-Caveat Lector-

Dear Barbara:

"whoever I am" is perhaps something you could have gained some small insight
on if you had checked out my website.

You may consider that we two are on somewhat equal footing in that
particular regard, though- since I know of you only slightly- but am aware
of your somewhat celebrated "status".
To the best of my knowledge you appear to be one of the "new agers" who is
attracted to the NWO's "one world government" -- and the quote and the
association to U.S. Army "think-tank" does nothing to dispell that notion.
Unless you are a secret undercover agent intent on disrupting the Army and
several other governmental-type NWO agencies with which you have been
associated.. it looks like you've been recruited.  I personally find the
idea of a one world government a fascist anathema- practically beyond my
power to express. Perhaps you'd like to explain your position & efforts in
this regard?

Some of my cyberfriends are curious about the passage that was quoted, and
may be interested in your letter below.

In case you haven't yet recieved a copy of KT's expression of interest, it
is appended below your letter, at the end of this email.

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Barbara Marx Hubbard; NWO/U.S. Army Delta Force

Dear Dave:  whoever you are, this quote is taken completely out of context
from a manuscript which has not been published.  The passage you refered to
referred to the thought that we do not need to go through the Armageddon
scenario that was predicted in the book of Revelation.  The whole purpose of
the Book of Cocreation is to say that the human species has the freedom  to
avoid the massive destruction predicted.  The meaning of that particular
passage, which I never published, because I do not believe it at all, came
from  the possiblity that if there is to be any further massive destruction
on this earth, it will not be perpetrated by humans, but by some other
 I personally do not believe this, have not published this, will never
published it.  My whole life is dedicated to bringing greater peace and
gentleness to the human race.

This quote has been used by a small minority of people seeking to damage the
reputations of many people and I ask you to release it, tear it up.  IT is
not viable.  I totally refute it, and ask you to be kind enough to do the

With appreciation for your concern, Barbara Marx Hubbard

-----Original Message-----
From: Katie Hernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 3:02 AM
Subject: Criteria -- Topology vs. Tomography (was RE: Barbara Marx

Dave and Ed exchanged quite a bit, I've snipped heavily:

>Dave forwarded in part:
>  In this episode of “POTENTIALS . . . Envisioning the New Millennium,”
>  Barbara Marx Hubbard explores the U.S. Army’s Delta Force with one of its
>  key visionary members. They explore how the Army has incorporated high
>  performance techniques from the human potential movement, and how the
>  concept of a soldier is changing. The future of the military as a global
>  peace keeping force is explored. Channon envisions a “First Earth
>  Battalion”
>  and a “Natural Guard,” to protect the planet in this episode.
>  http://www.potentialsmedia.com/JimChannon.html

I saw something about this on Wired not too long ago, I believe.  I was
shocked at first that she would be consulting with them, then I remembered
who else she associates with (or, more correctly, who claims HER as an
associate), and who else they, in turn, associate with, and the story
suddenly seemed more plausible.  No, I don't know Ms. Hubbard personally,
so I'm not claiming to know her mind or intent.  I do, however, believe
that this bears some light-of-day examination to determine who's telling
the truth and who isn't -- and why.  If a lightworker is being besmirched,
we need to know it.  If we have differing definitions for what "light" and
"truth" and "the good of mankind" are, we need to know that, too.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Commentary (not necessarily directed at anything pertaining to Ms. Hubbard)

Jeff challenged us to speak up, to speak our minds, not to retreat into the
echoing silence of an endless stream of forwarded emails. I take him up on
that challenge.  There are those among us who speak beautifully of
transformation, evolutionary development, co-creation, new civilizations,
new utopias, new world orders, effective and elegant outcomes -- all such
lovely, enlightened images, surely we all mean the same wonderful things by
them! -- or do we?

A while back, when I was very poor, I purchased a package of large,
beautiful apples.  I was very happy about this, because I usually didn't
have enough money to buy the good produce, and I looked forward to having
them with my sack lunch at work.  The next day, I even took the apple out
and set it on my desk -- I was really ready to eat it come lunch time, I
just knew it was going to be delicious.  Then lunch time finally arrived,
and I bit into the apple.  Of course, it was rotten to the core.  The
promises made by its perfect surface concealed a mold infested, completely
poisonous interior that filled my mouth with spores.

After I had finished washing my mouth out, I examined the apple closely.  I
had never seen an apple that rotted that way before -- it seemed
=unnatural=, and it probably was.  I was transfixed by how effectively the
surface had lied.  It was evenly red and smooth, firm and unblemished.  All
of the characteristics I looked for in selecting a good apple were there,
but they were all on the SURFACE.   The apple had met my objective
criteria, and still been rotten in a way I had not imagined possible.

That's the problem in judging things on objective criteria based on surface
appearances, particularly when what's really important is what lies
within.  This is as true of people as it is of produce.  There are things
about people's character that cannot be known directly from what they say,
or even by the public aspects of their lives.  These things can be
manipulated -- either by the person or by those who seek to cast a bad
light on another....but even the master manipulators cannot maintain their
facades indefinitely, and spin always winds down and the truth comes out.

