October 12, 1999 
The Progressive Review 
1312 18th St NW (Fifth Floor) 
Washington DC 20036 
202-835-0770 Fax: 835-0779
Web Site: http://www.prorev.com/
Editor: Sam Smith 


Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell -- Edward 


RASMUSSEN RESEARCH: While Gore has slipped in California, Bradley trails 
just 46% to 40% with a 5-point margin of error. In Illinois, Bush leads Gore 
43% to 35%. However, Bush and Bradley are tied at 40%. In Connecticut, Bush 
leads Gore handily, but Bradley leads Bush 45% to 40%. In New York, Bush 
beats Gore easily. However, Bradley beats Bush 46% to 37%. In Michigan, the 
pattern is similar. Bush beats Gore 43% to 35%. But, in a Bush-Bradley race, 
it’s Bush 40% to Bradley 38%. Bush is helped by the fact that he is Governor 
of a large state and will win Texas handily. He is also helped by the fact 
that his brother is Governor of Florida. So far, in the 12 states  surveyed, 
Bush leads Gore in the Electoral College by a margin of 237 to 0. Rasmussen 
Research asked about a Bush Bradley match-up in 8 of the 12 states. Bush 
leads with 132 electoral votes to Bradley’s 41. However, 40 electoral votes 
are toss-ups .... Remember, in mid-1992, polls showed that Bill Clinton 
trailed both President George Bush and billionaire Ross Perot. 

RASMUSSEN RESEARCH http://www.portraitofamerica.com
TPR MORNING LINE http://www.prorev.com/amline.htm


Weekend All Things Considered featured a trio of talking heads -- led by Dan 
Shorr -- attacking the Reform Party. One suggested that its candidates were, 
apparently in contrast to other politicians, driven by "conceit." Thomas 
Mann of the Brookings Institution, a Washington sophistry mill, declared 
that "the Reform Party is one big sideshow." 


DOW JONES Central Banks are selling gold in order to prevent a further sharp 
rise in prices from causing a major financial crisis, according to Ted 
Arnold, analyst at Prudential Bache Securities Ltd. [1]  .... If gold prices 
continue to rise sharply, they could cause major losses at U.S. and European 
investment and bullion banks and cause a domino effect that could lead to a 
major financial crisis, Arnold said. "Central banks, according to our 
sources, have acted swiftly to prevent a repeat of an LTCM-type of crisis by 
making sure that gold prices remain in a tight range. Enough selling is done 
by agents of the monetary authorities involved to cap gold ... around the 
$330 area basis spot London while the floor is very solid in around the 
$315-$316 area basis spot," Arnold said. 

Six questions for the Federal Reserve
from Bill Murphy, 
chair, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

1) Do the Federal Reserve Board and the Treasury Department have a policy 
toward the price of gold? If so, what is it? 

2) Do the Fed and the Treasury trade in gold or in securities, futures 
contracts, or options related to gold, or otherwise influence trading in 
gold? If so, how? 

3) Do the Fed and the Treasury trade in any financial instruments besides 
U.S. government bonds? If so, which ones and what do the Fed and the 
Treasury try to accomplish with their trading? 

4) Do the Fed and the Treasury have or control brokerage accounts? If so, 
with which brokers? 

5) Do the Fed and the Treasury try to influence the stock and commodities 
markets? If so, how? 

6) Do the Fed and the Treasury lend or lease gold? If so, to whom, for what 
national purpose, and under what terms? 

BILL MURPHY'S SITE http://www.lemetropolecafe.com


HEADWATER TIMES: After declining in the '80s, America's rural population has 
bounced back in the '90s, according to a new Bureau report. More than 71 
percent of the country's rural counties are growing, both because of an 
influx of urban escapees and because fewer rural residents are skipping 
town. Though much of the growth is taking place close to big cities (thus 
the urban sprawl rap), growth is also taking place in more isolated areas. 
"The new arrivals are a mixed lot of retirees, blue-collar workers, 
lone-eagle professionals, and disenchanted city dwellers," writes study 
author Kenneth Johnson of Loyola University-Chicago. "All see a better way 
of life in rural areas."


SEVERAL READERS CAME OUT OF THE WOODWORK, so to speak, to take exception to 
our exposé of the apparently fake drywalling photo at Al Gore headquarters 
opening (in which part of the wall was about to be painted before the 
spackling had dried). Writes Niki: "Talk about clumsy and trivial! To 
attempt to discredit a candidate on the basis of a second hand report on the 
apparently shoddy work of some sub-sub contractor in a temporary 
headquarters is both--in spades. Come on. You're better than that." Reader 
Jon Rowe offered an explanation that, while plausible, seems to conflict 
with Gore's commitment to government efficiency: "There is a kind of 
quick-drying drywall compound. Usually it's used for patching small holes 
before final painting. At least that was the case when I last did drywall 
work about ten years ago. There might well be something on the market today 
for bigger jobs like smoothing out joints. It would be quite a bit more 
expensive than the regular kind." 

CHRIS HARRIES IN TASMANIA writes concerning our story about a reduction in 
the Antarctic ozone hole:

"Down here in Tasmania, living on the edge of the ozone hole, where our 
schoolchildren have to be kept indoors during midday hours, we have known 
for some time that the ozone hole, in fact, fluctuates biannually. Each 
second year it shrinks a little and then fills out the following year. 
Scientists have been trying to work out why this phenomenon occurs. Next 
year it will grow again. 
Sorry to kill the good news, but the ozone hole is not shrinking yet."

