined at 15 U.S.C. 1602(e): "Credit" is a
     of authority to defer payment of debt, or create debt then defer

     For purposes of the Consumer Protection Act, the "creditor" is
     as the financial institution which provides credit, and the
merchant who
     provides goods and services. However, that definition is limited to
     Consumer Protection Act itself -- it does not have general
     Where there is a "credit" transaction under auspices of a Federal
     of authority, the financial institution is in all cases operating
     "fiscal agent" of the United States, and in most if not all cases,
as a
     "mixed-ownership" (hybrid) United States corporation. The United
     is always principal of interest -- the "debt" is ultimately an
     obligation to the United States, and the United States has the only

     right of action to recover the debt. The financial institution
     originates the "credit" merely services the debt, it is not the
     principal of interest.

     The financial institution, whether a national bank, credit union,
     whatever, is organized as an "association" to provide basic
     services for qualified association members. These entities deal
     exclusively in "public money" -- public money is hypothecated
"credit of
     the United States". Therefore, only people who are authorized by
law to
     receive and use "public money" are qualified to be association
     Those authorized by law to receive and use "public money" are
     and employees of the United States, territories and insular
     subject to sovereignty of the United States, and Indian tribes
     recognized by United States Government. See limiting provisions at
     CFR 202(a), and FDIC insurance solely of "public money" accounts at
     U.S.C. § 1821(a)(2)(A).

     This is where the Social Security number comes in -- the Social
     number creates a presumption that whoever applies for credit is one
     those entitled to custody and use of public money. However, that in
     of itself isn’t sufficient to sustain most foreclosures, etc., as
     financial institution has no right of action to foreclose consumer
     other "credit" obligations.

     A national banking association may sue and be sued in courts of the

     several States, but only so far as basic organizational matters are

     concerned. Under organization charters, these institutions may
     only basic services such as checking accounts for qualified
     members. They may own property necessary to conduct business and
     like. To go beyond that, they must apply to become, and be licensed
     Federal Tax & Loan Depositaries, and Treasury Depositaries (31 CFR
202 &
     203). Only then can they apply to become Federal Home Loan Banks,
     Credit Banks, etc. When they function in these capacities, they
     in Federal agency capacity, and the United States is at all times
     principal of interest.

     They are subject to all Federal statutory and regulatory mandates
     prohibitions, including mandates for Privacy Act and Paperwork
     Act disclosures.

     If and when there is a "credit" default, there must be
     collection process in accordance with HUD and other applicable
     regulations. The Secretary of HUD is responsible for appointing an
     in any given HUD district, and where defaults are concerned, he has

     responsibility for pursuing administrative remedies. Ultimately,
     however, there must be a determination of liability by the Director
     the General Accounting Office (31 U.S.C. 3526 & 3702; 5 U.S.C.
     when and if the obligation is contested before any "debt" can be

     The Attorney General, in his capacity as Solicitor of the Treasury,
     then initiate litigation for debt recovery. The Attorney General
may do
     this directly, authorize the United States Attorney for the
district to
     foreclose, or contract private attorneys. Process for Federal debt
     collection must be initiated in a court of the United States, as
     at 28 U.S.C. § 610. Procedure is prescribed in Chapter 176 of Title
     (28 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.).

     Where financial institutions have initiated foreclosures and the
like in
     state courts, the case should be vacated and dismissed with
     for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Subject matter
jurisdiction can
     be raised at any time -- there is no statute of limitations.

     Tax-related garnishment, etc., is also covered in Chapter 176 of

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->  Posted by: David Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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