-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990923a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: I thought about you and touched myself during production of this bulletin.
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@ Orb Envy: http://ana.simplenet.com/anapix/charity-orbenvy.jpg
@ Wednesday: http://ana.simplenet.com/anapix/gagdoll-091899.jpg
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# UFO GEOMETRY 101 - "Well if that is a glider, then I am God." Triangular
  craft still continue to fly around Flanders, NY. At 8:30 pm Sept.13 1999
  the craft flew over once again. This time the whole family saw it... me,
  my husband and our two teenage sons stood on the back deck and watched
  this craft fly over our home. See http://caus.org/ft092399.htm

: Was it a glider? Are you a god? Do crafts fly over your home regularly?
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@ Monitoring of Abductees. Human offspring should not be enslaved, and human
  genes should not be donated to another race, unless the reasons are above
  board and the action is done voluntarily. Creation of hybrids could mean
  the beings are used as unwilling workers, or as a precursor to exploiting
  this planet's resources. See http://caus.org/mc092399.htm

: Are there good reasons for being enslaved or having your genes donated to
another race? Would you rather hybridize or be hybridized? Do you exploit?
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# RED WINE KEEPS THE BLOOD FLOWING. Japanese researchers think they might
  have discovered the mechanism by which red wine keeps the heart healthy.
  It has to do with increasing the blood flow velocity. Pump hard, stay
  hard: http://www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=17308

: Do you drink enough wine to keep your blood moving with sufficient speed
to keep you alive forever? Are you immortal yet? How long will that last??
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  cured disease, we'd shout it from the rooftops. But unfortunately, pro-
  prayer studies were not well-done, and have not been duplicated elsewhere.
  Prayer for oneself, on the other hand, has been supported in research.

: Have you healed anyone with prayer lately? Has anyone healed you? Do you
feel good? If nobody prays for atheists, why aren't they all dead yet? Huh?
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# Human Genome Count Rising. Scientists say humans may actually have double
  the number of genes than previously thought. The race to finish mapping
  the human genome could get even hotter. But the experts aren't really
  surprised. http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/21882.html

@ Links - Incyte Pharmaceuticals: http://www.incyte.com/
@ Ongoing Med-Tech coverage: http://wired.com/news/news/medtech/
@ National Human Genome Research Institute. http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/

: Have you examined your genome lately? Is it interesting? Did you mis-count
it? Did the voices in your head mislead you? Did demons hijack your NDA? Eh?
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@ THE REAL WORLD IS MESSY: Chaos Theory. Chaos Is Not So Exceptional -
  Nonlinearity - Weather - Ecology - Universality - Turbulence - Phase
  Space - Is Chaos Real Or Just Abstract? - Reactions to Chaos Theory.

: Do you prefer static stability or dynamic stability? Is 'chaos' energetic
order or incoherent disorder? How much complexity can you take? Where to??
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# Fort Worth gunman linked to fascist group. Larry Ashbrook, the gunman who
  murdered 7 people at a Fort Worth church, had ties to extreme-right-wing
  groups in Texas. A writer examining white supremacist & Christian fascist
  organizations spoke to Ashbrook in 1997 while interviewing members of the
  Ku Klux Klan. Ashbrook told him he was a member of the "Phineas Priests,"
  one of the far-right gangs known collectively as "Christian Identity." The
  Phineas sect is named after a Biblical high priest who murdered a Jewish
  prince for taking a non-Jewish lover. Its members are self-appointed "race
  warriors" who pledge to kill Jews, racial minorities, gays, abortion pro-
  viders and whites who marry across racial or religious lines. The fascist
  gunman Buford Furrow in Los Angeles was also associated with the Phineas
  Priests. http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/sep1999/kill-s22.shtml

: Is your belief system organized, individual, anarchic? Do you believe you
should kill those who offend your beliefs? Have you killed yet? Will you??

# WHO OWNS THE N-WORD DOT COM? If you try to find a hate group by typing
  a derogatory word on your browser, you may be taken to a surprising
  destination. http://www.wired.com/news/news/culture/story/21873.html
# NEW WEB HAZARD: PAGE-JACKING. FTC moves to collar the perpetrators:
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@ CONTROL. Since at least 1945, hundreds, if not thousands of American and
  Canadian victims (primarily female) have been physically and sexually tor-
  tured, locked in cages, sadistically brainwashed with electricity, drugs
  and experimental military technologies, and programmed to perform specific
  tasks including crimes. Some were selected before birth, and tortured
  throughout infancy. For others the process began later in childhood or
  adulthood. Survivors' stories are remarkably similar. All of this is done
  in the name of "National Security". http://aches-mc.org/mind_control.html

: Have you been tortured, programmed, controlled? Do you supervise/perform
such activities? How is national security enhanced? Is this why Russia fell?
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@ Taming Corporate Criminals in 11 Easy Steps - corporate death penalty,
  and other good ideas: http://www.motherjones.com/fotc/fotc3.html
$ Don't Shoot the Bastards [Bitches] (Yet):

# Mixed Response To Car Ban In France, Italy, Geneva:
# Philippine Volcano Calms Down, Evacuees Trek Back:

@ Sign the Petition Against Alien Discrimination:
@ Animation of the planetary conjunction around 5/5/2000:
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  "Hmph. And if I *did* have a beard, I'd shave it off. So there."
   --Jacqueline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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