-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/company.html">The Nessie Files
This is the same McCloy who designed the Pentagon building and served on the
Warren Commission. While Undersecretary of War, he had forbidden bombing of
the rail lines to Auschwitz on the grounds that it might provoke retaliation
against the Jews. One cannot but wonder what he had in mind.

Auschwitz was intended, first and foremost, to be a synthetic rubber and
synthetic fuel factory complex. The more well-known dead Jews were to be
merely a byproduct. Abs had arranged the financing of its construction. In
charge of synthetic rubber production was Otto Ambros, who also developed the
root technology on which magnetic data storage is based. He was convicted of
25,000 counts of slavery and mass murder, and was sentenced to eight years in
prison. After three and a half years, McCloy freed him. The head of the W.R.
Grace & Co., J. Peter Grace (a Knight of Malta) hired Ambros as a research
chemist and petitioned Congress to allow his emigration to the United States.
This is the same J. Peter Grace who President Reagan appointed to head the
so-called "Grace Commission" to make the United States government more

"Grace: 'I admire Ambros's integrity.'"
– Esquire, 12/19/78
Hermann Schmitz's nephew, Robert was employed by W.R. Grace & Co. in the
early 1950s to help in its plans for diversification. W.R. Grace paid alleged
cocaine dealer John DeLorean $25,000 a month as a consultant. Delorean
advised W.R. to invest in a luxury RV project. Grace is reported to have
dropped a $1,000,000 on the project. The RV never materialized.
Companies are known by the people they keep.

"The Assistant Secretary of War, until 1940 was a member of the law firm of
Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swain & Wood, which firm ... had been representing
I.G. Farben or its affiliates in the United States. It may appear to be a
coincidence that Mr. McCloy should have turned up in the War Department in
1941 in a position in which he could speak with authority on such matters as
handling the destruction of that mainstay of Germany's war potential – I.G.
– Treason's Peace, by Howard Watson Armbruster, Beechurst Press, New York,
1947, p 386
Consider the Flicks:

"Friedrich Flick, the Howard Hughes of West Germany's mighty postwar
industrialists, was a man of few public words. But when he spoke people

Defending his financial support of the Nazi party at the Nuremberg war-crime
trials, Mr. Flick uttered one of the most quoted statements of the day: 'I
was of the opinion necessarily, that political insurance would not do me any
harm.' And hardly any of the men who worked for him could ever forget Mr.
Flick's guiding business motto: 'Either change the numbers or the faces.'
The one paying the closest attention to the words of 'the old gentleman' was
his son, Friedrich Flick, who has been adhering to every letter of those
precepts since taking over this country's largest family-owned concern after
his father died in 1972. Friedrich Karl dared to make one change – replacing
the picture of Bismarck that had hung in his father's office with a portrait
of Dad himself – but otherwise it has been pretty much like father, like
son... .
... The son's most audacious move was to sell a 29 percent stake in
Daimler-Benz AG, the maker of Mercedes cars, to Deutsche Bank in 1975 for
$789.77 million, which amounted to a huge capital gain of $714.55 million on
what his father had paid for 40 percent of Daimler stock in the early 1950s.

Under West German law, the profit from the Daimler transaction would have
normally been taxed at a rate of 56 percent unless Flick reinvested the money
before the end of 1978 in projects judged by the government to be 'especially
beneficial to the national economy.' Mr. Flick went on a rapid spending
spree, and although more than half the money flowed into the U.S., including
some $400 million for a 29 percent stake in W.R. Grace & Co. of New York, the
West German Economics Ministry granted tax-exempt status to all but a
fraction of the new investments."
– The Wall Street Journal, 9/21/83

Then there are the Thyssens.

"... the Thyssen family learned the facts of corporate life at an early age.
Count Fredrico Zichy-Thyssen acquired his knowledge from grandfather Fritz
Thyssen; his cousin Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza acquired similar
corporate wisdom from his father, old Fritz's brother, Heinrich Thyssen. The
latter became Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza and took up residence in
Lugano, Switzerland, gaining Swiss citizenship. As Count Zichy represents the
largest shareholder group in Thyssen A.G. From his home in Buenos Aires, the
young baron directs his interest from his Villa Favorita in Lugano.

