-Caveat Lector-

>From TheNewAustralian

           Telling it like it is

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Johnny Chung and America's moral rot
By James Henry
No. 141,   8-14 November 1999

Johnny Chung has become a grim symptom of the moral rot that is gradually
eating its way through the nation's institutions. At a Judicial Watch dinner
Chung related for the first time in public details of the Clinton
administration's cash-for-military-secrets deals with the Beijing regime.
Revealing what amounts to treason, Chung also detailed several attempts on his
life. But why murder Chung? Because he is the only one whose testimony ties
Clinton's campaign fundraising activities directly to General Ji Shengde who
was then head of Chinese military intelligence.

But I believe the truly shocking revelation was the extent to which America's
left-wing dominated media has cooperated with the Clinton administration in
trying to silence Chung. One could even go so far as to suggest that it has
some responsibility for the attempts on his life and his need for a 24-hour
guard by armed FBI agents. The New York Times, for example, deliberately
sabotaged the FBI's investigation into the 'Chinagate' by blowing Chung's cover
and putting his life at risk.

Every informed person with whom I have spoken to on this subject has no doubts
whatsoever that this was a cold-blooded act by the Times to kill the
investigation and destroy Chung's efforts, even though it might mean his
assassination. (That the Times should do this is not surprising, particularly
when one considers its links to the ardently pro-Castro Institute for Policy
Studies and CounterSpy, an IPS spin-off that fed papers like the Times with KGB-
supplied information on American agents). The Times, unfortunately, does not
stand alone in its political bigotry and contempt for national security or
even, so it appears, the lives of Clinton's critics. (I wonder how disappointed
it was in not being able to write Chung's obituary?)

Of the three television networks that sent camera crews to the Judicial Watch
dinner, only C-span reported Chung's address. The other networks spiked
(censored) the reports. The tale Chung related is pure nitro, exposing this
White House as not only the most corrupt in American history but the only one
that has actually engaged in what can only be described as treason. Clinton is
to China what Benedict Arnold was to the British, only Clinton has, so far,
escaped retribution.

And yet I cannot help but conclude that the real scandal lies with the media,
the Democrats, academia, the IRS and the Justice Department. These institutions
have been so corrupted they now pose a serious threat to the United States. It
is true that a clean administration can fumigate the Justice Department but
what of the others, of which the mainstream media is the most dangerous? I'm
certainly not ignoring the fact that the mainstream press has reported the
espionage scandals. Nevertheless, it has refused to even give them the same
weight as the so-called Iran-Contra scandal. As for the three major networks, a
truly cancerous presence in the media, they have behaved as if they were part
of the administration's media department.

Journalists who expose undercover operatives like Chung can scarcely be called
patriotic. And it is this absence, or even loathing, of patriotism that
explains the mainstream media's efforts to censor Chung's revelations. Chung's
life has been threatened and Clintonista IRS officials brazenly filed a tax
lien against his property the day after he went public on Chinagate. The
Democratic National Committee even had the temerity to directly interfere in
the judicial process by trying to force Judge Manuel Real into imposing a heavy
sentence on Chung for campaign funding violations — but not on those Democrats
who took the funds. The judge sarcastically noted the DNC's hypocrisy, calling
DNC officials Sullivan and Don Fowler "two of the dumbest politicians I've ever
see". He also condemned Reno for refusing to appoint an independent counsel.

Why Chung? Why didn't these great American patriots in the DNC insist that
Clinton and his cronies be punished? Could it be because these political pimps
no more care about patriotism than they care about the Constitution? I fear the
answer is in the affirmative, so deep is the rot in the Democratic Party.
Compare their Mafia-like treatment of Chung with the ridiculous sentence Reno
recommended for Charlie Trie, embarrassing the Little Rock judge who convicted
him into raising it.

Clinton is only a symptom, not a cause, of what now ails America's body
politic. When he has thankfully gone the rot will not go with him. These
institutions will be as corrupt as ever and the Democrats will become more
vindictive and demogogic in the tactics of personal destruction, knowing full
well that the media, especially the networks will largely act as their willing

Editor: There has been a complete blackout on Chinagate in Australia. It's as
if it never existed, thanks to the Left's domination of our media. Rupert
Murdoch's Australian has been particularly vicious in this respect, with its US-
based journalists totally ignoring Chung while doing what they can to rubbish
Dole and the Republicans, with two of them even calling some Republicans
racists and barbarians. And Murdoch has the gall to publicly claim he is proud
of his US citizenship. Don't believe it for a minute. He and his brood don't
give a damn about the US — or Australia.

Censorship by the Left means that The New Australian has been the only
Australian publication to continually expose the Clinton scandals. It will
continue to do.

Visit the TNA's Media Wall of Shame and find out how bad Murdoch's Australian
really is.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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