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Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:582057">Bilderberg and
"Secrets of Golan" - Chamish</A>
Subject: Bilderberg and "Secrets of Golan" - Chamish
Date: Mon, 20 December 1999 05:45 PM EST
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Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 11:59:38 -0800
From: Phillip Henika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bilderbergs and Secrets of the Golan
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Barry Chamish -

sI have mixed in some info on the Bilderbergs who may have known
about the Rothschilds ownership of the Syrian land -

Philip Henika

"SECRETS OF THE GOLAN by Barry Chamish

    In January 1996, the business magazine section of the Tel Aviv-based
daily newspaper Globes published a four part series revealing a
profoundly important fact that was unexplainably ignored: Israel has
legal title over a large chunk of the Golan Heights and Western Syria.

    In the 1890s, Baron Rothschild [ Rothschild attendees at the
Bilderberg Meetings from 1995-1999 include: [Bilderberg Evelyn de
Rothschild - Chairman, N M Rothschild and Sons -
<A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/1998.htm">http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/199
8.htm</A> - 1998 Bilderberg Conference -
Turnberry, Ayrshire, Scotland; Bilderberg Emma Rothschild, "Dir Ctr for
History and Economics Cambridge" -
<A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/cocktail.htm#List">http://www.tlio.demon.
co.uk/cocktail.htm#List</A> - "The following attended
Bilderberg 95 in Zurich, Switzerland, June 8-11, 1995." and Bilderberg
Norman Lamont - "MP, Fmr Chan Excq, Director of N.M. Rothschild" -
<A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/cocktail.htm#List">http://www.tlio.demon.
co.uk/cocktail.htm#List</A> - "The following attended
Bilderberg 95 in Zurich, Switzerland, June 8-11, 1995."] purchased
20,000 acres of Syrian land owned by the Ottoman empire. In 1942, the
Syrian government illegally confiscated the land. The Baron transferred
the deeds to the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in 1957. In 1992, the deeds
were moved to the Prime Minister's Office where they are stored today.

    After I read the series, I called a contact in the JNF, Bunny
Alexandroni of the public relations department. She said she'd look into
the matter and called me back. She informed me that she couldn't comment
on the Globes series but asked me to meet her at her office. An
appointment was made and she told me that her boss, the director of her
department, would talk to me if I agreed not to publish his name.

    After so agreeing, I entered his office and he invited me to be
seated. He explained, "The Globes articles were essentially correct.
They were a bit off on the location of the Rothschild land. Some of it
is in the Golan but most is in the Horan, in Syria itself. I informed
the government that the deeds are an excellent bargaining chip with the
Syrians but the government refuses to play it. My hands are tied. I've
been instructed not to pursue the matter."

    And that is the biggest secret of the Golan: the Israeli government
is holding onto legal title to land in the Golan and beyond and is
hiding the fact from the public. Of course, the first question would be,

    What follows is a chronological explanation of how the current
Israeli-Syrian "peace" talks came to be. For those who are unable to
dramatically readjust their sense of reality, it is advised to simply
stop reading and make do with the knowledge of the land titles. They are
more than enough to assure that Israel remains atop the Golan Heights.
For those willing to accept a drastic switch in point of view, keep

December 1990 - President George Bush invites Syria to join his
coalition of forces to fight Iraq. The only offer Syria will respond to
is a promise that America will use its power to remove Israel from the
Golan Heights. Bush's administration has already secretly transferred
$5.5 billion to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and is in constant contact
with him. Before the first shot of the Persian Gulf War is fired,
Hussein agrees to bombard Israel with Scud missiles. In return, he is
promised that no matter what the outcome of the war, he will not be
brought down, nor will Israel respond to the attacks.

Bush promises Syria a bombardment that will prove to the Israeli people
that territory will not protect them in the age of missiles. Later
America will put the squeeze on the Shamir government to relinquish the
Heights. Syria accepts the terms and joins the coalition.

Summer 1991 - Bush organizes a conference in Madrid to put international
pressure on the Shamir government to leave the Golan. Shamir refuses to
budge. Bush meets Syrian President Assad in Geneva. There Assad says
he's running out of patience with Bush and threatens to take matters
into his own hands before the upcoming American elections. Bush promises
that he will use all his power to remove Shamir from office and bring in
a more compliant government.

June 23, 1992 - Bush's strategy of withholding loan guarantees and
demonizing Shamir succeeds and Yitzhak Rabin becomes Israeli Prime
Minister. Bush demands an immediate Golan withdrawal and Rabin explains
that it is politically out of the question for him.

