-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.brasscheck.com/seattle/guns.html">Postcards
from Seattle</A>
Pixs at site.
Postcards from Seattle

Questions to ponder

*   Who decided on the terror strategy?
*   Where did all the money come from for the equipment and training to carry
it out?
*   Who conducted the training?

This image was not received until December 12, 1999. There is a huge amount
of photographic and video evidence emerging that documents the terror
campaign waged by Seattle police and others against WTO protesters as well as
residents and visitors to the city. To date, very little of this evidence has
been made public - even in the alternative media.


1. Police stood passively by and watched while black hooded "anarchists"
torched their police cars, but when it came to dealing with peaceful
demonstrators, no mercy was shown.

2. Police arrested very few people on charges of damaging property. They
included a "drifter" and a young woman who is known to be experienced and
active in peaceful, non-violent protest. She denies having anything to do
with the property destruction.

3. During the demonstrations, a vacant apartment building was seized by a
group of self-described "anarchists." In spite of the fact that this building
was widely believed to house people responsbile for vandalism and was located
within the "no protest" zone, police took no action whatsoever against the


UPDATE 12-2-99/7:30 PM - CNN reports US military sent "advisors," including
active duty Special Forces, to "assist" Seattle police in their preparations
for the WTO meeting.
Postcards from Seattle

Questions to ponder

*   Who decided on the terror strategy?
*   Where did all the money come from for the equipment and training to carry
it out?
*   Who conducted the training?

"We didn't expect any trouble. We just had a few
hundred of these $2,000 body armor suits lying around back at the precinct."
Note the pouch on lower right. They were filled with concussion
grenades which were used liberally.

The officer in this picture is carrying some kind of rifle. Trained on
the backs of handcuffed arrestees. Take a good, long
look at the "violent" offenders they've nabbed. This picture says it all.

Rubber bullets...this time.
Photo credit: Paul Joseph Brown/P-I. Published by : http://www.seattlep-i.com

"(Police say) there were no major injuries to demonstrators."
- New York Times. December 1, 1999

December 6, 1999 Bitter truths http://www.brasscheck.com/seattle "Some of the
damage I saw: these plastic bullets took off part of one person's jaw,
smashed teeth in other people's mouths... People have been treated for
concussion injuries. There have been people who have been treated for plastic
bullet wounds. Lots of tear gas injuries, lots of damage to cornea, lots of
damage to the eyes and skin. They were using a pepper spray, a tear gas and
they were also using some sort of nerve gas. We had reports of many
demonstrators winding up with seizures the next day." Dr. Richard DeAndrea
What happened in Seattle was an atrocity pure and simple and one of the most
serious attacks on civil liberties in decades. This should be read by
everyone breathing... (posted on www.emperors-clothes.com at 1 am 12-4-99) My
name is Richard DeAndrea. I'm a medical doctor. What I saw up here was
martial law. This turned into a police state. Everything you have seen on
television regarding local news broadcasts including national public radio
was a blackout. The police were using concussion grenades. They were shooting
tear gas canisters directly at protesters' faces. They were using so-called
rubber bullets. These are actually hard plastic. Some of the damage I saw:
these plastic bullets took off part of one person's jaw, smashed teeth in
other people's mouths. I saw the police arrest people who had their hands up
in the air screaming we are peacefully protesting. The amount of looting that
took place was so minimal I don't even know where they got the footage from.
I am saying this beyond a shadow of a doubt. This is a definite sign that
America is heading towards a police state unless people start standing up for
their rights as individuals. I am actually shocked and ashamed. I am ashamed
of the police force, I am ashamed of the mayor I am ashamed of Bill Clinton.
I am ashamed of the whole thing. Jared: These rubber bullets - what are they?
Dr. DeAndrea: They are made of polyester type material. They are like a hard
plastic toy. The idea is to hit your body, do damage, not actually penetrate.
But I did see penetration wounds, I did see people bleeding. I did see teeth
loss, I did see broken bones. There were children present, there were
families present, they were firing upon families, mothers, grandmothers. They
were just firing at them. They came out in full police force. They brought
out swat teams, they had the national guard up here, there was CIA
surrounding the delegates' buildings. It was very obvious that there was an
institutional control that had no regard of human rights whatever. In
addition we have video footage of protesters being taken away as well as
human rights being violated. Prisoners were taken and they were tortured.
There is a case, I believe his name is Holm, Keith Holm. He was tortured
because he would not give his name. They handcuffed, laid him on the floor,
they smashed his face against the concrete, they grabbed his hair, they
ripped out a lock of hair. and then placed pencils between his fingers and
pressed on them until he would give his name. He refused. They were also
banging his head against metal objects. He was actually the first protester
released because the Internal Affairs came in to do an investigation and they
wanted him gone because he would be able to give testimony. We're treating
people in a studio loft downtown. I just treated an ear wound. People have
been treated for concussion injuries. There have been people who have been
treated for plastic bullet wounds. Lots of tear gas injuries, lots of damage
to cornea, lots of damage to the eyes and skins. They were using a pepper
spray, a tear gas and they were also using some sort of nerve gas. We had
reports of many demonstrators winding up with seizures the next day. It
causes muscles to clamp up, muscle contraction, seizures. They have done
several illegal things regarding these people in jail. They have been telling
them that they would not be let out, not have their bail set if they didn't
give their names. Its their legal right not to give their name. They don't
have to speak at all. Attorneys came up and said we are representing these
people. The police called the attorneys liars. At this point they have still
refused to let any of them see their clients. There are close to 600 people
who were arrested and they have been holding them for two days on charges
that are mostly misdemeanors, such as refusal to disperse. A lot of people in
there have not gotten medical attention either. I have gotten calls from
young ladies in there who have had all sorts of emotional problems as well as
physical problems. They have called me for medical attention from inside the
jail. There are people still sitting in there who have not even been
processed. Today there were fewer attacks by police, but they did arrest more
people. And there was no violence today by the marchers and all through the
day yesterday it was the same. What you are seeing on television about
looting and anarchistic protesters - there's a straight-out blackout and they
are basically pushing that [line]. There is not much damage to property here.
There are not many windows that have been damaged or stores that have been
looted. Those are extremely rare cases. I used to believe newspapers were
telling the truth. But now I am no longer behind that. This is the beginning
of a police state. You can quote me on that.

