-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Tzemach News Service
Week Ending: 25 December 1999 / 16 Tevet 5760

"And the multitude of all the nations who wage war against Ariel, even
all who wage war against her and her stronghold, and who distress her,
shall be like a dream, a vision of the night." (Isaiah 29.7)

Minister Ehud Barak, painting a gloomy vision of the Middle East should
the current talks with Syria end in failure, warned there would be "no
way out of another round of confrontation with the Arab world" if this
should happen. He hinted that any new confrontation would be a broad
one and reminded his cabinet ministers of how, not so long ago, 42 Iraqi
Scuds had hit Israel. Likud MK Dan Naveh accused Barak of waging a
"campaign of fear." In the time leading up to the next round, which is to
begin January 3 in the US, Barak said he plans to set up the negotiating
committees. They are to consist of officials from the Prime Minister's
office, the Defense, Foreign, and Justice ministries, and probably

However, the findings of the Jaffe Institute for Strategic Studies,
released this week, have placed Barak in an awkward position. The
Institute found that the Syrian army has become greatly weakened and
is incapable of fighting against the Israel Defense Force (IDF). Barak
hurried to announce afterwards that the information he has shows that
the Syrian army is very strong and professional. Speaking with ARUTZ-
7, Jaffe Institute researcher Yiftach Shapir noted, "We presently see
Israel at a window of opportunity -- in the sense that its enemies are
either signed on peace deals with Israel, or are very weak. In the case of
Syria, we estimate that its army is very weak, with almost no military
options." ARUTZ-7's Haggai Segal asked Shapir how this jibes with
Barak's claim that should the deal with Damascus fall through, Syria
would send "dozens of Scuds" into Israel. "This just confirms our view,"
Shapir explained. "Syria merely has the capability of scaring and even
terrorizing Israel, but not of carrying out a full-blown war. Syria has not
updated its army since the 1973 Yom Kippur War --in sharp contrast
with the fully modernized Egyptian army, which boasts new US-built
Abrams tanks, F-16 and Mirage 2000 fighter jets. Israel, too, has
modernized its army." In contrast, Col. Moshe Leshem ("Gamla Shall
Not Fall Again" http://www.gamla.org.il/english/index.htm) was skeptical
about the Jaffe Institute study and conclusions. Leshem told ARUTZ-7's
Ron Meir that, "The Jaffe Institute is basically a left-wing institute ...
Whatever they do is [designed] to support the left-wing policies of the
government." He took issue with Jaffe's finding that the Syrian T-72
tanks are outdated, saying that this is "under-estimating the Russian
tank. Our tanks are not so much more modern than the T-72." He also
took issue with the Jaffe Center assumption that Syria could be
analyzed in isolation of other Arab powers, explaining that except for the
1956 Sinai campaign, all the Arab-Israeli conflicts pitted Israel against
Arab coalitions. Leshem said that Israel must therefore look at other
potential enemies: "If one of these countries has a substantial quantity
of weapons, it will seek a coalition with another Arab country [such as
Syria], to outflank Israel and create two fronts, which would divide and
weaken Israeli forces." Hear the ARUTZ-7 interview with Col Leshem at:

A senior US official said on Tuesday that the next round of peace talks
between Israel and Syria will convene at the Clarion Hotel and
Conference Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, a historic town
approximately 75 miles northwest of Washington, D.C., HA'ARETZ

session, which was convened on Thursday in New York, the United
Nations General Assembly adopted a decision renewing the "permanent
Syrian supremacy" over the natural resources of the Golan Heights and
the "supremacy of the Palestinian people" over the natural resources in
Israel, including Jerusalem. The resolution was adopted by the GA with
a majority of 146 votes with three votes against it (US, Israel and the
Marshall Islands).

Yehuda Etzion continues in his two-track struggle to identify the Temple
Mount artifacts dumped by the Moslem Waqf in the Kidron Valley, and
to hold the Antiquities Authority responsible for continued Waqf
violations on the Mount. "So far, the Antiquities Authority has been
giving us evasive answers, to say the least. They even sent inspectors
last week to the Kidron Valley, while we were examining the remnant of
the dumps, and ordered us to stop, on the grounds that we were robbing
the country's antiquities! It's OK for the Waqf -- under the watchful eye
of the police -- to dispose of hundreds of trucks' worth of ancient
artifacts, but when we come to check what's in the dirt, we are labeled
robbers! If it wasn't tragic, I would laugh -- but today [Sunday], on the
tenth of Tevet, marking the beginning of the siege on Jerusalem and the
beginning of Temple's destruction, it is very hard to laugh."

