-Caveat Lector-

an  excerpt from:
Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA & Israel’s Mossad
Joel Bainerman ©1994
S.P.I. BOOKS/Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 1-56171-350-3
291 pps. – First Edition –
This book seems to be hard to find. I haven't been able to find any of his
books in library catalogs online-about twenty or NO used booksellers. Hmm.

Also there are some mistakes abbout S& B members T Roosevelt was not a member
of S&B. He was a member of DKE, which is the only national fraterinty to
begin at Yale. Its beggings are as a junior society for potential S&Bers. R.
Hayes was also a member. James Liley I have not been able to find his name on
any S&B roster. Also Gen. George Marshall was not a member of S&B, wether he
was DKE or no, I dunna know.




How the CIA and Intelligence Community
Became the Major Instrument of US Policy

How did President Bush do it? How did he implement secret agendas, lie about
his role in Iran-Contra, sucker Saddam Hussein and the American people into
the Gulf War, without anybody catching on?

The answer lies in Bush's ideological underpinnings and view of how the world
should be run.

Bush's talk of a "New World Order" isn't so new at all. It comes straight
from the ideology of the Skull and Bones society, which believes that its
members have a strategic and moral obligation (i.e., right) to control the
events of the world. Their goal is to restore the "greatness of America" in
world affairs, since they see themselves as a distinguished WASP caste, a
modem-day version of the Roman warrior.

The Order of Skull and Bones, one of seven secret elite fraternal societies
based at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, allows only 15 males in
their junior year to join. Potential selectees must be white, male and
wealthy. Non-WASPS are excluded. If a woman were ever allowed. into the Skull
and Bones meeting place, the clubhouse would have to be bulldozed (Esquire,
September 1977).

"Bonesmen," as they are called, believe in the notion of "constructive
chaos," which justifies covert actions to "maintain order" To confuse the
public they employ ambiguity and secrecy, i.e., disinformation. Thus the
foreign policies of Bonesmen who hold public office are almost always carried
out via a secret agenda through the instrument of covert operations.

Anthony Sutton, an historian who has written a book on the Order, says that
since its founding it has taken on more occult and ritualistic trappings and
that it is secretly known among its members as the "Brotherhood of Death."
Others claim the society's Germanic origins are reflected in the building on
the Yale campus that the secret order uses, which is said to contain remnants
of Hitler's private collection of silver dinnerware and Barvarian tea-pots.

The 15 new members selected each year go through a formal initiation
ceremony. The senior members of the Order come to their door, knock three
times, then tap the potential member on the shoulder and ask: "Skull and
Bones: Do you accept?" If the candidate accepts, a message wrapped with a
black ribbon sealed by black wax with the skull and crossbones emblem is
handed to the inductee. This will tell him when and where to meet on
initiation night.

According to a 1940 Skull and Bones document, the initiation ceremony
consists of the potential member being placed in a coffin, buried six feet
under, then chanted over in Latin for the better part of an hour. The
inductee, more than a little grateful to be returned from a burial alive, is
then dug up and reborn into the society. He is then removed from the coffin
and given a robe with symbols. on it. A bone with his name on it will be
tossed into the bone heap at the start of every meeting.

Historically, "Bonesmen" have had a tremendous influence on American foreign
policy. Alphonso Taft, a co-founder of Skull and Bones, was Secretary of War
in 1876 and Attorney General in 1876-1877. He brought pressure on President
William McKinley to enter the war against Spain to "liberate" Cuba and seize
the Philippines. When McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo, New York,
Bonesman Teddy Roosevelt moved into the White House and surrounded himself
with fellow Bonesmen such as William Howard Taft, who later became his hand
picked successor for the Republican nomination and was elected President in
1908 (Covert Action, No. 33, Winter 1990).

