-Caveat Lector-

The following article to some extent is of only local interest, having been
sent to a local action coalition, "Control the Loop", pulled together to
save a rural area from a new highway.  Other parts will be seen to be
pertinent to the purposes of this list.

I have posted it in its entirety because the original poster stipulated that
I could share it with as many people as I wished, but that it had to be
uncut and unchanged.


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Date sent:              Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:39:56 -0500
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                LOOP: Regional Planning


Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:35:49 EDT
Subject: Regional planning

Has anyone ever wondered why the "Loop" plan was based on a
plan? Was that year just picked at random or is there a true plan?
Look up 'Local Agenda 21 Initiative' on one of your web searchers.


We did explore this situation on the list about seven months ago.  For
those interested in reviewing the previously posted material, the
following is a re-post from March 30, 1999.

Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:19:21 -0600
Subject: LOOP:  Try to Understand This

Dear List Members--

While reading through the CGA post, I took note of this from the
minutes highlights:

>- Another purpose of CGA is to provide funds for McClain County,
>to go towards low- to moderate -income housing.  (Page 4, (6).)

It made me think of many things.  I'll try to explain my concerns.

Oklahoma may be about to change its traditional roadbuilding tune.
Politically, the tide is turning rapidly against road building in
rural areas ... all the anti-urban sprawl stuff.  All of these things
seem to weigh favorably in terms of protecting our properties... OR DO

There is a political trap here, and one to be considered carefully.
The problems are so huge and the plan so big that it will take divine
intervention to circumvent it.

This whole thing all goes back to the Biodiversity Treaty hacked out
at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.  The overall big objective ultimately
(according to their own documents) was to have areas populated by
humans and areas populated by animals and vegetation -- with human
areas connected by arterial roads where travel could be monitored and
controlled, surrounded by what are called "biodiversity corridors,"
which are the natural areas into which humankind cannot venture -- at
least, not without permission -- so that the flora and fauna are
"protected".  All for a very good reason, of course.

The main implementation plans for the objectives of the Biodiversity
Treaty are contained in a document called United Nations Agenda 21.
And throughout all of the civilized world, you will now find cities
and countries (particularly in Europe and South America) implementing
the plan under what is called "Local Agenda 21."  Do a search engine
look at just "Agenda 21" and about 150,000 links will be checkable,
many in foreign languages, putting the objectives in place around the
world.  It really is an amazing thing to see the same words, the same
plan, the same "good reasons" being touted everywhere... everyone
mindlessly reading from the same script.  Truly freaky!

In the United States, some communities are actually using the term
"Local Agenda 21," but more often you will hear their plans referred
to as an "anti-urban sprawl" program, or "green belt development."
And it is going to be the big dividing issue politically very quickly.

The green belt advocates want the parameters of existing cities to be
established by new zoning ordinances (based on federal zoning
"suggestions") so that no new commercial, residential or industrial
development can occur outside a certain boundary. This would mean that
revitalization of crumbling inner cities and so forth would have to
occur, new housing would have to be "figured out" within those city
boundaries, and space now "wrongly" used would be given new
"opportunities" to serve the public.

There are BOTH good and bad things about such planning.  But anything
that abbrogates personal liberty and freedom of choice is going to be
on my "no way" list.

The way these objectives are publicly motivated is first by inspiring
a fear of the death of the planet from pollution and species
extinction, etc.; and second, by worship of the planet (Gaianism) to
be used as a means of unifying diverse groups in a like effort.  In
some parts of the world (such as Nicaragua), some biodiversity
corridors are already in place, being guarded and "protected" from the
big bad humans.  It is a process already being tested.  Australia is
also a huge testing ground, not only for the programs, but also for
the social engineering (propaganda education) required to reduce or
remove human resistance to the programs. Very interesting thing to
study!  And not at all subtle.  Not hidden.  Easy to document and

The behind-the-scenes motivation (non-public) goes back to ownership
and exploitation of natural resources -- particularly the huge
deposits of virgin gold still held on some Indian lands.  That is a
huge issue!  It's a money thing like everything else when you get past
the "touchy-feely" rhetoric.  The other part is the control of human
resources -- the people. It makes it so much easier if people put on
the shackles themselves willingly.  And that's why all of these huge
moves are being made to "educate" the public.  We'll do it to
ourselves ...

In areas where green belt-type construction has occurred, (now going
on in a big way in Oregon) there have been some very interesting
results -- not the least is that it creates something of a
house-housing shortage, causing real estate prices to go through the
roof -- more people want private homes on a little piece of property
(the American Dream) than there are properties to go around.  So more
people end up living in apartments... which for many is a fate worse
than death.  But it is a classic situation -- economic prosperity for
realtors, developers, State agencies and Authorities, assisted by the
continued squelching of the American Dream in a people who have lost
their political will and have been made so incredibly ignorant that
they cannot figure out what is happening to them -- and who have been
made so exhausted and fatigued by just trying to "make it" that they
have no strength with which to battle philosophical and political
issues that affect them.

