-Caveat Lector-

by researcher, Norio Hayakawa.

A week ago I was having breakfast at SAPP Brothers truck stop just south of
Omaha. I had a UFO magazine with me when this trucker seated across from me
in the non-smoking section asked why I was interested in UFO's. I told the
trucker about my experiences, when I was finished the trucker toldme a story
that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck...
Don,  This report is only seven days old, feel free to share with Vince
DiPietro, Dr. Brandenberg and serious friends.

A week ago I was having breakfast at SAPP Brothers truck stop just
south of Omaha. I had a UFO magazine with me when this trucker
seated across from me in the non-smoking section asked  why I was
interested in UFO's.  I told the trucker about my experiences, when I
was finished the trucker toldme a story that made the hair stand up
on the back of my neck...........A few weeks ago she and her husband
were solicited to pick up a load from a military base in Arizona ( they
weren't told where but were given a map by the dispatcher) They
pulled into the base gate and uniformed guards hooked up the
trailer which was "refrigerated". They were instructed to proceed
thru Utah, stop into Wright Patterson in Ohio then go on to gues
where......Wytheville, Virginia. Along the way they were instructed to
"bypass" any weigh stations and to show the contents of an
envelope to any law enforcement agency which might stop them.
They bypassed a weigh ststion just east of Salt Lake City Utah when
they were pulled over within five minutes by the highway patrol.
Within two minutes of their truck being pulled over four unmarked
"U.S. InterAgency" cars pulled up on the shoulder of the road and
Two Black Heilocopters landed in a small field off the highway.   One
man dressed in as black suit came over to the highway patrolman
with some identification then went over to the truckers cab and
asked for the contents of the envelope which were shown to the
officer. The Utah Patrolman was a bit shaken and told them in a
pretty nervous fashion to get on their way.  The copters took off
immediately after the guy in the black suit boarded and the cars
sped away...they were escorted by the same cars to a grassy road
just west of a very large hill just a couple of miles from Wytheville,
Viginia.  There were trees close on both sides and from the
secondary highway you could look right at the grassy area and not
know it was a road. The trucker stated that they drove for twenty
minutes at about 5 m.p.h. to huge doors imbedded in the side of a
hill.  They went down a gradual slope on concrete once inside. They
said it looked like the inside of a modern office building, cameras all
around, guards in black uniforms, no badges, no patches. One
guard got inside the cab with them which the trailer was unhooked.
They were then shown the way out through a very long tunnel, at
least a mile or two long. They came out right next to a via duct, some
chain link fences along an interstate route near Wytheville. The
truckers said they had been though that area mnany times before
but never saw this exit. The guard closed the normal looking
serrvice gate after they passed through, got into a black humvee
and drove back down the highway some distance behind them then
they couldn't see him anymore.  The area they were in was a remote
wooded and hilly area then when they came out it was almost flat
except for where the tunnel was coming out of the hill.........end of
transcript...........This was related to me by a trucker whose partner
been instructed to stay with the truck.   They were taking another
trailer from Ohio back to a base near Las Vegas, Nevada. Wonder
where that could be.......Now here is the best part on the side of thre
trialer was a small 12" rectangular logo which read "EG & G".
Jack Kasher is aware of this story.  Please be careful who you share
this with as I promised the trucker anonimnity and gave them my
card. If they have anymore weird loads they said they would fax me
a note from a truck stop where they might spend a night or two.
Should I hear from them when they are coming your way perhaps
you could round up some serious investigative type people you
know well and look into it ?  Let me know what you want to do with
this information "Per Ardua Ad Astra Ole Buddy"..........Cordially-

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