-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy.princess-diana:33709">Bilde
rberg Dominates G20, in Berlin</A>
Subject: Bilderberg Dominates G20, in Berlin
From: Steve Reed <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">asreed@lasting
Date: Fri, 17 December 1999 01:55 PM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In message <l03130300b47fc9b8b926@[]>, Henika
>Steve -
>And so, the first hints of "trilateralism" converging into strict, uniform
>global policy - do you see it the same way?

They're tumbling out of the closet now, eager to make the world safe for
global big business, which, in the main, will be American big business.
Surveillance of the subjugated and subversion of those resisting, by the
vast security services of the USA and its allies, continue apace, funded
in part by the tax-payer and, very substantially, by the drug-trade,
which they control.  This has been going on, even in its present form,
for decades, and still the fair words of these men succeed in concealing
their imperialist purpose. Can voters be awakened to the truth before
these moguls escape completely from accountability behind the
fortifications of a de iure world government?  The media will try to
ensure that voters remain unaware of their peril.
>Subject:      Bilderberg Favors Private Sector in Globalization of Economy
>From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date:         1999/12/17
>Message-ID:   <83ch2l$3at$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Newsgroups:   alt.conspiracy
>[More Headers]
>Global Citizens:
>        The following Bilderberg Club Members were cited as participants in
>the recent meeting of  "G20" countries in Berlin [Thursday, December 16,
>1999] for a discussion on "Anti-Crisis Strategy" with regard to the global
>economy: "U.S. Treasury Secretary" and Bilderberg Lawrence Summers; "World
>Bank head" and Bilderberg James Wolfensohn; "Canada's Finance Minister" and
>Bilderberg Paul Martin and "French central bank governor" and Bilderberg
>Jean-Claude Trichet who has been listed as a possible successor to Michel
>Camdessus as the European Union Commissioner.

