-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Brigade,

"But at the heart of Mr. Buchanan's policy - and at the heart of the
scholarly debate - is whether our foreign policy should be guided by our
sovereign self- interest or whether we owe a duty to the world before a
duty to ourselves... Mr. Buchanan's book and his campaign is a call for a
national debate on those questions...."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



September 8, 1999

There is a gripping foreign policy debate going on in America right now.
Unfortunately, to find it, one must read obscure scholarly journals. One
presidential candidate, Patrick Buchanan, is participating seriously in
that great debate. But the response of both the media and the Republican
Party to his contribution ranges from a blind eye to a sneer.

No wonder he is thinking of quitting the party to run on the Reform
ticket. The GOP, both its elders and its rank and file, ought to be
concerned enough to listen to his argument - not to placate Mr. Buchanan,
but because the nation would benefit from the debate that he has so ably

I write that last sentence as an avowed internationalist. My father was
Winston Churchill's accountant before the war. I was brought up with, and
remain in the thrall of, the Churchillian view of a great nation's world
responsibilities. But even Britain, at the height of its imperium,
consciously designed its foreign policy in the self-interest of Britain.

Mr. Buchanan's carefully reasoned critique of current U.S. foreign policy
is precisely that since the end of the Cold War we have maintained
commitments that once were, but may no longer be, in our national
interest. While I don't agree with all his prescriptions, I commend his
analysis. He comes to foreign policy as a national self-interest realist,
not what some people unthinkingly call an isolationist. Analytically, he
is in the good company of Eisenhower, Kissinger and other such realists.

Mr. Buchanan wisely chose to write two campaign-cycle books: one on
trade, and the other on foreign policy. Thus, one can be a free-trader and
still find much to agree with in his just published foreign policy book,
"A Republic, Not an Empire." It is 400 pages of meticulously analyzed
American diplomatic history, in continuity with which he makes his

At the heart of his analysis are three points, all disputatious of current

1) our commitments should be matched by our capacity to meet them, 2)
national sovereign interest should guide our policy, and 3) most of our
Cold War treaty commitments don't meet the first two criteria.

He opens with an eye-popping tour d'horizon of those parts of the world
for which we have commitments to fight and die. From Warsaw to Thailand,
from Kuwait to the Philippines, from South Korea to Columbia, with the
exception of Africa, virtually wherever one may gaze on the globe - there
one will find a solemn American commitment to defend foreign soil with the
blood of young Americans.

Mr. Buchanan's point is not to reject all such places as outside our
security interest. Rather, he argues that since these commitments were
logically made during the worldwide fight against communism, isn't it now
logical to review the relevance and specifics of those commitments today,
a decade after the Cold War ended.

Measuring our still expanding commitments against our ever shrinking
military budget and manpower levels, Mr. Buchanan reminds us of Walter
Lippman's warning that a statesman should bring "into balance, with a
comfortable surplus of power in reserve, the nation's commitments and the
nation's power."

Remember, in our recent little contretemps in Kosovo, so hollowed out is
our military already, that within weeks of the start of the bombing,
President Clinton found it necessary to call up Air Force reserves. At the
minimum then, those politicians and commentators who gallantly call for us
to continue or expand our hegemonic role in the world, are duty bound to
call for dramatic increases in defense spending.

But at the heart of Mr. Buchanan's policy - and at the heart of the
scholarly debate - is whether our foreign policy should be guided by our
sovereign self- interest or whether we owe a duty to the world before a
duty to ourselves. Obviously Mr. Buchanan stands by our sovereign
self-interest. But make no mistake, this is not the imagined concern of
some heartland conservative.

Vaclav Havel, the president of the Czech Republic, spoke to the Canadian
parliament during the Kosovo war on the theme "Kosovo and the End of the
Nation-state." He spoke approvingly of the Kosovo precedent of ignoring
Serbia's sovereignty in the interest of humanity. Mr. Havel expects the
next century to see sovereign nations "change from cult like entities
charged with emotion . . . to rational administrative units . . . The idea
of a nation's sovereignty should vanish down the trapdoor of history."

Such views are prominent in the scholarly debate; they constitute the
intellectual underpinnings of Mr. Clinton's foreign policy. Left
unrebutted, they may possibly be the wave of the future. Mr. Buchanan's
book and his campaign is a call for a national debate on those questions.

Whether you are for Messrs. Buchanan, Bush, Forbes or whomever, you
should be for that debate. If we don't have it, we may one day be singing:
"God Bless our rational administrative unit, land that I no longer have a
cult- like emotional charge for . . ."

---------------  end  ------------------

Help Pat and the Brigade in our Battle for the White House...
Go to: http://www.gopatgo2000.org/000-v-helppat.html
Spread the word -- forward this email across the USA!
TITLE: Reclaiming America's Destiny : A Republic, Not an Empire
ISBN: 089526272X
Publisher: Regnery Publishing, Inc., An Eagle Publishing Co.
Publish Date: 1 September 1999
Author: Buchanan, Patrick J.
Binding: Hardcover 300 pages
List Price: US 29.95

Can be priced at:


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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