-Caveat Lector-

From: "Hilary A. Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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ALLIANCE FOR BI0-INTEGRITY  Dedicated to Preserving the Safety of Our Food,
the Health of Our Environment,  and the Harmony of Our Relationship with
Nature  P.O. Box 110, Iowa City, Iowa 52244-0110 Voice: (515) 472-5554; Fax
(515) 472-6431  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Web: www.biointegrity.org

on Scientific, Safety, and Regulatory Issues  Steven M. Druker, J.D.
Executive Director

A. Introduction  I am very pleased to be here, and I commend you,
Commissioner Henney, for holding these meetings. I am also somewhat
surprised to be here, since I am one of the strongest critics of your
agency's policy on bioengineered foods and have coordinated a major lawsuit
against it--a suit which is pending in U.S. District Court. The fact you
have invited me indicates not only that you are interested in hearing from
all sides, but suggests that you are also open to making meaningful

B. FDA Policy is Scientifically Unsound  This is encouraging, since current
FDA policy is sorely in need of change. While it claims to be
science-based, it is seriously out of line with the standards of science --
and with the requirements of federal law.

1. Eminent Scientists Fault the Policy for Ignoring Biological Reality
Numerous experts both here and abroad have criticized FDA policy as
scientifically flawed, and nine of these experts are so concerned about the
extent to which they view it as unsound and irresponsible that they have
taken the unprecedented step of becoming plaintiffs in the lawsuit my
organization is leading to amend the policy and institute mandatory,
rigorous safety testing of all genetically engineered foods. These
scientist-plaintiffs are eminent, and their concerns deserve attention.
They include a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of
California at Berkeley, a respected molecular biologist at the State
University of New York, and the associate director of targeted mutagenics
at Northwestern University Medical School. This latter scientist routinely
employs bioengineering in the medical field, but is troubled it is being
used in food production without adequate safeguards. Also included is
Professor Philip Regal, an internationally renowned plant biologist at the
University of Minnesota, who has stated in a sworn declaration to the court
"... there are scientifically justified concerns about the safety of
genetically engineered foods and some of them could be quite dangerous."

Why are our nine plaintiffs and so many other scientists so concerned about
FDA policy? They think the agency is disregarding the well-recognized
potential for recombinant DNA techniques to produce unexpected toxins and
carcinogens in a different manner and to a different degree than do
conventional methods. For one thing, the foreign genetic material
invariably disrupts the region of host DNA into which it wedges, and this
can adversely alter cellular function. Another source of potential problems
is the routine practice of fusing powerful promoters from viruses or
pathogenic bacteria to the transferred genes. This is necessary because
genes ordinarily do not express well when implanted within a foreign
cellular environment. However, besides boosting the foreign genes, these
promoters can cause overexpression (or even suppression) of surrounding
native genes. Further, these foreign promoters cause the transgenes to act
independently of the host organism's intricate control mechanisms and to
express their products in an essentially unregulated manner. This
unregulated flow of foreign substances can upset complex biochemical
feedback loops. Moreover, these powerful agents can activate metabolic
pathways that are ordinarily inactive.

Each of the above types of disruption can induce unexpected toxins,
carcinogens or allergens -- or degrade nutritional value in an
unpredictable manner.

Unfortunately, the FDA's official position ignores this heightened
potential for unpredictable negative side effects. Rather, the agency
focuses almost exclusively on the factors that are known: the transferred
genetic material and the substances it is known to produce. In effect, it
is evaluating each transgenic substance as if it were an ingredient mixed
into a pre-existing food rather than as a factor that can cause
unpredictable deleterious changes in the developmental process of a food
organism. As one of our plaintiffs, the respected molecular biologist Dr.
Liebe Cavalieri has stated, such an approach is "simplistic if not simple

2. Numerous FDA Scientists Have Warned About the Risks of Bioengineered

What is especially troubling is that the risks the FDA is systematically
ignoring are not only recognized by eminent experts outside the agency but
by numerous scientists on its own staff. This came to light when the FDA
had to give us copies of its files during the course of the lawsuit.
Memorandum after memorandum contains warnings about the unique hazards of
genetically engineered food. As FDA microbiologist Dr. Louis Pribyl stated:
"There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects
from traditional breeding and genetic engineering ...." He added that
several aspects of gene splicing ". . . may be more hazardous . . ."
Similarly, Dr. E.J. Matthews of the FDA's Toxicology Group warned that " .
. . genetically modified plants could ... contain unexpected high
concentrations of plant toxicants...," and he cautioned that some of these
toxicants could be unexpected and could " . . . be uniquely different
chemicals that are usually expressed in unrelated plants." The numerous
in-house critiques of the agency's proposed policy are best summed up by
Dr. Linda Kahl, a compliance officer, who protested that the agency was
"... trying to fit a square peg into a round hole . . . [by] trying to
force an ultimate conclusion that there is no difference between foods
modified by genetic engineering and foods modified by traditional breeding
practices." She declared: "The processes of genetic engineering and
traditional breeding are different, and according to the technical experts
in the agency, they lead to different risks."

