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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

How to Fuck (with) Freemasons


Jaye C. Beldo

'Where there is fear, we lose the way of spirit.'

    Mere mention of the Freemasons in a casual conversation usually evokes a
range of predictable responses: fear, dread, puzzlement, confusion as well as
overt skepticism and sarcasm concerning their existence as a secret force to
seriously reckon with.  The bane of many a conspiracy theorist, Freemasons
enjoy the privilege of hiding behind a pervasive aura of mystery and
misunderstanding, using the overtly repelling quality of their otherworldly
magnetism to the fullest advantage.  How else could they conduct their
ongoing extortion of humanity, unchecked and unharassed?  One only need grasp
the occult significance of such events as the recent crash of Flight 990 as
well as the Kennedy and Princess Diana assassinations (see James Shelby Downar
d's impressive display of occult semiotics:  Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and
the Science of Symbolism  in the book 'Secret and Suppressed' published by
Feral House)
    As the Freemasons work in their ultimately meshed, networked way to
achieve nothing short of total world dominance, orchestrating a bombing in
Israel or Palestine, a 'lone nutter' shooting in Hawaii or Seattle, yet
another geopolitical earthquake in Turkey, most of us feel earnestly helpless
in addressing their sinister agenda in any effective, positive and long
lasting way.  We can armchair speculate until we bleed to death between the
pillars of Joachim and Boaz before any positive changes ever will occur.  We
can dig around in Hiram Abiff's trephinated skull for answers long ago hidden
away under the Dome of the Rock.  But to no liberatory avail.  We can even
attempt to expose the contingency plan of the Mason Mafioso's global
protection racket, possibly at great risk to our well being if we dare do so.
 But why bother at something so ridiculous and futile?   We have enough Don
Quixotes fencing with Pentagons as it is. After all, Freemasons are merely a
bunch of social clubbers that hide behind their forbidding name to drink
Rothschild Lafite and Adolph Coors Beer depending upon the occassion and
nothing else. Am I  right?
    As an intuitive, practitioner of Kriya Yoga and a admirer of Meher Baba,
one of the most genuine avatars who ever graced the earth plane, I'd like to
offer some heart centered, non-fear based ways on how to positively counter,
perhaps even transform the energies the potential Freemasons and affiliated
cabals try to hypnotically control us with.  I emphasize creativity, primacy
of the imagination, warmth and humor as the ingredients required to
effectively ward off  negatively occult energies whether real/imagined or
both.  As always, I overtly discourage violence, hatred and paranoia, the
quite outdated and outmoded encrustations of the primitive anal-territorial
neuro circuit, a circuit which should be transcended as quickly as possible
before our jettison into the 21st century.
    What follows are some effective psychniques which can be employed in our
quest to fuck the Freemasons.  Not fuck them over as they do us, but actually
fuck them with our fervid imaginations, in a loving, tender, orgasmic, even
orgonomically viable way in attempt to reestablish the reality of
Eros/Relatedness/Compassion in our world.  (By the way 33   is not an
indication of ultimate advancement on the Freemasonic ladder, but rather the
overall mean temperature (Farenheit) of Freemasonic genital areas as recently
documented by the Bureau of Weights and Measures-Columbus division.)  Now,
more than ever, is the time to warm things up.
    One of the most effective means to fuck the Freemasons with is via a
psychnique I've devised called Guerilla Tarot.   In short, Guerrilla Tarot
describes how to use the Tarot deck in a proactive, benignly subversive way
to address the powers that be rather than as a mere means of divination as it
is usually employed.  Guerilla Tarot beckons us to animate the archetypes
found in the deck, such as the Priestess or Magician cards and send them off
into various matrixes which attempt to retard our growth, whether it be the
local bank lobby or Inverness Tower in Scotland.  Please check out the
article posted on the Great Speckled Bird web site:
    Prior to reading the following, I suggest grabbing a dollar bill, a Rider
Waite Tarot deck if you have one,  and co-participating in the following
Guerilla Tarot excursion into the realm of the mysterious Great Seal.

