-Caveat Lector-



                  After the Flood, by Bill Cooper

                             Chapter 10

            Dinosaurs from Anglo-Saxon and other Records


 I have spoken on the subject of the Table of Nations and the early
 post-Flood history of Europe, in Germany, Belgium and at many
 places now in England, and what surprised me at first was how,
 during question time, the subject turns so quickly to that of
 dinosaurs. Do they appear in the early chronicles? Do descriptions
 of them exist? And so on. So here I have set out as many examples
 of the mention of dinosaurs in the early records as I could
 immediately find, although there are doubtless many other instances
 to be noticed. Some of the examples mentioned here come from the
 very records that we have just been considering concerning the
 descent of the nations.

 The progression is only logical, for if the earth is as young as
 our forebears thought and as the creation model of origins
 predicts, then evidence will be found which tells us that, in the
 recent past, dinosaurs and man have co-existed. There is, in fact,
 good evidence to suggest that they still co-exist, and this is
 directly contrary to the evolutionary model which teaches that
 dinosaurs lived millions of years before man came along, and that
 no man therefore can ever have seen a living dinosaur. And to test
 that assertion, we will now examine the issue by considering the
 written evidence that has survived from the records of various
 ancient peoples that describe, sometimes in the most graphic
 detail, human encounters with living giant reptiles that we would
 call dinosaurs. And as we shall see, some of those records are not
 so ancient.

 There are, of course, the famous descriptions of two such monsters
 from the Old Testament, Behemoth and Leviathan (Job 40:15-41:34),
 Behemoth being a giant vegetarian that lived on the fens, and
 Leviathan a somewhat more terrifying armour plated amphibian whom
 only children and the most foolhardy would want as a pet. The
 Egyptians knew Behemoth by the name p'ih.mw, (1) which is the same
 name, of course. Leviathan was similarly known as Lotan to the men
 of Ugarit. (2) Babylonian and Sumerian literature has preserved
 details of similar creatures, as has the written and unwritten
 folklore of peoples around the world. But perhaps the most
 remarkable descriptions of living dinosaurs are those that the
 Saxon and Celtic peoples of Europe have passed down to us.

 The early Britons, from whom the modern Welsh are descended,
 provide us with our earliest surviving European accounts of
 reptilian monsters, one of whom killed and devoured king Morvidus
 (Morydd) in ca 336 BC. We are told in the account translated for us
 by Geoffrey of Monmouth, that the monster 'gulped down the body of
 Morvidus as a big fish swallows a little one.'  Geoffrey described
 the animal as a Belua. (3)

 Peredur, not the ancient king of that name (306-296 BC), but a much
 later son of Earl Efrawg, had better luck than Morvidus, actually
 managing to slay his monster, an addanc (pr. athanc: var. afanc),
 at a place called Llyn Llion in Wales. (4) At other Welsh locations
 the addanc is further spoken of along with another reptilian
 species known as the carrog. The addanc survived until
 comparatively recent times at such places as Bedd-yr-Afanc near
 Brynberian, at Llyn-yr-Afanc above Bettws-y-Coed on the River Conwy
 (the killing of this monster was described in the year 1693), and
 Llyn Barfog. A carrog is commemorated at Carrog near Corwen, and at
 Dol-y-Carrog in the Vale of Conwy. (5)

 Moreover, 'dinosaurs', in the form of flying reptiles, were a
 feature of Welsh life until surprisingly recent times. As late as
 the beginning of the present century, elderly folk at Penllin in
 Glamorgan used to tell of a colony of winged serpents that lived in
 the woods around Penllin Castle. As Marie Trevelyan tells us:

