From: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Philadelphia Experiment

                                    Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment and Time - part 2 of 2
With Drue (Interview by Joshua, 12/6/95 )

Joshua: You mentioned that you are a time traveler --- can you explain
what you mean by this? Can you share your perception
about what 'time' is and how this was connected with the Philadelphia

Drue: Yes, I do make the claim of being a time traveler or a timeliner.
Having the ability to move through time, either forward or
backward. These abilities came with my understanding of 'time' and
'timelines' through my involvement with the Philadelphia
Experiment and other time related experiences. The highly secretive
government experiments dealt with movement through time
as it is truly understood only by a few. The correct meaning of 'time'
is not as the dictionary defines it, nor, how we were taught.
'Time' is parallel and is nothing but an event. All events are happening
simultaneously --- NOW!

Joshua: What is you interest in UFOs? Some have suggested that UFOs have
a connection with this experiment in some way, is
this true?

Drue: Yes. UFOs do have a connection to the experiment, because when you
deal with UFO's, you also are dealing with 'time'
as it truly is. It is my opinion that approximately 85% of the UFO
sightings are sightings of government technology; one of the
reasons why the government will not acknowledge UFO's. This type of
technology is nothing but unidentified technology.
Today, instead of using warships, they applied this technology to
helicopters known as black helicopters. Because of the
difficulty in applying the use of this technology to large metal objects
such as a naval warship, they took it into this direction.
Most sightings will take on this shape in the future, if they have not

Joshua: Do you have some comments or clarification on the story that Al
Bielek discusses about his relationship to the
Philadelphia Experiment?

Drue: He has done a commendable job in bringing to the public awareness
of his involvement with the project(s). He is an early
pioneer and took the point by breaking the silence, and has done well in
documenting his understanding. In my opinion, there
are pieces of our involvement yet to be revealed, but we are both
actively pursuing the information from our own observation
standpoints. I feel comfortable in saying that though we do not work
together, Al and I provide many with "Food for Thought".
I would also like to point out that there were 181 men that were on
board the Eldridge, but also that there were six other ships
with men on board that had been involved with subsequent experiments. We
are not the only two men that have recall of our
involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment, but many do. Many who

(1) not be willing to actively pursue their involvement for reasons only
known to them; or,

(2) have recollection and be willing to discuss their experiences
without their identity exposed; and lastly,

(3)like Al and myself, be very public of their involvement. This is NOT
the end of the information of this secret government
experiment, and "those in the know" are cognizant of this.

Joshua: Is there a connection with the Philadelphia Experiment and the
experiments with time travel in Montauk? What
involvement do you have if any in Montauk?

Drue: Yes, Montauk was a continuation of time related experiments that
ran parallel with the Philadelphia Experiment. As of
this date, I have no recall of any involvement in Montauk. However, I do
know that on August 18th, 1943, the USS Eldridge
was sent to Montauk Point, Long Island, New York to the year of 1983, at
which time it was dismantled. Those at Montauk
were conducting more experiments in 1993, however, today there is no
activity. Experiments by those who worked at
Montauk, are presently involved in time related experiments in Canada.

Joshua: From all of your experiences, what is your perceptions about
reality, what is happening to our world at the current
moment and where we may be heading in the future?

Drue: This is a most complex question that would take a great deal of
time and space to discuss. In short, however, know this,
with the true understanding of "time" and "timelines", realities are
altered for the betterment of all, a richness beyond words. As
for our future... you and I will decide our future either together or
individually. This, needing more time and space to elaborate.

Joshua: If the Philadelphia Project is considered by the government to
be a secret project, why do you feel inspired to speak
out at this time? Do you have any concern that the government will try
to silence you? Or, do they want this information to
come out?

Drue: My being public is a calculated move for my own safety. "Those in
the know" knew that they could not permanently keep
me from the recall of many of the events, and while I was in the
military they were able to do just that --- suppress my DNA
memory. Now that I am retired, they no longer have the ability to direct
me to places so that a magnetic induction can be
accomplished. Wanting to go public with this information of the
experiment in the 1940's, I was prevented from doing so. Their
motivation was to accomplish a time transfer experiment by using myself
in order to track my movements through time. The
Philadelphia Experiment took place 52 years ago, and their way of
thinking, "those in the know", was different then from what it
is today. A good example was in 1959, when a respected scientist in
astronomy and mathematics, Morris Ketchum Jessup,
was terminated because of the information he was about to go public with
regarding the Philadelphia Experiment and the
technology surrounding other time related experiments. Today, they are
more willing to allow the flow of information to the
public through the media and other means only because they know that 50%
or less of the people will believe and the other
50% will not. However, where the information is so critical that it
could be detrimental to their agendas, termination is still an
option. Primarily running interference is more or less the "Company"
policy of today.

