-Caveat Lector-

>From TheNewAustralian

The essence of 'military ethics'
By *Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson, CDR USN (Ret.)
No. 141,   8-14 November 1999

The purpose of our military forces is to fight and win America's wars. American
fighting men take for granted that there is a moral bond between themselves,
their military superiors, and the civilian leadership which sends them into
harms way. All take individual oaths to protect and defend the Constitution.
The fighting man assumes that there is a shared set of 'ethics' — rules
governing behavior or standards of conduct based on shared 'first principles'
of morality that guide all in the determination of right or wrong conduct.

Underneath, there is a set of ethical standards which are peculiar to our
nation's 'warriors.' These standards have been honed over two centuries of war-
fighting to answer affirmatively the question put to an army or fighting unit,
'Will it fight?' On an individual level, the question is, 'Will he fight as a
member of a combat unit that can be counted on to carry out its mission — to
get the job done — even if it means the sacrifice of his most sacred
possession, his life?' At the smallest unit levels — where survival is often
the most vital immediate objective — this affirmation is made highly likely
when each individual has been trained in the practical 'ethics' which General
Charles Krulak has articulated. This requires a bond of TRUST based on
'straight talk, responsibility, accountability, and example.' He lists the
'ethics' on which these practical elements are based; valor — the 'warrior
ethos' — and values; honor, courage, and commitment. This military 'ethic' is
based on first principles. It is the 'ethic' on which the Founding Fathers
built our constitutional republic. It has changed little since the 1770s.

It is important to understand that the 'ethical' connection among America's
fighting men, from the lowliest recruit to the highest ranking officer must be
built on TRUST. Military men must be able to trust those who hold subordinates'
lives in their hands. This trust is the glue that holds everyone together —
makes it possible that hard-driven and sometimes fatal commands will be carried
out. They must believe that their lives will not be placed at risk needlessly,
with little purpose, but only or just cause. In the past, we had that TRUST. As
a newly commissioned Navy carrier aviator during the mid-1950s, I was assigned
to an A4 'Skyhawk' squadron, deployed aboard the USS Randolph in the
Mediterranean Sea. At that time, the A4 was the Navy's primary nuclear delivery
vehicle. This was during a period before the B-52 and land-based
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, as well as nuclear-armed submarines took
over this role.

Each A4 pilot was assigned a unique target. We planned our routes to our target
from the many possible launch-points in the Med and essentially committed these
routes to memory. We knew a great deal about the effects of nuclear weapons. We
knew that we were delivering nuclear weapons on targets which would have heavy
civilian casualties — collateral damage is the term used these days. We knew
that people would burn to death, die by blast effects, and suffer terrible pain
from the nuclear radiation effects of our weapons. That's right. We knew
'innocent' people would suffer terribly and die. That is, babies, young
children, pregnant women, helpless cripples, young people with dreams for the
future, old people who wished nothing more than to live out their lives in the
sunshine of their grandchildren's eyes — all would suffer and most would die.

And we, the delivery pilots, would be the agents for carrying out this
unbelievable death and destruction.

We also knew another striking truth. Virtually all of our targets were beyond
the range of our aircraft's ability to return safely to our ship. I remember
well my target which required that I fly directly to the mountains of Turkey,
bail out, and hope to find a way home — with no assistance other than an
American flag and a plea for help, written in a foreign language on a flimsy
little piece of cloth. We were on a suicide mission from which we would most
likely never return. This set of circumstances evoked deep thoughts and
considerations of 'ethics' in the hearts and minds of many of us not three
years out of a college environment and the relative carefree abundance of
civilized American life.

We talked at some length among ourselves about what we were doing, why we were
doing it, and most importantly — whether or not we would actually go when the
gong sounded. I remember one — and only one — among us who said, "I will not
go." The rest of us were incredulous at this pronouncement. All of the rest of
us were equally as adamant that we, indeed, would launch and carry out our
mission to the best of our abilities. We shared our reasoning with each other
and with the lone 'holdout.' This reasoning prevailed. It went like this. We
are facing a deadly and vicious enemy, the Soviet Union, which has as its
primary goal the domination of the free world, and, if successful, would end
the freedoms for which countless Americans had suffered and died. The American
strategy invoked for survival at the time was assured destruction. That is, the
United States would never strike the Soviet Union first, but if struck by the
Soviets we would retaliate and assure the complete destruction of the enemy —
its military, its industrial complex, and a large portion of its population.

The Soviet Union would no longer exist — it would be reduced to gravel. At our
level — where the nuclear weapons get delivered on target — this meant that we
had an abiding and unquestioned TRUST that our civilian and military leadership
would never ask us to go unless America was under attack by Soviet nuclear
weapons. We took this TRUST as a matter of FAITH. That is, we knew that our
families, friends, and loved ones would most likely be subject to nuclear
attack before we would be called on to go. Many, if not all, would be dead or
suffering serious injury because they lived near the military bases to which we
were stationed stateside. So, for us it was easy to convince ourselves that we
would carry out our mission because of America's just cause and because we had
an abiding faith in the morality and 'ethical behavior' of our leaders — all
the way up to the Commander-in-Chief, the Congress and the American people.
This TRUST and CONFIDENCE was unshakable.

It was a product of the times. We shared the first principles of a Christian-
based 'ethics' founded on the 'virtue tradition' of our Founding Fathers. It
was reinforced by our supporting institutions: our churches, our public
schools, our universities, and other civic organizations. It was reinforced by
a non-ideological press and news media. It was reinforced by a Hollywood which
still promoted patriotic movies with 'ethical' messages that reinforced our
confidence in America and its institutions. Now that trust is evaporating. What
has happened? Answer: the same thing that has occurred, slowly but surely, over
the past thirty years. The public morality has been corrupted by the New
Barbarians. Who are these people and how did this come about? It is a
fascinating story — for another time.


<<Unfortunately, the military is caught in a bind.  Each member is expected
attain and maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethics when performing
their jobs, also know as 'military bearing' or 'professionalism'.  This is what
brings airplanes and submarines back to the surface, with all personnel
accounted for.  Yet, when asked to things that do not conform to reason nor are
being ordered by those who are found lacking in their personal and professional
ethics, there the rending of the fabric begins.  Then, we look at results: Do
the means conform to the intended ends?  Do the ends justify the means?  For
many years, the military was used sparingly and with great prudence when
addressing foreign policy objectives; after all, it is the last resort for
influencing friends and enemies.  In the last ten years, it's been asked to do
more while its resources have shrunk.  Yet, have the ends been attained as
advertised?  Aspirin factories, civilians without ANY military experience given
priority for sea burials OVER deceased veterans, abortive missions, half-won
wars, and the like aren't the paragonal paradigms for job satisfaction ...
A<>E<>R >>

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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