Chemical warfare in Seattle
Postcards from Seattle - and Oakland

Questions to ponder

*   Who decided on the terror strategy for the Seattle WT0 meeting?
*   Where did all the money come from for the equipment and training to carry
it out?
*   Who conducted the training?

Neurotoxin suspected in Seattle gas

December 10, 1999

UPDATE: Seattle chemical warfare investigation

SUMMARY: Some of the gas used in Seattle did not
cause the irritation normally associated with tear gas,
but instead caused neurological symptoms which in at
least one case responded positively to an accepted
nerve gas antidote.

Here is the latest report on how the investigation
is proceeding. I ask all journalists and activists
who read this to forward it to contacts who have
experience with this subject. Physicians for
Social Responsibility - LA have taken over
the investigation and I'm sure they can use
all the help they can get.

As I mentioned in a previous post, CNN confirmed
the presence of active US military chemical
warfare specialists in Seattle for the WTO meeting.
They were there as "anti-terrorism" advisors.

Ken McCarthy

Victims of Seattle Chemical Warfare Can File Case Reports With PSR-LA

by Kirk James Murphy, MD 8:15am Thu Dec 9 '99
Victims of chemical warfare in Seattle during the WTO protests can file case
reports of their symptoms and exposures by phone or email with Physicians For
Social Responsibility-Los Angeles. PSR-LA is also seeking to identify
independent experts, resources, and labs for further information on testing
and treatment.
Physicians For Social Responsibility - Los Angeles has agreed to collect case
reports from victims of chemical warfare in Seattle during the WTO protests
and to assist in ensuring that material evidence of the chemical munitions
used against the populace receive thorough and accurate chemical analysis. As
a member of PSR-LA's Board, I am confident that the organization will treat
individual case reports with care, confidentiality, and respect.
PSR-LA can be reached by phone (310)458-2694 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For those responding by email, the guidelines for information follow the body
of this text.
Although PSR-LA cannot, of course, provide treatment or diagnoses, the
organization can and will serve as a resource for information regarding the
"non-irritant" symptoms described below. As additional information on
possible diagnostic tests and/or treatments becomes available, directions to
that information will be provided. This information, of course, is intended
for the casualties of chemical warfare in Seattle to share with their health
care providers, and not for the purpose of self-treatment or self-diagnosis.
Individuals who wish to submit their case reports directly to a physician may
submit them to me at via email ; along with PSR-LA, I will hold all
information in strictest confidence. If you are willing to allow description
of your symptoms to be released in a manner which does not identify you or
divulge any personal information about you, please indicate so in your email
communication to me or in your phone/email communication to PSR-LA. Due to
the fact that my voicemail boxes are unable to accomodate the large volume of
calls from casualties of the chemical warfare in Seattle, I must respectfully
request that phone reports of casualties be routed through PSR-LA. I will
continue to attempt to supply information (although, of course, neither
diagnosis or treament is appropriate via phone contact) for affected parties
to share with their health care providers.
All the victims of chemical warfare in Seattle continue to have my deepest
respect and sympathy. Along with PSR-LA, the Direct Action Medical
Collective, and other organizations committed to the safety and well-being of
all those who were exposed to the chemical weapons used in Seattle, I will
continue to be working in the coming days to find, identify, and disseminate
information which may be of service to the victims of the WTO chemical
warfare, their families, and their health providers.
The relevant issues for PSR data collection from chemical warfare victims
(1) Identity, contact information/address of victims of chemical warfare. (For
 those who wish to remain anonymous, please provide a ten-character
alpha-numeric identifier composed of a random assembly and sequence of
numerals and capital/lower-case letters. Do not use any existing words to
generate your identifier - we will be unable to distinguish duplicates. The
identifier system will be a hassle for us - please elect this option only if
you feel it is truly neccessary.)
(2) date(s), time(s), location(s) of exposure(s) to chemical weapons;
(3) presence/nature/onset time/duration (or "fade date") of
"non-irritant"/"neurotoxic" symptoms (witnessed or experienced);
- blurred vision (with possible change in pupil size) - tachycardia