September 10, 1992 - Foreign Minister Shimon Peres meets French
President Mitterand and Foreign Minister Roland Dumas in Paris and
agrees to promote a total Golan withdrawal. He wants to meet with Syrian
FM Farouk Shara immediately. Peres returns to Israel and Rabin meets him
at Ben Gurion Airport. He orders Peres to stay away from the French,
loudly calling them, "the biggest bastards." Too late for Rabin. Two
days later Dumas begins a shuttle between Damascus and Cairo to
coordinate Peres's Golan withdrawal.

September 17, 1992 - Rabin is called to Kennebunkport, Maine where an
agitated Bush lays down the law. He must neutralize Peres's French track
and "prepare the Israeli people for painful withdrawals," first from the
Golan and then the West Bank and Gaza. He demands that the Golan
withdrawal be coordinated with a compliant military leader, IDF Chief Of
Staff Ehud Barak. Rabin returns to Israel and announces his Syria First
peace program.

September 23, 1993 - Syria is put on the back burner by the new Clinton
administration, while negotiations with the PLO are taking place. Once
Rabin inks a deal with Arafat, the White House begins its campaign for a
Golan treaty. A meeting is set up between Chief Of Staff Ehud Barak and
VP Al Gore [ "The secretive Bilderberg society, a group some believe
conspires semi-annually to foster global government, will hold a
steering committee meeting in Washington next month, WorldNetDaily has
learned. The Nov. 4-5 (1999) conference, featuring invited guests such
as Vice President Al Gore..." - THE NEW GLOBAL ORDER; The next
Bilderberg meeting Secret roster, agenda for Washington conference; ©
1999 WorldNetDaily.com] to get the track going.

November 12, 1993 - An international race is on to see who can get
Israel off the Golan first. On the same day that Rabin is in Washington,
accompanied secretly by Ariel Sharon, Peres is in France meeting with
his French counterpart Alain Juppe. The Washington meetings go badly.
The biggest sticking point is Syria's demand that as part of a peace
deal, Israel give up its nuclear weapons program. While Rabin and Sharon
refuse to accede, Peres shows no such compunctions.

December 6, 1993 - Secretary of State Warren Christopher flies to
Damascus for a meeting with Syrian VP Hassan Habibi and most telling,
with Jordanian Hamas leader Ibrahim Rusha. Syria lays down the law. The
French have made a better offer and unless America moves Rabin in the
same direction, Syria will promote a Hamas overthrow of the PLO regime
in Gaza and the West Bank. Syria offers Hamas's violent talents for a
terror campaign to remove Rabin from power in favor of Peres.
Christopher relays the threats to Clinton and a summit between Assad and
the American president is arranged for the following month.

January, 1994 - Clinton and Assad meet in Geneva. Arafat, apprised of
the plot against him, rushes to Geneva where the Swiss authorities
refused to grant him an entrance visa. Clinton promises Assad a total
Golan retreat and Rabin reacts with furor. He announces that any Golan
deal would now be subject to a public referendum and appoints his Deputy
Defence Minister, Motta Gur, to introduce a referendum bill in the

May, 1994 - Peres orders his Foreign Ministry staff to prepare a plan
for the evacuation of Jewish residents of the Golan and presents it to
Mitterand with a request for an immediate meeting with the Syrians. The
Syrians now want Rabin out and Peres in and plan a strategy to achieve
the goal.

July, 1994 - Assad finally takes matters in his own hands and orders the
bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. Over a hundred Jews die.
Syria's responsibility is traced conclusively by two Argentinian
journalists. The suicide bomb vehicle is rented with currency traced to
Damascus. Rabin is ordered by his American bosses to cover up Syria's
role in the atrocity and Israel shifts blame to Iran.

October 17, 1994 - The repercussions of Buenos Aires does not budge
Rabin, so Syria orders a strike closer to home. A bus explodes in Tel
Aviv killing 23. The same day, Palestinian radio station in Damascus
gives full detail's of the blast's methodology, two days before Israel
police confirmed the accuracy of the report.

November, 1994 - With Syria living up to its threats to remove Rabin,
Clinton initiates a Damascus-Jerusalem shuttle. Rathered than softened
by the slaughter of Jews, Rabin was furious and his position on Syria
hardened. Clinton finally relents and agreed to replace Rabin with a
more compliant candidate, Ehud Barak.

December, 1994 - Peres takes a major step towards realizing his Golan
plan and invited Germany and Japan to place troops on the Heights after
withdrawal went into effect.

January, 1995 - Ehud Barak quits his post as Chief Of Staff. A month
later he meets with Warren Christopher in Jerusalem to plan his future.

