From: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Philadelphia Experiment

                                    Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment and Time - part 1 of 2
With Drue (Interview by Joshua, 12/6/95 )

While attending and participating at the Whole Life Expo held in that
incredible city of New York, in October of last year
(1995), I had a chance to meet with Drue briefly. Drue was a member of
the UFO panel, but I just heard the end of his talk
and his room was jammed packed for his free lecture, so I could only
speak to him when he came out of the room and had
finished his talk. I have always been fascinated by this subject so I
had to meet him. He gave me his card and told me to write
to him and I proposed to share some of his information and insights on
our web site. So we had a few phone conversations and
included in this page is Drue answers to questions related to the
Philadelphia Experiment and time travel.

I was hoping to share with our readers an expanded interview, as I felt
that Drue needed to clarify somewhat a few of his points
and hopefully, very shortly we will be able to provide this update this
interview with his clarifications. I still am not sure how he
was present as a scientist during the Philadlphia Experiment and also
now claims that he has the DNA memories of this
scientist. However, there are a number of new twists he discusses to
this mysterious experiment that I felt it was important to
release the interview in its current form. Again, as many of the pages
we have in this section of our web site, it is impossible to
make a statement on the validity of Drue's story but I have found him to
be a very honest and sincere person to talk with and
very easy going.

Drue is open to speak with others who have interest in these topics (see
his address and phone included in the interview), he
also has some materials available for sale and is in the process of
writing his own book as well as continuing to do public
presentations. He has copyrighted the materials here and asks that if
you want to reproduce the material, you do so in its
entirety (all materials that appear after this brief introduction).

So lets here what Drue has to say about the Philadelphia Experiment....


Statement: The following interview may be challenging or nurturing to
your current beliefs. It has never been my intentions to
challenge you or your beliefs, but to give you "Food for Thought". I
have a saying, which goes like this: If you WILL to
see---you will see; if, you WILL not to see---you will not! For those of
you who are well informed, you will most likely find
little difficulty in some of the information provided within. For those
who are not well informed, prepare to open your eyes and
your mind (if you WILL) to a new understanding and a new knowledge.

Joshua: Drue, Can you please share something about yourself, your
background and what you are doing today?

Drue: Yes. I was born and raised in the state of Montana. In 1971 I
joined the U.S. Marine Corps for 22 years of service,
retiring in 1993. Detailed as a systems analyst for major Marine Corps
systems for the majority of my career, I was attached to
the rosters of the Marine Corps' Headquarters in Washington, D.C., but
was geographically located either in Southern
California or Okinawa, Japan. After I retired, I got involved with UFO
investigations and paranormal research and exploration.
I am actively lecturing on Time Travel and the Philadelphia Experiment
and writing of my experiences.

Joshua: How did you become involved with the Philadelphia Experiment?

Drue: I joined on with the project as a civilian scientist in the year
of approximately 1938. My experience and training in
physics, geometry and electronics was a necessary requirement for my
assignment. For the sake of those who are reading
about my experiences for the first time, I would like to explain who I
am in relation to time related government experiments,
such as the Philadelphia Experiment and a Time Transfer Experiment. Some
would look at my individual case as one form of a
"Walk-in". There are many forms of Walk-ins, and my existence is solely
based on a government experiment and its uses of
technology from extraterrestrial sources. My memory of my involvement
with the Philadelphia Experiment are NOT memories
of a past life, but DNA memory that was transferred from one body to
another. I, therefore, have DNA memory of both
existences that had been merged.

Joshua: Can you define precisely what the Philadelphia Experiment was
about, and what were its goals?

Drue: The experiment was an attempt to move equipment and personnel
through time and space using a Naval warship known
as the USS Eldridge (DE-173), a destroyer escort. On August 15, 1943, a
total of 181 men (176 sailors and 5 civilian
scientists of which I was one of) were on board the Eldridge and along
with one observation ship set out to sea for an
experiment of which was never before attempted. Using technology that
had already been proven successful on a smaller scale,
the human factor was for the first time included within the scope of the
experiments, whereas before only inanimate objects
were used. We did, however, experiment with small animals during a dry
run conducted on the 12th of August, 1943, which
had horrifying results. There were three different agendas', which were:

1. a scientific agenda, which was to explore the time/space continuum
for scientific discovery;

2. a military agenda, which since we were at war (World War II) the
military wanted this technology for warring purposes; and

3. there was an extraterrestrial agenda, which was to map out the
earth's planetary magnetic grid for interdimensional travel.

