I am resending this post and attachment
as it appears that it did not go through
the first time (yesterday).

If this is a duplicate mailing....

In my very best Maxwell Smart voice: "Sorry, Chief."

Previous Thread: Re: [CTRL] DIA tidbits


What Tsadowq originally said:
There is, however, another painting at DIA which never seems to
make it onto the web. It depicts "Mother Earth - Father Sky",
which is basically another way of saying Isis and Osiris.
To which sno0wl replied:
I think this is basically inaccurate, if you are 
referring to Egyptian cosmology and mythology.


Basically inaccurate according to WHO?

Egyptian cosmology and mythology according to WHO?

First, let's ask the following question:
What was the SUBJECT of the original post?

The SUBJECT was the MASONIC LINK with 
Denver International New World Airport.

Since we were discussing the Masonic link to the use 
of symbology at this location, our own understanding 
should at least conform to the definitions that the 
Illuminated Masons themselves would immediately 
recognize from within their own ranks.

The writings of both Grand Commander Albert Pike and 
33° Manly P. Hall are replete with language which clearly 
backs up my statement regarding Mother Earth/Isis and 
Father Sky/Osiris.

The Square, is the symbol of the earth, 
the material baser portion-- It is Isis.

The Compass, is the symbol of the heavens, 
the spiritual and moral portion-- It is Osiris.

The Masonic Square and Compass which graces the 
capstone at Denver's New World Airport represents 
the heavenly Osiris and the earthly Isis.

As I said previously, when my website goes
up, this will be explained in irrefutable detail....

.....right from the forked tongues of the serpents themselves.


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