      'The woods around Penllin Castle, Glamorgan, had the
      reputation of being frequented by winged serpents, and these
      were the terror of old and young alike. An aged inhabitant of
      Penllyne, who died a few years ago, said that in his boyhood
      the winged serpents were described as very beautiful. They
      were coiled when in repose, and "looked as if they were
      covered with jewels of all sorts. Some of them had crests
      sparkling with all the colours of the rainbow". When disturbed
      they glided swiftly, J 'sparkling all over', to their hiding
      places. When angry, they "flew over people's heads, with
      outspread wings, bright, and sometimes with eyes too, like the
      feathers in a peacock's tail". He said it was "no old story
      invented to' frighten children", but a real fact. His father
      and uncle had killed some of them, for they were as bad as
      foxes for poultry. The old man attributed the extinction of
      the winged serpents to the fact that they were "terrors in the
      farmyards and coverts". (6)

 This account is intriguing in many respects, not the least being
 the fact that it is not a typical account of dragons. The creatures
 concerned were not solitary and monstrous beasts, but small
 creatures that lived in colonies. Not at all like the larger
 species of winged reptile that used to nest upon an ancient
 burial-mound, or tumulus, at Trellech-a'r-Betws in the county of
 Dyfed, for example. But whilst we are in Wales, it is worth noting
 that at Llanbardan-y-Garrag (is Garrag a corruption of carrog?),
 the church contains a carving of a local giant reptile whose
 features include large paddle-like flippers, a long neck and a
 small head. Glaslyn, in Snowdon, is a lake where an afanc was
 sighted as recently as the 1930s. On this occasion two climbers on
 the side of a mountain looked down onto the surface of Glaslyn and
 they saw the creature, which they described as having a long grey
 body, rise from the depths of the lake to the surface, raise its
 head and then submerge again. (7)

 One could multiply such reports by the hundred. In England and
 Scotland, again until comparatively recent times, other reptilian
 monsters were sighted and spoken of in many places. The table at
 the end of this chapter lists eighty-one locations in the British
 Isles alone in which dinosaur activity has been reported (there
 are, in fact, nearly 200 such places in Britain), but perhaps the
 most relevant aspect of this as far as our present study is
 concerned is the fact that some of these sightings and subsequent
 encounters with living dinosaurs can be dated to the comparatively
 recent past. The giant reptile at Bures in Suffolk, for example, is
 known to us from a chronicle of 1405:

      'Close to the town of Bures, near Sudbury, there has lately
      appeared, to the great hurt of the countryside, a dragon, vast
      in body, with a crested head, teeth like a saw, and a tail
      extending to an enormous length. Having slaughtered the
      shepherd of a flock, it devoured many sheep.'

 After an unsuccessful attempt by local archers to kill the beast,
 due to its impenetrable hide,

      '...in order to destroy him, all the country people around
      were summoned. But when the dragon saw that he was again to be
      assailed with arrows, he fled into a marsh or mere and there
      hid himself among the long reeds, and was no more seen.' (8)

 Later in the 15th century, according to a contemporary chronicle
 that still survives in Canterbury Cathedral's library, the
 following incident was reported. On the afternoon of Friday, 26th
 September, 1449, two giant reptiles were seen fighting on the banks
 of the River Stour (near the village of Little Cornard) which
 marked the English county borders of Suffolk and Essex. One was
 black, and the other 'reddish and spotted'. After an hour-long
 struggle that took place 'to the admiration of many [of the locals]
 beholding them', the black monster yielded and returned to its
 lair, the scene of the conflict being known ever since as
 Sharpfight Meadow. (9)

 As late as August, 1614, the following sober account was given of a
 strange reptile that was encountered in St Leonard's Forest in
 Sussex. The sighting was near a village that was known as Dragon's
 Green long before this report was published:

      'This serpent (or dragon as some call it) is reputed to be
      nine feete, or rather more, in length, and shaped almost in
      the form of an axletree of a cart: a quantitie of thickness in
      the middest, and somewhat smaller at both endes. The former
      part, which he shootes forth as a necke, is supposed to be an
      elle [3 ft 9 ins or 1 l4 cms] long; with a white ring, as it
      were, of scales about it. The scales along his back seem to be
      blackish, and so much as is discovered under his belie,
      appeareth to be red... it is likewise discovered to have large
      feete, but the eye may there be deceived, for some suppose
      that serpents have no feete ... [The dragon] rids away (as we
      call it) as fast as a man can run. His food [rabbits] is
      thought to be; for the most part, in a conie-warren, which he
      much frequents ...There are likewise upon either side of him
      discovered two great bunches so big as a large foote-ball, and
      (as some thinke) will in time grow to wings, but God, I hope,
      will (to defend the poor people in the neighbourhood) that he
      shall be destroyed before he grows to fledge.' (10)

