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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
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Subject: MJ: US Aid for Indonesia
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 02:17:07 -0500 (CDT)

/** reg.easttimor: 2694.0 **/
** Topic: MJ: Strange Bedfellows: US Aid for Indonesia **
** Written 10:42 PM  Sep  5, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in cdp:reg.easttimor **
Subject: MJ: Strange Bedfellows: US Aid for Indonesia

MoJo Newswire [US]
September 5, 1999

Strange Bedfellows: US Aid for Indonesia

Despite international condemnation of its violent occupation and
administration of East Timor, Indonesia has remained a key US ally and the
recipient of billions of dollars in American military and economic aid over
several decades.

by J.J. Richardson

Despite the UN's repeated calls for Indonesian forces to withdraw from East
Timor -- and forceful condemnation of their conduct by human-rights groups
the Indonesian military has enjoyed both the active and tacit support of the
US government throughout its occupation of the tiny half-island. In fact, a
declassified memorandum of a July 1975 conversation between President Gerald
Ford and then-Indonesian President Suharto demonstrates clearly the extent
US support: Ford asks Suharto bluntly, "How big a Navy do you have and how
big a Navy do you need?"

The Ford administration's implicit acceptance of Indonesia's actions in East
Timor can be traced to the eve of the province's invasion. On Dec. 6, 1975,
Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger met with Suharto in Jakarta; the
next day, Indonesian troops flooded into the East Timorese capital of Dili.

That same year, Ford approved the sale of 16 OV-10F Bronco ground-attack
aircraft to Indonesia. According to Boeing's Web site, "The Bronco's
outstanding capability to find and hit battlefield targets close to friendly
troops made this an aircraft effective against ... guerrilla forces." In
fact, Const‚ncio Pinto, an East Timorese resistance leader, recalled "almost
every inch of East Timor's land" being bombed by airplanes such as the
following Indonesia's invasion of the island. In a 1998 editorial published
in The Washington Post, Pinto also recounted Bronco aircraft being used to
"napalm the [East Timorese] population into submission."

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's arms
transfers project, the 15 years following East Timor's invasion witnessed
hundreds of millions of dollars in arms transfers from the US to Indonesia.
In fact, in the year after the invasion, the Ford administration more than
doubled its military assistance to the country.

Particularly notable is the amount of military and economic aid given to
Suharto's regime during the Carter administration. A key component of
Carter's foreign policy was his professed concern for human rights abroad.
However, while Carter enacted a de facto ban on advanced weaponry sales to
Latin America -- reportedly motivated out of concern for human rights and a
desire to avoid an arms race in the region -- he increased arms sales to the
Indonesian government. According to Lynn Fredriksson of the East Timor
Network (ETAN), "During [Carter's] administration, some of the most
violations in terms of human rights occurred [in Indonesia] .... It is a
terrible irony for that supposedly liberal government" to have sold such
large amounts of weapons to Suharto's regime.

American presidents from Carter to Clinton repeatedly approved the sale of
lethal equipment, from the 12 Northrop Grumman F-5E Tiger 2
fighter/ground-attack dual-use aircraft sold to Indonesia in 1977, to 12
General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcons (now manufactured by Lockheed
-- lightweight fighters specializing in air-to-ground combat -- sold in
In fact, the Clinton administration practically gave Indonesia two Douglas
Aircraft TA-4J Skyhawks under the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program,
which allows the government to rid itself of military surplus free or at a
significant discount. The planes are trainer versions of the A-4 attack
-- and thus are not equipped for combat -- but they could be modified for
combat use, according to a Boeing spokesperson. (McDonnell Douglas has since
merged with Boeing.) The planes were delivered to the Indonesians at a
bargain price of $137,984 for the pair earlier this year.

