-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Hillary Registered as a Presidential Candidate

Yes McCain could be so smug about all the money he took from Keating because he knew Keating was part of a William Casey black operation with General John Singlaub
protected by the NSC http://www.dcia.com/straw.html.  This is an example of one of  the many big scandals that was contained locally.  I maintain there are hundreds of others.

Now for the sake of the focus of this group recall that when Ron Lister threatened to call his case officer in the White House Scott Weekly, son of the admiral, he did not mention CIA.  He mentioned DIA --- DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, the intelligence arm of the DOD.  In 1980 Singlaub had just retired as the director of DIA.  Openly he said in Phoenix that he directed 17 counter-insurgency operations throughout the world --- as a private citizen!  One of those was the contras. One was in Laos.  One was in Angola.  One was in Afghanistan.

I have never seen another writer explain this.  So you see the public has only gotten a very small part of the overall picture.  Nor have I ever seen the names Charlie Keating and General Singlaub connected in print --- although they are.

Keating's brother the ASSOCIATED PRESS V.P kept Charlie's name out of print.  And the Dan Qualye owned ARIZONA REPUBLIC was never going to blow the whistle on what Keating was doing.  In case you have not realized it these people are succeeding.

Dan Qualye introduced Oliver North to John Hull and Ron Owens went right from Qualye's staff to the Oliver North's staff.  Now it should be clear how Keating made away with $3.5 billion dollars.  That is alot of mone for one community.  It is enough to create thousands of multi-millon aires.  And these benefactors have clout.  So there was little effort to get any of this money back.

In 1987 when I first meet Lance Trimmer and Bo Gritz they had just returned from Burma taking a break from an assignment training Mujahadeen general staff officers on the Nevada desert with Scott Weekly.  It was a state department/DIA contract which was paid through STANFORD TECHNOLOGIES, the company owned by General Richard Secord and Philip Hakeem which Secord called "THE ENTERPRISE'.  Singlaub's arms company is INTERARMS --- small arms but where the money is in low intensity warfare.

I presume that everyone knows that Oliver North was Singlaub's adjutant during the Secret War in Laos where Secord commanded AIR AMERICA and Ted Shackley, Tom Clines, Dave Morales and Terry Burke the CIA.  Tom Clines and Dave Morales grew up in Phoenix.  Ruben Ortega, current Salt Lake City police chief and former Phoenix police chief had been a close friend of Morales since they were in the same high school classes together.

Could any of this history have anything to do with the cold fact that today Arizona is the number one dope trafficking state and one of the principal staging areas of the CIA?

Correct me if I am wrong but did not every drug writer during the DARK ALLIANCE frenzy miss these key points about Singlaub's operation which was directing the contras and so much more?  They bantered about less than 2% of the whole picture.  And what is worse none of the writers cared to get the real story.  When I contacted them they were not interested. 

I begged journalists to cover the Tucson trial of Roy Reagan, the man who decomissioned the ariplanes from DOD for Barry Seal among other things --- for months ---  to throw the spot light upon the MOTHER OF ALL DRUG TRAFFICKING TIRALS http://www.dcia.com/mission14.html on my current events page. Only 3 journalists ever even attended the trial --- all the while this DARK ALLIANCE media frenzi.  If some attention could have been focused there Judge Bilby never could have been murdered at the start of the second trial after which I suspended publishing on the web.

Brian Downing Quig

Jamie Shafer wrote:

 I gather from reading up on McCain that the vets are right. And don't forget his very cozy relatinship with Keating of S&L (ill) repute. for my money McCain is a big FAKE.

At 07:24 AM 09/07/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Or how about candidates like Dan Qualye, John McCain, or E. Dole.  They click
>their heals when a Bush enters the room.
>I am told by a Dick Morris associate that the Morris plan is to run Bush/McCain
>for what Morris calls the Millennium Presidency.   I know for a fact that
>engineered Dan Quayle onto the Bush ticket because this source told me about
>selection two weeks before.  Everyone laughed then.  If only I could have put a
>few quid on the London books!  They were giving odds of that at 300 to one.
>McCain is the DOD candidate for president, or the ONI candidate to be more
>precise.  He may not win the next election here because the vets hate him and
>show up when he speaks to debunk his war hero stories.  They feel that the son
>of the admiral collaborated with the enemy.  McCain was so special that he
>saw the inside of the Hanoi Hilton.
>I regard Morris as an opponent.  He is the White House spin doctor on the OKC
>Brian Quig
>Dave wrote:
>> From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> hmm... well ...  evidently they ARE above the law- at least for the time
>> being...
>> Hillary's SENATE campaign shows a number of contributions..
>> It is completely legal for her to take contributions for a senate race and
>> then to "change her mind" and roll funds over into a presidential campaign.
>> Can't think of a better way for the NWO to guarantee dubya's election...
>> Wonder what the odds are in Vegas against a Hillary presidential ticket ;)
>> Dave Hartley
>> http://www.Asheville-Computer.com
>> http://www.ioa.com/~davehart
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Brian Downing Quig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 1:47 AM
>> Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Hillary Registered as a Presidential
>> Candidate
>> From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Yes, is it not strange that someone like Hillary has no individuals and no
>> organizations contributing to her 2 campaigns?  Give me a break.  These
>> people
>> feel and act like they are above the law.  Why should Hillary have to bother
>> with formalities like the rest of humanity?
>> Or did someone hack the FEC site for a funny Labor Day joke?  All this is
>> high
>> comedy, is it not?  Think of Hillary vs George W. Bush.  It would be better
>> than
>> mud wrestling.
>> Brian Quig
>> Dave wrote:
>> > From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >
>> > Hi All-
>> >
>> > I just checked this out and found *NO* contributions listed by following
>> any
>> > of the links.
>> > Would appreciate any OTHER information, including but not limited to
>> > previously viewed evidence of contributions.
>> >
>> > Dave Hartley
>> > http://www.Asheville-Computer.com
>> > http://www.ioa.com/~davehart
>> >
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