-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990716b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No allosaurs were microchip-implanted during production of this bulletin.
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  near you/yours!] There is an identification system made by the Hughes Air-
  craft Company that you can't lose.  It's the syringe implantable transpon-
  der. Hughes says it's an "ingenious, safe, inexpensive, foolproof and per-
  manent method of...identification using radio waves. A tiny microchip, the
  size of a grain of rice, is simply placed under the skin. It's so designed
  as to be injected simultaneously with a vaccination or alone." We gotcha:

: Would you like to be permanently encoded? Would you rather carry plastic &
paper ID/credit/access cards that can be stolen, lost? If implanted, would
you rather be tracked by gov't, MicroSoft, aliens? When you're microlinked
into the upcoming World Mind, will such implants be necessary for survival?
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# Expedition To Congo This Fall Seeks Small Brontosaur Living In Swamp. The
  idea of dinosaurs surviving millions of years into the present in remote
  jungle regions has had universal appeal since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But
  three Manchester lads have taken that idea seriously enough to arrange an
  expedition to go to the Congo next October. Having failed to track down
  the orang pendek, a mysterious ape-like creature in Sumatra, their quarry
  this time is Mokele-mbembe, a shy, vegetarian, brontosaur-like sauropod
  that could be up to 10m (30ft) long, thought to live in the Likouala
  swamps of northern Congo. http://www.sightings.com/politics4/exp.htm

: Do any dinosaurs live in your neighborhood? Do you exploit/herd/eat them?
Are they protected by their alien Reptilioid kin? Do they shit a lot? Where?
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  electromagnetic/radiofrequency mindcontrol project is active at a documen-
  ted subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force Station,
  at the east end of Long Island's south fork. This project, an outgrowth of
  very esoteric research linked to the (in)famous "Philadelphia Experiment"
  (Project Rainbow - later Phoenix) and both the interdimensional and psych-
  otronic (linking mind to machine [computer]) ramifications of this work,
  reached literally heretofore unimaginable levels of human (technological)
  control over the parameters of our "reality" in the Montauk experiments.
  The masterminds behind the Montauk/Phoenix Project have attempted to "play
  God." And they really LIKED it! http://seasurf.com/~radioman/monew.htm

: Do you like to play God? Do you prefer to play Satan, Isis, Athena, Loki,
Garelamaisama, Queztlcoatl? Do you control the parameters of reality? How?
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# Trying to Revive 'Gladiator Lions' Of Ancient Roman Colosseum. The Barbary
  lion, the fabled beast of ancient Rome's Colosseum, could again roam the
  plains of Africa, if work by British scientists proves successful. They
  plan to excavate lion bones from under the Colosseum in order to find a
  genetic fingerprint of a true Barbary lion and then begin a breeding
  program to revive the animal. http://www.sightings.com/politics4/glad.htm

: What ancient beasts do you want to revive? Should Colosseums be rebuilt,
gladiatorial bouts staged, Christians fed to lions, old traditions restored?
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# ELIXER OF ETERNAL YOUTH. (BBC) Scientists may have discovered the secret
  of eternal youth - female hormones. German researchers have discovered
  that women with high levels of oestrogen in their blood look unusually
  young for their age. They found that in some cases women with high levels
  of oestrogen appeared to be eight years younger than they really were. In
  contrast, a lack of oestrogen added up to 8 years to a women's appearance.

: Would you like eternal youth? Would you get bored eventually? Would you
like to stay adolescent forever? Would your pimples ever clear up? When??
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@ Original causes listed for the Black Death? Going to the theater, olive
  oil, lust for older women, the use of dice, talk of sex, hanging out with
  witches & wearing winklepicker shoes. Not to mention praying incorrectly.

: What's your favorite metaphysical/moral Plague cause? Have you induced any
plagues with your behaviours/thoughts/writings? Is disease your own fault??
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# New Ultra Deadly Virus - Canadian Lab Spills Waste Water. WINNIPEG - Waste
  water was accidentally released from a laboratory in Winnipeg designed to
  hold the world's most deadly microbes. The leak occurred as more than 2000
  litres of effluent from the lab's waste-water system accidentally poured
  into the city sewer system. The lab was supposed to have been stocked with
  vials of Ebola and Lassa viruses.  http://sightings.com/politics4/gad.htm

: What pathogens are swirling around in your local waste-water system? When
do you expect to be struck down by invincible plagues? Do you have a will??
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SkeptiLinks - Bomb-o-Rama:

# Neutron bomb: Why 'clean' is deadly:

# And: China's nuclear arsenal:
# China boasts neutron bomb know-how:
# China and the bomb:
# Chinese anger at spy claims:

@ Links: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: http://www.cnduk.org/
@ Federation of American Scientists: http://www.fas.org/
@ Pugwash Online: http://www.pugwash.org/
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  "It was a dark and stormy night and the rain fell in torrents - except at
  occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which
  swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling
  along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps
  that struggled against the darkness." --Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

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* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm *
* Fringe * Science * Faith * Sexuality * UFO/ET/PSI * Conspiracy *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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