-Caveat Lector-

> ** Original Subject: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!
> ** Original Sender: "Steve Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ** Original Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:31:55 -0700

> ** Original Message follows...
Subject: IUFO: Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!
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Date sent:              Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:46:30 -0400 (EDT)To:                
From:                   Jon Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [illusions] Alien Invasion Set For Dec 99!
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=> Illusions Mailing List

Alien Invasion Set for December 1999!
Sources in the Pentagon say there are three objects headed for earth. They
are set to impact on November 7, 1999. One will hit in Africa. One in
Siberia. And the other in Manitoba, Canada. They are the size of Rhode
Island. This will soften up the earth and prepare it for invasion by
negative aliens who like to hit a civilization while it is down.
        This information comes from Dr. David Jacobs. He has hypnotized
hundreds of alien abductees. So has Budd Hopkins. In both "Intruders,"
which was written in 1986, and "The Threat," which was written in 1997,
abductees give the date of 1999 as the year the aliens will do something.
An abductee also told me she feels the aliens will do something soon. We
speak of the Greys here. And they are controlled by the Lizards (Reptoids).
Both are a parasitic race. They live off the blood and flesh, energy and
toil of others. Every time a planet goes thru a pole shift, they swoop down
like buzzards to snatch their helpless prey. It's been done before. This is
why He stirs up wars. To see the blood fly. To catch the escaping soul in
the air. To laugh at God as they perform the wholesale slaughter of the
        Where are you going to be when it is time to cut and run? The
Pentagon has already admitted among themselves they are powerless to
this.  Then there are the Christians who want it to happen. And among them
are some right wing Generals.
In case you didn't know it , there is a war going on! It has been  going on
since for a long time. Behind the scenes. In the air. (Some friendly to
human ETs gave the military a "rail Gun." IT shoots beams of photons at the
speed of light. It has been used for years to shot down incoming UFOS. Who
knows if they're friendly or not? Who is in control of the trigger?
        Speaking of the trigger, think of a Cosmic Trigger? When it
happens, it will flash over every being on earth. "And every eye shall see
Him." Christ = Light. IT is coming. And you can ignore it until the last
second, or you can prepare yourself. You can no longer save others. IT is
time to cut and run. Soon will come a time when you will not be able to run
far enough fast enough.
Get your soul right with God. Evangelists are wising up. Some are better
than ever. However, many will not pay attention. As it says in Revelation,
"They shall be eating and drinking up until the last day." And marrying and
giving in marriage.
Put the word on the street. IT is no longer business as usual. The NWO is
using the crisis to declare Martial Law. (You have been conditioned by TV
already.) The govt will claim it is caused by bad ETS. IT is another case
of the Grand Deceiver. Lying is His Game. And Lucifer is His Name.
He has been killing people off with the HIV virus. Now many synthetic
viruses are becoming runaway viruses. They are out of the control of the
NWO. They are eating and attacking their creators, the devils who live off
earth humans. They re the makers of the instruments of torture. They re
killing  mother earth. HAARP is sending rays down inside Mother earth.
Hurting her and it comes out on the surface.  Can you not feel what she is
going thru? The moaning of earthquakes? The fierce hurricanes? The are not
natural disasters? There planets where they never have an earthquake. Never
a wind above 35 miles per hour. That is because their humans are
enlightened and living in accordance with the of One. Peace, tranquility
and harmony create stable patterns. The nature spirits of the air react to
the emotions of man. the are connected directly thru the Christ
Consciousness Grid.

Underground alien bases are on RED ALERT! (I cannot tell you the source of
this information as some have been killed already for leaking it.  [Even
your own life is in danger after reading this. If you feel you can't handle
the truth, please delete this message now. You have been warned.])

It appears that there are several covert plans that commence from November
through April of 2000 by the military, and NWO. Alien agenda is programed
by those from here to effect landing and Armageddon reality.

Astronomer's observations of the heavens indicates many large light ships
if you will. Many, many smaller ships. Not all friendly.

Biological time clock on synthesized virus to go off within three years.
Millions are already stricken; to drop from effects. De-population efforts
are in effect.

Disasters are coming from the heavens that are not natural. December, thru
May of 2000. Purpose create fear, tell everyone it is because God is angry.
Come back to organized religion and be saved.

In reality come back and be placed under the coma even deeper. Possible
intervention if forces from our reality react with continued violence
against their forces coming to observe the final days.

Israel Special Forces on alert regarding invasion from ET
forces.......Antarctica is of particular interest....mid east is a haven
for these forces.

Strategy get us fighting between ourselves, and have people dying by the
tens of thousands world wide. Crop failures, weather disasters, and "Earth

Enter Anti Christ trained with ET knowledge. Oppose alien integration into
our society. Reunite world with the threat from above scenario. [President
Reagan said on more than one occasion, "Think, what if we were faced with a
threat from outer space. IT would unite all the nations of the world
against a common foe."