One such holding in the United States is Indian Head Inc., with American
corporate headquarters at 1200 Avenue of the Americas, New York City. Thyssen
Inc. has its U.S. offices farther down this avenue at number 1114, in the
W.R. Grace & Co. building. Indian Head is a wide-ranging manufacturing
conglomerate, with 42 plants in the United States and 10,400 employees. It
enjoys annual net sales of close to $604 million. For an industrial
corporation of such size it has a remarkably low profile. It distributes no
annual report – 'We are a privately held corporation.' Like Thyssen Inc. in
the United States it has no background ownership file with the SEC because it
has never had to go public. When Thyssen bought Budd Manufacturing for $275
million, it was in cash, and there was no requirement for corporate
disclosures to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Still, good will is cherished, and German industrials and bankers continue to
strive to project a friendly German image in the United States. One
noteworthy announcement, made from Washington, D.C., in March 1979 was that
57 priceless Old Masters paintings from the collection of Baron
Thyssen-Bornemisza would be taken on a tour of the United States in 1979 and
1980. This collection of great masterworks is said to be – except for the
Royal Collection of the queen of England– the greatest private art collection
now in existence. This public traveling exhibit constituted a major
achievement as a public relations ploy. Ever cautious, however, no German
firm underwrote the tour: Indian Head kept out of the picture. Instead, a
major U.S. corporation was chosen to underwrite the masterworks tour, United
Technologies of Hartford, Connecticut (152,000 employees, 200 plants, and a
worldwide marketing operation in power, flight systems, industrial products
and services), agreed to underwrite the cost of the venture as a favor to its
German friend in Lugano, Switzerland. The project was initiated from Lugano;
the baron, after consulting with his corporate image advisors, agreed to
United Technologies rather than Indian Head with its hidden shareholders. The
foundation that made all the arrangements was another privately endowed,
nonprofit organization, International Exhibitions Foundation. It made the
approach to United Technologies and also brought aboard the prestigious
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities
– Manning, p 263

The Mellons, Morgans and DuPonts have been a close-knit financial axis for
generations. In 1936, they attempted to finance a coup d'etat in America. The
plot was foiled by retired Marine Corps commandant Smedley Butler whom they
had approached as a potential front man, offering to make him the "American
Mussolini." He snitched them out to F.D.R. Though congressional hearings were
held, nobody hung, and some of the testimony was suppressed for years. They
had the right friends. Money might not buy happiness, but it sure as hell
does buy friends.
For a revealing account of the '36 coup attempt read The Plot to Steal the
White House, by Jules Archer. For a contemporary's account of the testimony
suppression, see: Facts and Fascism , by George Seldes, In Fact, Inc., 1943,
pp. 111-114.

" ... in June 1943 antitrust again went into action against Farben with a
lengthy indictment of National Lead Company, Titan Company and du Pont, along
with four of their officers, for having engaged in a world-wide cartel
conspiracy with I.G. Farben and some twenty other foreign companies to
restrain the production and distribution of titanium and titanium compounds.
These pigments for the manufacture of paints, rubber, glass, paper, and other
articles are important in peace and are strategic war materials... .
... the law firm of Cravath, Swaine and Moore, representing du Pont ..."
– Armbruster, p 345
Coincidence? Perhaps.

"... the J. Henry Schroder bank acted as financial agent for the Nazi
Government just prior to the start of the war and also was reported to be a
financial backer for one of the firms in Farben's international nitrogen
cartel; also the London Schroder had close business and family ties with the
notorious General Kurt von Schroeder, of the Stein Bank of Cologne, Germany,
that particular member of the Schroeder clan having been one of the strongest
financial links between Hitler and his Farben industrial backers.

By another coincidence, Sullivan & Cromwell, the law firm of John Foster
Dulles (advisor to Mr. Crowley as Custodian and Counsel for General Dyestuffs
stock claimants), is reported to be counsel for Schroder bank; and Allen W.
Dulles, brother of John Foster and a member of that law firm, likewise is one
of the directors of the J. Henry Schroder bank."
– Ibid., p 366
More than Nazi money went underground.

" ... Himmler was quoted as summing up his talk with Bormann to his most
trusted lieutenants in these words: 'It is possible that Germany will be
defeated on the military front. It is even possible that she may have to
capitulate. But never must the National Socialist German Workers' Party
capitulate. That is what we have to work for from now on.'"