US foreign policy towards Indonesia began to change following November
massacre in the East Timorese capital of Dili. Indonesian military forces --
using American-supplied M-16 assault rifles -- fired on a crowd of peaceful
Timorese demonstrators, killing as many as 271 of them by some estimates.
demonstrators had gathered to mourn an East Timorese pro-independence leader
killed by Indonesian soldiers two weeks prior. Two American journalists,
Allan Nairn and Amy Goodman, witnessed the massacre; both were severely

News of the massacre prompted international outrage, and 52 US Senators
to then-President George Bush encouraging the US to support the province's
right to self-determination. Congressional opposition to the cozy
US-Indonesian relationship grew, and in October of 1992 Congress voted to
Indonesia's military training aid provided under the US' International
Military Education and Training (IMET) program. The $50-million-a-year IMET
program -- which is a joint project of the Department of Defense, the State
Department, and military divisions such as the Army Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC) -- trains foreign military officials in the art of
conducting warfare. According to ETAN, the vote passed despite opposition
from the "State Department, the Pentagon, lobbyists for the Indonesian
military, and some US corporations."

Backroom deals

During Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign, he said that the US
approach towards East Timor had been "unconscionable." However, military aid
to Indonesia continued under his presidency -- outside the provisions of
IMET. In 1993, for example, the Pentagon directly negotiated nearly $30
million worth of proposed arms sales to the country, and Washington approved
over $400 million in direct commercial sales. (Of the total amount approved
for commercial sale to Indonesia that year, only $4 million in arms were
actually delivered.)

US policy remained inconsistent over the next few years. In 1994, the State
Department -- responding to continued pressure from Congress and grassroots
organizations alike -- banned the sale of small arms, riot gear, and other
"crowd control" items to Indonesia. Despite that, the Pentagon directly
negotiated over $11 million in arms sales to the country, and Washington
approved over $90 million in commercial sales. Moreover, IMET aid to
Indonesia was partially reinstated in 1995, under the Expanded IMET (E-IMET)
program. E-IMET training, ostensibly, is restricted to classroom instruction
in topics such as human rights and civilian control of the armed forces.
According to Pentagon Press Officer Bill Darley, these courses are intended
"to be fairly benign in terms of [their] application to actual combat"

In 1996, the US proposed selling nine Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter/bomber
jets to Indonesia. According to the Federation of American Scientists, the
State Department argued at the time that the sale "would not conflict with
policies on human rights because it is unlikely that Indonesia would be able
to use the aircraft to suppress legitimate dissent." The Clinton
administration continued to support the sale even while Congress examined
questions of illegal campaign contributions made to the Democratic party by
Indonesian nationals. However, in June of 1997 the Indonesian government
withdrew not only from the planned fighter purchase, but also from its
participation. A letter sent to President Clinton from Indonesian President
Suharto explained his withdrawal in anger over "wholly unjustified
in the United States Congress against Indonesia." Some of those "criticisms"
may have focused on the violent Indonesian parliamentary election the month
before, during which almost 300 people were killed countrywide.

What Congress did not know was that after losing IMET funding, the Pentagon
continued to secretly train Indonesian military (ABRI) forces -- including
the elite and ruthless Kopassus unit -- in military techniques under its
Joint Combined Exchange and Training (JCET) program. That program is smaller
and more specialized than IMET. In Indonesia's JCET exercises, US Special
Forces were used to train military officers in "advanced sniper techniques,"
"military operations in urban terrain," "psychological operations," and "air
assault" techniques. According to the Center for International Policy, the
Pentagon spent nearly $1 million in JCET funds to train Indonesian armed
forces in 1997 alone. In fact, US Green Berets, Marines, and Air Force
commandos participated in some 41 exercises between 1992 and 1997.

