-Caveat Lector-


     "Former CIA deep-cover agent [Chip Tatum] turns
whistleblower at great risk;
     "His shocking allegations expose powerful names
controlling the international drug trade in high places"

     Copyright (c) 1997 by David G. Guyatt
     From "Nexus" Magazine, Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4


     Tatum has gone into considerable detail regarding [the
international cabal which he refers to only as] "Pegasus."
     He believes Pegasus was established during the Eisenhower
years as a secret group within the CIA, [charged with monitoring]
that agency's activities for the President [who had publicly
expressed concern over "the military-industrial complex"].
     At some point --believed to be after the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy-- Pegasus "went AWOL" to escape US
Government supervision and soon came under the control of an
international Directorate which allegedly includes George Bush
and Henry Kissinger.
     The directors of Pegasus meet once a year in secret conclave
following G7 meetings.
     The group has "representation" from a number of intelligence
agencies throughout the world.  Included are the DEA, the CIA and
the ATF, [but only irregularly the FBI], as well as agents from
British, Israeli, Turkish and Danish Intelligence, plus "others
who perform various services for Pegasus."
     The mission of Pegasus, Tatum explains, is "to 'align' world
leaders and financiers to 'our' policies and standards."


     During l986, [Tatum] set up money-laundering operations in
Watertown, New York State, close to the home base of the Army's
10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum.  The location was chosen
with care.  With access to Fort Drum's telephone lines for secure
communications, he was assigned a Cherokee-140 fixed-wing
aircraft, used to ship personnel and supplies across the Canadian
border under radar cover ...
     Tatum was provided with a civilian cover in the form of
three construction companies: American National Home Builders,
American Constructors and American Homes.
     Funding was provided by Henry Hyde, an Illinois Republican
politician and well known as the CIA's "black money" man.  Hyde
provided a $250,000 line of credit with Key Bank, Watertown.
     Although Tatum was listed as president, in reality all these
companies remained under the control of Ben Whittaker, a lawyer
from Rochester, New York.  Whittaker, Tatum says, [represents]
Tony Wilson, a member of the family that owns Xerox Corporation.
The Wilsons, extremely wealthy, are "friends of the Rothschilds
and Rockefellers."
     [Tatum] was also closely associated with South Eastern US
Investment Group (SEUS) --an investment bank in Savannah,
Georgia-- from 1985 through to 1989, and Irving Place
Development, a [subsidiary] of Irving Bank and Trust Company.
     Cocaine proceeds were laundered through all these companies
through an ingenious use of "construction" loans.
     The drug-related money went to Colorado, Ohio and Arkansas
[because] "Bush had people in his pocket in these areas."
     In Arkansas, the primary figure involved in the laundry
exercise was "Jack Stephens" -- Jackson Stephens, owner of
Worthen Bank & Trust Company, closely aligned with President Bill
Clinton.  Tatum states that "Clinton received the cash and
divided it up between Stephens and [Dan] Lasater to clean it up.
Stephens' company [Worthen Bank] was used as the guarantor,
providing 'warehouse' lines of credit."
     Tatum explains that [Bush and Oliver North's] "Enterprise"
received drugs in exchange for the guns they supplied to the
Contras.  The raw product in the form of coca leaves was supplied
by the Colombians, pressed into large cube-shaped bales, and then
shipped to Nicaragua and Honduras.
     All of the "product" was pre-sold, and its delivery to [and
distribution in] the United States was "guaranteed."
     This eventually resulted in the proceeds from sales being
pre-paid to Panama, under Noriega's control.  Some of this money
was washed through banks and other companies operating in Panama
and elsewhere.  The rest was sent to Arkansas, Ohio and Colorado.
    [In the US] the dirty money was filtered via construction
loans with permanent "takeouts" "arranged by banks and [Savings &
Loan] mortgage-lenders."  These, in turn, were later sold to
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- negotiable US Federal Mortgage
Securities traded globally on a daily basis.
     Each laundry "cycle" lasted six months to a year.  The
result: Dirty money transformed into good clean US currency.
     [These Savings & Loan "fronts"] were ultimately destined to
be purchased by a bank (proprietary) from Japan within a specific
time-frame --in 1996 [when BCCI was formally "rehabilitated"]--
as part of ongoing Pegasus plans.
     These [money-laundering vehicles] all became successful --
"'the American dream,' as VP Bush put it in a meeting in 1987."


