-Caveat Lector-


    One of the major reasons that the U.N. has become the haunt of
organisations and individuals seeking to bring about a one-world
antichristian political and religious consciousness is that it has a
ready-made global network which can be easily infiltrated and used by
clandestine forces. Furthermore, it easily fulfils the preparatory plans of
those secretly controlling the world government which will lead to the
so-called Golden Age on earth envisaged within the New Spirituality and New
World Order people. The primary work of the United Nations since the time of
its inception has been to soften people up to the idea of a world government
which will have complete jurisdiction over the sovereignty of national
governments. That is why the U.N. has suddenly come into such prominence as
the "policeman of the planet" during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

    This does not mean that the present U.N. and its Security Council, as it
is presently constituted, will necessarily be the actual World Government
itself -- although it is certainly the primary harbinger. There have been a
great many contributory factors in this softening-up process, of which the
foremost has been the careful erosion of the concept of national sovereignty
across the world. To this end, former 'Iron Curtain' countries have been
systematically 'democratised' (orchestrated by the shadow world government
powers) so that long-standing, covert, nationalist bitterness could once
again rise to the surface, leading eventually to calls for a world
government. To imagine that the dismantling of the Iron Curtain has been the
result of a series of independent, spontaneous, popular people's revolutions
is the height of naïvety. The present writer has seen numerous intelligence
sources which show that the political structures of the Soviet Union and its
satellites (e.g., East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czekoslovakia,
etc.) have been systematically dismantled by the same secret powers which
originally set them in motion. Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the
U.S.S.R. and now President of the International Green Cross/Crescent, was
groomed for his role in this by predecessor Yuri Andropov, and is a major
protégé of the secret world government which is even now in force.

    As a final proof here of the determined involvement of occultists in the
United Nations, read the following report of the visit of a couple of New
Spirituality people (who call themselves "Lightworkers") to the United
Nations in Vienna in order to bring channelled information from discarnate
entities ("Channelling" means bring oracular revelation from spirit-beings;
references to "The Group" below refer to the group of spirit-beings which
are bringing the messages). I'll reappear after this article:



Steve Rother and "the Group" in Live Channel at The United Nations in
Vienna, Austria May 20th 1999

The United Nations Vienna International City Vienna Austria Steve and
Barbara Rother present a live channel from the Group to a gathering of
Lightworkers at the United Nations in Vienna.

What follows is a very powerful channel that offers suggestions for all of
humanity on living in the higher vibrations of our new Planet.

We arrived in Vienna at 9 am after 13 hours of flight time from San Diego.
Vienna is a beautiful city with rich heritage. This was the first time that
Barbara and I had been to Europe and we were quite excited about this trip.
Our Host, Lourdes Resperger, met us at the airport with a bouquet of flowers
that set the tone for what was to come. She is the president of the Vienna
International City Esoteric Society that hosted this event. Our Hotel was
very near a canal off the Blue Danube River. We decided to check into our
hotel and get some rest before attending the channel at the United Nations
at 4 pm. I was not at all nervous about the event and was really looking
forward to it. I did not know what to expect but it didn't bother me.

Eva Reinerman from Brussels and her mother Helen met us at our hotel, later
that afternoon. Together we traveled to something called the Vienna
International Center, on the "underground". This was kind of strange for me
because when I looked around I became acutely aware that I was the only one
on the subway carrying a sword. No problem, I have found myself in stranger
situations before. Explaining the sword to many customs officials has given
me wonderful stories to tell at the seminars. We arrived at the entrance to
the Vienna International Center. We had to present our ID and go through
security because we were entering a country within a country. Everyone lined
up and they checked our passports and gave us badges. Then the moment of
truth as the security guard asked all of us to place our belongings on the
x-ray machine. I really didn't want him to go into panic when he saw the
sword show up on his screen, so I told him ahead of time that there was a
sword in the case I was carrying. His eyes got really big. This is a look I
have seen several times before. Then came the usual question: "Why are you
carrying a sword?" You would think that after being asked that same question
time and again that I would have a well versed answer ready and waiting. Not
so, I stumbled out something to the effect that it was a ceremonial sword.
Now his eyes got very big as he visions of human sacrifice shot through his
brain. Then he spoke the all too familiar words: "I think I'd better get my
supervisor." The funny part is, when the case actually opens, I watch as
highly trained security guards of the United Nations turn into little wide
eyed boys at first sight of the sword.