Meanwhile, archeology students Wednesday presented artifacts,
including possible remnants from the First Temple, they said they
uncovered in the piles of fill dumped by the Waqf in the Kidron Valley.
The students also claimed that the Waqf had sifted through the fill
before loading it on dump trucks and had removed large items of value.
Antiquity Authority officials confirmed this, saying that items such as
columns and large decorated building stones had been kept on the
Mount. "The Antiquities Authority doesn't want to say this officially, but
what the Waqf is doing is not just destruction, but stealing ancient
artifacts," said Zachi Zweig, 27, a third-year archeology student at Bar-
Ilan University, who led a group of volunteers to the dump last week. The
artifacts found by the students included some 64 pottery rims, most of
those identified from the Second Temple period, with some from the
Middle Bronze Age, late Roman, Byzantine, and early Moslem periods.
These were examined and verified by three eminent Israeli
archeologists. Other finds included an intricately carved frieze from an
unidentified period, a rim of a stone vessel and a black and white piece
of cut marble which matches descriptions of elegant furniture from the
Second Temple. The stone was believed to have been used as part of a
table or table leg. They also found a ceramic leg from either an offering
bowl or figurine from the Bronze Age. The oldest item discovered was a
pottery shard with its distinct stripped decoration dating it from 8th
century BCE, which coincides with the First Temple period. They also
discovered colorful ceramic tiles from the Ottoman period. "We know
nothing of the Temple Mount, so even fill has value," said Zweig. "Who
knows? There could be in those piles of garbage remains from the
Second Temple itself." Further information and a picture can be found
on the website of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful
Movement located at: http:/www.templemountfaithful.org.

CLINTON AGAIN REBUKES G-D: US President Clinton has once again
invoked a national security waiver allowing him to postpone moving the
US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. When Clinton invoked the
waiver for the first time in June, some Jewish groups expressed
disappointment, and some members of Congress threatened to
introduce legislation to take away the president's waiver right in an effort
to force him to comply with the law within the next year. But with
Congress in recess and many others in Washington away for the
holidays or focused on the Israel-Syria talks, Clinton's move last Friday
did not get a lot of notice. The law allowing the waiver requires the issue
to be revisited every six months.

In another story, a teen-age Jewish youth was stabbed in the back
Thursday by an Arab terrorist outside the Old City of Jerusalem's
Damascus Gate. He was injured lightly. HAKOL MEHASHETACH news
agency reports that a Border Guard patrol found the boy shortly after he
was stabbed, and took him to Hadassah-Ein Karem Hospital.

implement the second stage of the second withdrawal in Judea,
Samaria and Gaza (Yesha) within the next week and pull back from
another 5 percent of the territory. The withdrawal was supposed to have
taken place 15 November but had been delayed because Arafat rejected
the withdrawal map presented by Israel. Israel will also release a few
dozen Palestinian prisoners, including some from East Jerusalem, as a
goodwill gesture [?] for the holy month of Ramadan.

Meanwhile, several officials close to the talks assessed that the
chances that the final-status negotiating teams will be able to come up
with a framework agreement in February -- as originally envisioned -- are
slim. With a deadline for the framework agreement only 53 days away,
members of the Israeli team are hinting that the only way to achieve a
breakthrough is through massive US intervention. According to one
official, the Palestinians will not budge without this.

Council called Monday upon the government not to allow the building of
a Jewish community in Tel Romeida, Hebron http://www.hebron.org.il.
The Council claims that such construction could harm the impressive
findings from Biblical and later periods found during recent excavations
there. These were carried out when the Netanyahu government decided
to build permanent Jewish homes at the site of the terrorist-murder of
Rabbi Shlomo Ra'anan. The Yesha Council condemned the
Archaeological Council's decision, calling it "political hypocrisy in the
guise of academia." The Yesha statement says, "The findings in Hebron
that the Archaeological Council is so concerned about were preserved
only by virtue of the Jews who settled in Hebron, and they are the last
ones who need be lectured about the importance of Jewish history."