March - June, 1995 - Barak flies to Washington and immediately begins
negotiations with the Syrian peace-talks delegation. He promises a total
Golan withdrawal if he becomes Prime Minister. He spends the rest of his
trip planning his accession to power and understanding his role as
envisioned by the Council On Foreign Relations. He holds meetings with
CFR executives Henry Kissinger [ "Since 1953, the Bilderberg group has
convened government, business, academic and journalistic representatives
from the U.S., Canada and Europe with the express purpose of exploring
the future of the North Atlantic community. The international steering
committee includes [Bilderberg - my comment] Conrad Black, publisher of
newspapers throughout Canada, the U.S. and the London Telegraph and
Jerusalem Post, [Bilderberg - my comment] Vernon Jordan, [Bilderberg -
my comment] "George Mitchell, [Bilderberg - my comment] Kissinger and
[Bilderberg - my comment] [David] Rockefeller; - THE NEW GLOBAL ORDER;
The next Bilderberg meeting Secret roster, agenda for Washington
conference; © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com], Lawrence Tisch and Edgar
Bronfman. They vow to finance his campaign. Barak announces that the
triumvirate agreed to finance his new "business" career to the tune of
$30 million.

July, 1995 - Barak returns to Israel and Rabin appoints him Interior
Minister. Motta Gur is dead, supposedly of a suicide caused by
depression over his cancer. His physician says that can't be, his
disease was in total regression and he had everything to live for.

October 20, 1995 - The CFR has gotten wind of a French plot to murder
Rabin and replace him with Peres. They decide to give Rabin a last
chance. At the UN's 50th anniversary ceremony, Christopher and special
advisor Dennis Ross remind Rabin that he promised a withdrawal to the
shores of Lake Kinneret. They want him to meet with Shara and live up to
his commitment. Rabin loses his cool and lets loose a loud and ugly rant
against both of them. He shouts that he made the Kinneret comment
sarcastically and they knew it. He threatens to pull out of the whole
peace process. One by one, CFR members like Bronfman, Kissinger and
Clinton try to sway Rabin. He gives his answer on the UN podium the next
day, telling the assembled that he comes from Jerusalem, the undivided
capital of Israel and that the real problem in his region wasn't
Israel's stubbornness, it was Arab terrorism. The next day he
flew to Washington and oversaw the passage of two Congressional bills
which effectively neutralized the Oslo process. One bill declared that
Jerusalem would never be divided, the other cut off American aid to the
PLO if it declared a state. The Americans decided to keep Rabin ignorant
of the French plot against him. Peres had to be next in line anyway
before Barak could replace him.

Nov. 7, 1995 - The leaders of the Anglo-American and European regimes
descend on Rabin's funeral. With Rabin safely entombed, the squeeze
begins to neutralize the French victory. John Major and Prince Charles
arrange a meeting at Orient House for Peres to negotiate directly with
Assad by phone. He turns the meeting down. However, he did promise
Clinton an immediate withdrawal from the South Lebanon security zone and
without an ounce of sentiment for Rabin's mourning period, the president
sends Ross shuttling between Assad and Peres. Assad turns down Peres's
limited offer and Clinton demands a major concession: Peres agrees to
appoint his bitter rival, Barak, as his Foreign Minister and campaign
manager for the next national elections.

January, 1996 - Rabin's most precious Golan secret is leaked in detail
to the business newspaper Globes. Israel had legal title to 20,000 acres
of Syrian territory, some of it on the Golan Heights. The media is
instructed to bury the story.

February - May, 1995 - Barak and the Americans sabotage Peres's election
campaign through a combination of deliberate incompetence, suicide
bombers and a mini-war in Lebanon which cost Peres the Arab vote. Peres
loses and millions of dollars are funnelled to Barak's successful
campaign to take over the leadership of the Labor Party. The price was
Netanyahu's victory and immediately a campaign of scandal mongering
begins to force him from power. Netanyahu survives the scandals, and
freezes the Golan withdrawal, until the Americans invest their money and
talents to assuring Barak's election in May, 1999.

November, 1999 - On the fourth anniversary of Rabin's murder, the public
demands to know how he really died. Indisputable proof that the
convicted assassin could not have shot the fatal bullets was in the
hands of tens of thousands of people. My book with the documents within
is number three on the bestseller list. Rabin's wife and two children
demand a new investigation of his assassination. 65% of the public
support their demand. A huge issue was needed to quell the fast-
spreading public campaign to reinvestigate Rabin's demise. The truth
would explode the whole peace process and incriminate the current
leadership in atrocious crimes. A replacement murder scandal involving
publisher Ofir Nimrodi works for a week but something far more lasting
and devastating was required. An impending withdrawal from the Golan
Heights does the trick.

the end and it could be!"

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Before you buy.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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