After passing inspection we proceeded into this city. This place was huge
and there were many buildings that make up he Vienna International Center.
This is a home for the United Nations, UNIDO Untied Nations Industrial
Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency, UNOV and UCBDO.
Upon entering the main lobby area all the international flags could be seen
hanging from the ceiling. We went up several floors to the room where the
channel was to be held.

There were about twenty people now in the room and we began meeting people
prior to the talk. At 5:30 there was a big influx of people entering the
room as members of the various organizations ended their workday. Many were
there from the United Nations, UNIDO and the Atomic Energy Agency. When the
introductions were made and I began the talk, there were about 70 people in

I shared with them how this whole thing got started and how the Group first
came to me. I spoke about the messages from the Group and the basis of the
work we were doing. I was surprised to find that most of the people in the
room had been reading the Beacons of Light Meditations for some time. It
seems that the Messages from the Group get passed around in the internal
e-mail system of the UN. They were ready for the information and very
anxious to see us. It turned out that we were a validation for them as well.
We were a little anxious about meeting Lightworkers from different countries
but after about five minutes of talking and looking into the smiling, eager
eyes in the audience, I realized that we were Home and this was family.

I shared the Sword, Scepter and Quill with everyone and explained how we
used each tool in the seminars to illustrate the information that the Group
has given us. It was very special to see some of the special warriors of the
Light holding the Sword again. I had been very concerned about jet lag and
having to present something so important to me only a few hours after
getting off a plane, but the moment I stepped up in front of the crowd the
Group came in and I became energized.

After a short break I began the channel from the Group. They had decided to
not let me in on what we were going to talk about. Normally I would have
been very nervous about them not telling me the subject of the channel but I
was simply too busy to worry about it. I'm really beginning to get very
comfortable with the live channeling. Writing was my first form of
channeling so this is relative new for me. I am now getting very comfortable
with speaking in a collective voice and live channeling. Now I just open to
the flow.

The timing of our trip put us in Vienna during the Kosovo crisis, which was
only a few hundred miles from our location. Several people asked for answers
as to why this was happening. They also wanted information about the role of
the refugees. There was a real sadness in the air caused by this situation.
This was the first information contained in the channel from the Group. They
spoke of the role these wonderful people were playing and how their
sacrifice would facilitate the further advancement of humanity. They spoke
of the fact that it was appropriate to speak your truth in all situations
including this one. Many of those in Vienna still have scar tissue from the
last time this was attempted in the days of the holocaust. Once again, he
Group said that our awakening on this planet began in earnest the day that
Hitler left. It was our collective raise in vibration that said we would
never give our power away like that again.

The Group began to speak about the Universal energy, and how it was all
about blending. They used the illustration of tides in the Ocean that
actually balance the rotation of the Earth. This constant movement of energy
(water) is always seeking balance. To seek balance and blending is the way
of the Universal energy. To support that blending will place you in the
Universal flow. To oppose that energy would be against the Universal flow
and would not be supported. They gave illustrations about how all actions
should be compared to the flow of Universal Energy. They said that action
supporting blending and the removal of imaginary lines of separation would
help us make the shift as humanity moved forward. Those actions that
resisted blending and encouraged segregation would not be supported. They
spoke of how all things begin as a single heart. If there is a misdirection
of energy that goes against the Universal flow then it would find

If the resistance was ignored then the misdirection would attract others
with similar misdirections and soon there would be a community misdirecting
energy. If that continues, like attracts like, and soon you have an entire
country misdirecting energy. They did also say that if ever the majority of
the planet began misdirecting energy then the Mother would end the Game and
the cataclysmic end times would be visited upon the Earth. They also said to
keep in mind that the events of Kosovo were a chance to shine Light where
Light had not been for some time. They were not talking about a geographical
location but rather, an idea of ethnic cleansing. They made it clear that we
were in the higher vibrations and these actions would now meet abrupt
opposition. The said that the words "fight" and "war" would not be in our
vocabulary long, but it was also very important that we took a stand and
spoke our truth and created our own reality. In many ways it was like having
a chance to re-affirm the direction of the new Earth. They greatly honored
those who accepted the role of victim. They said that they played very
important roles that would not go unnoticed, and that we all owe them a real
debt of gratitude.

Although the subject was prompted by the situation in Kosovo, it was about a
much higher subject. It was about the flow of Universal Energy and how that
is a guide for everything in our lives all and actions on the planet. They
said that even our little decisions in everyday life can be compared to the
flow to see if it is a misdirection of energy. They said that on government
levels it is easy to see haw all actions and policies are either in the
flow, or against it. They said there is no judgement about which one we
choose, except that some actions get the desired results and others do not.

