-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector                      Be Wary.
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy.princess-diana:33684">GERAL
Date: Thu, 16 December 1999 05:43 PM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gerald Posner

Set out below are extracts from an article by American investigative
journalist, Gerald Posner, which appeared in the September 1999 launch
edition of Talk magazine. Gerald Posner is best-known for his acclaimed book
on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy - a book which
comprehensively debunks all the main conspiracy theories. These extracts
appear on this site with the kind permission of Mr Posner.
"Nuts-and-bolts problems with the police work were evident from the start.
The scene was not completely sealed until Paris police chief Philippe
Massoni arrived, almost an hour after the wreck. Before that, tourists and
local passers by swarmed the scene, milled around the car, and took photos;
some even grabbed pieces of the wreckage for souvenirs. No one took their
names or confiscated their film and videotape.

"Frederic Mailliez, a 36-year-old doctor who was passing by the accident
scene and who treated Diana until ambulances arrived, told me that he had
simply returned to his car and left. No one questioned him, although if
there had been a murder plot, he might have been the person sent to finish
her off. The next day, after learning his patient had been Diana and that
she had died, Mailliez called the police. "Oh, we've been looking for you,"
a sheepish commissioner said.

"Six paparazzi and one photo agency motorcycle driver were arrested that
night, and three others soon turned themselves in. But the first police
officers on the scene estimated that there had been 20 photographers,
meaning half were never found. French authorities believe that they
confiscated all professional photos taken that night. Yet this past spring,
surrounded by tight security in a clandestine location, I was shown
low-resolution images of pictures taken of a dying Diana still trapped in
the crumpled Mercedes. Those pictures show no firemen or police officers, so
they were apparently snapped immediately after the accident. Diana, in tight
close-ups, looks remarkably uninjured except for a gash over one eye. Her
head is rolled back slightly to the left and her eyes are closed - probably
to shut out the bright camera flashes popping only inches away. Those
pictures were offered to me for $2 million.

"In chasing down one of the crash's most enduring mysteries, the cops may
have stopped running too soon. Nearly a dozen eyewitnesses told the French
police that a Fiat Uno had been involved in the crash. There was physical
evidence to buttress their claims, including traces of white paint and black
rubber found on the Mercedes that could have matched paint and rubber from a
Fiat Uno manufactured between 1983 and August 1987. Taillight glass found at
the crash scene, as well as remains of a Fiat wing mirror, belonged to an
Uno from the same period.

"Within a few months police located a 1986 Uno owned by a 23-year-old
Vietnamese immigrant, Le Van Thanh, who lives three miles from the tunnel.
The car was originally white but had been repainted with a thin coat of red
primer. Le gave conflicting statements about when and how the car had been
repainted before finally admitting it had been done the day after Diana
died. A part-time security guard, Le said he was at work and that a
co-worker could vouch for him, though he could not remember the co-worker's

"The police quietly detained Le in November 1997 and impounded his car. But
they let him go after a mere six hours and soon released the car. Martine
Monteil, commissioner of the Criminal Brigade, later told the London Sunday
Times that Le had been released because "he had an alibi and the examination
of the paint showed it wasn't the right car."

"But that is incorrect, according to confidential police reports showing
that the underlying white paint on the Uno matched Bianco-Corfu 224, the
shade of the traces found on the Mercedes. The rubber from Le's bumper also
matched the marks on the Mercedes. There is no indication that the police
ever verified Le's alibi. The reports also state that the police found no
repairs in the area where the Mercedes would have damaged the Uno. Yet a
photo of Le's Uno in the French file shows an off-white filler that
evidently was used to repair the car. Le himself admitted that the bumpers
had been changed. His brother, who works in a garage, helped out with the
bumper and paint repair work.

"Le did not return repeated phone calls; Monteil refused requests for an
interview. (AI Fayed sought to have his own investigators examine Le's car,
but Magistrate Stephan refused. Today AI Fayed thinks Le played no role -and
believes the missing Fiat was built to order by the CIA for MI6.)

"It's not uncommon for a major crash investigation to leave a few loose
ends. But in this case, police attitudes may have played a part. Many
detectives in the elite Criminal Brigade thought Diana had died in an
overblown traffic accident not worthy of their investigative time and
effort. One photographer brought to headquarters for an interview witnessed
firsthand the officers' disdain. "They hated the job they were doing," he
told me. "We aren't even being paid overtime,' one said. Another spit at a
photo of a Union Jack on the wall."

