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All articles by Fritz Springmeier


William Huntington Russell - founder of what is believed to be an american
chapter of the Illuminati (Skull & Bones Order).9

[9. Sutton, Antony. America’s Secret Establishment. Billings, MT: Liberty
House Press, 1986, pp. 5,6,8,35, 86-67, 100, 212, 253.]

More on this in chapter 2.3. It’s legal name is Russell Trust.


The Illuminati’s SECURITY SYSTEM

Russell Trust is the legal corporation that is the Order of the Skull and
Bones, financed the creation of host of security co. under the Wackenhuts,
incl. a Security Service called Wackenhut Corporation. Another part of this
is Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. or WWT Inc. Wackenhut operates
worldwide. Their headquarters are in Florida. They have branch offices even
in places like Portland, Oregon. Wackenhut handles all Intelligence-related
and Super Secret work-classIfied ULTRA for the US. worldwide. They are the
ones who guard the UFO bases topside, along with the CIA’s Delta Teams, and
various MP units, etc. Their branch in Las Vegas provides security for the
Groom Lake UFO facility. Las Vega’s Review Journal on Fri. 7/26/91, p. A1 &
3A had an article about 3 Wackenhut agents who lost their lives in a
helicopter crash near the Groom Lake. The telephone number to Wackenhut
World Technologies, connects first through the Russell Trust - it is
702-646-4406, and it will be answered by the Russell Trust. Wackenhut’s
board of directors are CIA, FBI Div. 5, NSA, ISA, and NRO officials. The
girls who answer the various local Wackenhut Corporation numbers are not in
the know about what Wackenhut Wd. Tech. are all about. Their 1-800 # is
929-2431. Their San Reme Ave, Cerel Gabels, FL 33146 # was 305-666-5656.
Their local no. here is 256-3996, and one of their local CA # is
714-9794966. George Russell Wackenhut is their security services executive.
He is also the Chrm & Chief Exec. Officer. He worked for the FBI, and is a
Christian Scientist. Richard Russell Wackenhut is the President & Chief
Oper. Officer. Wackenhut has in the neighborhood of 40,000 employees.


The Mormon president Ezra Taft Benson (considered a prophet by Mormons) was
a fan of the John Birch Society. Most people who have not read my exposes on
both the Mormon Church and the John Birch Society will not be able to
protect themselves from the Illuminati. I don’t expose these organizations
without a great deal of proof. I say this because I know from too many
sources and too many angles that both organizations were initiated and have
been run by the Illuminati. The Mormon church has long prophesled that they
would defend the US. Constitution in the last days. They are moving to
fulfill that with men like Bo Gritz, who sprinkles has talks with buzz words
from Mormon prophecy. The John Birch Society was part of the process of the
Hegelian dialectics of the cold war. They pretend to be the defenders of the
people against the New World Order, but they are fake opposition. (I have
met quite a few John Birchers, and so far although they claim to be against
the New World Order, they want nothing to do with me, or to learn anything 1
might share with them. I can understand the leadership doing this to me, but
somehow the rank and file have picked up on some of the attitudes of the
leadership. I don’t know how the JBS has managed to do that, but the
antagonistic attitudes that they have instilled in their people toward
people like myself are amazing.) In my Be Wise As Serpents book I gave the
genealogical evidence to show that the Mormon leadership connected to the
13th top illuminati family, the Holy Blood line of what purports to be Jesus
’s lineage. I’ve also showed numerous other connections between the Mormon
leaders and the elite Illuminati bloodlines. Ezra Taft Benson’s genealogy
helps tie together some of the various parts of the Illuminati beast. The
Taft is Heusen’s name is because Ezra Taft Benson is a descendent of
Alphonso Taft, who along with one of the Russell family (Russells are one of
the top 13 families), William IL Russell, started the Order of the Skull and
Bones (legally it has been known as Russell Trust). Remember, that George
Bush was a Skull & Bonesman. George Bush also is a descendent of the 13th
top Illuminati family -the family that ties in with British royalty and the
Merovingians. The man who just beat George Bush in the Presidential race,
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, is a descendent of some Russells.


This newsletter hasn’t gotten to an individual article on the Russell
family, but they go way back in the Illuminati. The Russell’s are
responsible for starting the Skull & Bones Order, the Pilgrim Society, the
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and the Masonic Daughters of Isabella
(DOI). Archibald D. Russell (1811-1871) a Mason from Scotiand set up still
other organizations. (Scotland has played a key role in the Illuminati. One
example of thousands is, Marriner S. Eccles - Gov. of the Fed. Reserve Board
& supporter of FDR, who is member of the wealthy Mormon Illuminati Eccles
family which came over from Scotland.) The Russells played a key role in the
opium trade in the early 1800s and early Mormonism. One of the Russell
business partners was Warren Delano, Jr., chief of Russell and Company
operations in Canton, China. Delano was the grandfather of Pres. Franklin
Roosevelt. The Russell and Company logo was a Skull and Bones. The Taft
family (which is also related to George Bush by blood) and the Harriman
family are two families that have been intimately connected to the Skull and
Bones Order (which is an entry point into the Iliuminati and on the surface
just an exclusive fraternity).