Meanwhile, Thursday, KOL YISRAEL news reported that General
Yitzhak Eitan, Commander of Israeli Forces in Judea and Samaria,
announced plans to construct a 30-foot wall around the Tel Rumeida-
Admot Ishai neighborhood in Hebron to supposedly to protect it from
Arab shooting attacks. [Isn't this akin to building a "ghetto" ed]

negotiations, the Prime Minister's Office announced on Wednesday that
Egypt has agreed to sell natural gas to Israel and the PA/PLO, the
JERUSALEM POST reported. The project, called "pipeline of peace,"
will provide gas through El-Arish in Egypt to Israel and the PA/PLO, and
later to Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. According to HA'ARETZ, the sale is
the latest in a series of steps Egypt has taken in recent weeks to
improve relations with Israel.

ON THE NORTHERN FRONT: Southern Lebanese Army soldiers
discovered and dismantled powerful roadside bombs Monday morning
near a village in the eastern sector of the Security Zone in southern
Lebanon. The roads there service both IDF and South Lebanon Army
(SLA) soldiers. A "heavy catastrophe" was thus averted, stated an IDF

At 6 A.M. on Tuesday of this week, an extraordinary unofficial 72-hour
cease fire went into effect in southern Lebanon during which personnel
of UNIFIL and the International Committee of the Red Cross carried out
a search -- with the consent of Israel, Syria and Lebanon -- for the
bodies of six Hizb'Allah terrorists that were left in the field following
encounters with the IDF. Israel had already proposed this gesture in the
past, but it had been rejected by Syria and Lebanon. However, on the
day following US President Bill Clinton's announcement of the renewal
of the Israeli-Syrian peace talks, Syria and Lebanon gave their consent
to the initiative.

The cease fire ended when a Hizb'Allah terrorist was killed and an SLA
soldier lightly wounded as fighting in the Security Zone resumed over
the weekend. Hizb'Allah claimed responsibility for the attack. Several
other IDF and SLA positions throughout the Zone also came under
mortar rounds and recoilless-rifle attacks, and returned fire. IAF
warplanes also struck targets in the Rehan region, north of the Zone.

illegally built a house on property belonging to municipal Kiryat Arba,
not far from the Jewish community. The building was declared officially
illegal and was ordered destroyed. The Arabs have been living there ever
since. A few weeks ago a group of Kiryat Arba-Hebron residents, led by
Malachi Levinger, began protesting on the road outside the building,
demanding that the illegal home be destroyed, as were so-called 'illegal
Jewish homes' at the Maon farm. Last week, Arabs uprooted grapevines
planted by Israelis in the fields near the building. Saturday over a
hundred Kiryat Arba-Hebron residents participated in a protest on the
road outside the illegal building, demanding that following its
destruction, fields be planted there. Among the speakers were MK Yuri
Stern, Mayor Zvi Katzover, and Rabbis Dov Lior, Eliezer Waldman and
Moshe Levinger. Keynote speaker, MK (Member of Knesset) Stern, told
the demonstrators that the struggle is for all of Eretz Yisrael. "The
Golan Heights are only the beginning. We must win there, and we will
be victorious elsewhere." He promised to continue to continue the
struggle against uprooting settlements and relinquishment of land to the
Arabs. Stern, seeing Israeli police photographing the crowd, said, "I am
trying to reach the Chief of Police. Why are they photographing the
protesters? The last time I was photographed at a demonstration by
police was outside a synagogue in Moscow."

Madeleine Albright courted Muslim Americans on Tuesday at a dinner
ending their daytime fast and offering them the assurance "your views
are being heard." Responding to complaints that Muslims are ignored in
the shaping of Mideast policy, Albright said in the coming year, the last
for the Clinton administration, she intends to be sure "the legitimate
concerns of Muslim Americans are taken into account." She also
pledged to hire more Muslims for the State Department. "US foreign
policy is conducted in your name," she assured her guests.