(with/without irregular heart rate) - nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/abdominal
cramping - abrupt onset of menstruation (out of cycle) - muscular twitching,
sustained cramping - muscular weakness or incoordination or loss of muscular
control or persistent fatigue/weakness - mental status changes (difficulty in
concentrating, word-finding difficulties, lethargy, disorientation, nocturnal
- Canisters, projectiles, other munitions - ESPECIALLY THOSE UNMARKED OR NOT
of the above (eg CX, BZ, CN IV) are also of SPECIAL INTEREST. - Clothing or
other items (masks, scarves, caps, backpacks, gloves, goggles, etc) present
at the time of exposure to agents causing and/or at the onset of the
"neurotoxic"/"non-irritant" symptoms listed above. Items should not have been
laundered/decontaminated since exposure -Those possessing such items should
(a) take photograph of item on current front page of paper (date visible) to
confirm time of possession along with piece of paper legibly bearing your
surname or unique identifier. (b) record serial #'s, manufacturer, any other
PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT (c) store items in sealed plastic bag in area not
accesible to pets/children/moisture/food and away from sleeping area - place
plastic bag in metal tin of sort used for holiday cookies. (d) NOTIFY PSR-LA
ASAP via phone (310)458-2694 or email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - PLEASE DO NOT MAIL OR
SHIP ITEMS - we will arrange for items to be taken into direct physical
possession of secure courier(s) to ensure preservation of chain of evidence
and to ensure that critical evidence is not "lost" during
(5) any treatment(s)/decontamination/response or lack thereof to same;
(6) exposure to chemical weapons without direct irritation (eg - some victims
reported experiencing the onset of the "non-irritant" symptoms after exposure
to a fine powderish suspended aerosol emitted by projectile devices in the
Pike's Place area, but did not experience any symptoms of irritation such as
burning on mucous membranes, eyes, airways, or skin).

Military chemical warfare training in US cities
Postcards from Seattle - and Oakland

Questions to ponder

*   Who decided on the terror strategy for the Seattle WT0 meeting?
*   Where did all the money come from for the equipment and training to carry
it out?
*   Who conducted the training?

Marines (or reservists or police officers in military uniform?) get the
hang of arresting unarmed US protesters during "inter-agency"
crowd control exercises held last spring in Oakland.

Oakland Urban Warefare Training - Spring 1999

Seattle, December 1, 1999. Welcome to America's "Free Trade City."
Photo source:

Seattle, Dec 1, 1999. What today's well dressed, "free" trade gun thug is
wearing this year.
Photo credit: http://worldtradeobserver.org

Hey, if your free trade is such a good deal
then why do you need the guns to enforce it?

Flashback: Who else used its own cities for chemical warfare training and
called it defense

About Brasscheck, the producers of this site.
A new threat?

Have you noticed how the news media is working overtime to relay Department
of Defense press releases about the dangers of chemical and biological
warfare within US borders - in the absense of any credible threat of such an
attack? And how localities are receiving generous funds to train in "defense"
against the same?
All this is being treated as a new phenomenon. It's not. Over half a century
ago, there were two countries in Europe that were keenly interested in
similar training programs. And they ended up using the gas against their own

>From The Ilustrated London News
October 8, 1932

"Everyone's doing is but us! - Civilians and officials training against

Italy practices air-defense: Spreading anti-poison-gas chemicals about the
defense ministry after the secret sham air-attack on Rome.

"Gas-attack" Demonstration in Berlin: Putting down chemicals to counteract
poisonous fumes.


"Normally, we go into a country that's in some fatal stage. We work with
those who are with us, and shoot those who are not. The part that's missing
here is that you can't shoot the Coastal Commission," -- Marine Col. Gary W.
Anderson, describing the difficulties of staging a mock invasion of Oakland
*   Archive of articles on urban warfare training in the US by David

*   One Nation Under Guard - Why are US Marines training to conduct warfare
against American citizens? Reporting from Oakland by Gar Smith

*   Urban Warrior Advanced Warfighting Experiment (AWE) - Documents from the
Marine Corps (closed)

*   Historical perspective: The struggle against fascism in Europe in the
1930s and US complicity in the development of German and Italian fascist


About Brasscheck, formerly E-Media,
the producer of this page
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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