‘Note: Since this was written Bo Gritz and the Mormon church have gone
separate ways. Bo Gritz, under the direction of his CIA handier, has been
moving around talking to Patriots, and establishing a community called
‘Almost Heaven’ near Kamiah, ID. Fritz’s newsletters have had several
articles about Bo Gritz, including one entitled S.P.I.K.E., which is what Bo
calls the training he is giving people.’

The Harriman family is also very prominent in Pres. Bill Clinton’s life.
Averell Harriman1 was the CEO of George Bush’s father’s company. Averell
Harriman’s wife was Pamela who has played an extremely important part in
Bill Clinton’s life. Pamela Harriman raised more money for the Democratic
Party than any other single person (Newsweek, 5/15/1987). She created a
political action committee nicknamed PAM PAC. When Bill Clinton lost his
race for governor, Pamela made BIB Clinton head (chairman) of her PAM PAC.
(It took Brian Quig, a Christian researcher like myself, to expose the
connections between BIll Clinton and Pamela Harriman. Can you guess why the
establishment media somehow carefully kept theIr relationship secret?) When
Bill Clinton was a high schooler he shook hands with President John F.
Kennedy (a member of one of the Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines-see 5/15/93
Newsletter). The master of ceremonies at the affair where JFK and Clinton
met was Winthrop Rockefeller (another member of a Top 13 Illuminati family,
and at the time Governor of New York.) In the film clips of this event which
the establishment media have used recently, the establishment media edited
out Winthrop Rockefeller from the scenes of Clinton and JFK. (Now why do you
think they did that?) The Astor family (one of the top 13 famIlies) was
intimately connected to the creation of the Rhodes Scholarship. (See 1/1/93
newsletter on the Astor family). Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and looked
upto Prof. Carroll Quigley, the archivist of the CFR, as a mentor. The
Quigley-Clinton connection introduces more connections between Clinton and
the Illuminati. Quigley side-tracked people by making people think the elite
were Anglophiles who wanted the British to rule the world. Although the
elite are partial to the English language as a lingua-franca, in their heart
their allegiance is not to Britain but to Satan. Clinton has been compared
to JFK & FDR by people, perhaps in a negative sense the comparison is
appropriate. LET’S REVIEW some of the Items which STUCK OUT AS RED FLAGS TO

- Several ex-witches now Christians identified Clinton’s running mate Al
Gore as switch. Al Gore’s book promotes several witchcraft themes such as
Mother Gain worship. Senator Al Gore has intimately worked with other men
who are Illuminati for years. Al Gore was close friends with Armand Hammer,
the Illuminati courier who shuttled back and forth between Moscow and
America on a regular basis, and had homes in both countries. Hammer
bankrolled both Al Gore, Jr. and his father Al Gore, Sr.

- Al Gore and Bill Clinton raised their hands at the Democratic National
Convention and declared that their administration would be the "New
Covenant." Bill Clinton’s brother ended up in prison in connection to the
illegal drug trade that I know that Bill Clinton was also involved with
helping while he was Governor of Arkansas. Readers of this newsletter are
aware that the top Illuminati families are the power behind the drug trade.
(See previous newsletter 3/1/93, p. 19 about some of Bill’s role in Arkansas
with the drug trade.)

- Bill Clinton’s chief campaign advisor James Carville is pictured in People
’s Magazine. p.50 wearing a pentagram in the middle of his forehead.

- Bill Clinton calls his first press conference as President. elect
according to the astrologically correct full-moon day.