– The Nazis Go Underground, by Curt Riass, Doubleday, Doran, and Co.,
Inc.1944, p. 4-5
"Ex"-S.S. men infiltrated, among other things, every major intelligence
apparatus on earth. They have been major players in postwar history. Spy
master Reinhardt Gehlen, for example, created the rationale for starting the
Cold War out of whole cloth. As we now know, had the Red Army actually been
intending to continue their drive westward, as Gehlen said they did, they
would not have been tearing up railroad track in front of themselves. They
relied heavily on rail to transport their troops. Our leaders didn't know;
they believed Gehlen, and acted accordingly. Or they knew, and they lied to
us. There is no third possibility. This comes as no surprise to those who
have actually studied war. Truth is the first casualty.

"Adolf Hitler's top intelligence officials worked with U.S. intelligence
officials worked with U.S. intelligence during World War II, according to a
transcript made available Tuesday of secret testimony by Allen Dulles before
a House Select committee in 1947."
– UPI, 9/29/82

This is the same Dulles who served on the Warren Commission, investigating
the assassination of the President who had fired him just prior to the murder
in Dallas that enabled the success of the coup of '63. It is interesting to
note that Dulles's law firm, Cromwell and Sullivan, also represented I.G.
Farben before the War.

The S.S. was designed from inception to stand alone, a thing apart. It was,
and is, more of a religious institution than a political or military one.
Think of it as one of those "cults that kill."
Shadows of its continued existence can be seen in the various "ex"-S.S.
officer's benevolent associations: the Odessa, Die Spinne, the
"Kommeradenwerk," etc., in such mercenary armies as the "Fiancees of Death,"
and in the "various" cocaine cartels. Now they wear white shirts; camouflage
works again. The organization lives on, though the "old fighters" have by and
large died off. They had no more trouble recruiting new blood than they had
finding new soil. The organization is stronger than ever. It too is a
business. In part, its business is protection. "Ex"-S.S men flooded South
America, where they were met with open arms. They took over day to day
operation of the lucrative cocaine trade. Germans have maintained a monopoly
on the South American pharmaceutical business since the middle of the last
century. Their fortunes have multiplied enormously. One good alchemist is
worth a forest of knights.

"Dr. Josef Mengele, the nazi 'angel of death,' was a major dealer in the
international drug traffic for many years ... according to testimony in a
U.S. Senate investigation ...
... Because of the partial blackout of the CIA reports, the senators said,
many questions are unanswered.
It is difficult to determine to what extent ... U.S. agencies attempted on a
serious determined basis to bring Mengele to Justice.
... The CIA unit, which had prepared an article on Mengele's activities for
the International Narcotics Review, withdrew the article, which has since
been 'misplaced.'"
– Heritage, 4/1/85

It is difficult to believe that any U.S. agency made a serious attempt to
bring Mengele to justice, or justice to him, until it was too late.

" ... according to declassified CIA documents released by two Republican
Mengele's reported involvement in drugs could explain how he was able to
finance his life and travels in South America for years, according to one of
the senators, Alphonse M. D'Amato of New York. One CIA document said Mengele
may have used a farm machinery business in Paraguay 'as a mechanism to move
or launder large sums of money, as well as to cover the movement of illicit
But the 28 heavily censored pages of long hidden CIA records were often vague
and inconclusive, D'Amato and Sen. Arlen K. Specter of Pennsylvania
acknowledged at a news conference. Because many sentences were blacked out to
conceal the CIA's sources of information about Mengele, it is difficult to
determine what data in the documents might be credible ...
... Referring to the documents, Specter said, 'They're vague, but that's the
starting point for our investigation.'"
– Los Angeles Times News Service, 2/27/85

Vague, censored documents are a not unfamiliar concept to Specter who was
once counsel for the Warren Commission.

"Some of the CIA documents and cables spoke of Mengele living at 'a
well-guarded ranch' and enjoying 'the protection of Stroessner' – a reference
to Paraguayan dictator Walter Stroessner."
– Ibid

The coca-fascistas are major players on the world economic stage. With all
that money, how could they not be? Their money buys a lot of protection.
Their power is immense. Their intentions have been made abundantly clear to
all those who pay attention.
Nazi roots run deep in Paraguay. Paraguay, you may recall, became home to
South America's first Nazi party, in 1929. Not all Nazis are German. Not all
German Nazis are in exile.