In light of these unique risks, FDA scientists advised that genetically
engineered foods should undergo special testing. The Division of Food
Chemistry and Technology cautioned, "... some undesirable effects such as
... appearance of new, not previously identified toxicants ... may escape
breeders' attention unless genetically engineered plants are evaluated
specifically for these changes. Such evaluations should be performed on a
case-by-case basis, i.e., every transformant should be evaluated before it
enters the marketplace." These experts advised the evaluation should
include toxicological tests.

Not only was the agency aware of uncertainties within its own ranks, it
also knew there was considerable disagreement about the safety of
genetically engineered foods in the scientific community at large. For
instance, the FDA Biotechnology Coordinator, Dr. Jim Maryanski,
acknowledged in a letter to a Canadian official on Oct. 23, 1991 that there
was not a scientific consensus concerning the need for toxicology tests. He
also admitted, "I think the question of the potential for some substances
to cause allergenic reactions is particularly difficult to predict."

Nonetheless, the FDA not only disregarded the warnings of many of its own
scientists about the unique risks of gene-spliced foods, it covered them up
and has taken a public position that is quite opposite. It's official
policy statement declares: "The agency is not aware of any information
showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in
any meaningful or uniform way ...." (Statement of Policy: Foods Derived
>From New Plant Varieties, May 29, 1992, Federal Register vol. 57, No. 104
at 22991.) In light of the numerous statements from its own scientific
experts about the unique differences -- and risks -- of genetically
engineered foods, it's difficult to view this claim as a good faith effort
to represent reality. Rather, it appears to be a ploy intended to deceive
the public and evade the law. It is unconscionable for the FDA to stoop to
such behavior when the safety of our food is at stake.

C. FDA Policy is Illegal

It should be obvious that, besides violating sound science, the FDA policy
violates the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. In the food additive
amendment to this statute, Congress instituted the precautionary principle
as the law of the land when it comes to new substances being added to our
food. Congress definitively decreed that no new substance shall be added to
our food unless that substance has been demonstrated to be safe through
standard scientific testing.

While the FDA agrees that the foreign genetic material, and the substances
it produces, that get inserted into an edible plant are in principle food
additives, it maintains they are exempt from regulation because they fall
under the exception for substances that are "generally recognized as safe"
(GRAS). It argues they are sufficiently similar to substances that are GRAS
to support an inference that they are likewise safe. However, as already
noted, FDA records indicate that implanting transgenic material into the
DNA of a food-producing plant is not even generally recognized as safe
among the agency's own scientists let alone by a consensus in the
scientific community.

Second, the law is explicit that any recognition of safety must be based on
"scientific procedures," and both the FDA and the courts have heretofore
consistently interpreted "scientific procedures" as referring to studies
published in peer-reviewed literature. Further, the FDA's own regulations
emphasize that the tests supporting a general recognition of safety
"...require the same quantity and quality of scientific evidence as is
required to obtain approval of the substance as a food additive." This
means, in the FDA's words, that the tests must demonstrate "a reasonable
certainty ... that the substance is not harmful under its intended
conditions of use." Yet, neither the FDA's records nor the scientific
literature indicate that such a test exists for even one genetically
engineered food.

In fact, the main test referenced in FDA files that attempted to
demonstrate the safety of a bioengineered food through standard toxicology
tests failed to do so. In his comments on this study, Dr. Robert J.
Scheuplein, director of the FDA's Office of Special Research Skills, wrote:
"... the data fall short of 'a demonstration of safety' or of a
'demonstration of reasonable certainty of no harm' which is the standard we
typically apply to food additives. To do that we would need, in my opinion,
a study that resolves the safety question raised by the current data." Yet,
the agency approved that product anyway on the grounds it was generally
recognized as safe -- even though the law requires such recognition be
based on precisely the kind of test that had failed to demonstrate safety.
That food was Calgene's "Flavr Savr" tomato, the first genetically
engineered organism the FDA reviewed. Interestingly, FDA officials claim
that the Flavr Savr passed muster so well that the rigor of its testing
will not have to be repeated for other bioengineered foods.

So, although the "generally recognized as safe" exemption was intended to
permit marketing of substances whose safety has already been demonstrated
through sound testing, the FDA is using it to circumvent testing and to
approve substances based on inferences drawn from less rigorous forms of
analysis -- inferences that are dubious in the eyes of several of its own
as well as many other experts.