- Bill Clinton in his inaugural speech said, "This ceremony is held in the
depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world,
we force the spring.’ Clinton repeated the words ‘we force the spring’ later
in the speech. That expression is a very unusual expression. To ‘force the
spring" is witchcraft language. in witchcraft and satanism Lucifer (Baal)
rises from the underworld on May 1st (also known by the following list of
names Beltaine, a major European holiday, Communism and the Illuminati’s
chief holiday, and Walpurgis). The May 1st rising brings forth the season of
fertility, which the witches each year take credit for, by claiming that
their magic rituals ‘force the spring.’ The ritual magic that ‘forces the
spring’ is done on 3 Sabbats-the first is Imbolg (also known by names:
Candiemas by the Catholics and Ground Hog Day by common dupes); the second
is the vernal equinox (Mar. 20) in which blood and sex rituals are carried
out and the third is Beltaine (May 1) in which fire festivals are done. This
is one of the fire festivals which people around the United States tell me
they have witnessed from a distance. Witches believe that on May 1st, the
female force completes her takeover from the male force. There are 12
cabinet members which when they assemble with their head BIll Clinton make
the number 13. Bill Clinton choose ‘to force the spring’ with his ‘cabinet
coven.’ In true witchcraft tradition, the Cabinet of Bill Clinton followed
the pattern of ‘forcing the Spring.’ In order for the female to overtake the
male force, Clinton chose the position of Attorney General. The title
‘General’ has a male connotation. All the rest of the cabinet members are
called Secretaries which has a female connotation. The Attorney General
posItion was to be given to a woman. But in order for the witchcraft
ceremony and timing to be right, the woman couldn’t take over until after
Feb. 2, or Imbolg and there had to be 3 female candidates, from which one is
traditionally picked by a witchcraft coven. This is why the selection of the
Attorney General was not confirmed until Feb. 2. And sure enough all three
candidates given by Bill Clinton were women, from which one was selected.
Bill Clinton did indeed ‘force the spring’! Further, Clinton gave told us
HOW he would ‘force the spring’ in his inaugural speech. On the 666th word
of his inauguration speech, Clinton launched into a sentence on sacrifice,
‘it will not be easy; it will require sacrifice. But it can be done, and
done fairly, not choosing sacrifice for Its own sake, but for our own sake.’
Clinton gave the hand signal of Satanists at the end of his speech. (See
previous newsletters this year). And Newsweek Magazine headlined its story
‘New Age President Takes Office.’ (Jan. 25, ’93) That Clinton would consider
his Cabinet a coven is not so far fetched. Most of his cabinet tie in
closely with the Illuminati. The Council on Foreign Relations is an upper
level of the visible arm of the Illuminati. The Jan. ‘93 newsletter
explained that the CFR was the equivalent of the 4° of the Bavarian
Illuminati. Note, that many of these people do not realize the full Satanic
implications of what they are in. If one reviews the various levels of the
Bavarian Illuminati, you will realize that the process of corruption was
gradual, and that the lower levels had no idea what they were really
involved in, although some probably suspected what they were into. The basic
ingredient of the lower levels is loyalty to their superiors, because they
believe they are in the elite’s organization. Consider, Clinton and his
cabinet: Slick Willie Clinton — CFR TC (Trilateral Commission), Bldrbgr
(Bilderberger participant), participant in various Illuminati front
organizations such as DLC, Rhodes Scholar, wife Hillary is known to practice
shamanism witchcraft.



The Astor Bloodline

The Bundy Bloodline

The Collins Bloodline

The DuPont Bloodline

The Freeman Bloodline

The Kennedy Bloodline

The Li Bloodline

The Onassis Bloodline

The Rockefeller Bloodline

The Rothschild Bloodline

The Russell Bloodline

The Van Duyn Bloodline

Merovingian (European Royal Families)

Interconnected families:

The Disney Bloodline

The Reynolds bloodline

The McDonald bloodline

The Krupp bloodline

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge
to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a
Luciferian Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative,
United Nations

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of
men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism
and religious dogmas ...
We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents,
our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests, our
newspapers and others with vested interests in controlling us.

The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and
wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of
intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old
people, these are the belated objectives ... for charting the changes of
human behavior."

Note: This site is non-religious and non-political. This web-master only
wants to expose the truth as he has concluded it. Both politics and
religions are run by the same forces who want us all to become their slaves
in a One World State, in a New World Order of tyranny and oppression.

What's wrong with this world? Why all those civil wars, why all this chaos
and disaster? Why can't people just live together in peace? When conflicts
arise, why is it so hard for the United Nations and other parties to stop
the killing despite peace negotiators and ambassadors?

Is it that man is basically violent? Is it just human behavior? When we look
around, it might seem so, but it's just an illusion. It's all planned from a
very high level - above governments and out of sight from ordinary people.

All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and disaster has a genuine
purpose. It's very carefully planned by a few "invisible" men high up in the
society, high above any power structure that the citizens know of. It's a
planned take-over for to create a One World Government with those people on
top, making the rest of us into their slaves in a super socialist state ...!

Does it sound incredible and unbelievable? If you haven't been briefed on
the situation earlier, I can truly understand that you might think so. But I
recommend you to continue the reading of this web site, and I'm sure you
will change your mind and on a gradient you will get the picture and find
yourself being suddenly very aware of what is happening in the world and
why. Your questions will most likely be answered. Take one or a few pages at
the time, because it's much to read, but it's vital for anybody's survival
to be aware of what I'm now going to tell you. And if you're not familiar
with the subject, I strongly advice you to start with the link called "An
over-all Briefing".

An Overall Briefing:

Start with this one. This page will tell you an over all general scene what
is really going on here on Earth. If you're new to the subject, read this
one before you continue with the rest.

The Illuminati

(updated 00-01-05)

Secret Societies

(updated 00-01-10)

Aliens & Human Origins

(updated 99-10-15)


(updated 00-01-09)

Mind Control

(updated 00-01-13)

Mind Control in the Art Business

(updated 99-11-08)

Books for Free

(updated 00-01-09)

Photo Galleries

Secret Society Logos & Symbols

Y2K - The Millennium Problems

(updated 99-12-31)

Surveillance on the Citizens

(updated 99-11-28)


Latest News

(updated 00-01-09)

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