Guerilla Tarot and the Great Seal

    Anyone who has studied conspiracy related material is probably familiar
with the image of the pyramid with a capstone above it in which a single eye
is housed, found on the back of the US dollar bill .  Many conspiracy
theorists believe this symbol otherwise known as the Great Seal, has direct
ties with  Freemasonic/Illuminati  elements bent on controlling the world.
Indeed, this is one of the most frequently distributed, most recognizable of
images, found not only on the back of a US buck but in the logo of everything
from the Art Bell radio program to the ensignia of America On Line.  William
Cooper and others often describe the Eye-in -the -Pyramid schematics in terms
of a  potential socialist-totalitarian government that may await us (Novus
Ordo Seclorum=New World Order).  Whether or not this happens largely depends
upon if we choose to succumb to the spell of the eye (Malochia in spiritual
parlance) itself.
    I decided to take an imaginal voyage via Guerilla Tarot to investigate
the eye in the capstone, primarily to diminish the effect of its hex , but
also to gain an intuitive understanding of its unique spellcasting abilities.
 Making sure I was in a quiet and safe place to proceed with the inquiry, I
took a dollar bill out of my wallet and held it in my hands.  I took a few
breaths to center myself, looked at old George Washington for a bit then
turned over the bill to focus on the infamous Great Seal on the back.
    The first thing that caught my eye was : In God We Trust  and then  ONE
(One World that what we are to trust in?  This seemed to be
the subliminal intent within the layout design of the dollar bill itself.)
On the left side of the bill was the capstone with the eye inside, the very
symbol I chose to investigate.  I then focused my attention upon the Great
Seal and sensed how my body reacted to the image mostly via clairsentience
(psychic feeling) .   I felt my breathing restrict somewhat and my heart
chakra close down.
     I drew the following cards from the Tarot deck for the animated