In 1950 the USA entered into a contract with the Grey aliens. The deal was
to allow them to abduct humans in return for which the Greys would give the
Military technology. The Greys said they were merely monitoring an ongoing
civilization. The Galactic Federation allowed the Greys to do this even
though they knew the Greys would fail. But had to let them go ahead because
we all have a little Grey blood in us from Atlantis. It was a few years
before the Military Intelligence discovered the aliens were going too far;
taking eggs and sperm. Also some abductees said they were taken to
underground bases where they saw many greys working on flying saucers. They
did not feed thru their mouths, but by sticking their hands and arms in a
vat. the vat contained human blood and body parts. When the Military
learned The Horrible Truth, they wanted to withdraw support. But the
CIA/Nazis wanted to keep going in order to gain a technological advantage
over the Greys. They have been in control ever since.  1999 is pay or Quit

Already the presence of ET activity is too close for comfort. World
Governments have been told told to clean up their act or face serious
retaliation. This is similar to the scenario of the return of Anu of the
Annunaki. It is said the planet Nibiru is close to our sun. When Anu
returns, January 1, 2000, he will stand on top of the Great Pyramid and the
heads of chosen nations will bow down to him. [Some people will worship
whoever is in power.]

Earth is in trouble, however. Runaway synthesized viruses now reproduce of
their own free will and have their own intelligence. Upsetting the eco
system. Not good for no life can survive now. Not even ET's.. Oops did this

Broken agreements now effect those who thought they would be immune to
future events. Viruses killing off the creators now. [This is the good
news. ]

Many ETs killed in undisclosed Delta Force activities....here comes the law.
Delta Forces found out they can kill aliens with atom bombs. Underground
explosions are not Atom Bomb tests but an extermination going on

International Bankers know what is coming and are now  taking their money
out of the stock market. You can get out while you can. Take your profits
now. Don't be greedy. Put your money into gold an silver. Also get many
small bills (ones and fives) and coins as stores will not be able to cash
in gold coins.

The energy matrix changing and we are not moving fast enough to keep up.
Open up to the energies coming in from the sun. Mass coronal ejections are
now bigger than in recorded history. [Is this the shot across the bow
spoken of by Major Ed Dames of the US Army Remote Viewing Corps? HE said
the sun flares will make Y2K look like a cake walk. He said, "We are being
slow baked." The intensity of flares, CME, sun spots, etc are increasing as
we enter their 11 year cycle/peak in May 2000.

Window of opportunity is closing. Our ET friends must protect their

The Greys gave us the computer chip. Is it unreasonable they knew it would
not hold four digits in the year 2000? Did the aliens plant the virus of
all time? Knowing we would crash at the end of the century? And 35% of
Russian nuclear reactors would go off line allowing critical mass
meltdowns? IS this what the CIA/NSA/Nazi/secret government knows that we
don't" Are they assembling UN troops to activate on or near Dec 31, 1999?
Knowing what is going to happen before it does gives them great advantage.
Smart critters, those bug eyed aliens. They have all knowledge in the
Universe. They know what God is but chose to turn their back on the light.

>Also there is the matter of both time manipulation, and consciousness
>manipulation. Creating diseased Chistos...project labeled "Lucifer
>Syndrome" This is where the NWO has hot wired the Christ Consciousness
>Grid to use for their own purposes. This is why wars are fought in places
>like Kosovo. They are the nodal points of this Grid. The secret government
>goes in and sets up generators which send out bad vibes. Exactly called
>ELF, or extremely Low Frequency waves. This makes people sick; gives
>headaches, etc.

Indigenous people see things happening in December on the East coast, also
in the Western US. Perhaps Huge Earth Quake. By the way, the H.A.A.R.P.
activities have upset things below the crust...not a good idea...there are
many inhabitants there not of the third kind....

Basically we are in a rodeo ride mode.........agreements with space teams,
with major world corps not falling into alignment and compliance quickly

NOW HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS. New frequencies moving in faster than previously
expected. Earth People waking up against their will. If they do wake up the
takeover game is blown.......So wake up America! Wake up world! Wake up
wherever you are. Don't let the NWO pull a face attack on you. Be on the
watch for the Fake Rapture. They can show holograms  in the sky. They can
show pictures of Jesus Christ coming back in clouds of glory. Develop your
intuition. If it feels bad it probably is. If a scout ship lands near you
and it feels good then get on board. Give it 30 minutes to let the
radiation cool down. Or, if you want to go quickly, you can request
beaming. That may be the method of choice to rescue the chosen.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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