 This dragon was seen in various places within a circuit of three or
 four miles, and the pamphlet named some of the still-living
 witnesses who had seen him. These included John Steele, Christopher
 Holder and a certain 'widow woman dwelling neare Faygate'. Another
 witness was 'the carrier of Horsham, who lieth at the White Horse
 [inn] in Southwark'. One of the locals set his two mastiffs onto
 the monster, and apart from losing his dogs he was fortunate to
 escape alive from the encounter, for the dragon was already
 credited with the deaths of a man and woman at whom it had spat and
 who consequently had been killed by its venom. When approached
 unwittingly, our pamphleteer tells us, the monster was...

      '...of countenance very proud and at the sight or hearing of
      men or cattel will raise his neck upright and seem to listen
      and looke about, with great arrogancy.'

 an eyewitness account of typically reptilian behaviour.

 Again, as late as 27th and 28th May 1669, a large reptilian animal
 was sighted many times, as was reported in the pamphlet: A True
 Relation of a Monstrous Serpent seen at Henham (Essex) on the Mount
 in Saffron Waldon. (11)

 In 1867 was seen, for the last time, the monster that lived in the
 woods around Fittleworth in Sussex. It would run up to people
 hissing and spitting if they happened to stumble across it
 unawares, although it never harmed anyone. Several such cases could
 be cited, but suffice it to say that too many incidents like these
 are reported down through the centuries and from all sorts of
 locations for us to say that they are all fairy-tales. For example,
 Scotland's famous Loch Ness Monster is too often thought to be a
 recent product of the local Tourist Board's efforts to bring in
 some trade, yet Loch Ness is by no means the only Scottish loch
 where monsters have been reported. Loch Lomond, Loch Awe, Loch
 Rannoch and the privately owned Loch Morar (over 1000 ft deep) also
 have records of monster activity in recent years. Indeed, there
 have been over forty sightings at Loch Morar alone since the end of
 the last war, and over a thousand from Loch Ness in the same
 period. However, as far as Loch Ness itself is concerned, few
 realise that monstrous reptiles, no doubt the same species, have
 been sighted in and around the loch since the so-called Dark Ages,
 the most notable instance being that which is described in
 Adamnan's famous 6th century Life of St Columba.

 On hearing this, and with never a thought for his own safety, the
 brave saint immediately ordered one of his followers to jump into
 the freezing water to see if the monster was still in the vicinity.
 Adamnan relates how the thrashing about of the alarmed and unhappy
 swimmer, Lugne Mocumin by name, attracted the monster's attention.
 Suddenly, on breaking the surface, the: monster was seen to speed
 towards the luckless chap with its mouth wide open and screaming
 like a banshee. Columba, however, refused to panic, and from the
 safety of the dry land rebuked the beast. Whether the swimmer added
 any rebukes of his own is not recorded, but the monster was seen to
 turn away, having approached the swimmer so closely that not the
 length of a punt-pole lay between them.

 Columba, naturally, claimed the credit for the swimmer's survival,
 although the reluctance of the monster to actually harm the man is
 the most notable thing in this incident. The first swimmer had been
 savaged and killed, though not eaten, and the second swimmer was
 likewise treated to a display of the creature's wrath, though not
 fatally. Most likely, the two men had unwittingly entered the water
 close to where the creature kept her young, and she was reacting in
 a way that is typical of most species. Gorillas, bull elephants,
 ostriches, indeed all sorts of creature will charge at a man,
 hissing, screaming and trumpeting alarmingly, yet will rarely kill
 him or harm him so long as the man takes the hint and goes away. We
 can rely on it that Columba's follower, utterly lacking his saintly
 master's fortitude, had begun the process of taking the hint in
 plenty of time for the monster to realise that killing him would
 not be necessary.

