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posted November 21, 1999

In this alert:
Congeladora del Rio update
Action request
Upcoming events: WTO, Gap, Season of Conscience
Sweatshop activist organizing packet


Message from the FAT (Frente Autentico de Trabajadores - Authentic Workers
sent November 19, 1999

[Translation provided by United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of
America (UE)]

To all of our friends:

As we advised you in our last update, a meeting recently took place in Leon
between representatives of the company, the union and the state government
in which the company gave its word of honor that it would begin re-hiring
the fired workers as of November 15th. The events of the past week are as

On the 15th of November, approximately 80 workers presented themselves at
the plant for work in accordance with the agreement. They were informed by
the company that there was no fruit available yet. Faced with the
insistence of the workers, Mr. Ovalle (who is said to be very close to
Arthur Price) asked them to wait while he made some phone calls to
strawberry producers. He returned at 11:00 am and instructed them to return
at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, November 17th, as he had been promised that
strawberries would be delivered that morning.

On Wednesday, the workers again presented themselves at the time which had
been indicated. After they had waited at the entrance to the plant, a minor
management employee came out and told them that the union in the plant had
selected 15 workers who would be permitted to enter and to begin work. The
workers rejected this proposal, arguing that this had not been the
understanding, and made a phone call to Lic. Gustavo Rodriguez, the
representative of the State government, in order to tell him what had just
occurred. Lic. Rodriguez offered to call the company, agreeing that this
had not been the understanding.

Lic. Rodriguez later called to inform us that there would be a meeting at
the plant at 9:00 the following morning. Although the FAT's representative,
Antonio Velazquez, appeared, he was excluded from the meeting. After the
meeting, the government representative asked Antonio Velazquez for a
complete list of all of the workers who were interested and available to
return to work. The list was completed yesterday [November 18]. It has been
provided to Lic. Rodriguez and he was to present it today. It is to be
hoped that we will know on Monday [November 22] if there will be production
and the workers will be re-hired.

The information we have is that in fact there has been little fruit
available because the cold in Guanajuato during recent weeks has delayed
the strawberry harvest. The company has not been able to work complete
shifts, but there has been some work and the company is trying to buy
strawberries from the state of Michoacan.

It would be helpful if you would write to the authorities of the state of
Guanajuato, indicating that you are aware of the recent events, expressing
appreciation for the steps taken by Lic. Rodriguez and sating that you are
hopeful that he will be able to effect a satisfactory resolution to this

Please receive our warm fraternal greetings and appreciation for the
solidarity you have shown us.

Benedicto Martinez O.
General Secretary, FAT


Please copy, sign and email or fax the following letter to Governor Ramon
Martin Huerta and Lic. Antonio Obreson Padilla (authorities of the state of
Guanajuato, Mexico) and send the signature information below (not this
entire alert!) to Campaign for Labor Rights by email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or fax
(541) 431-0523:

I have sent the letter to Governor Ramon Martin Huerta and Lic. Antonio
Obreson Padilla.
CITY & STATE (or COUNTRY if not U.S.):
ORGANIZATION (if applicable):

Governor Ramon Martin Huerta
Guanajuato, Mexico
Fax: 001-47-31-12-55
Lic. Antonio Obreson Padilla
Guanajuato, Mexico
Email: same as above
Fax: 011-47-31-12-96

Dear Governor Ramon Martin Huerta and Lic. Antonio Obreson Padilla:

I have been informed of the events at Congeladora del Rio in recent months.
I want to begin by expressing my appreciation for the important role your
government has played in attempting to resolve this conflict. I am aware
that, in a meeting which was arranged by your government, the company
agreed to rehire all of the fired workers beginning on November 15th. I am
also aware that the company has failed to do so, initially stating that
there was no fruit and later that the selection of workers would be made by
the incumbent union.

I was pleased to hear of the forceful steps taken by your representative,
Lic. Gustavo Rodriguez, when he was advised that the company was failing to
live up to its pledges. I am hopeful that Lic. Rodriguez will be able to
effect a satisfactory resolution of this dispute and that the workers will
be able to return to work, as was agreed upon by the company.


