-Caveat Lector-

From: "Mark & Dion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                                  Planet X-Death Star-2003
                      The Most Important Story In World History

In 1982 NASA knew the perturbations in the orbits of Saturn and Uranus
pointed to the existence of a 10th planet. In 1983 the IRAS (Infrared
Astronomical Satellite) was launched and quickly found planet X (the 10th).
The orbiting telescope found it toward the constellation of Orion. The
Washington Post was just one of the papers that reported the sighting. Its
mass is about 4 times as great as earth. Its density is 20+ times that of
earth being a slow smoldering brown dwarf star. When planet X is closer to
us than our sun, earth will align to its strong magnetism temporarily.
Newton's law of gravity is insufficient to explain planetary science. Earth
aligning to planet X will cause our rotation to pause for 2-3 days. Now the
controllers of NASA are trying to hide this. History records many names for
this planet. The Sumerians called it the 12th planet or Nibiru (planet of
passing). The Babylonians called it Marduk. The Greeks called it Nemesis.
Its orbit takes it around two suns. The other sun it orbits is our suns dark
twin. It takes approximately 3650 years for one orbit. Its calculated to
pass by again in late spring or early summer of 2003. Each passage causes
our earth's surface to change. These changes are the cause of much death and
destruction. History is rich with these stories. Most don't draw the
connection between what looks to be a large comet overhead and what they are
encountering at the time (volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, land masses
sinking and rising, tidal waves, severe weather and floods). The minor
sequence of these events, prior to its passage, started in 1995. The major
phenomena transpires as it goes by. This is the grand daddy of all
conspiracies. Using our tax money, the controllers are doing their best to
hide this news as they ready themselves. They give us a campaign of smoke
and mirrors in return. There are factions within this group of insiders that
would like this story to surface. These concerned people are only allowed to
create false alarms to further public awareness. This will result in the
majority of the population being uninformed about these major earth events
and the time of their scheduled occurrence. Most will be in unsafe areas
when this world wide catastrophe takes place. They're being set up for
slaughter by ignorance.

There are many interelated stories that ive
discovered that have to do with this one.

-gun control(less guns to defendyourself in afterttimes)
-chemtrails (harassing individuals looking into them)
   future use slowing hoards of hungry refugees in aftertimes
- hiding of live feeds to soho and nasa
- hiding the alien/ufo coverage
- military base closings
- underground facilities having been built with U.S.tax $ packed with
mris(military food) enough for 1000s of elite for years but not us.
-false alarms that you hear about weekly coming from sources
 connected to this
-current training of international police on u.s. soil to implement martial
to stop people from moving about to flee calamities near where elite are
-concentration camps already prebuilt in america to house arrested
with no legal recourse

This is a partial list. the story is massive.
Its all about the controllers/elite getting ready for aftertimes
using our tax $

i am writing a book. each author has unique sources, writing style and
approach. different people will listen to yours and not mine.
i challenge all that have the inclination to do so to help save lives.
research write and publish your version of this story.
mark h

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