 Yet not even Lugne Mocumin's expenence is that uncommon. As
 recently as the 18th century, in a lake called Llyn-y-Gader in
 Snowdon, Wales, a certain man went 5wimming. He reached the middle
 of the lake and was returning to the shore when his friends who
 were watching him noticed that he was being followed by:

      '...a long, trailing object winding slowly behind him. They
      were afraid to raise an alarm, but went forward to meet him as
      soon as he reached the shore where they stood. Just as he was
      approaching, the trailing object raised its head, and before
      anyone could render aid the man was enveloped in the coils of
      the monster...' (12)

 It seems that the man's body was never recovered.

 At about the turn of this present century, the following incident
 took place. It was related by a Lady Gregory of Ireland in 1920:

      '...old people told me that they were swimming there, [in an
      Irish lake called Lough Graney] and a man had gone out into
      the middle, and they saw something like a great big eel making
      for him...' (13)

 Happily, on this occasion the man made it back to the shore, but
 the important thing for us to notice is that these are only a few
 of a great many reports concerning the sightings in recent times of
 lake-dwelling monsters which, if only their fossils had been found,
 would have been called dinosaurs.

 But the British Isles are not the only place where one can find
 such reports. They occur, quite literally, all over the world. (14)
 William Caxton, for example, England's first printer, recorded for
 us in 1484 the following account of a reptilian monster in medieval
 Italy. I have modernised the spelling and punctuation:

      'There was found within a great river [i.e. the Po in Italy] a
      monster marine, or of the sea, of the form or likeness which
      followeth. He had the form or making of a fish, the which part
      was in two halves, that is to wit double. He had a great beard
      and he had two wonderfully great horns above his ears. Also he
      had great paps and a wonderfully great and horrible mouth. And
      at the both [of] his elbows he had wings right broad and great
      of fish's armour wherewith he swimmed and only he had but the
      head out of the water. It happed then that many women
      laundered and washed at the port or haven of the said river
      [where] that this horrible and fearful beast was, [who] for
      lack or default of meat came swimming toward the said women.
      Of the which he took one by the hand and supposed to have
      drawn her into the water. But she was strong and well advised
      and resisted against the said monster. And as she defended
      herself, she began to cry with an high voice, "Help, help!" To
      the which came running five women which by hurling and drawing
      of stones, killed and slew the said monster, for he was come
      too far within the sound, wherefore he might not return to the
      deep water. And after, when he rendered his spirit, he made a
      right little cry. He was of great corpulence more than any
      man's body. And yet, saith Poge [Pogius Bracciolini of
      Florence] in this manner, that he, being at Ferrara, he saw
      the said monster and saith yet that the young children were
      accustomed for to go bathe and wash them within the said
      river, but they came not all again. Wherefore the women
      [neither] washed nor laundered their clothes at the said port,
      for the folk presumed and supposed that the monster killed the
      young children which were drowned.' (15)

 Caxton also provided the following account of a 'serpent' which
 left a cow badly bruised and frightened, although we should bear in
 mind that a serpent in Caxton's day was not the snake that we would
 imagine today, for the word serpent has changed its meaning
 slightly since the Middle Ages. There are one or two intriguing
 woodcut illustrations of these serpents in Caxton's book, and they
 are all bipedal, scaled reptiles with large mouths:

      '...about the marches of Italy, within a meadow, was sometime
      a serpent of wonderful and right marvellous greatness, right
      hideous and fearful. For first he had the head greater than
      the head of a calf. Secondly, he had a neck of the length of
      an ass, and his body made after the likeness of a dog. And his
      tail was wonderfully great, thick and long, without comparison
      to any other. A cow ... [seeing] ...so right horrible a beast,
      she was all fearful and lift herself up and supposed to have
      fled away. But the serpent, with his wonderfully long tail,
      enlaced her two hind legs. And the serpent then began to suck
      the cow. And indeed so much and so long he sucked that he
      found some milk. And when the cow might escape from him, she
      fled unto the other cows. And her paps and her hind legs, and
      all that the serpent touched, was all black a great space of
      time.' (16)

