Excerpts of Wilcher Report: Part Two
There is also a part Three... as Part Two was too big to fit....

(Wilcher Report cont.)
although I am confident that you (Janet Reno) will learn what it would
have been when the 16 covert operatives discussed below finally come
forward to testify.

But apparently, one of the factors which strongly influenced the CIA to
initiate the original BATF raid on February 28th, in the first place, was
that Koresh and his 6 fellow "sleepers" were said to be resisting the
attempts by their handlers to prepare them for that secret mission.

(RMNews  Wilcher means that the "sleepers" had refused to be picked up
by government agents and taken to be reprogrammed.  Members of the
Davidian church did not trust the government, therefore they resisted
attempts to be taken from the compound by men who appeared to be
government agents.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
Therefore, one of the Principal reasons for the initial February 28th raid
was to  chasten Koresh and his fellow "sleepers" -- to frighten them , and
to whip them into shape .

(RMNews has been given conflicting information as to why the BATF got
involved. Our  information came from three of the same sources that gave
the original information to Wilcher. According to our sources, the BATF
had no idea what was really going on at the Davidian compound. The
BATF was carrying out a raid similar to the raid on Randy Weaver's
family at Ruby Ridge.
(The BATF was given information that Koresh was dealing in illegal
weapons. They were also told Koresh and his followers were a Christian
Doomsday cult who were preparing to use the weapons to commit terrorist
acts. The BATF had no idea that a chemical device was being constructed
in the underground bunker or that the device could wipe out up to 350,000
(The BATF was  told that Koresh and his followers had most of their
weapons stored in a nearby hanger. The arms and ammunition  was being
readied for transport by Buffalo Airlines to drug dealers in South America.
RMNews does not know if this information, which was given to BATF
agents, was accurate. What is known, is the BATF did not expect the
members at the compound to be as fully and powerfully armed as they

(Wilcher Report cont.)
This is apparently why the BATF did not  try to kidnap Koresh while he
was jogging along the county roads near the compound, and also why it
did NOT postpone or call off the raid even after it knew, to an absolute
certainty, that the supposed element of surprise had been taken away,
since Koresh and his followers had been tipped off in advance that the
raid was about to occur.

(RMNews  Paul was almost correct in what he stated. The BATF DID
want to "send a message" to Koresh, his followers, and Christian Patriots
nationwide. The message that was being sent was the same message being
sent at Ruby Ridge, i.e. that patriots and their families will be horribly
murdered if they continue to resist  the New World Order.  Many people
never knew that while the siege was taking place at Ruby Ridge, a
government unit tried to drop flammable liquid on the Weaver's cabin and
burn them alive... just like what happened at Waco. The only thing that
stopped them was the reporters and the friends and family of the Weavers
who were close enough to see what was going on.
(According to CIA operative Gunther Russbacher, there was  another
message being sent. Russbacher once stated that Randy Weaver was also a
programmed "sleeper". Russbacher indicated that Vickie Weaver had
somehow "deactivated" Randy's programming. Russbacher seemed to
imply that the attack on Ruby Ridge was intended to send a message not
only to the Patriot community, but to all "sleepers" from the special forces
community. Some of these "sleepers"  realized they had been programed,
and were trying to find the "sleeper" program and deactivate it.
Russbacher said this was happening  in some of the men who had been
programmed during the Viet Nam War.
(In "Operation Open Eyes" an article written by Rayelan Russbacher from
notes given to her by her husband, Gunther, it is detailed how  mind
controlled Manchurian Candidates are created. The article  discusses the
fact that all Special Forces operatives have been subjected to the  same
three levels of programing that "sleepers" go through. "Operation Open
Eyes" can be found on Jeff Rense's Sightings web page. Or it can be easily downloaded from the Ru Mills
One List archives. You have to join Ru Mills One List Community to be
able to download the article. )

(Wilcher Report cont.)
Thus, the purpose of the raid was NOT to surprise Koresh, or to take him
peacefully. The purpose was to be as heavy handed, and as unsubtle, as

(RMNews   According to Russbacher, this is true) so that Koresh and his
fellow "sleepers" could not possibly miss the message: "Either shape up
and get back into line, or we will 'take you out' -- i.e., "WE WILL KILL

Therefore, the fact that there was a gun battle on February 28th, and that 4
BATF officers, along with 6 cult members, were killed, was NOT a
tragedy from the CIA's point of view. (RMNews-- nor from the standpoint of
President Clinton who used the raid to dispose of men who knew too much
about Clinton's past.) Those 10 deaths merely served to underscore the point
they wanted to make to Koresh and his 6 fellow "sleepers" -- as well as to any
other "sleepers" who might be getting out of line elsewhere across the

"Be prepared to carry out the orders we will give you, exactly as you have
been pre-programmed to do, or you and all  your loved ones will have hell
to pay for your disobedience."

