-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990917b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No alien implants shorted-out during production of this bulletin. <bzzzt>
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@ You can find the bible code software at: Http://www.prophecyinthenews.com
  Or write to: ProphecyInTheNews, PO.Box 7000, Oklahoma City OK. 73153-7000
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# For a class project on robotics Minnesota 5th-graders made deadly spiders,
  death rays & roller coasters out of Legos. The programs for some projects
  have a certain Ballardian poetry: "to crashcar: shine, crash, sound, end."

: What's your favorite robotic entity? Are you a robot? Do you long to be a
robot? Is robotic life better than biological, spiritual, financial, sexual?
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@ The Declaration of Evolution. When in the course of organic evolution
  it becomes obvious that a mutational process is inevitably dissolving
  the physical and neurological bonds which connect the members of one
  generation to the past and inevitably directing them to assume among the
  species of Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of
  Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent concern for the harmony
  of species requires that the causes of the mutation should be declared.

: Are you highly mutated? Would you rather evolve, dissolve, resolve, fuck?
Were you created to evolve? Have you evolved to create? Are you bound? How?
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# Student: This month's Playboy threatens moral fiber. Get ready to blame
  the "Girls of the Pac 10" http://www.playboy.com/magazine for our upcoming
  societal woes. U.Arizona student Nick Zeckets admits that his two female
  classmates have beautiful bodies, but posing for Playboy shows low morals
  and self-esteem, he contends. "The moral fiber of this nation is waning
  under the guidance of perverts like Bill Clinton, with the women who fall
  into the trap of going buff for the camera feeding that perversion and the
  nation's waning scruples," sez Zeckets, unconsciously fingering his crotch
  and humming. http://wildcat.arizona.edu/papers/93/13/04_3_m.html

# Atmospheric sciences student says nudes deserve respect:
# Topless coeds getting lots of e-mail praises:
# Advice: "If you don't want to see naked women, don't buy Playboy:"

: Is your moral fiber threatened? Are you totally or partially naked? Do you
amuse perverts? Do you deserve respect? Do voices in your head force you to
disrobe in front of cameras? Are the CIA mind-control rays directing you??
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# The salamander's secret sexual scent. (BBC) Scientists have identified the
  secret love potion a salamander uses to woo his mate. And just in time.

# SEX ALLERGY: RARE, BUT NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT. When most of us sneeze after
  sex, it has to do with swelling of erectile tissue in the nose. But in
  rare cases there might be an allergy, specifically to semen, and can be
  serious. http://healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=16986

# Rio Plastic Surgeon's Billboard Nude Sparks Row:
# Burning Man's queer contingent:
# Report Says Sows Need Sun Lotion To Enjoy Mating:
@ A serious look this week at sex on the Web:

: Are you frenzied with pheromones? Is salamander goo a rush? Do you need
sun lotion to enjoy mating? What's your favorite sexual chemical? Are you
allergic to sex? Do your partners think you are? Do you need more chemicals?
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# College course is a controversial white thing: At Arizona State University
  students can explore their white roots in a class. No bias: blacks can
  explore their white roots too: http://azcentral.com/news/0917white.shtml

: Do you have real white roots, or are they bleached or dyed? How many roots
would you like to explore? Have you traced your alien roots? What color??
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# Galileo Plunges Toward Io's Fiery Volcanoes. NASA's Galileo spacecraft
  begins a daring new phase of its mission when it passes less than 670 km
  above Jupiter's moon Callisto. What makes this flyby special is that Call-
  isto's gravity will alter Galileo's orbit and send it hurtling toward two
  close encounters with Io, the innermost of Jupiter's big moons. Io is lit-
  erally sizzling with fiery volcanoes that send sulfurous eruptions arcing
  high into the moon's tenuous atmosphere. And now we're running out of
  adverbs. http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/ast16sep99_1.htm

: Is Galileo brave, stout-hearted, foolish to take these daring risks? Would
you like to plunge toward any fiery volcanoes? Are you afraid of falling in?

# How the ice cracks on Europa. Astronomers have a strong theory to explain
  criss-cross patterns of stripes on the surface of the Jovian moon Europa.

: Are you icy/cracked/Europan? Are you wracked by forces beyond y'r control?
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# Decoding the Crypto Policy Change. Why did the Clinton administration cave
  on crypto? What caused the nation's top generals & cops to back down this
  week after spending the better part of a decade warning Congress of the
  dangers of privacy-protecting encryption products? Was it political maybe?
  Huh, them? http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/21810.html

# Encryption ruling raises security fears. (BBC) The move by the US to relax
  restrictions on the export of sensitive computer encryption technology
  raises fears it could be used by terrorists, criminals, honest citizens.

: Do you use strong crypto? Do you abuse it? Does it abuse you? Will you use
strong crypto to organize your next terrorist/criminal activity? Is it fun?
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  sensitive test can find marijuana residue on you if you've never smoked
  pot, but driven the car of someone who does. Let's hope this stays in the
  forensic lab, and doesn't find its way into corporate drug test programs.

: Do you have the right to remain silent? Do you have the right to a lawyer?
Will everything you exude be used against you? Do you have a right to live?
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"All AGM staff in Europe and Australia have been vetted and certified free
of Mad Cow Disease Syndrome. This means we are probably not hybrids." --PW

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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