In March of 1998, the JCET training was exposed by The Nation and the East
Timor Action Network, provoking outrage from many in Congress and the
international community alike. On May 8, 1998, the Defense Department
announced the suspension of JCET exercises for ABRI forces. However, the
program was not legally banned, and the Pentagon could resume exercises at
any point, even without Congressional approval. Legislation now in Congress
would prevent that scenario: Last March, Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ)
introduced the International Military Training Transparency and
Accountability Act to the House. The act would specifically prohibit the
"provision of defense services and training" -- such as JCET -- to foreign
countries such as Indonesia that are "ineligible for IMET assistance or
military assistance or arms transfers."

The money equation

Military aid is only one way the Clinton administration supports the
Indonesian government. Indonesia's economy was nearly devastated by the
financial crisis; it suffered a 13-percent contraction in 1998. Skyrocketing
interest rates, hyperinflation, and widespread unemployment left roughly
of the country's 200 million people living below the poverty line. The
Clinton administration has responded generously: The Senate version of the
2000 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Appropriations Act --
which was passed by the Senate on June 30 -- allows for a minimum of $70
million in economic assistance to the country. It is worth noting that
Section 565 of the Act states that "lethal equipment" sold or given to
Indonesia is not to be used in East Timor.

Furthermore, the Western-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF) --
receives almost 18 percent of its general funding from the US -- has
disbursed over $9 billion to the country since 1997, out of a total
commitment of $12.3 billion. However, financial restructuring mandated by
Fund has actually exacerbated the effects of the crisis on average
Indonesians, says journalist Allan Nairn, who has written extensively about
Indonesia. Such "restructuring" has included a high interest rate policy and
the elimination of the country's fuel subsidy for the poor; the government
reportedly under pressure to reduce its food subsidy and lay off large
numbers of workers as well. According to Nairn, "[The IMF conditions] took a
very painful economic crisis and made it deadly."

During his 31-year rule of Indonesia, President Suharto concentrated huge
amounts of power and wealth in the hands of his friends and family. In fact,
it has been estimated that the Suharto family and their cronies own 40
percent of the land in East Timor. The economic transition presently
is likely to transfer power and wealth from the Suharto family -- but to
whom? "[The IMF is] essentially pressuring the country to move from an
economy dominated by the Suharto family to one dominated by foreign
and the world market," says Nairn. Until recently, for example, foreign
investors could not own a majority share in Indonesian banks. Under the new
IMF policy, that changed. Likewise, restrictions on foreign ownership of
Indonesian land and retail companies are being eliminated. Due to the
collapse of the Indonesian rupiah, foreign investors and multinational
companies are able to, as Nairn puts it, "at bargain-basement prices, start
buying the country up."

Why Indonesia?

The United States has its own reasons for its loyal support of the
government. The importance of maintaining Indonesia as an ally was
articulated clearly by none other than former Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger, who explained in an undated, declassified memo obtained by the
MoJo Wire that the country "[is] the fifth most populous nation in the
[and has] about half the region's total population." The memo went on to
that Indonesia's "geographic location and resources are of major strategic
importance" to US interests in the region. Indonesia controls several
sea lanes connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans; maintaining friendly
access to these routes is vital for American commercial and military

Indonesia has also pleased the US by playing regional policeman; according
the State Department, the US has "welcomed Indonesia's contributions to
regional security, especially in its leading role in helping restore
democracy in Cambodia and in mediating ... territorial claimants in the
China Sea." Additionally, the country was strategically important to the US
as an anti-communist bulwark during the Cold War.

Indonesia is important for economic reasons as well. There are large
quantities of oil and gas in the region, and US companies have substantial
investments in these sectors. American financial investment in Indonesia is
not a recent development: By the 1970s, the US was investing more in
Indonesia than anywhere else in Southeast Asia. By 1997, Indonesia was
exporting more than $9 billion in clothing, petroleum, natural rubber, and
other goods to the US. Despite the Asian financial crisis, the country
imported more than $2 billion in American goods in 1998, supporting more
30,000 American jobs along the way.

** End of text from cdp:reg.easttimor **

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non-profit, unionized, politically progressive Internet services provider.
For more information, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (you will get
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