The deaths on February 28th also gave the government the excuse it
needed to mount a permanent armed siege against the compound. After all
(so the argument goes), how can you let ordinary citizens get away with
killing 4 BATF agents in the line of duty?!

(RMNews  Paul added his own comments here. Paul was not fully briefed
and as such, when things did not make sense to him, he improvised. The
truth of the matter is, from what our sources have told us, is the BATF
stuck its nose in something it didn't understand. The BATF learned that a
special operations unit from the CIA was preparing to mount an operation
at the Davidian compound. -- The BATF had no knowledge of a chemical
device or of a mind control operation.-- The rivalry between the various
Bureaus, Departments and Agencies is really what is to blame for this
tragedy. The BATF leaped into this situation, without appropriate
background intel, because they wanted to beat the CIA to the punch and in
the process, achieve what they thought would be  positive media

(Wilcher Report cont.)
Never mind that the whole thing was set up precisely so that one or more
BATF agents were guaranteed to be killed, in order to provide the
continuing excuse for this military siege!

(RMNews  to the best of our knowledge and belief, this statement of
Paul's is not accurate. The moment the BATF attacked, special units in the
FBI were briefed as to what was really going on. RMNews believes  this
unit is the same unit that was headed by Richard Rogers, who was
responsible for ordering the murder of Vickie Weaver at Ruby Ridge. At
the highest level of this FBI unit, the entire story was known. William
Sessions, the director of the FBI at the time of Waco,  knew the truth, but
he was held, literally under house arrest, while Clinton and the same FBI
unit  responsible for Ruby Ridge, carried out their own agendas. Sessions
barely escaped several assassination attempts. Sessions had lived in Waco,
served on the City Council,  and had intimate knowledge of the mind
control operations that were going on in Waco. Wilcher is correct when he
says that Attorney General Janet Reno had no idea what was really going

(Wilcher Report cont.)
Therefore, - the loss of life which occurred on February 28th played right
into the CIA's hands, allowing it to blame Koresh and his followers for all
the violence which had occurred as well as all of the far greater violence
which was yet to come to desensitize the public to all that violence, and to
build public acceptance of (and even support for) the proposition that the
government "simply had no other choice" in dealing with Koresh and
people like him.

(RMNews  Wilcher would have been correct if he had said FBI instead of
CIA in the above sentence.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
The bottom line here is that this propaganda we were being fed by the CIA
(RMNews  read this as FBI) was to pave the way for a general acceptance
of the imposition  of martial law when situations like this "get out of
hand" -- which is the way the CIA (read-- FBI) wants us to view its 51-day
siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.


Since, as we have seen, the entire Waco incident grew out of the CIA's
mind control programing of Koresh and his fellow "sleepers", it should
not be at all surprising that such attempts to control the subconscious
minds and wills of Koresh and his followers continued throughout the
entire 51-day siege which followed the February 28th BATF raid.

Throughout the siege, for example, we were told each evening on the
nightly news that the FBI was shining high-powered spotlights onto the
compound at night, and bombarding those inside with various kinds of
loud and obnoxious noises -acid rock music,  Tibetan chants, Christmas
songs, and the like -- in an attempt to annoy Koresh and his followers, to
deprive them of their sleep, to make them cranky and irritable, and thus to
make them more pliable to the FBI's demands that they surrender
peacefully - - so that there would be no loss of life. That's what we were

The truth, however, is far different. That ability and determination to
withstand even the most intense adversity is apparently what made those
in charge of the siege angry beyond all comprehension. And that official
anger and frustration apparently is what led to the final, fatal assault on
the compound on Monday, April 19th.