"Following the biggest ever crackdown on neo-Nazis in West Germany,
authorities have uncovered a web of international right-wing contacts
stretching from the United States through Europe that also touched the PLO
and Iran.

The network came to light in a diary police seized from a leading West German
neo-Nazi, Manfred Roeder...

Roeder and Karl-Hienze Hoffman, leader of a neo-Nazi group banned last year,
also had contacts in Lebanon ...

... Hoffman has for several years sold second-hand military vehicles to
Lebanon and other Middle East countries.

One such shipment was seized on the Austrian border after a young member of
Hoffman's group planted a bomb at the Munich Oktoberfest last September,
blowing himself up and killing 12 others."
– Mainichi (Tokyo) Daily News, 3/31/81

"The raids turned up thousands of banned neo-Nazi and anti-Semetic pamphlets
smuggled from the United States and Canada."
– Houston Post, 3/31/81

Don't believe for one moment that the storm troopers we see on the evening
news, rioting in the streets of modern Germany, are a new phenomenon, or that
they arose solely out of reaction to the seizure of East Germany's economy by
the West. They have deep historical roots. They have very powerful friends.

Who is behind the resurgence of fascism in Russia and America? Are we seeing
the simultaneous rise of spontaneous, indigenous movements? Or are we looking
at a coordinated effort? To answer this question, first consider the
proclivity and aptitude of the fascist, and particularly the Nazi,
underground to undertake coordinated efforts out of the light of day.
Consider their track record. Then ask yourself what we are going to do when
they make their big move here.

The camps are already built. The paint is kept fresh. The grass is neatly
trimmed. The round up plan, code named Rex 84, is ready to go. Administration
is to be handled through FEMA. The plan was drawn up mainly by Ollie North,
when he was still in power. He drew heavily on a plan from the sixties called
Operation Garden Plot. Ollie's first plan, Rex 83, was run in computer
simulation and found lacking in man power.

Bodies called State Defense Forces were then set up to supplement law
enforcement and the national guard. They are to be essentially armed and
deputized civilians. Cadre elements meet and train regularly. They are
recruited from the fascist/racist para-militaries, and from the floating pool
of freelance mercenaries who advertise in Soldier of Fortune magazine. Some
suspicious types have considered the possibility that the name itself may be
an allusion to the infamous "King Alfred Plan" to round up Americans of
African descent.

Rex 84 was originally drawn up to deal with the expected massive resistance
to a planned invasion of Central America. America stuck its toe in the water.
Operation Big Pine was an "exercise" involving the landing of 60,000 troops
just north of the Nicaraguan border. The degree of protest it sparked caused
the government to back down. In San Francisco we filled the streets four
nights in one week. The extent of protest in other cities was blacked out of
national, though not local news. The most reliable reports were on the
Internet. Broadcast journalism was grossly disfeasant, but the protests
spread anyhow. They were clearly not "copy-cat" protests. They were
spontaneous, sincere and broad-based. No wonder the crypto-fascists (and
their so-called "democratic" interventionist allies) in government backed
down. Home front resistance to American fighting on the ground in Central
America would have been massive.

Never the less, Rex 84 is still ready to go in case wide spread civil unrest
results from the clamp down following, oh say, a coup, perhaps introduced by
a Reichstag-Fire-like fake (nuclear? biological?) terrorist incident. This is
a time-tested scenario. Better to be prepared for it than not. Fascism is not
a dead threat. Fascism is alive and well and not just living in Argentina.
Fascists, Nazis, Klansmen and their new found allies the totalitarian
(so-called) "Christian" Right have infiltrated America's government,
military, law enforcement, and business at every level from the cop on the
corner to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

If their official plan, the one they admit to, calls then for "dissidents" to
have their doors kicked in by a bunch of deputized Klansmen and Nazis, you
can imagine what it is that they plan but do not admit also. The lesson of
history is clear. These people are cold-blooded killers. They are ruthless,
tenacious, and very well financed. They are adept liars and past masters of
camouflage. Today they wear white shirts, but only for effect. Under their
Tarnung they are who they ever were. Best to plan with that in mind.
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