According to al-Da'wa (THE MISSION), an Islamic publication, the
status of Israel is identical to the status of the individual Jew. What is
this status? "The race is corrupt at the root, full of duplicity, and the
Muslims have everything to lose in seeking to deal with them; they must
be exterminated." Historically, the Islamic world's orientation to
extermination of the Jews has not been limited to phrasemaking. Even
before Israel came into existence in May 1948, on 28 November 1941,
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin, met in Berlin with Adolph
Hitler. The declared subject of their meeting was nothing less than "the
final solution of the Jewish Question." This meeting, which followed Haj
Amin's active organization of Muslim SS troops in Bosnia, included the
Mufti's promise to aid German victory in the war. Later, after Israel's trial
and punishment of Adolph Eichmann in 1961, Iranian and Arab
newspapers described the mass murderer of Jews as a "martyr,"
congratulating him posthumously for having "conferred a real blessing
on humanity" by liquidating six million "subhumans."

(Editor's note: For clarification sake, the Arabic word "muslim" means
"one who submits"; the act of submission is called "islam", which
became the name of the religion Muslims practice (Arthur Goldschmidt,
Jr., "A Concise History of the Middle East", London, Westview Press,
1988, p.33)]

CALLS TO "COME HOME": Two Israeli organizations, 'Operation
Homeward' http://www.op-homeward.org and 'Shuva' (Return), held a
press conference on Thursday, 23 December 1999 in Jerusalem calling
for American Jews to immigrate to Israel. The two emergency
movements are encouraging American Jewry to "pick up, pack up, and
come home to Israel before the ominous Y2K threat for which Jews will
be blamed, together with blatant anti-Semitism that is spreading daily
throughout the US makes it impossible for them to escape".

THE ANTI-SEMITISM OF THE BBC: BBC World News has just aired an
article which has taken it into new depths of anti-Semitism. The article
gave great credence to theories which are being voiced that the Jews
were never guided by Moses, that Joshua never conquered Jericho; and
worse still, that Jerusalem was never the great city of David. The chief
protagonists of this is a Professor Ze'ev Herzog who claims there is no
sign of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the slavery in Egypt, or anyone
wandering in the desert. The BBC article calls the Jews living in Hebron
"the small, militant Jewish community living in the heart of the
Palestinian city of Hebron." Basically, Herzog's chiefest goal seems to
be to discredit the biblical accounts of Israel's history -- and the BBC
seems intent on helping him. Israel's rebirth was no misguided UN
resolution. It was the fulfillment of a promise made by G-d to Herzog's
forefathers. The text of the BBC article can be read at

Ruslam reached Jaffa with 671 people aboard. The ship was loaded with
doctors, artists, and academics and had been called Israel's Mayflower.
Its arrival marked the period of what is known as the "Third Aliyah,"
which lasted four years. Approximately 50% of the 35,000 immigrants
were from Russia and 35% from Poland. The "Third Aliyah" marked the
time when the first Kibbutzim and Moshavim were established.

22 December 1878: Naphtali Herz Imber, (1856-1909) a Hebrew poet,
wrote the words for "Hatikvah". The poem eventually became the
national anthem of the State of Israel. As long as deep in the heart,

The soul of a Jew yearns,

And towards the east

An eye looks to Zion

We have not yet lost our hope

The hope of 2,000 years

To be a free people in our land

The land of Zion and Jerusalem

24 December 1696: Evora, a provincial capital of Portugal, had been an
important center for Marrano Jews. On Christmas Eve the victims were
led from the palace of the Inquisition (still existing today) to the Roman
square, the most visible height of the town, where they were burned.

25 December 1881: Anti-Jewish riots began in Poland. In Warsaw
twelve Jews were killed, many others were wounded and some women
were raped. Two million rubles worth of property was destroyed.




([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 24 December 1999

European and American "defence" forces have been in action to punish
"Ethnic Cleansing" in Yugoslavia. The United Nations have criticised
Ethnic Cleansing in Rwanda. Nobody has been expelled from Corsica,
or from the Basque region. The Flemands are allowed to continue living
in Northern Belgium. Ethnic cleansing is stated to have been punished
in Yugoslavia, while 200,000 citizens of Krajina have been thrown out.