CITY & STATE (or COUNTRY if not U.S.):
ORGANIZATION (for identification purposes only):


Congeladora del Rio, located in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, specializes
in freezing and preserving tropical fruits. Approximately 250-300 women and
children - some as young as 11 years - are employed, usually on a seasonal
basis, as packers in the plant, working long shifts and making as little as
$3 per day.

Organizing efforts at Congeladora began in May. On July 15, 200 workers
went on strike to demand a fair contract. Starting September 17, strikers
set up a picket line outside the factory. These workers were then fired. At
the company's request, police sent in armed guards for intimidation. The
company also bused in workers, mostly teenage girls, from another town to
cross the picket line.

In late September/early October, the state of Guanajuato intervened and set
up a meeting between the Frente Autentico de Trabajadores (FAT - Authentic
Workers Front) affiliate and the company. An agreement was reached which
was relatively satisfactory to the workers. It mandated de facto
recognition of a commission of workers and FAT advisors, with whom the
company would begin to meet, and reinstatement of the fired workers. But
then Global Trading, the U.S. parent company of Congeladora, refused to
sign the agreement, brought in new strikebreakers and presented a different
document, which had nothing to do with the one brokered by the state.

Then the state of Guanajuato intervened once more and brokered a new
written agreement, plus a somewhat better verbal agreement. As the present
alert indicates, the company has yet to demonstrate that it intends to
comply with the new agreement.


WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO): Activists by the thousands will be
gathering in Seattle in late November and early December to protest the
World Trade Organization meeting and to present their vision of fair trade
and economic justice. Among several sources of information on planned
activities is the web site at <>.

GAP DAY OF ACTION: The next Gap campaign day of action will be in
conjunction with the World Trade Organization (WTO) protest in Seattle on
Tuesday, November 30. Global Exchange is organizing a demonstration at an
Old Navy store. (Gap owns Old Navy and Banana Republic, as well as Gap
outlets.) There also may be Gap protests associated with some of the other
WTO events planned around the country for November 30. The Gap campaign
arose in response to revelations of outrageous sweatshop practices by Gap
and other companies producing clothing on the U.S. territory of Saipan. For
more information on the Gap campaign and the November 30 protest, see the
Global Exchange web site: <> or contact Global
Exchange at (415) 255-7296 or <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

SEASON OF CONSCIENCE DAY OF ACTION: Now in its third year, the Holiday
Season of Conscience day of action is planned for December 9 this year. The
events this year are part of the People's Right To Know campaign, which has
called upon Wal-Mart to disclose the names and locations of the factories
where its goods are produced. The National Labor Committee and the People
of Faith Network invite local groups to organize demonstrations, vigils and
other activities. For more information, contact (212) 242-3002 or
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or visit the National Labor Committee web site at


Nicaragua: One of the email addresses we asked you to write to was
incomplete. According to the National Labor Committee, the correct address
for Ambassador Oliver P. Garza is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. However, one
person has reported to us that messages also are bouncing when sent to this
email address.

Nicaragua: The General Consul's name is spelled with a Z, not with an S:

Guatemala: Although <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> previously was a functioning
email address for William Stixrud, the U.S. ambassador to Guatemala,
messages now being sent to that address are bouncing. Perhaps the
ambassador doesn't like hearing from the public.

Indonesia: A recent Campaign for Labor Rights alert stated that Bata shoe
company pays higher wages in Indonesia than Nike does. Further analysis
suggests that more data are needed before making that claim.


The third installment of the 1999 Sweatshop Activist Organizing Packet has
been completed. Everyone who ordered the packet earlier automatically
receives the updates. Anyone ordering now receives the third installment,
plus whatever is still current from installments 1 and 2. Order by email
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or phone (541) 344-5410. Include your postal address: Packet
is in hard copy. Packet includes donation form and return envelope.
Suggested donation: $10.00.

If ordering from outside the United States, please pay by credit card. From
within the U.S., either credit card or check payment is welcome. If you are
paying by card, the charge will be credited to Campaign for Labor Rights
through the Alliance for Global Justice, of which CLR is a member project.
Your bill, however, will show a payment to the Alliance. Just email us your
name exactly as it appears on the MasterCard, Visa or Discover card, your
account number, the expiration date and the amount of the payment in U.S.

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