The green belt advocates talk about lovely little areas of nature
within the cities... parks within walking distance of every
residential area... but no one will have a green spot of their own.
Look but don't touch.  You can enjoy it, but it's not yours.  If you
are fortunate enough to have a little yard of your own, that's about
as good as it gets.

One of the ways that this whole thing ties in with the Biodiversity
Treaty is that it asks for large industries to create tract housing or
apartment housing near to work headquarters so that workers do not
need to drive to work, or can be bussed by the business to work -- and
this will supposedly decrease pollution caused by automobiles.  All of
the "intelligent transportation  systems" options fall into this
category of planning.  So you end up with little homes or apartment
complexes surrounding a large work center, cramming as many people
into as little space as possible.  A recent article in "Time" magazine
glowingly reported all of these plans and gave examples, illustrations
and so forth.  Nice... if you want to live in a bee hive and be a

You ask CGA or International Trade Services why they want "...to
provide funds for McClain County ...  to go towards low- to
moderate-income housing," and they will tell you that the housing is
for the expected workers who will labor at the Customs/Compliance
Center.  Apparently the jobs will pay enough for one to afford
low-cost to moderate-cost housing within the parameters of the choices
offered... which may or may not be what the individuals want for
themselves.  But as usual, for the "greater good" we must all lower
our expectations and give up all of these "unreasonable" desires for
low-density living conditions or small-time family farming on a small
acreage outside of the main drag.  Choices are being removed even as
we speak.

And while I'm thinking about it, what does CGA need with court houses,
jails, detention or social and rehabilitative service facilities?
(Pages 2 and 3, Article III(1).)

Now that is something to seriously question.

The list of plans, schemes and objectives is a mile long...  and they
all ultimately lead to a tremendous reduction in individual property
rights... perhaps even in the long-haul to the end of private property
ownership.  If you live in a cruddy part of town, and the city/state
decides that your neighborhood of twenty homes could be put to better
use and concentrate more people in one area by tearing down the cruddy
neighborhood and replacing it with several condo complexes or
apartment buildings with a little communal green area in the middle
for everyone, your property will be condemned, seized under eminent
domain laws, you'll be minimally compensated if you cooperate, and
that is the end of your life's efforts at stable, long-term
home-ownership. This is already occurring in a big way in the US, and
in a huge way in Europe.  Very few who fight the system on this are
successful.  Most lose everything in the effort.

So the world is in a tremendous transitional period right now.  The
main emphasis of planning at this time is the rejuvenation of the
cities and the redistribution of the people who live in those cities.
The euphemism is "residential displacement."

What is never considered in the Biodiversity Treaty, or UN Agenda 21,
or Local Agenda 21, or any of Al Gore's anti-urban sprawl programs is
the desire held by some people to live in low-density areas -- those
who don't want development or improvements in their area... folks who
just want to live in peace and be left alone.  That is NEVER
considered.  It is believed that by proper public education, consensus
can be reached where everyone understands the "greater good" and
cooperates with the plan.  It is assumed that resistance is futile,
and that it will be minimal.  They are probably right.

So, here is the political trap:

(a) if you want to maintain rural private property rights, you almost
have to oppose Agenda 21-type planning... which means that you are in
favor of loop and bypass construction, because there is no middle
ground in the issue...

In that respect, those who opposed the loop road have played right
into their hands.

(b)  if you are a rural property owner and a road is scheduled to go
through or near your land, you have only two options:  (1) support
Agenda 21 (or whatever name it is given in your area) and oppose the
road; or (2) support the road in the hope that  you can sell your
property to a commercial developer for something of a profit and then
move elsewhere. Either way, you'll be off of your land and out of your
house.  Either way, private property rights will be adversely affected
or ended altogether.

In that respect, those who have supported the loop road have played
right into their hands.

(c)  if you are a city dweller with hopes of someday owning a little
piece of rural land, you have to oppose the Agenda 21 plans, which
politically puts you in favor of urban sprawl -- a very unpopular
position to take these days.  But if you want that rural area to
remain rural, you have to favor Agenda 21 plans, and that too spells
the death of private property ownership rights.  While you're busy
trying to keep the countryside peaceful, you are losing the right to
own any of it for yourself.

The problem with all of this is its lack of middle ground.