 These accounts are clearly factual and witnessed reports rather
 than fairy-tales, and are as close to journalistic reporting as we
 shall ever see in works from the Middle Ages. But for a more modern
 example of such journalistic reporting, let us consider the
 following article that appeared recently in that most sober of
 British journals, The Times:

      'Japanese fishermen caught a dead monster, weighing two tons
      and 30 feet in length, off the coast of New Zealand in April,
      it was reported today. Believed to be a survivor of a
      prehistoric species, the monster was caught at a depth of 1000
      feet off the South Island coast, near Christchurch.
      Paleontologists from the Natural Science Museum near Tokyo
      have concluded that the beast belonged to the pleisiosaurus
      family - huge, small-headed reptiles with a long neck and four
      fins ... After a member of the crew had photographed and
      measured it, the trawler's captain ordered the corpse to be
      thrown back into the sea for fear of contamination to his
      fish.' (17)

 It is thought provoking to consider that the Japanese have no
 problem with officially owning up to the present-day existence of
 dragons, sea-monsters or dinosaurs. Indeed, they even issued a
 postage-stamp with a picture of a pleisiosaurus to commemorate the
 above find. Only we in the West seem to have a problem with the
 present-day existence of these creatures, for only nine days after
 the appearance of the Times article, it was somberly announced on
 the 30th July 1977 by the BBC that the monster only looked like a
 pleisiosaurus. It in fact was a shark that had decomposed in such a
 way as to convey the impression that it had a long neck, a small
 head and four large paddles. How they, or their informants at the
 Natural History Museum in Kensington, could tell this since the
 creature was no longer available for examination, we can only guess
 at, especially considering that the marine biologist on board the
 vessel, the Zuiyo-maru, had sketched the creatures skeletal
 structure and it is nothing like that of a shark (see Figure 10.1).
 Marine biologists are highly trained scientists whose ability to
 detect disease and mutations in fish and marine mammals is crucial
 to the health of the consumer let alone the profits of the fishing
 vessel concerned, so their knowledge of marine life is necessarily
 very great. Yet the BBC would have us believe that Michihiko Yano,
 the government-trained and highly qualified marine biologist who
 examined, photographed and measured the monster, wouldn't know a
 dead shark when he saw one!



 But western officialdom has not always been as averse as this at
 acknowledging and even mentioning in official reports the existence
 of creatures which are supposed by today's establishment to have
 died out millions of years ago. The following, for example, was
 penned only two hundred years ago in 1793 and describes creatures
 that sound suspiciously like pterodactyls or similar. Remember, it
 is an official and very sober government report that we are reading:

      'In the end of November and beginning of December last, many
      of the country people observeddragonsappearing in the north
      and flying rapidly towards the east; from which they
      concluded, and their conjecture5 were right, that...boisterous
      weather would follow.'

 This report is intriguing for the fact that exactly one thousand
 years before an almost identical report made its appearance in the
 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle under the year 793. The two accounts are
 nothing more than country people being able to predict the weather
 by observing the behaviour of the animals, which is a skill that
 they have always possessed and used, and these accounts, combined
 with later records of the years 1170, 1177, 1221 and 1222, of 1233
 and of 1532, suggest that these creatures could tell the approach
 of bad weather coming in off the Atlantic and simply migrated to
 calmer regions while the bad weather lasted. Considering the
 flimsiness and fragility of the wings of pterodactyls and similar
 creatures, the reports make eminent sense.

 But now we come to the most notable records of all. They are
 written works that are remarkable for the graphic detail with which
 they portray the giant reptiles that the early Saxons, Danes and
 others encountered in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. In various
 Nordic sagas the slaying of dragons is depicted in some detail, and
 this helps us to reconstruct the physical appearance of some of
 these creatures. In the Volsungassaga, for example, the slaying of
 the monster Fafnir was accomplished by Sigurd digging a pit and
 waiting, inside the pit, for the monster to crawl overhead on its
 way to the water. This allowed Sigurd to attack the animal's soft
 under-belly. Clearly, Fafnir walked on all fours with his belly
 close to the ground.