D. Genetically Engineered Food Has Caused Death and Disability

In 1988, a Japanese manufacturer, Showa Denko K.K., began marketing a
genetically engineered food supplement of the amino acid L-tryptophan in
the U.S. In this process, a gene coding for L-Tryptophan was spliced into
the DNA of bacteria, and the substance was then extracted. Prior to that
time, Showa Denko and other manufacturers had been marketing conventionally
produced tryptophan supplements for many years with no ill effects.
However, within a few months of entering the market, the genetically
engineered supplement caused the deaths of 37 people and the permanent
disability of at least 1500 others. (Source: House of Representatives 1991.
FDA's Regulation of the Dietary Supplement L-Tryptophan. Human Resources
and Intergovernmental Subcommittee of the Committee on Government
Operations, United States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.)

It was later shown that the genetically engineered tryptophan contained
unusual and highly toxic contaminants. None of the conventionally produced
tryptophan previously sold by Showa Denko or concurrently sold by other
companies were toxic. Although it was never definitively established that
the toxicity resulted from the genetic engineering process, neither has the
link been ruled out; and many experts think it is likely that the toxin was
an unexpected side effect of the bioengineering procedure. (Id.) It is
well-recognized that this procedure can alter cellular activity and
generate novel toxins, and the FDA's files contain numerous statements from
its own scientists acknowledging this hazard. In the case of the
L-Tryptophan, it is probable that the bacterial metabolism was disrupted in
such a way that toxins were synthesized. The main reason a definitive
answer has not been reached is that all the relevant evidence in Showa
Denko's laboratory was destroyed before it could be examined.

Further, it is important to note that the toxins in the supplements were at
such a low concentration that standard chemical analysis did not detect
them and gave the false impression that the bioengineered batches were pure
and safe to consume. Toxicological testing via animal feeding studies could
have detected the problem.

On July 18, 1991, Douglas L. Archer, the Deputy Director of FDA's Center
for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), was invited to testify
before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Human Resources and
Intergovernmental Relations regarding the agency's actions in response to
the L-Tryptophan tragedy. Dr. Archer stated that the deaths and cripplings
"demonstrate the dangers inherent in the various health fraud schemes that
are being perpetrated on segments of the American Public." He indicated
that the problem is that the medical and health claims being made for
supplements such as L-Tryptophan are unsubstantiated and that the risks
from their use as drugs can be significant. Dr. Archer's prepared remarks
did not once indicate that the toxic batches of L-Tryptophan had been
produced through genetic engineering, nor did he once raise the possibility
that it was this process rather than the inherent unsafety of L-Tryptophan
supplements that was the cause of the illnesses. In fact, in his prepared
remarks, he made no mention of genetic engineering. (Id.)

On September 27, 1991, Dr. James Maryanski, Coordinator of FDA's CFSAN
Biotechnology Working Group, met with representatives of the Government
Accounting Office and was questioned about L-Tryptophan and the potential
that genetic engineering was the cause of the recent illness (termed EMS).
According to Dr. Maryanski's memo of the meeting: "I said that we have no
new information, that we do not yet know the cause of EMS nor can we rule
out the engineering of the organism." (emphasis added). (FDA Administrative
Record at 22,923.)

On May, 29 1992, the FDA published its policy statement on genetically
engineered foods, which presumes there is a reasonable certainty that these
foods will not be harmful and therefore does not require they be safety
tested. However, as of the date of this summary (October 28, 1999) no one
has produced any evidence that rules out the genetic engineering process as
the cause of the EMS, and many experts continue to think it is the most
probable cause.

To date, the executive branch of the U.S. government continues to ignore
the fact that the fatal L-Tryptophan was bioengineered and persists in
pretending that no genetically engineered food has been linked with a human
health problem. For instance, in September, 1999, David Aaron, U.S. deputy
secretary of commerce, declared, "Not a rash, not a sneeze, not a cough,
not a watery eye has been developed from this (GM foods), and that's
because we have been extremely careful in our process of approving them."
(Reported by Reuters, 9-16-99)

The only concrete action the FDA took in response to the spate of
bioengineered L-Tryptophan poisonings was to remove all L-Tryptophan
supplements from the market. This action is consistent with the agency's
claim that genetic engineering is an innocuous process similar to
traditional breeding and that the problem stemmed from the risks of health
supplements in general.

Thus, even though no conventionally produced L-Tryptophan has been known to
cause the illness in question, all such supplements have been banned, while
all genetically engineered foods have been cleared for marketing without
safety testing, even though there are scientifically justified grounds to
suspect the bioengineering process itself was the cause of the L-Tryptophan

E. It Is Time For the FDA to Act Responsibly

The FDA says it is now in a listening mode. If it's ears have truly been
open, then it's conscience should have been touched. The safety of the
world's food supply is at stake. There is more than enough evidence to
convince a reasonable man or woman that current FDA policy is unscientific,
unwise, irresponsible, and illegal.

Commissioner Henney, I implore you to reconsider the agency's policy and to
act as the responsible public servant I am sure that you are.


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