    I took a few more deep breaths and relaxed, making sure to focus on my
heart chakra, encouraging it to open up a little bit.  I meditated on the
pyramid image.  I paid more attention to my body as I considered the energy I
was dealing with and felt a slight restriction in my throat, chest and the
top of my head (around the fontanel) too.  For some reason I felt that my
electromagnetic energy field and the fluctuations thereof were being
monitored by the NSA or some other intruding institution with sophisticated
surveillance technology (or perhaps it was the archetypal NSA of my own
unconscious psychological complexes I was experiencing).  Instead of
resisting this, I welcomed them, whoever they were, to participate in
Guerilla Tarot.  I flashed that the entities which composed the NSA, both
within and without me, wanted to be loved, cared for and paid attention to
just as much as I or any other vulnerable person did. This made much sense to
me, i.e., emotional vulnerability as a National Security issue.
    Relaxing, I then took the selected Tarot cards and placed them directly
below the dollar bill on a table in front of me and imagined breathing my
prana or life force into the symbols.  The angel in the JUDGMENT card
animated and began blowing her trumpet which caused the naked people beneath
her to climb out of their graves as if they were being summoned by a higher
power.  The angel turned upwards and then blew the trumpet directly at the
pyramid in the dollar bill.
    I sensed the pyramid did not like this invasion.  It was as if the angel
was one of the trumpeters bringing down the walls of Jericho on the seventh
day.  I felt great tension, particularly in my hands and skeletal structure,
as if the pyramid and the eye within were trying to prevent me from accessing
these positive vibrations evoked by the sounding trumpet. Could this kind of
restriction occur every time we come in contact with the Great Seal on the
dollar bill without our being conscious of it?
    For relief, I then focused on the LOVERS card.  The winged figure above
the LOVERS  reached up into the dollar bill and took the pyramid with both
hands and brought it into the LOVERS card and then set it down between what
appeared to be Adam and Eve.  The capstone started rotating quickly until it
blurred and I could not recognize it.  I sensed that the pyramid did not like
being taken out of the Great Seal and put into something so primordial as the
Garden of Good and Evil, alongside Adam and Eve.  In response to the spinning
capstone,the Eagle on the right side of the dollar bill took off and started
flying over the pyramid in the LOVERS card.  It dropped its cache of olive
branch and arrows onto the pyramid.  The serpent in the LOVERS card sprung
out and bit the Eagle, pulled it down and wrapped it up with its body around
the tree.  Adam and Eve began laughing at this.
     I asked the PAGE OF WANDS if he would like to guide me into the card.
He agreed and it felt as if he opened an invisible door that I could walk
through and into the Tarot landscape.  He invited me to approach the pyramid
between the LOVERS.  I imagined doing so, checking my body for tension.  It
was like a war going on both within and without me. In spite of this,
something I couldn't quite understand was trying to create some kind of
harmony or tune me to some harmonic frequency.
    When I connected with this implicate harmony, I felt like I was no longer
subject to the spellcasting of the one eyed monolith  in the Great Seal.  I
looked directly into the eye and saw a teardrop forming.  The tear welled up
and cascaded down all thirteen steps of the pyramid and formed a pool between
the LOVERS, the PAGE OF WANDS and myself.
    The angel in the JUDGMENT card stopped blowing the trumpet and the naked
figures climbed out of their graves and walked into the landscape of the
LOVERS card.  We all formed a circle around the pyramid and joined hands.
"Where is your other eye?" said the PAGE OF WANDS to the Pyramid.  "Do you
have another eye?  Surely you would like one, for everything thing you see
must be flat.  Like when a person covers up one eye with their hand."
"Would you like a mouth?" a  boy from the JUDGMENT card asked the eye in the
capstone. "Surely you would like to speak."
    The pyramid was still uneasy with our presence.  I breathed into my solar
plexus region and relaxed as best I could under the circumstances of this
benign interrogation.
    The Snake unwound itself and let the Eagle go free.  The nation's symbol
soared above us all and circled up into the sun of the LOVERS card where it
disappeared.  The pyramid still could not speak.  The PAGE OF WANDS began
climbing up the steps of the pyramid and asked the rest of us to follow.
Underneath the capstone, we discovered that the pyramid was hollow and filled
with water.  Without hesitation, we all dove in and swam around.  Once inside
this unusual Jacuzzi pyramid in the dollar bill, we swam about freely,
happily, without expectation. The capstone floated up higher and higher,
moving aside to allow the sun of the LOVERS card to shine on us.  We felt
refreshed and fully present.  No longer were we under the control of the
Great Seal as usual.  The tension in my shoulders and forehead were still
there as I animated the Tarot deck, but I felt this other reality starting to
emerge: one based on love and not fear.
     The PAGE OF WANDS pried out the corner stone of the pyramid with his
wand and the water within gushed out and irrigated the land of the LOVERS
card.  We all flowed out of the crumbling pyramid as the rest of the stones
washed away, as if we were in some kind of water ride at an amusement park.
        After this alchemical solutio, the capstone returned and landed
between the LOVERS.  Adam and Eve started kissing the eye's eyelid.  The eye
didn't seem to mind at all.  Eve then took the apex of the capstone into her
as far as she could and came instantly, moaning in harmony with the Angel's
trumpet which began sounding again. Adam started kissing the base of the
capstone as his mate straddled the capstone, occassionally savoring her
pudenda. So much for an exile from the Garden.  The Snake and the Eagle
watched all of this with great amusement. I actually felt myself getting a
bit aroused by this rather bizarre but somehow believable liason.  The LOVERS
invited me to participate, but being a Venus in Virgo, I had my hesitations.
Instead, I paid attention to my own resistances to the Great Seal orgy.  Why
was I reluctant to participate in eroticizing the Great Seal, even in the
privacy of my own imagination?  How was the Great Seal symbol manipulating me
to keep my sexual energy on a low, unspiritual, market based, thoroughly
commodified level?  "No wonder pornography is a trillion dollar business."  I
thought, paying attention to the inhibitions this imaginal journey made me
aware of in myself. I thanked the LOVERS for the invite but declined to enter
into the triage, as tempting as it was.  They didn't a mind a bit and resumed
servicing the capstone until these rays of pink light began emanating from
the eye's love juice covered pupil.  The light pervaded the scene and I felt
myself relaxing into a kind of vicarious, post coital bliss.
    I felt it was time to leave, especially on a positive note and asked the
PAGE OF WANDS to lead us out of the Great Seal matrix. But prior to departure
this I made sure to imagine reassembling the pyramid and replacing the
capstone as well.  I then said good bye to the Pyramid and the eye, which was
obviously satisfied.  The eagle returned to its usual place in the dollar as
well.  The JUDGMENT angel summoned all the people back to their respective
graves in her card.
     I graciously thanked each of the Tarot archetypes for deepening my
understanding of the Pyramid on the back of the dollar bill and the covert
implications of the Great Seal. Coming out of my altered state,  I put the
Tarot cards back in the deck and picked the dollar bill off the table.
Indeed I was  holding onto something truly counterfeit but something,
ironically, that somehow aspired to the truth, whatever that may have been!
It was really up to me to see that it would align itself with some higher
purpose beyond the realms of manipulation, deceit and perpetual debt.
Perhaps the Great Seal would eventually coincide with the very harmony I felt
present during the session, whether from the fucking or trumpeting or a
combination of both.
    I suggest trying such imaginal, heart centered psychniques as Guerilla
Tarot using  other Secret Society images such as found in the Skull and Bones
logo,  the Arc de Tiomphe in Paris, the Cross and Sun of the CIA badge, the
NATO logo,blueprints of  Solomon's Temple, as well as well as the United
Nations logo and its proud boast of 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry.  Medicine Cards, Mother Peace and Voyager Tarot cards are also
very effective means to creativly investigate the manipulative matrixes we
must live in that are generated and maintained by these symbols.

For other symbols to investigate check out:

Stay tuned for Guerilla Kaballah in the next installment.

Jaye C. Beldo is a writer, spiritual anarchist and intuitive counselor.  He
has been published in Dream Network, FATE, Green Egg, Konformist, Magical
Blend, and Viewzone.  He can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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