(RMNews  again, Paul... who was a good friend and colleague  did not
have all the facts and jumped to his own erroneous conclusions in the
above statements. While it is true that Koresh and his followers were able
to withstand the psyops warfare that was being directed at them, it is not
true that this act of "defiance" so angered the FBI that the FBI attacked the
compound in an angry rage and burned the Davidians to death.
SET! Paul lays this out very clearly in section #18 "How the fires Were
Started.". The Delta Force Group that was sent in to kill the seven
"sleepers", and anyone else who got in their way, was responsible for
setting the fires. The voices that were heard by the FBI recordings, were
probably the voices of this unit. The Delta Force Group was ordered to set
the fires. The men who made up the group were "compartmentalized."
This means they only thing they knew was that they were ordered to kill
"potential terrorists" and start fires.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
(RMNews  Penultimate means the "second to the last")

Before we get to a discussion of what actually happened on April 19th,
however, there was one penultimate plan to end the siege which was
proposed to you, Attorney General Reno (according to what I have been
told), which you apparently turned down -- only 2 to 3 weeks before that
final fateful Monday, April 19th.

This plan, had it gone forward, would have involved the following,

 #1) The plan would have been carried out by "The Delta Force" -- an elite
commando-type military unit- Composed of specially trained members of
the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, operating under the command of
the Joint   Chiefs of Staff and the CIA;

#2) It would have involved a night raid on the compound, when the place
was pitch black -- NOT illuminated by the usual spotlights;

#3) It would have been carried out by crack commandos dressed all in

  #4) It would have depended for its success on the elements of surprise,
lightning-quick speed, and precise execution;

 #5) And it would have resulted in the vast majority of the 95 men,
women, and   children in -the compound at the time being brought out
alive, safe, and   unharmed.

There was, however, one other crucial element of this plan which was
highly controversial, but upon which the commanders of "The Delta
Force" and the CIA were most insistent. And IF you were informed of this
element, Attorney General Reno -- though I seriously doubt that you were
-- this may well have been why you reportedly rejected the plan, and
refused to go forward with it.

 #6) This last element was that the members of "The Delta Force" were to
bring   everyone out alive -- except for David Koresh and his six (6) fellow
CIA "sleepers" Those 7 men were to be killed -- no questions asked
period.    For under NO  circumstances were these 7 ever to be allowed to
testify in a Court of law or otherwise to reveal to the public what   they
knew about the CIA's secret mind control programing or its   "Manchurian
Candidate type" robot assassins.

In other words, this "Delta Force" plan, had it been allowed to proceed,
would have been a CIA "wet" operation -- carried out by some of the
CIA's top professional killers, fittingly dressed in all black garb, to "take
out" these 7 CIA "sleepers" once and for all, so that their potentially
explosive testimony concerning the CIA's secret mind control program
would be silenced forever.


This brings us then to what actually happened at the Branch Davidian
compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993.

You have reported to the nation, Attorney General Reno, that you met
with President Clinton on Sunday, April 18th, and that after outlining  the
plan you had been given to him, and going over it in some detail, he  told

You have also reported to the nation that having given the ultimate  go
ahead for the plan, you (and President Clinton) are the ones  ultimately
responsible for what happened in Waco on Monday, April 19th,  1993.

That, however, is simply NOT true, Attorney General Reno. What
happened in Waco is NOT your fault. (RMNews  this is true)  Nor is it
President Clinton' s fault. ( RMNews-- This is not true. President Clinton,
being fully knowledgeable of mind control operations, knew exactly what
was going on. He used the situation to rid himself of people who knew too
much about his drug involvements at Mena, and his long list of women.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
For, the Reagan and Bush holdovers at the Justice Department, the FBI,
the BATF, and the CIA, etc., who carefully planned and orchestrated this
disaster, never informed you as to what their secret right-wing  political
agenda was in all this. Therefore, neither you nor President  Clinton had
any idea what had actually been planned for this  operation in Waco --
much less any hint of the secret agenda which was  to be served by this
mass murder and cover up to protect the criminal  machinations of the

(RMNews  Paul had just begun to wake up to the fact that a New World
Order existed. At the time he wrote this document, he was still thinking
that the right wing Republicans were the bad guys and the left wing
Democrats were the good guys. Had he lived a little longer and seen what
the Clinton Administration has done, he would have realized that instead
of calling this a "secret right wing agenda", he should have labeled it as a
"New World Order" agenda.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
What actually happened in Waco, according to the information I have
been  given, is as follows:

 #1) As early as Sunday afternoon or evening, April 18th (shortly after
your conference with President Clinton), calls went in to Parkland
Hospital in Dallas -- the very same hospital where President Kennedy  was
taken after his assassination in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd,  1963 --
again, at the hands of CIA Professional killers -- to be  prepared to receive
a large number of serious burn victims from Waco  the following day.

#2) On the morning of April 19th, the same Delta Force commando team
actually, a select group of the CIA's top professional killers -which would
have carried out what I have referred to above as "the penultimate plan",
had it been approved -- was on the ground in Waco to carry out all aspects
of the "wet" operation planned for that Monday.