They [the Group] pointed to the Euro currency as a perfect example of
blending and erasing imaginary lines that we call borders. They said we
strengthen the bonds between us as we encourage becoming citizens of the
Earth. They said once we get that in place we can start working on becoming
citizens of the Universe. They talked about those who will be coming soon to
help us understand our true heritage. And they said when that happens we
will very quickly drop our imaginary boundaries and become citizens of the
new Planet Earth. They spoke of our galactic neighbors and how varied they
are from one another. They said that when they begin to show themselves, we
will then see how very much alike we really are here on Earth, and we will
bond as citizens of the planet.

The other points they spoke of were related to taking and holding our true
power while still in biology. They spoke of the planetary alignments that
have caused so much turmoil in recent times and spoke of the role of
humanity on the Gameboard. They spoke of the physical changes that were to
be expected, and the awakening of humanity. All in all, they gave a basic
message that firmly placed the choices, as well as the responsibility for
those choices, in the hands of those in attendance. The gently but firmly
re-minded us that through our choices we hold the power of creating our own

At the end of the channel there was time for all to ask question of the
Group. There were many interesting questions that ranged from asking about
the 23rd Universe to how we can better re-member who we are. One question
that produced and interesting response from the Group, was asked by a
scientist from the Atomic Energy Agency. He asked about the nature of
synchronicity as it related to the three dimensional representation of the
sparks of God that I had placed on the board. The basis of their answer was
that he was making things more complicated than they really were. The
concept of God was too simple to fit in three dimensions. The questions came
from Lightworkers in all walks of life.

At the end of the channel I opened my eyes to find that I had sat a little
too close to the front row as everyone was in tears. I know that there is a
proximity issue with this and have learned to tell people so they can choose
if they wish to be in the flow of tears or not. At the very end as we all
shared long overdue hugs and a wonderful Lightworker came up to me beaming
from ear to ear. She was there to greet us, and had brought her friend along
to translate because she did not speak English. She told her translator to
tell me that after about five minutes of translating she had told her stop.
She was getting the message just fine, and as she wiped the tears from her
eyes she pointed to her heart. The translator told me she "heard" every

One of the most wonderful experiences at the United Nations was what
happened several days later. Our host Lourdes asked us back to the UN for
lunch. We got to really take a look around during the working hours and saw
more than we imagined. The Vienna International City houses a lot of
Lightwork, and it was really great to have the opportunity to be taken on a
private tour of this vast place. Just before we left we had coffee and
desert in one of the café's. During the short time we sat at the table,
about five people came by who had been either at the channel at that had
attended the seminar, and we were greeted with hugs from family. This was
more than I could have hoped for, and for the first time I realized that
Barbara, the Group and I had a wonderful role of re-connecting family all
over the world.

We did a two day seminar in the heart of Vienna, at which the Group shared
more about the family of Michael in this very special place. They said the
energy of Michael was very strong in that geographical location, and this
was the reason we were finding each other now. In more ways than one we
really had re-membered Home. We were deeply honored to have been asked to
share this message with these important Lightworkers at this critical time
on our planet. We have been asked to return in April 2000 and have
gratefully accepted the invitation.

Barbara and I are so honored to be able to carry this message and connect
Lightworkers worldwide. We thank all of you for holding the energy to make
this possible. Together we are changing the world and creating Heaven here
on Earth. One heart at a time.

Steve, Barbara and the Group.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
    You can find the above article, complete with photos, at the
Lightworkers website on

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Alan Morrison Comments:

    Perhaps you will now begin to believe what is really going on today.
There is so much more than what I have spoken of above connected with the
UN. I do not share these things with you to alarm you, but to show you that
all that Scripture has predicted is indeed coming to pass. "Wherever the
carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together" (Mt.24:28). Please
remember what is revealed in Rev.17:17: "For God has put it into their
hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom
to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled". The whole rotten show
is being overseen and controlled by the Sovereign Lord. He is permitting the
powers of darkness to have their "little season" so that their iniquity will
come to its fullness and be ripe for judgement. For those of you who may say
"So what!" to all we are speaking about here, I respond by saying that those
who discern the signs of the times will not be taken by surprise when the
coming persecution begins with a vengeance. The time has come to prepare our
congregations for a difficult future. Not only that, but it becomes all the
more important to witness powerfully into the present world situation. Don't
smugly immerse yourself in futile fantasies about world revival. There ain't
gonna be no such thing. Neither should we hide out in the hills with a
generator and dried food supply quietly waiting to be raptured. Get involved
in the world and bring as many as you can to Christ while there is still

"Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and
those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever"

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