OUR ITEM ABOUT THE NEW CBS SHOW featuring volunteers trapped on a South 
China sea island brought notes from European viewers which reminded us that, 
as always, there is no such things as a "new CBS show." First from the 
Netherlands, from Sven:

"I think this is due to the great success of the program started here in 
Holland called "Big-Brother" (http://www.big-brother.nl in Dutch I'm afraid) 
that has many Dutch citizens watching this terrible idea of a program. I 
don't know if you know the circumstances that these people are in.  Nine 
people are living together for 100 days with no contact (more or less) from 
the outside world.  Every so often they have to nominate someone to leave 
the group and then the viewers at home call in or email their choice and, 
bump, out goes that person.  So far on person has had the boot and one 
person left (to be quickly replaced) on her own free will. It is being taped 
24 hours a day and can be seen live on the Internet 24/7. Every night there 
is a synopsis of the past day.  This aspect I find interesting because of 
the way in which the producers frame certain people in the show. 

BIG BROTHER http://www.big-brother.nl

And Anders Püschel writes:

"In Sweden we're way ahead of you. A TV show in the state-controlled 
Sveriges Television called "Robinson", uses the same concept as the series 
outlined by CBS. It is currently in its third season. It's been a smash hit 
in spite of initial scathing criticism from newspaper reviewers."


JAMES RIDGEWAY, VILLAGE VOICE: The Army's Delta Force and the Navy Seals 
weren't the only observers at Waco, which, as details spill out, looks more 
and more like a training op for the international commando set. Among others 
present were representatives of Britain's elite Special Air Services, 
infamous for its counterinsurgency operations in Northern Ireland." Ridgeway 
cites a 1996 letter from the FBI to Senator Charles Robb, which says that 
"...two SAS soldiers visiting at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, requested and 
were granted a courtesy visit. The main purpose...was to experience how the 
FBI operated its command post. They were shown the relationship of the FBI's 
command post to the tactical operations center, were allowed a visit to the 
forward tactical area, and were provided generic briefings regarding the 
incident. Although the [Hostage Rescue Team] had tactical interface with the 
SAS during routine practice and training, at no time was the SAS called upon 
to participate in...the siege." 


According to Spain's El Pais, the postal service is the new way drug 
traffickers have devised to import drugs into Europe. A packet containing 
books or records gets sent to Colombia, and a few days later it's sent back 
apparently intact because the addressee is unknown. In reality it travels 
back to the full of drugs.

According to the Italian paper, Il Messaggero, Australians are losing their 
taste for alcohol but now spend an average of $230 (US)annually to buy 
marijuana, about 1% of the country's gross domestic product. 


POLLY MCLEAN, DENVER POST: For its size, the African continent is 
underpopulated. But production and access to food and safe drinking water, a 
basic human right, are marginal in many societies and a serious problem in 
others due to variable rainfall, cycles of drought, war and environmental 
degradation. When food and water is scarce or unavailable millions go 
hungry. And those most affected by hunger and starvation in Africa are women 
and children .... The African population has access to only 41 percent of 
agricultural land, much of which is of poor quality and unworkable. As 
subsistence farmers, women are particularly affected by inequitable 
distribution of land not to mention the traditional patriarchal cultural 
barriers. Then there is the HIV pandemic. According to UNAIDS, for every 10 
women living with HIV worldwide, eight live in sub-Sahara Africa. Of the 
estimated 8.2 million children under the age of 15 who have lost their 
mother to AIDS, 95 percent are in Africa.

DENVER POST http://www.denverpost.com/opinion/


ALBUQUERQUE TRIBUNE: [The state board of education] voted 14-1 Friday to 
change its science teaching standards -- essentially eliminating any 
possibility that teaching creationism will find its way into New Mexico 
science classrooms. The new standards clearly support the teaching of 
evolution and its methodology. The previous standards did not spell out as 
specifically what should be taught in science. Students can still ask 
questions about creationism if they choose.

ALBUQUERQUE TRIBUNE: http://www.abqtrib.com/news/100999_evolut.shtml


SALT LAKE TRIBUNE: One Republican lawmaker believes it is time Utah makes 
peace with its peculiar past by issuing an official state apology to 
polygamists for anti-bigamy law enforcement raids in the 1940s and 1950s. 
Rep. David Zolman says a public apology for polygamist roundups conducted 
decades ago would erect a "peace bridge" to isolated fundamentalist 
communities, and end decades of hostile confrontation. "The head-in-the-sand 
solution of the past century is clearly erroneous and someone has got to do 
something," the Taylorsville lawmaker said Monday. "The way we have been 
toward them politically is a travesty." Zolman is attempting to generate 
support for a public apology in the form of a legislative resolution  ....  
Polygamy was a doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
until 1890, when it was officially abandoned. But an estimated 30,000 to 
40,000 people in several Western states have continued "the principle" 
despite their ostracization and excommunication by the LDS Church. Zolman, 
who describes himself as an "orthodox monogamist" with no bigamists in his 
ancestry, previously has advocated removing the polygamy ban from the Utah 
Constitution and decriminalizing plural marriage. 

[After polygamy was banned, it is said that a Mormon senator came under 
attack from a colleague for his religion's former practice. The critic was a 
well known roué which led another senator to comment, "I would rather have 
in the United States Senate a polygamist who didn't polyg than an monogamist 
who didn't monyg." --TPR]

SALT LAKE TRIBUNE http://www.sltrib.com/10121999/nation_w/37094.htm

Anthrax vaccine boycotted
State privacy policies ranked


Sam Smith, Editor
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1312 18th St NW (5th Floor)
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202-835-0770 Fax: 202-835-0779
Editor: Sam Smith

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