How is it, then, that Ethnic Cleansing in Israel is not only planned, but
actually takes place with violence? Take today's news: Ordinary Jews
from Revavah, near Efrat, ethnically cleansed. Just a few weeks ago:
Jewish farmers ethnically cleansed from Maon, their buildings
destroyed. Jews in Hebron's Tel Rumeida are to be walled into a ghetto.

"Planning" for expulsions from the Golan is proceeding. But who are the
Jews who are conspiring to drive out the Jews? Some are ministers in a
"Jewish" government. Perhaps the term "Judenrat", presided over by a
"Judenaeltester", would fit them better. They base their contempt, even
persecution, of the Jews not on the Nurnberg laws, but on their "Special
regulations for dealing with Jews". Just now they are begging their
masters across the ocean to fund the expulsion. But it is only fair to
warn these masters that, when the Jewish government ministers come
to stand trial for "ethnic cleansing", those who provide the finances for
this solution will also have to face trial for conspiracy. There is little
doubt that space is already available in the Netherlands for these ethnic
cleansers, ready for the time when, like other officials, they are charged,
before the International Court, with crimes against humanity, and with
breaches of the International Covention on Human Rights.

How sad that Ethnic Cleansing is to be carried out in Eretz Israel, by
"Jews" against Jews. In Yugoslavia, it was Croats against Krajina
Serbs, but this time it is to be Jews against Golan Jews! I quote the
recent warning, based on Pastor Niemoeller's saying: "First they came
for the Golani settlers, then for then for those from Yesha, then for the
Jerusalemites, the Jews of the Galil, those from Haifa, and then for me!"

One of our enemies is ignorance. Tell your friends about the Jewish
Ethnic Cleaning!



Emanuel A. Winston ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Middle East analyst & commentator (December 18, 1999)

There may be a Referendum wherein the Israeli people will be offered
the opportunity to freely vote whether they wish the Government to
abandon the Golan Heights to Syria. I have my doubts as to whether it
will occur as promised or, if it does, will it be weighted down with small
print and escape clauses to allow the Government to do as it pleases.
Here then are some of the things to be expected and watched for:

1. Look for deep but covert involvement of the Clinton Administration.

2. Watch for pre-planning which is intended to dominate Israeli thinking -
to include brain-washing, intimidation, missing details, misleading
and/or untrue statements, little explanation of consequences.

3. The Israeli government, at the directions of Barak is already blocking
out language of the Referendum. It will include psychological thoughts
intended to confuse and mislead the reader. Such thinkers as Yossi
Beilin, Shimon Peres, Yossi Sarid will be working closely with such
U.S. State Department advisors as Dennis Ross, Madame Albright, and
most certainly with Clinton's political tricksters James Carville and staff.
Pollsters can attest to the fact that a question can be positioned so that
the respondent can only give one answer. Therefore, the language of the
Referendum will be subtly formatted to tilt the answer (vote) in one

4. Look for Barak to enlist the authority of Israel's Left-leaning Supreme
Court to add its weight and supposedly even-handed opinion. The mere
appearance of the names of Supreme Court Judges will cover over any
suspicions the public may have as to Barak's intentions and honesty.

5. Naturally, weeks before the Referendum is offered to the public, the
three Leftist newspapers, the government run radio and television will
launch a mind-numbing campaign to convince the Israeli public that the
stark choice is war or peace. Naturally, they will reflect Barak and
Clinton's position.

6. American journals, closely linked to the State Department will spew
out lofty reasons for the Syrian position and this will be quoted as
gospel by the Hebrew Press eliminating the factual down-side.

You will see small articles here and there, offering the opposing opinion
but it will be selectively offering the thoughts of unimportant writers
whose opinions the public will consider trivial, non-persuasive and
guaranteed to be ignored. But, the Hebrew Press will have covered itself
against accusations that they are biased and working hand in hand with
Barak and U.S. interests.

Before the Referendum, they will use the same technique as pre-Oslo.
Barak -Clinton - Assad will offer a completed document, spelling out all
the wonderful intended goals of the peace of paper. It will very likely be
given to the Knesset for a rubber stamp approval. You may even see
signatures of nations from the E.U. (European Union), in addition to our
"esteemed" American President so closely associated with Arab

This impressive and weighty document, backed by all those important
people and nations will then be presented to the Israeli people with the
implicit threat of: "I dare you to reject what the world has offered."