Lately, I've been watching a trend that I can only describe as
"doublespeak."  Yup, that is the "doublespeak" from Animal
Farm.  Everything can be read (at least) two different ways.  There are
those of us who read the words and spin rainbows and butterflies in the
wide open New Civilization, and there are those of us who read the words
and hear the cadence of marching jackboots bringing a New World Order
through a program of economic manipulation and eugenics.  SAME

Now I don't know if Ms. Hubbard really wrote this, what she may have meant
by it, or how in- or out-of-context these quotes may have been taken, but
they are simply marvellous for illustrating the kind of dual interpretation
I just mentioned.  I'm deliberately going to make blatant caricatures of
the positions to emphasize the contrast.  Please no one take offense or
think I'm parodying you.  I'm not.  This is what I call "chewy" stuff that
I'm doing here -- lots of layered meaning, lots of information.  If you
want to learn it, you have to take some time with it.  If you don't want to
take the time, save it and come back when you do, or just delete it.  Don't
just rocket through this and expect to know what I'm on about.  Por
favor.  This is for everyone.  Information wants to be free, but this
information has cost me dearly.  Please respect that.

>New Age author, Barbara Marx Hubbard, as she put a fitting conclusion on
>"The State of the World Forum." In her book, THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION, she
>writes: "Out of the full spectrum of the human personality, one-fourth is
>elected to transcend and one-fourth are destructive, defective seeds. In
>the past they were permitted to die a natural death.

NEW AGE -- Sounds like evolution theory, natural selection, okay.  We're
the elect, we transcend, we're cool, the pollution-meisters drool...
NWO -- The blood of god-kings runs through our veins.  Yes, we are the
elect, the superior; in the ancient times the kings lived in splendour
whilst the peasants perished in squalour.  Ahh, a return to those days...

BTW, "...they were permitted to die..." Which "they" is being referred
to?  The Transcenders of the Destroyers?  Kinda deliberately not clear,
eh?  Now for something really interesting, crossreference that with the
cliché "only the good die young" and similar value statements about who
gets selected to die...

>Now, as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the
>co-creative human - the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers - the
>destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.

NEW AGE -- Cool, transcendence for the whole body of humanity, our
consciousnesses will all be transdimensionally lifted up so nobody will be
pissing on each other's Post Toasties any more.
NWO -- No longer fleshly god-kings, but FULLY GODS in our own RIGHT!  Our
accession to this throne shall finally give us the power to destroy the
human vermin who would question our authority or clutch at our sable robes.

>  Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in
> charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects - we
> destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death."

Oops, here the dichotomy breaks down, which brings me to the NEW-NOW phase
of the NWO mentality:  pure arrogance.
• "Fortunately you are not responsible for this act."  -- Ah, no one is
individually responsible.  You can sigh with relief that you have dodged
another bullet like when you evaded jury duty or had the cop who was about
to give you a speeding ticket have to leave you to respond to an emergency
call -- and go home and watch TV as usual.  This is an automatic "okay, you
can ignore the rest of this message" signal.  We have been programmed to
turn off when you read stuff like that -- I'm not responsible, so I don't
have to pay attention.  TRANSFORM that OFF signal IN TWO* a signal to turn
ON, FOLKS!!!  (Yup, I'm languaging you.  Right out in the open.  <g>  Say
it aloud.  Read it and look at the SPELLing and CAPITOLization.  Here the
ambiguity.  SEE the am-BI-guity.  Learn their methods so you can perceive
it for yourself.)
• "We are." -- Who is "We"????  Ain't that the six-billion-person question?
• "We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth." --
*URK*  Who put "We" in charge?  Which "God" are "We" referring to?  Who
ever said there was any kind of selection process FOR planet Earth?  What
does it select FOR?  Note that does not say ON planet Earth, which is
grammatically correct.  FOR implies a non-Earth authority.  EH?  What is
the description of the process?  The criteria used to select?
• "He selects - we destroy." -- "He" being whom?  The same "God" referenced
earlier?  Does that sound like something YOUR God would do?  Or do you
accept the AUTHORITY of a being like that?  And hey, weren't the
destructive ones the ones who were to perish a couple of sentences
back?  Or is this a statement of the BIFURCATION and SEPARATION between
those He selects (the transcenders) and the destroyers -- note the single
dash separation, negative, minus sign.  Is this ambiguity?  Is the balance
an accident?  Or deliberate?
• "We are the riders of the pale horse, Death."  That can only reference
eugenics, a pogrom of definitely NON-natural selection.

* TWO -- Transformed World Order -- http://evoco.net/hei/two.htm

More tools of this sort -- organized into lessons (still chewy, but with
some actual explanation and references) -- will be posted on the Evoco site.
Enter here:
The lessons begin at

I just started this phase of the project last week, so only the
introduction is up so far, another lesson will be up tomorrow.  I intend to
do one lesson a week, and I hope to carry this forward for at least a
couple of years.  Although the beta version of the course is *FREE* and
will remain that way, as soon as I can figure out how to get a buggy applet
to work, I'm going to be requiring registration and a password to take the
course, just so I know who's accessed it.  For now, an email to let me know
you're interested would be great.

Two caveats:
Sorry, the course is designed for interactivity, and is supported by IE and
Netscape 3.0 and higher browsers only.  I'll put a downloadable text
version up later when I have time.
Since I'm developing this on the fly, this course is VERY BETA.  It is not
overly beautiful or slick.  The content is useful, but could probably be
somewhat deeper and the origins of ideas documented better.  Suggestions

Creating the World We All Want to Live In,

Katie Hernandez - ICQ 11136094
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
EVOCO - Transformational Leadership - http://www.evoco.net
TEAM EVOCO - Web Design and Web Hosting  - http://www.evoco.net/team_evoco

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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