Other "Bonesmen" include: Robert Taft, Speaker of the House in 1921-1926 and
Senator from Ohio, 1938-1950; Robert Lovett, Assistant Secretary of War
1941-1945, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Defense in 1950;
Averell Harriman, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1943-1946, Governor of
New York and then Under Secretary of State for Asia, 1961 - 1963; General
George Marshall, Chief of Staff during World War II who would later serve as
Harry Truman's Secretary of State; William Bundy, Stimson's special assistant
at the War Department (one of Bundy's sons, McG[e]orge, was President
Kennedy's and Johnson's National Security Advisor; the other, William, was a
CIA official and served in the Departments of State and Defense); William F.
Buckley, Jr., the founder of the National Review, and his brother James, who
served, 1981-1982, in the Reagan White House as Under Secretary of State for
Security Assistance, Science and Technology (Covert Action, No. 33, Winter
1990). Along with George Bush, highly placed Bonesmen serving under the
Republican aegis include James Lilley, U.S. Ambassador to Beijing, and David
Boren, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a Democrat from

Godfrey Hodgson, foreign editor of The Independent of London and author of The
 Colonel: The Life and Wars of Henry Slimson 1867-1950 (1990), says that
George Bush's mentor was "Bonesman" Henry Stimson, who was Secretary of State
under Hoover and served in the Roosevelt and Truman cabinets. "Stimson
contributed enormously to Bush's political development," writes, Hodgson. "It
was the "most important educational experience in his life" (The Nation, Janua
ry 21st, 1991).

Early "Bonesmen" were internationalists (i.e., imperialists) who believed
that the U.S. would and should play a great role in the world's destiny
through the twentieth century. Stimson thought it was imperative for America
to dominate the Pacific Ocean and Far East It was this imperialistic ideology
which encouraged President McKinley to enter the Spanish-American War.

Stimson served under six presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft,
Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin. Roosevelt and Harry Truman. He
oversaw the Manhattan Project and personally decided to use atomic weapons
against Japan, as well as formulating Herbert Hoover's military and economic
restrictions against Japan in the postwar era.

Bush was brought up in the Stimson tradition that the U.S. was - circa 1890
to 1950 - a great power. He learned from Stimson, says Hodgson, that "the
task of the leader is not to negotiate or prevaricate, but rather to stay
firm, draw a line in the sand, and, if that line is crossed, to fight" (The Na

Stimson believed that America needed to enter into a military confrontation
every thirty years or so. This, he contended, enabled a nation to rally
behind the flag and gave it a common sense of purpose. In one fell swoop, the
failures of previous decades could be wiped clean. The Gulf War served that
purpose for President Bush.

 Armed with the Skull and Bones ideology, Bush needed a vehicle in the
Reagan-Bush White House to carry out a covert foreign policy. That instrument
was "The Vice President's Task Force on Combating Terrorism," which was
followed by the National Security Decision Directive Number 3, giving Bush
responsibility for the "Crisis Management Committee" in the Cabinet (New York
Times, April 12th, 1981). Then, came the "The Terrorist Incident Working
Group," created to bring back hostages held in Lebanon, and finally the
"Operations Sub-Group" and the "Restricted Terrorist Incidents Working Group."

By establishing a special apparatus, the Vice President's Task Force on
Combating Terrorism, Bush and Casey created a network which was able to
bypass normal channels and initiate policies that might have been opposed by
other White House officials such as Secretary of State Schultz and Secretary
of Defense Weinberger (Covert Action, No. 33, Winter 1990).

The members of the Task Force were: Robert Oakley (then director of the State
Department's Office to Combat Terrorism), Charles Allen, Robert Earl, and
middle-level operatives at the CIA such as Duane Clarride, Ray Clines, and
Charles Allen, as well as Noel Koch from the Defense Department, Lt. General
Moellering from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Ex-ecutive Assistant of the FBI
Oliver Revell, Lt. General Sam Wilson and Lt. General Harold Aaron, both
former Directors of the Defense In-telligence Agency, General Richard
Stillwell, former CIA Chief of Covert Operations in the Far East, and Deputy
Director of the CIA Robert Gates. (It's interesting to note that despite Bush
leading the Task Force on Combating Terrorism,
the great threat of terrorism which the American people heard so-much about
during the Reagan Administration seems to have disappeared in the Bush White

Members of the Task Force used counter-terrorism channels to thwart official
U.S. policy if they disapproved of it and to conceal their activities from
their superiors. They were the operatives who moved the policies from the
Task Force Senior Review Group and executed them, with the collaboration of
among others Oliver North,   the Operations Sub-Group (Covert Action No. 33,
Winter 1990). They were Bush's Secret team of covert operators.

"Probably the worst thing for society is to have a head of state who is also
a former covert operator," says former CIA operative Victor Marchetti.
"During these times the secret services get out of control."

pps. 163-170
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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