-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:568150">Conspiracy Authors
-  Submissions Invited.</A>
Subject: Conspiracy Authors -  Submissions Invited.
From: "Meirion" <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">meirionhughes@bt
Date: Fri, 05 November 1999 07:54 PM EST
Message-id: <7vvum6$q11$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<A HREF="http://www.powpublish.com/writers.htm">http://www.powpublish.com/writ
ers.htm</A> is currently looking for full length
book proposals from Conspiracy Theory Authors.

We are not Vanity Publishers. Authors are paid by us, not asked to pay.

By the same token, we seek well thought-out and professionally written

If you have been blacklisted by conventional publishers, or have a book that
publishers just don't want to touch - try us. At the very least you will get
an honest opinion. In the case of authors with "privileged" information, we
will assist with the writing side, and drag you through an agonising
editorial process to help you present the truth.

We also act as agents on all subsidiary rights to help you maximise

For those of you who "know someone" who fits this bill - please pass this on
to them.

best wishes.
Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.powpublish.com/writers.htm">Power Publishing
Writers' Guidelines Page</A>
New Science Fiction available now. Horror, Thrillers, Westerns, Crime,
Romance, War, & Non-Fiction - coming soon
 Writers' Guidelines

Welcome to all writers, whether you are already established or unknown.
Welcome to the future for publishing. Read this page to see what we are
looking for, and how you will get paid if your work is accepted.
About Us.
We do not accept all work submitted to us and we do not charge fees to
authors. We pay authors a royalty of 50% of the selling price of their work
and offer a one-stop shop to a global market. We are therefore looking for
top-quality writing.
Who we are looking for:
We are looking for established and new writers whose work will quickly grab
and maintain the attention of the reader. Because we access a global market,
we expect work to possess either cross-cultural appeal within the English
speaking nations, or to have a particular quality enabling it to cross
borders and oceans easily. Writers should have a grasp of the global market
and possess a definite profile of the reader group or groups at whom their
work is aimed. Worthy authors whose books have "gone out of print" in the
conventional publishing market, or fallen foul of "short print run syndrome",
and where rights have reverted to the author, should consider Power
Publishing as an opportunity to give their work a new, money-earning lease of
life and on a global market. (We accept US or British spelling conventions,
provided that consistency is applied throughout the work.)
We will also consider submissions from collections/omnibus editors or
packagers. Our royalty agreement in such cases will apply to the
editor/packager and all responsibilities for rights and payments due to
authors will rest with the editor/packager. Hard copies of rights agreements
and/or permissions are required to be lodged with Power Publishing prior to
What we are looking for:
Works fitting our categories of science fiction, horror, thrillers, romance,
crime and war from authors who have done their apprenticeships and have a
real grasp of the craft. If you have fiction that does not fit a current
category, we will still consider it and possibly create a new category or
imprint. Crossovers are also fine (for example you could have a science
fiction story set in the wild west - a Sci-Fi Western). Unlike some
conventional publishers we will not stifle imaginative work because it does
not fit into some marketing director's concept of branding. We will accept
books and novels from 60,000 to 150,000+ words; short stories from 3,000 to
15,000+ words, but only in collections of short stories with a total word
count of not less than 60,000 words. We cannot accept individual short
stories at this time. We will not accept screenplays, poetry or children's
books. We cannot publish formula material such as "Star Trek", "Dr.Who",
"Star Wars" etc.
War; biographies; alternative history; fortean; esotericism; conspiracy
theory; ufology; spiritual (mind and spirit etc.); revisionist history. Arts:
Illustrated works in electronic format only.
We are especially looking for interesting War Biographies from combat
veterans. True life experiences should be written in ways that significantly
contribute to human understanding of the realities of warfare. Care should be
taken in respect of the laws pertaining to military secrecy within the
author's state.
Biographies or Autobiographies about or from celebrities and leading or
interesting figures. (Unofficial-Biography writers will be required to accept
full legal responsibility for their work in terms of the laws of libel).
Fortean: Particularly well-researched books about the UFO phenomenon, or well
thought out theories backed up by research. We are particularly looking for
books examining human history in relationship to UFOs. Books exposing
historical cover-ups, secret history, re-interpretation of religious events,
holy grail hunters, etc. are also sought. Books providing evidence of life
after death, reincarnation etc. are also welcome. (Note: Fortean is a very
broad term and we are open to all interesting sub-topics and ideas.)
Conspiracy theory: Again divulging classified or top secret material is at
the author's own risk.
Alternative History: both non-fiction and fiction formats will be considered.