There was a CORE agenda, which was secretly held close at hand by those
behind the scenes. I identify them as "those in the
know", and their agenda was to REWRITE HISTORY!

Joshua: What exact role did you play in the construction of the
equipment that was placed on the USS Eldridge?

Drue: I was very much involved during the theorem and thorium stages. We
all had our own assignments and timetables,
restricting our involvement with other aspects in the development of the
technology, additionally, much of the work was
contracted out. It was setup so that the right hand never knew what the
left hand was doing and vice versa. All issues were
handled in this manner for the sole purpose of secrecy. My role also
included preparation and installation of the technology on
the ship, after which I was assigned to be one of the five civilian
scientists to go through the time/space continuum. We had to
literately gut the inside of the Eldridge to install the four generators
with Tesla coils to be used in the experiment. Once the
operation was underway, the Captain of the ship and other sailors no
longer controlled the ship. Their job was to get us out to
sea and back, and every decision in between was solely up to us, the

Joshua: Some equipment was developed to make a ship invisible, was this
the only purpose? With equipment so many years
ahead of its time, how was this developed in 1943?

Drue: The technology that was developed in 1943 was for the sole purpose
of moving equipment and personnel through the
time/space continuum. It was with the help of extraterrestrial beings
that we were able to accomplish this feat with technology,
which was at that time, beyond our level of understanding. So, yes, you
could say that the technology was many years ahead of
its time.

Joshua: Ok, so this special equipment was placed on the Eldridge and a
crew of sailors were chosen. Can you describe how
the equipment worked and how it was adapted to the ship? Did the sailors
know what was going on?

Drue: The entire experiment dealt with magnetism and the technology was
developed around this phenomena of magnetism and
the use of the magnetic grid of the planet. We strategically placed four
generators with Tesla coils throughout the ship thereby
creating a magnetic field that would encompass the entire ship and its
crew. The sailors did not know what they were getting
involved with, nor, were they selected for any specific extraordinary
abilities other then the standard operation of the ship.

Joshua: It has been stated that this experiment was conducted in the
harbor by Philadelphia. Can you describe what it looked
like? As an observer, what happened to the ship, was it correctly
portrayed in the feature film, "The Philadelphia Experiment"?

Drue: From an observation standpoint, the Eldridge did disappear or was
rendered invisible as portrayed in the movie, but the
experiment did not happen in the harbor, but out at sea. Another correct
portrayal was that the ship and its crew members
were gone for approximately 24 hours and when they returned had serious
harmful results. I would also like to point out that
the USS Eldridge had sustained serious damages during the experiment and
was no longer sea worthy after we returned.

Joshua: Did the ship disappeared and reappeared in another location? If
so, which location was this?

Drue: Yes, what is currently known through witness accounts, the USS
Eldridge moved from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
to the Norfolk Naval Base and then back to Philadelphia. This
observation is true, however, is limited only by those who
observed these events from their observation point. Having been on the
ship from the very beginning of the operation to its end,
we materialized in 12 different locations and time eras. Four of these
locations of which the Eldridge will again materialize in our
future. The next materialization of the USS Eldridge will and can happen
as soon as 1997, and we went as far as the year of
3600 AD.

Joshua: Again, refer to accounts told of this incident, it is claimed
that someone on board the ship had to smash the equipment
to stop the experiment. Also, that when the ship came back to our
reality, some of the sailors were embedded into the ship's
structure, is this true?

Drue: It is very true that many sailors were stuck or embedded within
the structure of the ship. As far as the smashing of the
equipment on board the Eldridge like the movie portrayed, I am not sure.
I do know that there was a fire with two of the
generators. Again, it gets down to each individual's observation point
of the events and based on this observation there can be
an interpretation. For example, one man can be located in the pilot room
of the ship and observing many things because of his
great ability to see the entire ship from that room, while another man
can be located in one of the rooms down inside the ship
where there is no visibility other then just the room. Each man
obviously is going through the same event, but now you will have
two different interpretations of the same event based upon their
physical positioning or location on the ship. I will not nor cannot
discount or discard this possibility of someone having to smash the
equipment to stop the experiment. I am still and will continue
to be open to all possibilities regardless of its source. Those who work
within this arena and closes themselves off to other
possibilities, will obviously shutdown their ability in searching for
and finding the truth.

Joshua: Do you know what happened to the sailors while they were on the
ship during the experiment? Were they in
hyperspace, or another dimension? Did anyone on the ship discuss what it
was like while the equipment was on?