 Likewise, the Voluspa tells us of a certain monster which the early
 Vikings called a Nithhoggr, its name ('corpse-tearer) revealing the
 fact that it lived off carrion. Saxo Grammaticus, in his Gesta
 Danorum, tells us of the Danish king Frotho's fight with a giant
 reptile, and it is in the advice given by a local to the king, and
 recorded by Saxo, that the monster is described in great detail. It
 was, he says, a serpent:

      '...wreathed in coils, doubled in many a fold, and with a tail
      drawn out in winding whorls, shaking his manifold spirals and
      shedding venom ... his slaver [saliva] burns up what it
      bespattersyet [he tells the king in words that were doubtless
      meant to encourage rather than dismay] ...remember to keep the
      dauntless temper of thy mind; nor let the point of the jagged
      tooth trouble thee, nor the starkness of the beast, nor the
      venom there is a place under his lowest belly whither thou
      mayst plunge the blade' (20)

 The description of this reptilian monster closely resembles that of
 the monster seen at Henham (see Note 11), and the two animals could
 well have belonged to the same or similar species. Notable,
 especially, is their defence mechanism of spitting corrosive venom
 at their victims.

 But it is the epic Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf (21) that provides us
 with truly invaluable descriptions of the huge reptilian animals
 which, only 1400 years ago, infested Denmark and other parts of
 Europe, and we shall turn our attention now to a close and very
 detailed examination of this most remarkable account.

 Some Sites of 'Dinosaur' Activity Throughout Britain

  Aller, Somerset                   Llyn-y-Gader, Wales
  Anwick, Lincolnshire              Llyn-yr-Afanc, Wales
  Bamburgh, Northumberland          Loch Awe, Scotland
  Beckhole, North Yorkshire         Loch Maree, Scotland
  Bedd-yr-Afanc, Wales              Loch Morar, Scotland
  Ben Vair, Scotland                Loch Ness, Scotland
  Bignor Hill, West Sussex          Loch Rannoch, Scotland
  Bishop Auckland, Durham           Longwitton, Northumberland
  Bisterne, Hampshire               Ludham, Norfolk
  Bren Pelham, Hertfordshire        Lyminster, West Sussex
  Brinsop, Hereford and Worcester   Manaton, Devon
  Bures, Suffolk                    Money Hill, Northumberland
  Cadbury Castle, Devon             Moston, Cheshire
  Carhampton, Somerset              Newcastle Emlyn, Wales
  Castle Carlton, Lincolnshire      Norton Fitzwarren, Hereford and
  Castle Neroche, Somerset               Worcester
  Challacombe, Devon                Nunnington, North Yorkshire
  Churchstanton, Somerset           Old Field Barrows (nr Bromfield)
  Cnoc-na-Cnoimh, Scotland               Shropshire
  Crowcombe, Somerset               Penllin Castle, Wales
  Dalry, Scotland                   Penmark, Wales
  Deerhurst, Gloucestershire        Penmynydd, Wales
  Dol-y-Carrog, Wales               St Albans, Hertfordshire
  Dragonhoard (nr Garsington),      St Leonard's Forest, West Sussex
       Oxfordshire                  St Osyth, Essex
  Drake Howe, North Yorkshire       Saffron Waldon, Essex
  Drakelow, Derbyshire              Sexhow, North Yorkshire
  Drakelowe, Worcestershire         Shervage Wood, Hereford and
  Filey Brigg, North Yorkshire           Worcester
  Handale Priory, North Yorkshire   Slingsby, North Yorkshire
  Henham, Essex                     Sockburn, Durham
  Hornden, Essex                    Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire
  Kellington, North Yorkshire       Strathmartin, Scotland
  Kilve, Somerset                   Walmsgate, Lincolnshire
  Kingston St Mary, Somerset        Wantley, South Yorkshire
  Lambton Castle, Durham            Well, North Yorkshire
  Linton, Scotland                  Wherwell, Hampshire
  Little Cornard, Suffolk           Whitehorse Hill, Oxfordshire
  Llandeilo Graban, Wales           Winkleigh, Devon
  Llanraeadr-ym-Mochnant, Wales     Wiston, Wales
  Llyn Bartog, Wales                Wormelow Tump, Hereford and
  Llyn Cynwch (nr Dolgellau),            Worcester
        Wales                       Wormingford, Essex
  Llyn Llion, Wales