If ever there was an issue that could be used to illustrate the
principles of the Hegelian Dialectic of Political Conflict Resolution,
this would be it. Absolutely without question.  This is the most
classic example I've ever seen.  Looking at it from a specifically
secular perspective:

A predetermined outcome has been established (Biodiversity Treaty, UN
Agenda 21, Gaianism), and come hell or high water, that is how the
powers-that-be are going to have it at the end of the day.  But that
predetermined outcome is going to be unpalatable to some
internationally, and completely unacceptable to most "American dream"
Americans (the so-called silent majority).  Negotiations are not an
option because the plan is set in stone, so the power brokers play
both ends against the middle, knowing all along what the outcome will
be.  You play the consensus game.  And you play it in stages.  You
can't come right out and say,  "Private property rights are ended.  We
will control all of these aspects of  your lives now.
 Here is the new program."  Instead, you do everything
 incrementally... you
boil the frog gradually so it doesn't hop out of the pot.

To distract the general population from the real issue -- which is
control over populations and the end of private property ownership on
a global scale -- we are given these sub-issues to fight over, to wear
us down, to deplete energies and resources.  And while we're bickering
and struggling and going broke and becoming fatigued, they are taking
it all away behind our backs, a little bit at a time, slowly but
surely, and always for a "good reason."

The grassroots people are themselves their own worst enemy in this
case. No one wants to do any real research to find out what is
actually behind these plans, what is motivating it, who is
benefitting, where it originated, etc., etc., etc.  And when someone
really does do some in-depth research on the subject, what you find is
so big and so evil and so overwhelming that most people just go into
denial.  They can't or won't believe it.  They resign themselves to
fate and figure it is too big to fight.  It involves issues so foreign
to their normal thinking that they just can't absorb it, and they go
into a reactive state (usually an apathetic,
can't-do-anything-about-it reaction).  The few who become proactive
are at great risk, but it's not an impossible task if others can be
mobilized in any way.

What people fail to realize when studying global planning, is that
yes, the plan is global.  But the minute it begins to be implemented
in an area, it becomes completely LOCAL.  And that is where the power
to resist lies.  You can always resist at the local level, and if
people are brought up-to-speed, they can resist successfully.  You all
did, after all, mobilize 3,000+ individuals in the metro area in the
space of one month and successfully shut down the road options of the
Outer Loop Major Investment Study.  But that was far from being the
end of the war.  The Turnpike Authority has much greater powers (and
no real accountability to voters) than the State Department of
Transportation, and NASCO (North America's Superhighway Coalition) is
pushing hard in every state to get those roadway arteries that connect
the human areas (surrounded by the Biodiversity Corridors) in place.
And then there is CGA....  ah, what interesting times in which we

While NASCO and the NAFTA Bypass efforts use economics as their
developmental springboard (their public motivation rhetoric), they are
just another arm of the UN Agenda 21 implementation part of the
Biodiversity Treaty.  It's all the same issue, it's all the same
players, it's all the same plan.

Those are the real issues.  That is what is really at stake.

The amount of material to study and master is overwhelming.  The odds
of raising public awareness on a large enough scale to make a
difference at the national level are small.

So what's a person to do?

Keep on plugging.  And live each day one day at a time.  Do what
you've got to do.  Step by step.

For starters, begin by doing your own research and learn these issues
for yourself.  Begin with just a few links below, in no particular

This one is the complete text of the Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 and Other UNCED Agreements

Agenda 21 for Schools (text available in English, French, Portuguese
and Spanish)

The  Rise of Global Green Religion

An Earth Charter and Agenda 21 for Iowa

Agenda 21 and participation by Ba'hai religion

GAIA International Homesite

National Religious Partnership for the Environment

"From the Earth Summit to Local Agenda 21"

Index of Local 21 agendas

1997 Meetings of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

Special Session of the General Assembly to Review and Appraise the
Implementation of Agenda 21, 23-27 June 1997 - scroll down to
"OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION" for additional useful links

Agenda 21 background information

Local  Agenda 21 in the US

Agenda 21 in Great Britain - In left hand column, click on LA21 World
Map, then click on "Europe" in the map and it will give you contacts
for Local Agenda 21 directors throughout all of Europe

The Earth Summit - Local Agenda 21

Local  Agenda 21 Planning Guide

Agenda 21 in Australia

Mediterranean Local Agenda 21 Conference:  Local Environmental Action
Plans Towards Sustainability - Rome, 22 - 24 November 1995

Agenda 21 in Canada (text in English)

Agenda 21 in Turkey (text in both Turkish and English)

Agenda 21 in Majorca (text in English)

Agenda 21 in Sweden (text in Swedish)

Agenda 21 in Denmark (text in Danish)

Agenda 21 in Norway (text in Norwegian)

Agenda 21 in Finland (text in Finish)

Agenda 21 in Berlin & Germany (text in German)

AND THE LIST GOES ON..................

Good luck!

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Clinton:  Our nation's fondling father.


"It should, it seems to me, be our pleasure and duty to
make those people free, and let them deal with their own
domestic questions in their own way. And so I am an
anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put
its talons on any other land." - Mark Twain

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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