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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The Professional Paranoid
Book Review

Jaye C. Beldo

    Feral House, known for their usually ozone perforating titles such as The
Octopus  and  Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A., have come up with something
a bit more down to earth  for us, The Professional Paranoid  by H. Michael
Sweeney.   This practical manual thoroughly describes proven techniques on
how to safely deal with potential snoops ranging from stalkers, corporate
bullies, the IRS, private dicks to CIA spooks and spookettes.  How to know
when your being trailed,  when your mail is being tampered with and if your
phone is being tapped can be found in this intriguing and important survival
guide.  Women will find much useful information on how to avoid date rape and
other forms of assault included in this very street smart book.
     Reading The Professional Paranoid  has awakened this reviewer to some
ultimately sobering facts:

1. FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)  as enacted in 1978 and later
expanded by Klinton  under Executive Order #12949 as a response to the World
Trade and Oklahoma City bombings, pretty much annihilates our rights to
privacy, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and a right to a
fair hearing.  'Seven men can meet in a secret court, with no public record
kept, to decide that, because of who you may have associated with (even
accidentally or coincidentally)'

2.  The NSA, the largest intelligence agency in the U.S. can pretty much
intercept any phone call you make, e-mail you send or receive through
technology that they themselves have developed, yet are somehow mysteriously
immune to the surveillance laws that the rest of us are subject to.

3.  FEMA has established a 'Financial Crimes Enforcement Network' of
'supercomputers designed to track every financial transaction of every
citizen'  Imagine the implications if they hook up with those literal outlaws
at the IRS.

4. PROMIS is a software program that enables the CIA and other federal
agencies to track you online. "If you call a police department  or federal
agency and they enter your name into a computer, the CIA knows about it.
They can even alter the information.  Who knows, you might suddenly be listed
as 'armed and dangerous'."

    Most impressive in this work is the abundance of information found in the
appendix which spells out the staggering number of CIA  and other
survelliance fronts at large, ranging from the  AAI Corporation to Mitre to
Zenith Technical Enterprises.  Also in the appendix is detailed technical
information on bugs and other forms of surveillance technology often employed
by the snoops at large.   Updated information on the telecommunications and
computer industry's collusion with  the NSA to make their technology more
surveillance friendly is also included such as clipper chips which enable
'secret electronic entrance into digital information systems' and the like.
I found the information on pertinent web sites dedicated to exposing Big
Brother also highly useful as well .
    I commend Mr. Sweeney for his courage as well as  impressive thoroughness
of the research he put into the making of The Professional Paranoid .  Anyone
who scoffs at the suggestion that surveillance isn't the problem its made out
to be in the world of conspiracy should read and re-read this book for a much
needed change of mind.
    Check out  and www. for more info. if
you dare.

Jaye C. Beldo is a writer, spiritual anarchist and intuitive counselor.  He
has been published in Dream Network, FATE, Green Egg, the Konformist,
Viewzone, New Vision.  He can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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