How to submit material. Important! Read Carefully.
Work submitted to Power Publishing should be first saved in a MS Word (97 or
earlier versions or compatible) .doc format using the Times New Roman font,
14 pt, and should be sent as an attachment to an email message. In the case
of full length books and short story collections (minimum 60,000 words),
split the work into chapter files and use your initials as part of the file
name, for example if your name is Richard Williams you would name your files:
RWchap001.doc, RWchap002.doc etc. Create a folder and name it with your
initials or shortened version of your name and allocate a submission number,
e.g. in the case of Richard Williams making his first submission, the folder
could be named RichWms01 and a subsequent submission RichWms02. Place all the
chapter files in the folder and compress the folder by using Winzip (if you
don't have winzip, download a trial version of it by clicking here:  (Winzip)
 Use of Winzip is simple, provided you use its help facility. If you
genuinely are unable to use Winzip and can't get a friendly teenager to help
you, then e.mail only the first 2,000 words in a plain text document and
include a synopsis; if we decide we want to look at the complete work, we
will contact you by e.mail and discuss how you can get it to us. We cannot
accept work that is not word-processed and which cannot therefore be
transmitted by you in an electronic format. You should include a brief
synopsis in your e.mail and also (briefly) tell us something about your
writing experience, if appropriate.
We will not publish pornographic novels but will accept graphic eroticism as
part of the colouring or characterization within a work, provided that it is
not of a gratuitous quantity. We will NOT knowingly publish anything that is
not your own work. Plagiarism is theft and you could face criminal charges if
you attempt it. Works may contain (scanned) illustrations or photographs as
long as you own a legal right to publish them. All submissions must be
covered by a statement claiming copyright of the work. If work is accepted,
publishing contracts must be signed by authors, absolving Power Publishing
from any blame should an action for breach of copyright or libel be started.
You should also write a short foreword to your story. This should indicate
the setting and time and grab the attention of your potential readers.
An ideal submission would look like this:
"I think the attached novel/book/story collection would fit well into your
list. * Insert title * is my own work. I have not copied it from someone
else's work, either published or unpublished.
(Follow that with your short synopsis)
Accepted authors are required to sign a standard publishing agreement
providing Power Publishing with the rights to publish the submitted work in
electronic format.
We will advise you as quickly as possible if we decide we are unable to
consider your work for publication.
How You Get Paid
If you have looked at other areas of this website, you will have an
understanding of how it works for the readers. Writers get paid every time
their book or collection is sold.
If we agree to publish your work, we will agree a selling price with you,
presently between $3.00 and $4.99, dependent upon word count and market
potential. You will receive 50% of the selling price for each occasion your
work is sold. Payment is made monthly in arrears by check/cheque. We will
provide you with monthly and annual statements from our e.commerce partners,
detailing the number of occasions your work/s have been sold. All our authors
will receive audit certified annual statements of sales and royalties paid to

Marketing Your Work.
All publishers expect their authors to work hard to promote their books. No
matter how good, nobody will read your work and you won't get paid for it, if
nobody knows that it exists. Power Publishing has a marketing strategy to
encourage hundreds of thousands of visitors to our online bookstore each
month. Whilst marketing of Power Publishing and your book is primarily our
responsibility, you can significantly assist initial sales of YOUR work if
you actively help us to market it. Our goal is to achieve exponential growth
in sales of your book from day one. We will discuss effective, cost-free
methods of promotion further with you if we accept your work for publication.
If you have ideas about how your work might be marketed, for example you are
able to identify a "unique selling point" about your submission, please tell
us something about it at the time of submission.
We do not of course accept all work submitted to us. There may be many
reasons why we cannot accept a writer's work. Some may still be "doing their
apprenticeship", others may have written a story that is too close to
something that has already been done. Something that does not quite "fit" for
us may be exactly what another publisher is looking for.   However, unlike
many conventional publishers, we will never reject out of hand a work that
truly deserves to be published. We also make our commitment to new writers
that we will always reply to your submissions promptly (within 28 days) and
whenever possible offer constructive advice - whether or not we accept your
work for publication. If you are a new writer with previously unpublished
work and we decide to publish you, please be prepared to work with us to a
strict time-scale with revisions and alterations that may be necessary to
present the book in its best light - we employ professional editors to help
you with this.
The best advice we can give to any new writer is NEVER QUIT! Most people quit
when they are on the verge of success.
Good luck.
Submit your work to editor.
Legal Notice: No invitation to submit material or offer by Power Publishing
to publish such material constitutes an offer of employment by Power
Publishing. All authors published by Power Publishing will remain freelance
independent writers and will not be employees of Power Publishing. This
notice applies to all imprints operated by Power Publishing.
Postal Address: Do not submit material by post unless we have agreed with you
beforehand. It will not be returned and we will not accept any responsibility
for loss of material submitted in that manner. If in exceptional
circumstances you have reason to contact us by mail, please enclose s.a.e. or
international reply paid coupon.
Power Publishing,
50, Ronald Avenue,
Llandudno Junction,
United Kingdom.
LL31 9EY

Tel: #44 (0) 1492 585109

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permission from the owners.

Site Design, Content and Advertisment by  R. Hughes "WebMaster"
Site Graphics, Banners and Book Covers by D. Hughes "MEZ"

For problems or questions regarding this web, or the text contact [The
Last updated: October 24, 1999 11:28 -0400.

Bookmark this page and return often to read horror, thrillers, science
fiction, romance, war and westerns.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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