Drue: While moving down the Delaware, the generators were switched on
and slowly we increased the power while moving
out to sea. All of us noticed the strange electrical sensations that
engulfed the entire ship. This beginning sensation was hair
raising and soon turned into panic. It was when we were out at sea that
we went with full power and dematerialized. We were
fragmented into multiple dimensions without knowing the end result. Of
the 181 men on board the USS Eldridge, only 21 of us
survived, 40 men were dead and 120 men were just gone and never came
back with the ship.

Joshua: It has been implied that Einstein and Tesla were also involved
in this experiment and that Tesla was in charge at the
begging and when he knew the experiment would fail, bowed out. Did you
have contact with these esteemed scientists?

Drue: Yes, I had much involvement with both Dr. Nikola Tesla and Dr.
Albert Einstein, but mostly with Tesla. Dr. Nikola Tesla
was the mastermind and director of the project, though he did not take
part in the final stages of the experiment that took place
on the 15th of August, 1943. Earlier in 1942, Tesla had portrayed
himself as instable and took himself out of the project solely
because he was told to incorporate the "human factor" within the scope
of the experiments. It was not a matter of failure that
Tesla was concerned with, because he had already had success. He was
concerned with the human suffering, and refused to be
a part of this incredible act of insensitivity towards mankind,
primarily instigated on behalf of the military. The public was told
later that he had come to his demise and a funeral was held in his honor
in January of 1943.

Joshua: Can you explain how the ship moved from one location to another?

Drue: In the beginning it was our intent to control the Eldridge's
movement from one location to other. This was one of the
reasons why we went into the time continuum controlling our movement
from within the confines of the ship, in lieu of having
those from external sources controlling our movement. Since this was our
first attempt with personnel and did not know what to
expect, we wanted total control of our own destiny. So, if we got into
trouble, we could at the very least pull the plug and stop
the operation. Whereas, if controlled from external sources, they would
have no knowledge of us being in trouble. We were
very much at a disadvantage and were totally unprepared for what was
about to happen when we were arced. Once arced, we
discovered that our ability to control the movement of the Eldridge was
NOT under our control and this was for many reasons,
one of which two of the four generators employed caught fire. We then
ended up much like a stone skipping across a pond.
You cannot travel through time without the use of the earth's planetary
magnetic grid, because the grid holds all timelines. After
we were integrated and two of the generators caught fire, we started to
decompress out of control and were pulled to all the
different locations and time eras that are now cataloged events of the
experiment. This entire experiment dealt with magnetism
and the Eldridge was pulled through the continuum by magnetic attraction
once the ship's frequency matched frequencies
generated in various locations and time eras. So, we got PULLED! Each
area that we were pulled to, had man- made dams
and large generators producing commercial electrical power. Witness
accounts of our materialization at Norfolk, Virginia are
accurate, but it was not a man-made dam and its generators that pulled
us there. We were pulled by generators located on
Naval warships (modified destroyer escorts) known as "Floating Power
Stations", and our materialization at Norfolk was just
momentary and only transparent.

Joshua: What was the reaction of the scientists and military to the
results of this experiment? It has been said that they were so
frightened that they did not want to do it again, but did so in Montauk
in 1983.

Drue: Of course the reaction of those that were observing the experiment
was one of fear, concern and panic for the entire 24
hours that we were gone. They were not frightened to the degree of
shutting down the experiments in totality, however, they
were scaled down for secrecy purposes and continued; knowing they had
tapped into something REALLY BIG.

Joshua: What were the people told not to do who were connected to the

Drue: All involved in the experiments were already sworn to secrecy
based on whatever their level of involvement was, but
were immediately debriefed and reminded of their oath after the
experiment. After getting a handle on the matters by "those in
the know", approximately 2,000 people involved came under a case review.
Based upon each individual's case and their level
of involvement, they were handled differently, however, most were

Joshua: As a result of this project happening, did this create some new
conditions for our Earth?

Drue: Yes. One of the paradox's of conducting this experiment was the
creation of a whole new 3rd dimensional timeline. We
caused a global shift of energy, so anything or anybody that existed on
this timeline on August 18th, 1943 was duplicated.
Therefore, the Philadelphia Experiment as we know it DOES NOT exist on
the new 3rd dimensional timeline; nor, are the
world events and structure of this new timeline the same as our 3rd
dimensional timeline.

                                           (end of part 1)

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