-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 07:05:03 -0700
From: Ken Chafin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Meanwhile, Attorney General Janet Reno declined to comment on a
report in The Dallas Morning News that the FBI had closed-circuit
television cameras ringing the Branch Davidian compound
throughout the 51-day siege.

Senators agree on probe plan in Waco siege

Panel to investigate handling of case, other investigations


By David Jackson and Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

Senate members ended weeks of arguing Thursday with an agreement
on how to investigate the Justice Department's handling of the
Branch Davidian siege and other problematic, high-profile cases.

They scrapped the idea of a special task force, instead assigning
an existing subcommittee to review the department's
investigations of the 1993 standoff near Waco, allegations of
Chinese nuclear spying, and campaign fund raising.

"They're all important, but the Chinese espionage issue is the
most important," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. He fought to
chair the proposed special task force and now will run the
investigation through a special assignment to the subcommittee,
although he said "that is not my preference."

Meanwhile, Attorney General Janet Reno declined to comment on a
report in The Dallas Morning News that the FBI had closed-circuit
television cameras ringing the Branch Davidian compound
throughout the 51-day siege.

FBI documents state that some agents reported the cameras were in
use on April 19, the day that the government assaulted the
compound with tear gas and tanks.

Six hours after the assault began, a fire consumed the compound
with leader David Koresh and more than 80 followers inside.

The FBI has never publicly acknowledged the cameras or produced
any of the videotapes that FBI agents reported during a 1994
criminal trial of surviving Branch Davidians.

Ms. Reno deferred the matter of FBI closed-circuit cameras in
Waco to former Sen. John Danforth, the Missouri Republican named
last month to head an independent investigation into whether FBI
actions contributed to the fire, and whether agents shot at
Davidians during the siege.

The FBI has denied those allegations, which are the subject of a
wrongful death suit in federal court filed by surviving Branch
Davidians and families of the dead.

"I think it's better to - rather than comment -to let Senator
Danforth pursue the issues," Ms. Reno said.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Danforth declined to comment.

But some congressional leaders said the revelation about FBI
closed-circuit cameras at Waco is further proof that the bureau
and the Justice Department have not given a full accounting of
what happened in Waco.

Closed-circuit cameras and any tapes recorded from them "would
provide critical information in overseeing federal law
enforcement and determining accountability," said U.S. Sen.
Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a member of the subcommittee and
frequent FBI critic.

"So the question is, why would the FBI keep the existence of this
evidence hidden from the public? . . . This report is one more
reason why more expansive oversight of the bureau is needed," Mr.
Grassley said.

FBI officials have said they have not engaged in any sort of
cover-up and that they did not participate in any illegal

Federal Judge Walter Smith, who is overseeing the wrongful death
lawsuit, ordered all government agencies in August to give his
court every document relating to the incident.

The first boxes of documents began arriving in Waco earlier this
month, and government officials have said that more than a
million pages of documents will be transferred there.

As for the Senate inquiry, Justice Department spokesman Myron
Marlin said Congress has already been supplied with thousands of
documents on Waco, campaign finance, and the China case but will
cooperate with the Specter inquiry.

"We'll certainly try to determine what else we can provide,
consistent with the law," Mr. Marlin said.

The military has estimated that at least 6,000 pages of its
documents are classified, and CIA, FBI, Treasury, ATF and Justice
Department officials have indicated that their agencies have a
number of secret documents relating to the standoff.

The White House is also producing documents, and the Treasury
Department has asked White House lawyers to determine whether
three of its documents may be exempt from the order under
executive privilege.

Many of the documents being turned over to the court must also be
copied for shipment to the ongoing congressional and independent
counsel inquiries, said U.S. Attorney Mike Bradford of Beaumont,
the federal prosecutor assigned to oversee the document turnover.

Mr. Bradford said he met with Mr. Danforth and members of his
staff on Wednesday in St. Louis to discuss the logistics of
producing the huge trove of documents.

The House Government Reform committee has already issued broad
subpoenas on the Branch Davidian case and repeatedly sent
investigators to Texas to gather information.

Mr. Specter said Thursday that he has agreed to defer issuing
subpoenas or questioning witnesses until later this month at Mr.
Danforth's request.

In his investigation, Mr. Specter said he expects to give higher
priority to allegations of Chinese spying at American nuclear
labs, allegations which the Chinese have denied.

His subcommittee could begin issuing subpoenas on that issue and
on campaign finance on Tuesday if its members cannot agree on
what documents should be sought voluntarily from the Justice

Under the compromise worked out Thursday, Mr. Specter will have
the authority to hire private attorneys and staff. He has already
asked Philadelphia lawyer Michael Baylson to head the effort.

Democrats had objected to a broader investigation by a
Specter-run task force, saying it smacked of a "get-Reno" effort.

Moreover, Ms. Reno had questioned whether she had the legal
authority to provide classified documents to a task force subject
to a Senate rules dispute.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, had also expressed qualms about the task force. He
spent recent weeks negotiating a compromise with senators Specter
and Leahy.

"I think it's safe to say Senator Specter is not really happy
with this," Mr. Hatch said. But he added that the subcommittee
has a better chance of success than a task force that Democrats
refused to join.

"It couldn't be effective without it being nonpartisan," Mr.
Hatch said.

Sen. Robert Torricelli of New Jersey, the ranking Democrat on the
Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts, will
ride shotgun on the investigation. Mr. Torricelli has been
critical of Ms. Reno's performance, particularly in light of new
Waco revelations. But he said Thursday that he is starting the
subcommittee inquiry with an open mind.

"The best antidote for what has gone wrong is the truth," Mr.
Torricelli said.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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