 1. See e.g. 'Behemoth'. The New Bible Dictionary. InterVarsity
 Press. London. 1972. p. 138.

 2. ibid. pp. 729-30. See also Pfeiffer, C.F. 'Lotan and Leviathan'.
 Evangelical Quarterly. XXXII. 1960. pp. 208 if.

 3. Thorpe, Lewis tr. The History of the Kings of Britain, Geoffrey
 of Monmouth. Guild Publishing. London. 1982. Pp. 101-2.

 4. Jones, G. and Jones, T. [tr.]. The Mabinogion. Revis. ed.
 Everyman's Library. J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd. 1974. pp. 209-212 & 217.

 5. See Westwood, J. Albion. Granada. London. 1985. pp. 270, 275,

 6. Trevelyan, M. 1909. Folk-Lore and Folk Stories of Wales. (cit.
 Simpson, J. British Dragons. B.T. Batsford Ltd. London. 1980).

 7. Whitlock, R. 1983. Here Be Dragons. Allen & Unwin. Boston. pp.

 8. This chronicle was begun by John de Trokelow and finished by
 Henry de Blaneford. It was translated and reproduced in the Rolls
 Series. 1866. IV. ed. H.G. Riley. (cit. Simpson, J. British
 Dragons. B.T. Batsford Ltd. 1980. p. 60).

 9. ibid. p. 118. See also 'The Fighting Dragons of Little Cornard'.
 Folklore, Myths and Legends of Britain. Reader's Digest. 1973. p.

 10. True and Wonderful: A Discourse Relating a Strange and
 Monstrous Serpent (or Dragon. #lately discovered, and yet living,
 to the great Annoyance and divers Slaughters of both Men and
 Cattell, by his strong and violent Poison: in Sussex, two Miles
 from Horsham, in a Woode called St Leonard's Forrest, and thirtie
 Miles from London, this present month of August 1614. With the true
 Generation of Serpents. cited in Harlejan Miscellany. 1745. III.
 pp. 106-9. (also cit. Simpson. p. 118).

 11. ibid. p. 35.

 12. ibid. p. 21.

 13. Gregory, Lady. Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland.
 1920. (repr. 1976). (cit. Simpson. pp. 42-3).

 14. See Steiger, B. Worlds Before Our Own. W. & J. Mackay Ltd.
 Chatham (England). 1980. pp. 41-66. (Steiger is by no means a

 15. Caxton, Win. 1484. Aesop. folio 138. The only surviving copy of
 this book lies in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. This extract
 appears here by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen.

 16. ibid. This extract appears here by gracious permission of Her
 Majesty the Queen.

 17. The Times. 2lst July 1977.

 18. 'Flying Dragons at Aberdeen'. A Statistical Account of
 Scotland. 1793. Vol. VI. p. 467.

 19. See Morris, W. Volsungassaga.

 20. Elton's translation cited by Klaeber, p. 259.

 21. The Anglo-Saxon text relied on in this study is that of
 Klaeber. See bibliography.


 Bill Cooper is a keen student of Bible history, archaeology and
 paleontology.  He first introduced he subject of living dinosaurs
 in early records in Anglo-Saxon Dinosaurs As Described in Early
 Historical Records, Creation Science Movement (England), Pamphlet
 Series #280.

 Bill Cooper, 87 Convent Rd., Ashford, MIDDX TW15 2HW, England


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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