Camdessus was head of the IMF.  There are several EU Commissioners, who
form "The EU Commission".  The current head of the Commission is an
Italian called Prodi.
>        The consensus reached apparently favors the enhanced role of the
>private sector in stabilizing regional economies: "The G20 said strong
>domestic policies which reassured financial markets and kept private
>investors interested in putting money into an economy were important. These
>would ensure the internal strength of an economy and also make it less
>vulnerable to contagion if a similar economy had problems." (1)
>        Uniform global policies also seemed to favor private sector
>interests: "Such policies would include strengthening national balance
>sheets against unexpected shocks, strengthening country debt management and
>paying greater attention to the impact of government policies on private
>sector investment." (1)
>        Not mentioned was the alledged corruption in World Bank and IMF
>loans with regard to money laundering in New York and Channel Island banks
>to the tune of $15 billion. Not mentioned was the impact of failed loan
>packages on the contribution to the decline in the ruble in Russia. Not
>mentioned was the failure of these loans to reach the Russian peopleas
>promised aid.
>        This raises the possibility that the globalization future of
>economies will be driven mainly by an appeal to the peoples of world
>governments by the private sector; the private sector as a substitute for
>corrupted aid packages and that aid packages were purposefully scuttled as
>a secret agenda item of the Bilderberg Club - that they were scuttled as
>possible self-serving and partisan Bilderberg Club policy for which there
>is no media attention or accountability.
>       I oppose the secrecy of the Bilderberg Society.
>Philip Henika
>(1) ***Thursday December 16 12:45 PM ET
>G20 Proudly Agrees on Anti-Crisis Strategy
>By Bill Schomberg
>BERLIN (Reuters) -
>Top financial officials from 20 major world economies Thursday drew up a
>framework for preventing the sorts of crises that have ripped through world
>markets in recent year and welcomed solid global growth.
>Finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 of the world's top
>economies agreed on a tight catalog of policies that could help shore up
>economies against financial upheaval.
>But for many participants, the fact that the agreement had been struck
>around a table seating economies as diverse as the United States and
>Indonesia was the real triumph.
>The Berlin meeting, the inaugural meeting for the G20 group, drew together
>around one table both established world economic powers from the Group of
>Seven and a string of less developed or less powerful economies.
>The trigger for the creation of the forum, the brainchild of U.S. Treasury
>Secretary Lawrence Summers [Summmers is a Bilderberg Club Member - THE NEW
>GLOBAL ORDER; "The next Bilderberg meeting; Secret roster, agenda for
>Washington conference"; © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com], was recent crises such
>as that which began in South-East Asia in 1997 and almost pulled even
>established world markets into dire straits.
>The G20 said strong domestic policies which reassured financial markets and
>kept private investors interested in putting money into an economy were
>important. These would ensure the internal strength of an economy and also
>make it less vulnerable to contagion if a similar economy had problems.
>``Sound national economic and financial policies are central to building an
>international financial system that is less prone to crises,'' a G20 final
>statement said.
>The forum groups the G7 industrialized nations -- Britain, Canada, France,
>Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States -- plus 13 emerging and other
>economies -- Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Korea,
>Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey as well as the European
>European Central Bank President Wim Duisenberg, outgoing IMF Managing
>Director Michel Camdessus and World Bank head James Wolfensohn [Wolfensohn
>is a Bilderberg Club Member - THE NEW GLOBAL ORDER; "The next Bilderberg
>meeting; Secret roster, agenda for Washington conference"; © 1999
>WorldNetDaily.com] were also present.
>Global Growth Welcomed
>The meeting touched on overall economic conditions but ministers had made
>clear in advance that there would be no specific discussion of issues such
>as currency rates.
>``Ministers and governors welcomed the improvement in global economic
>conditions,'' the statement said. They also reaffirmed the importance of
>continued progress by the World Trade Organization toward increased trade
>Summing up the policies countries should pursue to ensure their economies
>were protected against financial crisis, the G20 made clear that
>responsibility began at home.
>Such policies would include strengthening national balance sheets against
>unexpected shocks, strengthening country debt management and paying greater
>attention to the impact of government policies on private sector investment.
>``They recognized that unsustainable exchange rate regimes are a critical
>source of vulnerability, and that a consistent exchange rate and policy is
>essential,'' it said.
>``They discussed a range of possible domestic policy responses to the
>challenges of globalization and exchanged views on the role of the
>international community in helping to reduce vulnerability to crises,'' the
>statement added.
>Participants Welcome Meeting's Achievements
>Summers [Summers is a Bilderberg Club Member - THE NEW GLOBAL ORDER; "The
>next Bilderberg meeting; Secret roster, agenda for Washington conference";
>© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com], speaking to reporters after the meeting, said:
>''There was quite a bit of enthusiasm from the emerging market economies
>around the importance of increased transparency.''
>He said there was some discussion around the question of what types of
>exchange rate regimes were appropriate for emerging markets, but there was
>general agreement on the problems of high short-term borrowing and a need
>for increased focus on vulnerability indicators.
>``There was some debate on the exchange rate regime issue with an
>increasing sense that countries had to make choices,'' he said. ``There was
>a very good feeling in the room.'' he added.
>Paul Martin [Martin is a Bilderberg Member - http://
>www.tlio.demon.co.uk/bildlist.htm - Toronto meeting, 1998 ] , Canada's
>Finance Minister who also chaired the meeting said: ``The G20, we believe,
>represents a very important step in the evolution of the way the world
>looks at itself.
>``Our overriding goal is to create opportunities to make people's lives
>better and an open international economy is the best way to achieve that
>For French central bank governor Jean-Claude Trichet [Trichet is a
>Bilderberg Member - <A
s.net/archives/bilburglist05-6.htm</A> -
>Portugal meeting, 1999 - possible successor to Camdessus as European Union
>Commissioner] the meeting was ground-breaking.
>``I remember a time when there was east, west, north south...It's
>absolutely fascinating to see that we have a world consensus. We are all in
>agreement on the principles. We must now see how to put them into
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>Before you buy.
>Copyright © 1994-1999 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. - Company
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Steve Reed

Steve Reed
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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