Is it veelveta or cointelpro? Inquiring minds wander . . .



The TRUTH comes from us all. Large is the house and strong is the table and
all ofr us have something to bring. MHO.

Times are emotional, but time don't care.  Histronics breeds . . .

Be very careful of what you believe, step away from the whip saw.

For   the culture is leaving "their" conspiratorial framework, The natives
are becoming educated.  More than "their" hand is showing. The fat underbelly
of prohibition and  "national security" drug trafficking for economic,
political and  social control. The stench of the corruption reeks through the
corridors of the "their"  malappropiated system of oppression. Karma is as
karma does.


McNulty--2nd Level of Gov't Disinfo on Waco

(c) 1999 NewsHawk Inc.
Rights of unaltered reproduction/distribution hereby waived

Sources which NewsHawk considers exceptionally reliable have for some
time now been dropping us hints--as well as some outright unqualified
statements--that filmmaker Michael McNulty, who produced "Waco: The
Rules of Engagement" in addition to that film's current successor, is in
fact a government disinformation agent. The claims are that McNulty and
company, through the dissemination of these films,  are propagating the
second stage or "firewall" of government disinformation about the
monstrosity unleashed by federal law enforcement and military forces at
Mt. Carmel.

We have held off on publicizing these claims for some time, until we
could get a better handle on the situation and further verification of
these charges.

Well, the time for putting these charges forth has come.

For the most comprehensive presentation of this body of information we
refer NewsHawk readers to Carol Valentine's excellent analysis of
McNulty's efforts entitled "Waco Documentary Is A HOAX!", which is
posted at the following website --

Ms. Valentine wrote the article TWO YEARS AGO--long before the current
re-stoking of the Waco fires by the loads of news evidence released in
the past 2 months.

What's basically going on is that McNulty is promulgating, by means of
his films, a second level of disinformation regarding the government's
INTENTIONAL MASS MURDER at Waco. He has implemented the following
scenario/cover story for the government which purports (naturally) to be
the "real story": of course, this spin-doctored version of events is
SOMEWHAT "damaging" to the feds… but in a very controlled, contrived and
fundamentally FALSE way.

McNulty's job is to make the public believe that it was in fact
"incompetence", "misunderstanding", miscommunication, "fear" and even
"panic" on the part of law enforcement and military personnel at Waco as
well as their bosses in Washington D.C. which led to their
"over-reaction" (OVER-REACTION??!!) at Waco, resulting in total
destruction of the compound and the deaths of over 80 people: and NOT
any intentional, concerted, carefully thought-out, PRE-PLANNED operation
from the very top on down, aimed at literally and in cold blood
MURDERING everyone they possibly could at Mt. Carmel, which an
ever-increasing avalanche of testimony and evidence is indeed now
showing WAS the case.

Several days ago, McNulty spoke in the Denver area about Waco. Our
friend in the area, Patty, attended his talk and managed to get a few
questions to McNulty. His answers and his attitude speak VOLUMES about
these very points we have just raised in this article; and in fact were
the deciding factor in us publicizing these charges regarding McNulty
and his true agenda regarding Waco.

Here's what Patty wrote to us about this, and believe us, it really
shows clearly exactly where McNulty is "at" on Waco.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
1.  When I went to the speaker's event here in Denver, and asked if he
had heard about the 3 Delta Force people that had been killed recently
in training accidents, he pooh-poohed the whole thing as just another
"conspiracy theory".  He then asked if I knew any of the names, to which
I replied "No, I don't have the information with me but I can forward it
to you if you give me your e-mail address."  He went on to point out how
these rumors get started and that he was very skeptical because the
government is not going to make Delta Force names public.  He also went
on to say that all that was known about these people was that they were
stationed at Fort Bragg NC, and that people have made the connection,
"Fort Bragg?... Must be Delta Force."  It was the second question (not in
a row) that I had asked him during his question and answer period.  

The first was if he had heard whether Koresh had accepted stolen weapons
from a National Guard armory heist and, if so, was there any truth to
that story.  He decried conspiracy theories on that one too.

In his speech, before he opened up for questions, he spoke of how Ted
Koppel chided him for being (I'm paraphrasing here) hooked up with
conspiracy nuts.  I must say that the second time he inferred that I was
some kind of conspiracy kook, I told him (in so many words) in front of
everybody that, like him, I didn't appreciate being lumped in with
conspiracy kooks and that I am a questioner and have an inquisitive
mind.  I also told him that I asked the question in the hopes of finding
out if their testimony in the upcoming hearings would have been
crucial.  He responded by saying that the point (about con. kooks) was
well taken, but that conspiracy is what I had inferred.  

There were several other inconsistencies.  My dad went with me.  McNulty
spoke about how the CS gas just causes disorientation and is not fatal
etc. My dad asked him about the rumor that when CS gas catches fire it
creates cyanide. **McNulty then DID A 180-DEGREE TURN and said "I
started that rumor!" and proceeded to tell us how the chemical reaction
works and
that it IS FATAL, etc.**  

After the event was over, several of us stayed to ask a few more
questions.  My dad and I were standing around and he was talking about
how unreliable the internet was for factual information.  I responded
that the mainstream media was more unreliable and that I read darned
near everything and don't believe any of it until I've checked out the
source notes or other sources.  He replied that people can and should
get FOIA reports.  (Yeah, like right now I have the time!)

He asked me if I had been to Ian Goddard's website, to which I replied
yes.  He pointed out that Ian gets a lot of his information from Gordon
I said, "Gordon Novell?  He goes all the way back to the Kennedy
assassination!" (My dad said he did a double take when I said that.) 
Anyway he said that Novell was considered a sometimes reliable, and
sometimes iffy source.  I told him that I had always heard that, and
that is true of many of these people, you just have to check the sources
and have a good "built-in bulls--t" detector.  And one last thing about
the Goddard site, I told him that Ian had the "shape charge" info on his
website (the same info that McNulty was touting in his speech) , was
skeptical and took it down, and in view of recent information was being
asked to re-post it.  But it seems as if it's just kook conspiracy,
unless McNulty says it.…

…SO, I ran a search last night so that I could find his e-mail address
and forward a recent post of yours WITH the NAMES of the THREE DELTA
FORCE members.  I couldn't find one.  Someone needs to forward the
e-mail below to him!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

Good luck with getting the truth to McNulty, and even more luck getting
him to bring it forth. Our position is that Carol Valentine has hit the
nail most SQUARELY on the head in terms of her assessment of McNulty and
company's agenda in relation to the Waco monstrosity..

My estimation is that McNulty is lying piece of trash.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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