     [In the course of helping Pegasus "'align' world leaders and
financiers to [its] policies and standards"], one of Tatum's
duties included flying "Archer Teams" (four-man hit teams) by
helicopter to their insertion point.
     He states that Enrique Bermudez was assassinated in 1991
by a Pegasus team, adding he "was shot in the back of the head
while walking down the street, from about 150 yards."
     Bermudez, known as "Commander Three Eight Zero" was the
senior Contra leader.  Following the Nicaraguan war, Bermudez had
sought a prominent position in the new government.  Spurned by
President Chamorro, "Commander 380" tried to pressure George Bush
to intercede on his behalf, threatening to expose Bush's role in
the cocaine trafficking enterprise.
     According to Tatum, Bush ordered his disposal.
     Another Pegasus assassination was that of General Gustavo
(Dr Gus) Alvarez Martinez, the "cooperating" Armed Forces
Commander-in-Chief, Honduras.
     Alvarez was assassinated in 1989, following his demand for a
bigger split of the cocaine profits.
     Tatum also describes his involvement in the assassination of
Amiram Nir, the former Israeli Mossad agent who went under the
assumed name of Pat Weber.
     Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee and
it was feared he would reveal the truth.  He perished when his
aircraft was shot down by missiles from Tatum's helicopter.

     Other "neutralisations" verge on the bizarre.
     One individual who must remain nameless for a variety of
reasons underwent an experience that is both horrific and
chilling.  [This] "Mr X" was a leader of one of the largest
CIA-backed Contra groups.  He recently testified before the US
Senate Intelligence Committee.  During his Senate testimony, he
denied any knowledge of CIA involvement in the narcotics trade,
adding that condoning such activity would have been foreign to
his way of life.
     Not so, says Tatum.  Mr X had been recruited into the CIA by
then-Director William Casey, with the help of Oliver North.
     In 1990, when Nicaraguan leader Daniel Ortega announced
there would be "free elections", X was ecstatic.  He began
jostling for position and asked President Bush to ensure that he
be given a prominent position in the new government -- in return,
[he emphasized], for his years of toil at the behest of the CIA
and the Enterprise.
     Failure to help would result in his intimate knowledge of
Bush's involvement in the dope trade being made public.
     A Pegasus team was assigned to "neutralise" him in 1990.
     Mr X, Tatum states, "[publicly] fancied himself a lover of
women.  It was determined that, if effectively neutralised, [X]
could be an asset.  Therefore, it was decided that [exploiting
this weakness] would be used to control [X]."
     [Pegasus] chose to use a drug which went by the nickname
"Burundanga" or "the Voodoo drug".  The drug is extracted from
the pods of a flowering shrub that grows in remote regions of
South America.  In its processed, powdered form, it is "void of
smell, void of taste."  When properly administered "it causes
absolute obedience" for days or even weeks "without this being
"observable by others".  Importantly, the target will not recall
any of the events that occurred during the period he or she was
under the spell of the drug.
     In outlining these details, Tatum adds that it is important
to administer the drug in the correct dosage, for he has known
targets to die from too high a dose.  Precise dosage can be
achieved by liquid ingestion, the powder being readily soluble.
Ingestion via cigarettes is also an optimum method of ingestion.
It is fast-acting and takes no more than 20 minutes to work.
     Tatum states that Mr. X was invited to spend a relaxing
weekend at a luxury hotel as a guest of his friend George Bush.
His host for the weekend was a trusted 18-year veteran
field-intelligence officer.  The evening started out with
cocktails [spiked with Burundaga], followed by a fine meal.
     "'Nothing but the best' were the orders."
     Then X was ushered into a suite occupied by a "blonde
bombshell" supplied by the CIA.  X was gallant with the blonde as
they both moved to the bedroom, where [secret] video cameras were
already set up in one corner.  Soon the blonde had X standing
naked in front of her while she began to indulge his desires ...
     Slowly stripping off "her" clothes, the blonde revealed HIS
manhood in all its glory ...  Mr X was instructed to reciprocate
and perform fellatio.  He obliged, his intimate activities
recorded at 24 frames a second on videotape.
     Tatum says the [transvestite] prostitute was hired from a
bar in New York and was killed [by X] that same evening.
     Two weeks later, when X --wholly unaware of the events of
that evening-- was visited in Nicaragua, he was presented with a
copy of the video footage, along with his instructions ...
     Tatum says X can never allow that video to be seen: "Not
only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it reveals his
[participation in] satanic rituals."
     As frame after frame flicked by, forced to watch himself
kill his homosexual "lover" and then engage in the most grisly
cannibalistic ritual imaginable, X reportedly wept.
     Thus neutralised [and now "qualified" for political office],
Mr X became a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few
short weeks later.