#3) This mass murder was then to be covered up and made to look like a
"mass suicide -- just like Jonestown" -- thereby layering one monstrous
CIA lie upon another -- since both Waco and Jonestown were CIA mass
murders, and NOT mass suicides.

 #4) This "Delta Force" group was composed of 15 men in all, headed by a
Lieutenant Colonel who was a CIA liaison officer. The group flew into
Texas on their own C-130 Transport plane, parked it either at the Waco
or Dallas airport all day, and then departed once their "dirty work"  had
been completed. The plane belonged to "Triangle."

#5) Among the.15 men in this larger group, .there were two (2) smaller
operational teams -- the 4-man- team which actually made the insertion
into the compound, as described in detail below, and a back-up team,
which apparently was never used.

#6) These men were dressed all in black -- black pants, black shoes, black
jackets, black gas masks, black gloves -- very poetic for a "black" (or
"wet") operation -- and were dressed to look like all of the other FBI
officers on the ground -- probably even wearing jackets with FBI insignias
on them (though I am not certain of this), so that to any outside observer,
there would have been virtually no way of telling these 4 men apart from
any of the other federal officers on the scene at the time.

#7) The whole nation watched on TV that morning as the FBI used MI-Al
tanks to punch holes in the exterior walls of the compound's living
quarters. We were later told that at the same time they had battered down
these walls, the tanks had also lobbed massive quantities of a very virulent
form of tear gas into the compound.

#8) This tear gas had been designed to be used for crowd control -i.e., it
was so virulent and irritating that even in a fresh air, out-of-doors
situation, it was guaranteed to cause people to flee from its presence
instantly simply in order to be able to breathe.

#9) Now, it was being used in a closed, indoor living quarters situation
where 95 men, women, and children were trapped inside. The logical
expectation would have been that all 95 of these persons would have fled
out-of- doors instantly , just to be able to breathe. But strangely, not a
single person cam out of the compound -- even  after this noisome
substance had been poured into the compound  in enormous quantities
over a period of several hours.

#10) The logical question therefore arises: Why?  Why did not ANY of
these 95 men, women, and children --- particularly, the women and their
children -- instantly flee for fresh air into the out of doors?

The answer we have been given by the news media and the official FBI
spokesmen is that David Koresh and his cult members had stockpiled and
outfitted themselves with gas masks.


#11) The real truth, however, is much more sinister and cold-blooded. For
what actually happened here is that the tear gas -- as virulent and noisome
as it was -- was only the mask or cover for the -real, active ingredient
being propelled by the tanks into the compound.

What was actually propelled into the compound was a nerve reagent -  a
neuro toxin -- NERVE GAS -- a virulent poisonous substance, like curare
-- which instantly paralyzed and rendered totally helpless and defenseless
all of the 95 men, women, and children inside the compound -- except for
those 9, later rescued, like David Thibideaux, who were on the 2nd or 3rd
floor with their windows wide open on both sides, and who were thus
spared the deadly effects of this tear gas/nerve gas combination.
(RMNews Paul was killed with curare)

For all the others, that could no longer coordinate their muscles in the
effort required even just to get up,  much less to flee to the life-
fresh air outside, only a few feet away. 3

(RMNews--The number "3" which is above, is a footnote. Evidently, the
footnotes were included in the pages of the Wilcher Report which were
not given to Sarah McClendon. The copy given to Sarah McClendon was
spiral bound by Wilcher, himself, using his own equipment. Wilcher did
not include the additional pages in the copy he gave to Sarah McClendon.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
This is an extremely serious matter, Attorney General Reno. For it means
that here the U.S. military, the FBI, and the Justice Department -- all
directed by the CIA -- used nerve gas on innocent men, women, and
children in our civilian population -- and then proceeded to murder them
in cold blood, as is set forth in detail below. This clearly rises to the
of War Crimes on a civilian population during peace time, an unspeakable
human rights violation.

And it was committed by our "intelligence" community against innocent
men, women, and children -- simply to bury the truth concerning the CIA's
criminal use of mind control programing to "manufacture" "Manchurian
Candidate type" robot assassins, whose very existence is an unspeakable
outrage, in and of itself.


#12) After this deadly tear gas/nerve gas combination had had time to do
its debilitating and paralyzing work on all the men, women, and children
in the compound, the 4-man "Delta Force"  "Team" -- actually some of the
CIA's top  professional assassins -- made its entry into the compound.
Fittingly, for a "black" operation, they were dressed all in black, from
head to toe, as stated above.

