-Caveat Lector-

From: Robert Weissman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list CORP-FOCUS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 11:18 PM
Subject: Cell phone nightmare

> Sorry for the delay in sending this out. It appears not to have been
> delivered the first time it was forwarded to the list.
> Robert Weissman
> Essential Information |   Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
> Ready for a real scary Halloween story?
> Remember the Larry King Live show in 1993 on cell phones? David Reynard
> was the guest. He had filed a lawsuit against NEC, a cell phone operator,
> and other companies, alleging that his late wife's brain tumor was caused
> in part by her use of a cell phone.
> The Reynard's lawsuit was dismissed in 1995, but Reynard's appearance on
> the show created nationwide concern. At the time, there were 15 million
> Americans using cell phones.
> The day after the Larry King Live show, the Cellular Telecommunications
> Industry Association (CTIA) went on the offensive. Industry executives
> said that there were thousands of studies that proved that wireless phones
> were safe. In fact, there were no such studies about cell phone safety.
> But CTIA understood the basic reality of the situation, and so it decided
> to spend $27 million over the next six years on health studies.
> They hired George Carlo, figuring he would be a perfect fit. Carlo is a
> public health scientist, who had a good track record as an industry
> researcher. Most of his clients over the years have been industry clients,
> and few have been disappointed with his work.
> In 1994, Carlo began conducting studies to determine whether cell phones
> pose a health risk to consumers. Four times a year, Carlo would trudge
> over from his Dupont Circle office in Washington, D.C. to the offices of
> CTIA to debrief the CEOs of the major telephone and electronics firms that
> make up the $40 billion a year mobile phone industry. And things went
> well, until 1995.
> In 1995, Carlo found that digital phones were interfering with cardiac
> pacemakers.
> "We then conducted about $2.5 million worth of research to quantify that
> problem, and as a result, I had somewhat of a falling out with the
> industry," Carlo told us this week. "They didn't like that finding." The
> industry cut off Carlo's funding.
> But through a process of negotiation, Carlo got back in. The industry
> would again fund his studies, but only if he agreed not to research the
> questions of defibrillators and digital phones, and of cell phones and
> automobile safety, and he could no longer work on a very extensive program
> to standardize the methodology for testing whether or not cell phones met
> industry-defined standards.
> Carlo said that it took him two months to decide that he needed to
> continue the work, even under CTIA's conditions, and so he did.
> What he found may prove to be the cell phone industry's worst nightmare.
> He found that the risk of acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor of the auditory
> nerve that is well in range of the radiation coming from a phone's
> antennae, was 50 percent higher in people who reported using cell
> phones for six years or more. Moreover, that relationship between the
> amount of cell phone use and this tumor appeared to follow a dose-response
> curve.
> He found that the risk of rare neuro epithelial tumors on the outside of
> the brain was more than doubled, a statistically significant increase, in
> cell phone users as compared to people who did not use cell phones.
> He found that there appeared to be some correlation between brain tumors
> occurring on the right side of the head and use of the phone on the right
> side of the head.
> And, most troubling, he found that laboratory studies looking at the
> ability of radiation from a phone's antenna to cause functional genetic
> damage were definitely positive, and were following a dose-response curve.
> Carlo said that he has repeatedly recommended that the industry take a
> pro-active, public health approach on the issue, and inform consumers of
> his findings. He says that he uses a cell phone, but only with a headset.
> "Alarmingly, indications are that some segments of the industry have
> ignored the scientific findings suggesting potential health effects, have
> repeatedly and falsely claimed that wireless phones are safe for all
> consumers, including children, and have created an illusion of responsible
> follow up by calling for and supporting more research," Carlo wrote in a
> letter to top industry CEOs this month. "The most important measures of
> consumer protection are missing: complete and honest factual information
> to allow informed judgment by consumers about assumption of risk, the
> direct tracking and monitoring of what happens to consumers who use
> wireless phones, and the monitoring of changes in the technology that
> could impact health."
> Carlo is also troubled by a recent agreement between Elizabeth Jacobson,
> the person in charge of cell phone regulation at the Food and Drug
> Administration, and Thomas Wheeler, executive director of the CTIA. Under
> the agreement, CTIA will fund the FDA to do additional safety studies.
> Carlo says that in 1994, Jacobson refused such a cooperative research
> agreement, because she didn't think she could both collaborate with the
> industry and regulate it. (Jacobson, through a spokesperson, denies taking
> this position.)
> "This arrangement is wrong, plain and simple," Carlo told us. "The FDA's
> behavior is appalling to me. The FDA seems to be more than willing to jump
> in bed with the industry. It is a blatantly arrogant attempt to join in a
> relationship that is a conflict of interest on its face. The reason it has
> not been criticized is that people don't know about it. Consumers are
> being left out to dry."
> The FDA's Russell Owen says that the FDA has not regulated cell phones
> because "we don't have sufficient evidence to determine that there might
> be adverse health effects from cell phones."
> Sorry Mr. Owen, but in this instance, we agree with the industry's guy.
> (That's a scary thought.)
> Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
> Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
> Multinational Monitor. They are co-authors of Corporate Predators: The
> Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common
> Courage Press, 1999; http://www.corporatepredators.org)
> (c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Focus on the Corporation is a weekly column written by Russell Mokhiber
> and Robert Weissman. Please feel free to forward the column to friends or
> repost the column on other lists. If you would like to post the column on
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> Focus on the Corporation is distributed to individuals on the listserve
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