     Since 1985, when he first became aware of the Enterprise
drug-smuggling, Tatum began collecting documents, audiotapes and
videotapes for his "retirement". He was acutely aware that most
deep-cover agents do not survive long in what is a very dirty
game at a high-stakes poker table.

     Tatum says that, in 1992, President Bush instructed him to
"neutralise" [rival] presidential candidate Ross Perot.

     He refused to do so.  Instead, he presented President Bush
with a copy of a tape incriminating him, explaining that it would
not be released - provided he, his family and Perot were kept
safe.  He told the President that copies of the tape had been
placed in six different locations worldwide, saying, "if I didn't
contact these capsule-holders by a certain time each year, they
are to be sent to the addresses on the packaging". He closed the
conversation by stating that when he originally "placed the
packages, I gave explicit instructions that if [they were led to
believe] I asked for them to be sent back to me, they were to
send them to the addresses on the packages."  This, Tatum
reasoned, would avoid intimidation or torture.


     Tatum had met [alleged CIA contract agent and DEA informant]
Barry Seal and become close friends.
     Tatum recalls being present during a meeting between
Oliver North, Felix Rodriguez, Amiram Nir and General Alvarez
from Honduras, when North stated that Vice President Bush was
going to have his son Jeb arrange "something out of Columbia".
     That conversation revolved around Barry Seal's increasingly
notorious activities.
     When Tatum later heard Seal had died, he immediately
understood who was behind the killing.
     The discussion also made it clear that VP Bush, Governor
Clinton and his three respective "handlers" were knee-deep in the
cocaine venture and making fistloads of money.
     Unknown to all those present, Seal had earlier provided
Tatum with a list of names of those high-level government
officials deeply involved with or responsible for controlling the
narcotics business.  Seal called them the "Boss Hogs" ...
     The list cites the surnames only, and is reproduced below,
complete with misspellings as written. I have appended their full
names and titles in brackets.

              "BOSS HOGS" in the UNITED STATES

* CASEY (William Casey, CIA Director)
* CLAIR-GEORGE (Clair Elroy George, Head of CIA's Central
     American Task Force)
* BUSH (Vice President George Bush)
* KISSINGER (Dr Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State;
     former National Security Adviser)
* HAIG (General Alexander Haig, former Secretary of State)
* GREG (Donald Gregg, former National Security Adviser
     to VP Bush, Ambassador to Korea and alleged joint
     "Controller" of Panama's Manuel Noriega, along with
     William Casey)
* CLAIRAGE (Duane "Dewey" Clarradge, CIA)
* FERNANDEZ (Joseph Fernandez, CIA Costa Rica Station Chief)
* NORTH (Lt Col. Oliver North, National Security Council aide)
* SINGLAUB (John Singlaub, CIA covert operative)
* COLBY (William Colby, CIA Director 1973-76)
* SECORD (Richard V. Secord, "brilliant" in CIA black ops)
* WELD (William Weld, head of Criminal Division, US Department
     of Justice; instrumental in "blocking" Senate investigations
     into narcotics, according to testimony of former Senate
     special investigator, Jack Blum)
* RODRIGUEZ (Felix Rodriguez, CIA officer with ties to VP Bush)
* PEROOT (General Peroot, Defense Intelligence Agency)


     [Continued, with list of "Boss Hogs" abroad, in Part 2)

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