#13) They were dropped onto the roof of the compound by one of the
several low-flying. heavily armed military helicopters which hovered
overhead throughout much of the day -- while all of the television cameras
were focused on the outside of the building at ground level -- for example,
focusing on the tanks which had just lobbed the tear gas/nerve gas
combination into the building. The actual Insertion into the building came
at approximately 10:25 AM.

#14) Before they entered the compound, however, this 4-man team of
assassins had received shots of atropine, the antidote to the nerve gas, so
that they too, would NOT be overcome and paralyzed by it.

#15) According to testimony given before the House Judiciary Committee
on the day of your testimony, Attorney General Reno, the fires in the
Branch Davidian compound did not become visible until approximately
11:45 AM that morning. This means that the team had something in the
neighborhood of one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes, or so, in which to
do their "dirty work," and then to make their escape.

#16) The Murder of David Koresh:
One of the first things they did, obviously, was to go into the so-called
communications center, just off the kitchen, where they found, and
quickly subdued and killed, David Koresh, along with any of his close
associates who were nearby. Koresh was killed with single bullet to the
middle of the forehead, about an inch above the eyes, fired from a
distance of about 4 inches away.

In this regard, an article on page A-3 of The Washington Post, on
Tuesday, May 18th, 1993, is directly relevant. It quotes noted forensic
pathologist, Dr. Cyril H. Wecht of Pittsburgh, who recently completed an
independent autopsy of the bodies of David Koresh and Steve Schneider,
one of his chief lieutenants, as saying that the gunshot wound in the
middle of the forehead, which killed Koresh, and the gunshot wound in
the back of the head, which killed Schneider, are "not typical of suicide."
And no wonder! They were, in fact, NOT killed by suicide at all. This was
a calculated, carefully planned, cold-blooded mass murder, carried out
with precision, by the one of the best teams of professional assassins this
nation has to offer!

Note also that the FBI's psychological profile of Koresh showed him NOT
to be suicidal -- and the FBI (through the CIA) had access to all of the
relevant information on him, dating back to, and including, his
programming to become one of the CIA's Manchurian Candidate type
robot assassins. They must have known, even that early on, that the
normal "self-destruct" programmed response implanted into the
subconscious psyche of most CIA "sleepers" would NOT work on Koresh.
Consider also the point made by a teenage girl, on the NBC Nightly News,
Tuesday, May 4th, 1993, who had been a member of the Branch Davidian
cult in Waco until shortly before the April 19th disaster. She stated in this
interview that all of the children in the compound were repeatedly grilled
by Koresh on precisely how to commit suicide -- either by taking cyanide
poison, or by gunshot.  But she said Koresh always insisted that you must
put the gun IN YOUR MOUTH before pulling the trigger. 'If you put the
gun to your temple, there is always the danger that you might survive [as a

If this was the message which Koresh so carefully taught everyone in the
compound over a number of years, is it probable that Koresh himself, and
all of the other men around his who died by gunfire, would have
committed "suicide" by shooting themselves in some manner other than
the one they had so carefully drummed into their children's minds over all
those years?! For apparently, not a single one of the persons who died of
gunshot wounds died of a bullet wound to the roof of his or her mouth!

#17) From the communications center, the "wet" team then fanned out
throughout the rest of the compound, and methodically "took out" (i.e.,
murdered) all of the other six (6) CIA "sleepers" they would have killed
earlier, in what I have called-"the penultimate plan," had that plan been
allowed to go forward, plus a number of other persons along the way.
According to an article on page A-18 of The New York Times on
Wednesday, May 5th, 1993, two-thirds of the bodies autopsied thus far --
more than 2 dozen then, and still counting -- have bullet wounds in them
of some kind which the medical examiners say were inflicted after the
date of the initial BATF raid on February 28th.

It is highly likely that ALL of these gunshot wounds were inflicted by this
team of CIA assassins, as they went throughout the compound doing their
pre- assigned 'dirty work.'

This same article in the New York Times also states that it appears that at
least 17 of the children were killed by means of poisonous injections.
Although I have no specific information on that point,  all my other
information -- including the fact that everyone else in the building, except
those 9 who had been targeted to be saved -were paralyzed by the nerve
gas and thus had been rendered incapable of moving at all -- strongly
suggests that these children were likewise "taken out" by this CIA "wet"
team. (RMNews  Paul is speculating on this.)

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