Part Three


#18) The remaining task for this "wet" team -- after the multiple murders,
described above, had been carried out -- while they were still inside, was
to place 3 or 4 canisters of "Willie Peter" (White phosphorus) in strategic
locations throughout the compound in order to start the fires.

These canisters were all equipped with delayed timing devices, all set to
go off simultaneously -- apparently at or shortly before 11:45 AM, since
that's when the fires were actually sighted by outside observers on the
scene. White phosphorus is one of the most fearsome incendiary device
imaginable, and is therefore a favorite of CIA's "wet" teams, ignites
instantly, immediately burns with white hot intensity, consumes, beyond
all recognition, everything in its path -- thereby destroying all possible
forensic evidence -- and covering, as well as one can possibly imagine, the
trail of assassins (like this particular "wet" team) who want to try to claim
later that their actual mass murder was merely a "mass suicide" or a
"tragic accident."

CIA "wet" teams have also been known to corner their intended targets
into a closed quarter, and then throw "Willie Peter" in their midst, so that
these victims are instantly immolated right before the team's eyes.   The
fire which "Willie Peter" produces is so intense, and the combustion so
complete, that victims -- as was the case here in Waco -- can only be
identified by their dental records.

But here, because the team itself was inside the closed quarters they had
to use delayed timing devices on the "Willie Peter" canisters -- to give
themselves time to make their own exit before the entire compound was
consumed in the monumental conflagration all watched in horror on

#19) Notice that this explanation of how the fires started comports with
the observations on the scene -- with what the television cameras ground
level recorded, and with what the military helicopters and their infrared
cameras overhead observed -- i.e., that 3 or 4 fires started simultaneously
at different places in the compound. And then these separate fires spread
rapidly (because of the wood construction, the straw which was
everywhere, the high winds, and the white hot "Willie Peter" incendiary
devices which had started these separate blazes in the first place), until
they united into cohesive whole, involving the entire compound, which
became far more destructive than the sum of these separate smaller fires,
until it ultimately became a massive conflagration which consumed
everything in sight.

One possible contrary explanation, which has been offered by,
commentators and "tragic accident" theory advocates, is that the tear gas
sprayed into, the compound by the tanks   [ignoring the fact that what was
injected was NOT just tear gas, but a  tear gas/nerve gas combination] was
itself a combustible substance, that one of the tanks, in punching holes in
the exterior walls, had accidentally knocked over a kerosine lantern or
container, and that the kerosine had then ignited the tear gas, which then
resulted in the conflagration.

This "tragic accident theory, however, simply does NOT square with the
known facts, preserved on video tape, because the compound did NOT
explode into a massive fire ball all at once (as would have been the case if
the tear gas itself had been combustible, and had been ignited by a torch,
like lighted kerosine).

#20) The other point to be made here is that, while the "wet" team did kill
many of those inside the compound prior to setting the fires (by means of
the"Willie Peter" canisters on delayed timing devices, discussed above),
they apparently did NOT murder (at least, directly) ALL of the 86 men,
women, and children who ultimately died in the tragedy -- meaning that
many of those who died were left paralyzed by the nerve gas, unable to get
up or free themselves from this disaster in progress, and were thus
consigned to being consumed alive in the giant conflagration brought on
by the white phosphorus.

(RMNews We have been told that the reason the men who made up the
Delta Force Group came forward and told their stories to Gunther
Russbacher, who then told the story to Wilcher, was because they did not
know that the people were immobilized with the nerve gas. They believed
the women and children could escape once the fire started.)

(Wilcher Report Cont.) And those consigned to this horrible fiery fate --
being burned alive -- apparently included men, women, and children.


#21) The bottom line here is that 86 men, women, and children died - i.e.,
they were murdered in the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April
19th, 1993 ALL at the hands of the 4 members of this CIA "wet" team,
operating under the cover of the  Delta Force.

#22)The bottom line is also that high ranking officials in our government
-- though NOT yourself, Attorney General Reno, (RMNews true), and
NOT President Clinton (RMNews   not true)  including senior Reagan and
Bush Administration holdovers in the Justice Department, the FBI, the
BATF, the Pentagon, and the CIA - all knew in advance that this Waco
operation was designed from the start to be a mass murder in which only
those few individuals whom the CIA had-targeted in advance to be saved
would be allowed to survive -- and that AU of the other 86 son, women,
and children in the compound would be murdered in cold blood by these
CIA-Delta Form assassins.

(RMNews  this is true  but it isn't the whole truth. There were different
reasons that the different units wanted these people dead. Those people
who are trying to implement a New World Order, wanted to use WACO
to send a powerful message to everyone who is trying to resist the plan for
a One World Government. President Clinton knew there were people
within the Davidian Compound who had been part of the drugs for arms
operation that was being run out of Mena, Arkansas. Some of the arms
that were stored in the hanger, were about to be shipped on Buffalo
Airlines, to the drug dealers, AKA communist terrorists, who were trying
to overthrow their elected government.

(There was only a small group of people who knew the real truth. Some
FBI officials knew that the Waco compound was part of a mind control
operation, but these people did not know that the "sleepers" had begun to
assemble a chemical device that could have killed everyone in the area if
it had been detonated.
(The small group of people who knew the whole story, believed that the
chemical device was going to "trigger", either on its own, or by the
"sleepers". RMNews is speculating here... but we think it is an educated
speculation  if the "sleepers" had already been programmed with the
location where they were to use the chemical device, perhaps a date for
the release of the chemicals, had also been programmed. Another
RMNews theory  if the "sleepers" were accidently triggered, and if they
started assembling the chemical device, maybe they were on their own
schedule for the release of it deadly chemicals.
(What is known for sure by RMNews, is that the men who ordered that the
Waco compound burned, also saw to it that  everyone inside, who could
have been contaminated by the deadly chemical,    be completely burned
also. The only members who survived, were the ones who escaped in plain
view of the television cameras, and those who were upstairs, in areas that
could not have been contaminated by the chemical device.
(RMNews also speculates that the men who ordered the compound burned
believed that burning would destroy the chemical device. The device had
been stored in the underground bunkers, level 2 and 3, but evidently parts
of it had recently  been brought into the kitchen area. RMNews speculates
that the men who gave the order for the Waco holocaust, believed that the
"sleepers" were getting ready to activate the device. There is no telling
how many people in the area would have died. What is known, is that all
of the deaths, including the deaths of the reporters and camera people,
would have been caught on live feeds to the entire world.)

(Wilcher Report cont.)
#23) I mentioned on page 30 above that one of the uses the CIA makes of
its mind control sophistication is to implant memory blocks into the
subconscious memories of its top professional assassins -- in order to
allow them to live with what they have done, and NOT to be overcome by
flashbacks and nightmares of their "handiwork".

Note Well:   But I have been informed that those memory blocks are NOT
holding very well in this instance - and that saw or all of the four (4)
members of this particular "wet" team are sickened by what they were
ordered to do, and what they did, in fact, "accomplish" in Waco on April
19th. To these hardened, seasoned, professional assassins, it was all "too
easy" . The people inside the compound (as a result of the nerve gas)
simply "never had a chance."


First gun confiscation then genocide... don't forget this!
==============The Uncensored National Rumor==============

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