-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-20 10:47:59 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>In 1982 NASA knew the perturbations in the orbits of Saturn and Uranus
>pointed to the existence of a 10th planet.

In 1972, the known perturbations in the orbits of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune,
plus Halley's and other comets, led astronomer Dr Joseph Brady at UC Irvine
to further
explore the possibility of a "Planet X" in orbit beyond Pluto.  He fed all
the data about perturbations into a computer, seeking a single equation that
would be the "best possible fit" to explain them, and came up with a
hypothetical planet X that had to be larger than Jupiter, with a 600+ year
orbital period, and a retrograde orbit (moving
in reverse, relative to the direction of the other planets) inclined at a
sharp angle (somewhere between 20 and 45 degrees, if I recall right) to the
ecliptic plane.  This news, reported in astronomical journals, made the
papers in 1972, and naturally I
contacted Dr Brady to obtain the XYZ coordinates and other orbital elements
so that I could compute an ephemeris for "Bacchus" --my name for Planet X,
which had to be  ruling planet of the sign Taurus, according to pattern-- for
astrological use ...  I had just completed the first and only existing
astrological ephemeris for the outer planets at 10 day intervals between 2700
BC and 2300 AD, using the most precise data available from the Naval Weapons
Laboratory in Bethesda, Maryland (responsible for refining orbital
coordinates for NASA missions) and a short program run "off the record" by a
friendly programmer there, for which pioneer effort I received an adulatory
half-page write-up in American Astrology magazine in 1973 ... Armed with
Brady's coordinates (which, for reasons I still don't understand, differed
from those given in the newspapers) I had my contact in the Lab run a shorter
term ephemeris for "Bacchus," which I then used as basis for an empirical
study of its possible influences in natal and mundane charts across five
centuries -- by examining any possible common denominators in the lives and
work of a thousand or so individuals whose natal Sun was conjunct or opposite
it, for example.  As the result of these tests, I concluded that "Bacchus"
DID exist and that it was indeed the ruler of Taurus (analogous in effects,
but in a more "collective"
and archetypal way, as with all outer planets) -- so I was somewhat mortified
to learn a couple of years later that the astrophysical community had
afterward "disproven" the existence of Dr Brady's hypothetical (and as yet
unobserved) Planet X.  (I suppose my conclusion, from my own research, could
be written off as just the fortuitous product of "artefacts" in the data,
biased by my own expectations, but I believed at the time that I had seen a
percentage of correlations much greater than chance.  Alas, so it goes ...)

The history of the search for "Planet X" is full of these kind of
announcements, so I'm more skeptical than others may be, from having
experienced, in an embarrassing way, ONE such hailed "discovery" going up in
smoke almost overnight.  I've ALSO learned from this experience that the
astrophysical Establishment is VERY conservative, if not downright
reactionary. If a new, *unusual* planet WERE found, it'd probably DENY it!

BTW, around the time of Brady's announcement, there was quite a hubbub about
the likelihood of a new planet being identified by 2002 or so, since the
discovery of new planets has so far followed a pattern which on the average
suggests a 72-year cycle, significant to astrologers and other cyclic
theorists.  (72 years is one degree of 360 in the Platonic Great Year of
25,920 years, which is the basis for the changing "Ages.")
"Planet X" had been anticipated by certain more philosophical astrologers
like Dane Rudhyar, who postulated an undiscovered planet "Persephone" -- and
with whom I had a n acrimonious dispute on the topic of which astrological
sign a new planet should rule.
(The pattern thus far has been Uranus=Aquarius, Neptune=Pisces and
Pluto=Aries, although some argue that Pluto is more Scorpio-like -- an
assertion which I contest.
To support my hypothesis that Planet X would rule Taurus, I pointed out that
there was a new and growing emphasis on ecology, the environment, and "the
global market,"
Taurean themes, which should "peak" with the new planet "emerging from the
unconscious" into collective consciousness with its discovery around the year
A sense of anticipation was also evident in more broadly occult "secret
societies" like the OTO (with whom I had a brief correspondence on this
particular subject) since, for many occultists, a planet is the equivalent of
a "god" or at least "archangel" and any "communication" with Him or Her --by
some means more "inner-worldly," in Kabbalah or ceremonial magic, than the
literal, PHYSICAL run-ins with "Anunnaki" recounted by Sitchin-- is therefore
a big deal.  (More so the public "epiphany" of an "occult" Being.)
No one had heard of "Nibiru" back in those days, during the first wave of the
"New Age", but  many DID have some concept of a "Death Star," Nemesis, whose
long-term-cyclic approach nearer to Earth would probably signal a
mass-extinction of Homo sapiens ...

"The more things 'change,' the more they stay the same." --Heraclitus

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