Joshua: Does the Roswell Crash have any connection to the Philadelphia
Experiment, in your opinion?

Drue: No. It was not related to the Philadelphia Experiment, but it was
other time related experiments that were being
conducted underground near Roswell, New Mexico that caused the crashes.
Electrical disturbances along the earth's planetary
magnetic grid had caused quantum gates to open up and the ET traveling
the corridor got caught up in these disturbances and
materialized. Recently, you may recall the televised "Alien Autopsy" of
which many who saw this, to include many in the UFO
arena, do not believe that this was an authentic alien autopsy conducted
after the Roswell incident. The crash site was massive,
and instead of the known one or two crashes, there were 16 in total and
over 45 ET beings had come to their demise. My
point is, that these electrical disturbances did not discriminate
against just one type of ET, but affected all traveling through the

Joshua: Your business card says you are involved with paranormal
research, how did you get started and why are you
interested? What type of research are you conducting now and what
purpose is there for such research?

Drue: It normally takes an event to adjust one's belief! My involvement
in paranormal research and exploration came mainly
because of my recalling of events and involvement with the Philadelphia
Experiment. Having an extensive background as a
systems analyst with the Marine Corps and trained not to come to final
conclusions until after all the data was collected, I knew
it would have been an injustice to move into the interpretation stage
prematurely. I therefore, allowed these events to continue
through curiosity, without emotions and by doing so, the data and
information that I have collected to date is much more
manageable. Most will come to conclusions without all the data, and when
doing so will MOST LIKELY have an incorrect
interpretation of events. I continue my paranormal research because it
is an appropriate avenue for me to continue to search for
answers. What is necessary here is to define the word "Paranormal".
Something that is "Paranormal" is nothing but an event that
happened and is NOT part of ones belief structure, therefore, cannot be
believed in or understood. In most cases we will pass
it off as nothing or deny it. Again, it normally takes an event to
adjust one's belief structure, and when this happens, it is no
longer paranormal because you will now approach it with a new
understanding or new knowledge. I continue to avail myself to
search out answers to phenomenal events that not only occur in my space,
but to others who desire to seek out answers to
events that have occurred with them. With others, I do this on a
consultant basis and by doing so, assist and help them
understand what they experienced in lieu of going through life with fear
of their experience.

Joshua: We have heard there is a technology which is able to take a
person to another time or dimension and bring them back
to almost the same instant of time, relative to the moment they left so
that they notice no time has passed. Is this actually true?

Drue: The technology that is able to take a person to another time or
dimension and bring them back is nothing but what I call a
"magnetic induction". This is the phenomena that takes place with most
of those that claim 'alien abduction'. The abduction
process is solely a "magnetic induction". Now, this can either be
conducted on an energetic level or on a physical level, though
most of the time it is on an energetic level. The technology deals
mainly with magnetism.

Joshua: What is your interpretation for missing time?

Drue: "Missing time" is time (seconds, minutes or hours) that cannot be
accounted for. It is not the same as going to the hospital
for surgery and being put out with anesthesia. As an example, when
driving down the road and not being consciously aware of
how you got from one place to another. Many will have missing time while
in a quasi relaxed state either sitting alone with a cup
of coffee or driving down a familiar road. In the beginning stages of an
induction, some may take note of how tired they are
regardless of the amount of sufficient rest they previously had and will
not understand why they are so sleepy. This process
eliminates the person from being alert to what is happening. When
returned, most will be perplexed by the distinct shift in their
conscious awareness levels. When magnetically inducted there is enough
of your energy left behind to do routine things, such as
driving the car or sipping on your cup of coffee. I do want to emphasis
that this type of missing time is not always adversarial.

Joshua: Do you know anything about agreements made by the U.S.
Government and certain races of extraterrestrial, such as
the Grays? Do you know if part of our modern technology (microchips,
videos, etc.) has come from some type of exchange?
Do you have any insights related to UFOs as far as to the truth of their
existence and what knowledge the government has
about them?