"The medics weren't doing much better than the cops. It took nearly two
hours for French emergency crews to get Diana to Pitie-Salpetriere hospital,
3.8 miles south east of the tunnel. The French prefer to stabilise patients
at the scene, whereas American emergency medical technicians rush accident
victims to hospitals as quickly as possible. Even taking into account the
different approaches, some American medical experts consider a two-hour
delay indefensible.

"Diana had no significant external injuries, but she was semiconscious. She
was having difficulty breathing and her blood pressure was low. "The only
thing you really have to be worried about at that point is the risk of
internal injuries," says Dr. Michael Baden, who as former chief coroner for
New York City has performed autopsies on thousands of accident victims.

"Diana had a rupture of her left pulmonary vein that was not large enough to
cause instant death but was slowly filling her chest cavity with blood.
"With this type of injury," says Baden, "time is of the essence.... In the
United States the delay in getting her to the hospital could constitute
gross malpractice. There's no excuse for it." The French authorities bristle
at the suggestion that Diana might have lived. But they have steadfastly
refused to allow any of the physicians who treated her at the hospital to
talk to the press, and have barred the release of any of Diana's medical

"That is unfortunate, because doing so might clear up one of AI Fayed's most
controversial theories. He strongly believes that Diana and his son were
planning to marry and that he might well have had a grandchild on the way.
AI Fayed is not the only one who thinks Diana might have been pregnant. I
have learned that someone from the British home secretary's office
interrupted her autopsy with a phone call, ordering the pathologists to omit
any mention of pregnancy in their final report. (British authorities
adamantly deny this.)

"..The medical records of Henri Paul are also at issue. The morning after
the accident an autopsy was performed on Paul, and blood samples were drawn.
News of those test results leaked inside the police department-showing three
times the legal alcohol limit and reinforcing the view that the crash had
been an accident.

"But a close examination of the still-confidential autopsy report reveals
another explanation for some of the blood test problems. There is ample
evidence of negligent handling, which could have opened the door to
contamination. Paul's body was never identified to the pathologist, nor was
a start or finish time recorded. Very few measuremerits were taken.
Documentation showing where body samples were taken from is incomplete. Nor
does the report say when the blood samples were drawn. Pathologist Dominique
Lecomte did not perform histologic exams of the pancreas, liver, and other
organs - tests that might have answered questions about whether Paul was a
chronic drinker. In one section of the report, the cervical column is
reported to be intact, yet elsewhere it is described as fractured.

"A source connected to the investigation reveals a potentially far more
serious error, the failure to place Paul's body in a cooler for several
hours. That mistake was compounded when samples taken from Paul were not
initially refrigerated. When Lecomte learned of these errors, she was
reportedly "enraged." The delay in proper refrigeration was brief, and it is
not clear whether there was enough time - even in warm summer weather - to
allow bacteria and yeast to multiply in the blood, thereby contaminadng the
results. The French paperwork does not indicate whether the bottles used to
store the samples contained standard preservatives necessary to combat
fermentation. The presence of decomposition hyproducts in the blood could
settle this question, but those test results are not available; it is
unclear whether such tests have even been performed. Lecomte refused
repeated requests for an interview.

"The cornerstone of Al Fayed's theory is that intelligence agents are
responsible for the death of his son and Princess Diana. My investigation
yielded no evidence of such activity but that doesn't mean there weren't
some spooks sniffing around.

"This spring in Washington I listened to an innocuous portion of an undated
conversation between Diana and (her friend) Lucia Flecha de Lima. The
recording was made available by an active U.S. intelligence agent who says
it was one of several collected by the National Security Agency. The NSA
never directly targeted Diana, but picked up her conversations as an
incidental part of a separate monitoring operation. The NSA will not
officially acknowledge the tapes' existence, but does admit to holding 39
classified documents about Diana totaling 124 pages. (AI Fayed has sought
access to the NSA's materials through a series of lawsuits filed in U.S.
District Court.)

"Paul was in regular contact with the Direction General de la Securite
Exterieure (DGSE), the French equivalent of the CIA, an arrangement not
unheard of among security staffers at premier international hotels. (Paul
also had less formal relations with the Direction de la Surveillance du
Territoire and the Renseignements Generaux, both intelligence-gathering
divisions of the French national police.)

"In fact, according to an American law enforcement official and an American
intelligence agent, Paul spent the last several hours before the crash with
a security officer from the DGSE. That may come as news to the French
police; in an internal report a French police commandant named Jean Paul
Copetti concluded that it was "not possible" to determine Paul's whereabouts
during that time….."

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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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