Clearly, the plan of intimidation is well underway, with the Jewish
advisors to Clinton shaping the language in a way that only another Jew
would know to be most effective against his own people.

Now, if all that fails to force a yea vote, be assured that there will be
escape clauses allowing Barak to set aside the vote, using the high-
sounding phrase: "It's a matter of National Security." This a common
phrase in American politics when scoundrels are caught in dirty illegal
tricks and covert operations. They wrap themselves in the flag and claim
"National Security" thereby avoiding impeachment or prison.

I see the deal as having been cut long ago. Just as the Labor Party
started Oslo illegally in 1983, so to the Syrian deal has been simmering
for a long time. Syria is to be taken off of the U.S. list of terrorist
nations. They will be granted large amounts of American aid with which
they will rebuild their armed forces much the same as has been done
with Egypt. They (the Syrians) will in due time ignore all the language of
normalization as has Egypt.

They will absolutely turn back the water flow from the Golan into Syria.
Israel will protest to the U.S. and be ignored, just as when Egypt moved
missile batteries into the Sinai. The Leftists will be chased out of the
Government if not out of the country but by that time Israel will be dried
up and parched.

Look for ramped up intimidation by the Police as happened under Rabin
and Peres. Peaceful demonstrators will be harassed. Leaders will be
arrested on trumped up charges and kept in jail or in court with costly
trials. The Army will be charged with suppressing demonstrations all
over the country by patriots who want to defend the Golan Heights as an
irreplaceable security asset which includes 40% of the nation's water

Note! The Government has already launched a misleading media
campaign, assuring the public that this massive water loss can be
replaced by water tankers from Turkey and desalination plants. This is,
of course, a lie. Barak recently made a secret appeal to Turkey to allow
more water through to Syria so Syria will allow language in the coming
agreement NOT to hold back Golan water from Israel once it is under
Syrian control.

Other Avishai Ravivs will be busy acting as 'agents provocateurs' giving
the Hebrew Press an opportunity to demonize those who oppose
trusting Syria and giving up the high ground and water of the Golan. If
there is enough opposition, look for Barak to declare martial law,
imposing a military regime and, of course, pushing through the
surrender of the Golan Heights.

There will, of course, be police and military riots. (That means that there
will be officially sanctioned brutality.) Perhaps some will recall the
official police beatings of elderly women and other orderly demonstrators
when they protested against the Rabin policies. The great humanists
(the Left) turned a blind eye to the beatings because these "people"
were opposing their political philosophy. If this all sounds like a replay of
the East German Stasi or the Romanian Iron Guard and other Fascist
repressions, it's because these methods have been adopted by
succeeding Leftist Governments as their methods of choice. They were,
after all, doing it in the best interests of the people and it was only a
momentary lapse in democracy.

Finally, if intimidation fails; if jailing the opposition fails; look for new
elections with Barak and Company relying on the thin margin that the
Arab vote will give him to push through the Golan surrender.

There is also the law of 'unintended consequences' such as Assad
dying and Rifat, his brother, starting a Civil War in Syria to take control.

There is also the yet unknown response of the American Congress as
to whether they are prepared to sign off to Israel on $20 to 40 Billion
American taxpayers dollars to buy Clinton his Nobel Peace Prize. The
real and additional cost will be the transfer of military and civilians off
the Golan Heights. Then there is the fund for Syria which could easily
be double what is allocated for Israel. All in all, the Congress will be
asked by a Peace Prize seeking President to pony up in excess of
$100 Billion dollars, coming out of U.S. tax revenues and draining other
entitlement funds for American schools, medicine, et al.

There is a high probability that Congress will provide only a fraction of
this money (if any). The burden of payment will then fall on the Israeli
people in increased taxes. By the time Congress refuses to pay for
Clinton's grand gesture, Barak will have committed to Syria and there
will be no turning back.


Tzemach News Service
"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace,
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest" Isaiah 62:1

 Lee Underwood

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