Drue: I do not have the details of agreements made by our government
with extraterrestrial, however, I do know that we the
citizens of this country have been bartered. Without a doubt, technology
today has been affected by many unknown sources.
One of the many aspects of the Philadelphia Experiment, was that
advanced technology from the future was placed on the USS
Eldridge to assist the movement and stability of the ship; including
medical technology to assist those of us who needed
continued treatment after the experiment. Computer systems were and are
a prime example. Dr. John Von Neumann, who had
involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment, used his position to do
just that. Being an insider with "those in the know", he
took the technology brought from the future to 1943 and used it to gain
an advance understanding in his field of study. He is
known for his abilities as a mathematician and involvement with
computers. While at the Institute for Advanced Study in
Princeton, New Jersey, in 1946, Von Neumann with Author Burks and Herman
Goldstine published a paper that became a
landmark in the history of computer sciences (Preliminary Discussion of
the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing
Instrument). The ideas in this paper had an enormous impact that
strongly influenced the form of all subsequent digital
computers. Neither Burks nor Goldstine were part of the experiment, but
were subsequent recipients of technology from the
future, who like Von Neumann gained a position in history in computer
sciences. In 1947, Von Neumann helped develop a
method for converting the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
(ENIAC) concept of an externally programmed
machine to that of a stored-program computer, the Electronic Discrete
Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC).

Joshua: Are you seeking to meet with other people or organizations who
have similar interests as your own. Are there some
resources you require for current research?

Drue: Yes, I am always in the mode of seeking others out for information
and I also allow others who have similar interests to
seek me out. I welcome anyone who has the feeling of some connection or
experience pertaining to the Philadelphia Experiment
or other time related experiences. For those who wish to correspond,
they may do so by writing to my post office box depicted
below. As far as needed resources for my research, there always seems be
a lack for resources to accomplish one's ultimate
goal in life; therefore, one can only seed for the fruit one wishes to

Joshua: How has your life been effected by your involvement with the
Philadelphia Experiment?

Drue: My life in 1943 with a successful scientific career came to an
abrupt end. A nightmare that didn't cease until I was
physically transferred through time in 1947 and all my memory overlaid
with other memory to prevent recall. Everything that I
owned to include my most prized possession, my personality and identity,
was taken from me. I became research material and
was not allowed to control my own destiny. Others made these decisions
for me and were more concerned about their own
welfare then mine. Today, I am pursuing a lifetime, if not an eternal
goal, of disclosing the truth, no matter how challenging.

Joshua: Do you have a special message to offer others or some insight
that you would like to share?

Drue: Through my involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment and other
time related experiences, I have come to certain
understandings and perceptions on the subject of 'time' and 'timelines'.
And, if there is a message in my work, I would only
WISH and WILL it to be this:

We are constantly reminded daily of what the future holds for us, and it
seems that the future holds only events to be of a
catastrophic or doomsday nature. Most of us have a fear of the unknown,
thus, most of us fear the future, because, it is an
unknown. Your future, like mine, is NOT set in STONE, nor, do we have to
experience any of the catastrophic events that
have been prophesied. All prophesied catastrophic and doomsday events
are truly events that are cataloged and can happen,
but are not necessarily events to be experienced by all. By
understanding the true perception of 'time' and 'timelines', you will
also come to the realization that you do not have to get caught up with
all of these predictions that are "Fear" based. Do NOT
allow your limited perceptions through the five physical sensories,
gloomy fear based predictions of the future, nor the incorrect
perception of 'time' to become your shackle. Time is NOT linear (past,
present and future), but is parallel and is only an event.
All events are happening simultaneously --- NOW! Therefore, we have at
our access the "Free Will" to choose what events we
want to experience, which are located on different timelines. Our "Free
Will" is SUPREME in this universe, but we have the
tendency to allow others to make decisions for us, and by doing so, they
will make decisions for their own welfare and not
ours. Then, when events do not come out like we would want them, we
consider ourselves a victim. Is not making a decision, a
decision? Fear is an emotion, and emotions are an outwardly projection
of our frequency, but also a means by which we can
determine our own frequencies. We all have a range of frequencies that
we vibrate at, and it's the daily reminders of these
predictions, no matter how large or small, that place us in a fear based
frequency. Thus, what you fear the most --- you WILL
experience! You made decisions using this frequency and its the
frequencies along with your decisions that draws you to the
different timelines and its events. Some would call this, a

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