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Appendix A

Prefaces to 3 Editions of The Secret Team

This Appendix includes replicas of the Preface to the original 1973 First
Edition of The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United
States and the World, the 1997 Electronic Edition reprint published on Len
Osanic's essential CD, The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty[1], and
an updated version Fletcher wrote to include in this book as further
explanation of how the The Secret Team was at the center of the Vietnam War


Preface to the 1973 First Edition

>From President to Ambassador, Cabinet Officer to Commanding General, and from
Senator to executive assistant -- all these men have their sources of
information and guidance. Most of this information and guidance is the result
of carefully laid schemes and ploys of pressure groups.In this influential
coterie one of the most interesting and effective roles is that played by the
behind the scenes, faceless, nameless, ubiquitous briefing officer.

He is the man who sees the President, the Secretary, the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff almost daily, and who carries with him the most
skillfully detailed information. He is trained by years of experience in the
precise way to present that information to assure its effectiveness. He comes
away day after day knowing more and more about the man he has been briefing
and about what it is that the truly influential pressure groups at the center
of power and authority are really trying to tell these key decision makers.
In Washington, where such decisions shape and shake the world, the role of
the regular briefing officer is critical.

Leaders of government and of the great power centers regularly leak
information of all kinds to columnists, television and radio commentators,
and to other media masters with the hope that the material will surface and
thus influence the President, the Secretary, the Congress, and the public.
Those other inside pressure groups with their own briefing officers have
direct access to the top men; they do not have to rely upon the media,
although they make great use of it. They are safe and assured in the
knowledge that they can get to the decision maker directly. They need no
middleman other than the briefing officer. Such departments as Defense,
State, and the CIA use this technique most effectively.

For nine consecutive, long years during those crucial days from 1955 through
January 1, 1964, I was one of those briefing officers. I had the unique
assignment of being the "Focal Point" officer for contacts between the CIA
and the Department of Defense on matters pertaining to the military support
of the Special Operations[1] of that Agency. In that capacity I worked with
Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, several Secretaries of Defense, and
Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as many others in key
governmental places. My work took me to more than sixty countries and to CIA
offices and covert activities all over the world -- from such hot spots as
Saigon and to such remote places as the South Pole. Yes, there have been
secret operations in Antarctica.

It was my job not only to brief these men, but to brief them from the point
of view of the CIA so that I might win approval of the projects presented and
of the accompanying requests for support from the military in terms of money,
manpower, facilities, and materials. I was, during this time, perhaps the
best informed "Focal Point" officer among the few who operated in this very
special area. The role of the briefing officer is quiet, effective, and most
influential; and, in the CIA, specialized in the high art of top level

It cannot be expected that a John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, a Richard Nixon,
or a following President will have experienced and learned all the things
that may arise to confront him during his busy official life in the White
House. It cannot be expected that a Robert McNamara or a Melvin Laird, a Dean
Rusk or a William Rogers, etc. comes fully equipped to high office, aware of
all matters pertaining to what they will encounter in their relationship with
the Congo or Cuba, Vietnam or Pakistan, and China or Russia and the emerging
new nations. These men learn about these places and the many things that face
them from day to day from an endless and unceasing procession of briefing

Henry Kissinger was a briefing officer. General John Vogt was one of the
best. Desmond Fitzgerald, Tracy Barnes, Ed Lansdale, and "Brute" Krulak, in
their own specialties, were top flight briefing officers on subjects that
until the publication of the "Pentagon Papers," few people had ever seen in
print or had ever even contemplated. (You can imagine my surprise when I read
the June 13, 1971, issue of the Sunday New York Times and saw there among the
"Pentagon Papers" a number of basic information papers that had been in my
own files in the Joint Chiefs of Staff area of the Pentagon. Most of the
papers of that period had been source documents from which I had prepared
dozens -- even hundreds -- of briefings, for all kinds of projects, to be
given to top Pentagon officers. Not only had many of those papers been in my
files, but I had either written many of them myself or had written certain of
the source documents used by the men who did.)

The briefing officer, with the staff officer, writes the basic papers. He
researches the papers. He has been selected because he has the required
knowledge and experience. He has been to the countries and to the places
involved. He may know the principals in the case well. He is supposed to be
the best man available for that special job. In my own case, I had been on
many special assignments dating back to the Cairo and Teheran conferences of
late 1943 that first brought together the "Big Four" of the Allied nations of
WW II: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek and Joseph

The briefing officer reads all of the messages, regardless of classification.
He talks to a number of other highly qualified men. He may even have staff
specialists spread out all over the world upon whom he may call at any time
for information. Working in support of the "Focal Point" office, which I
headed, there were hundreds of experts and agents concealed in military
commands throughout the world who were part of a network I had been directed
to establish in 1955-1956 as a stipulation of National Security Council
directive 5412, March 1954.

In government official writing, the man who really writes the paper -- or
more properly, the men whose original work and words are put together to
become the final paper -- are rarely, if ever, the men whose names appear on
that paper. A paper attributed to Maxwell Taylor, Robert McNamara or Dean
Rusk, of the Kennedy era, would not, in almost all instances, have been
written by them; but more than likely would have been assembled from
information gathered from the Departments of Defense and State and from CIA
sources and put into final language by such a man as General Victor H.
Krulak, who was among the best of that breed of official writers.

>From l955 through 1963, if some official wanted a briefing on a highly
classified subject involving the CIA, I would be one of those called upon to
prepare the material and to make the briefing. At the same time, if the CIA
wanted support from the Air Force for some covert operation, I was the
officer who had been officially designated to provide this special
operational support to the CIA.

If I was contacted by the CIA to provide support for an operation which I
believed the Secretary of Defense had not been previously informed of, I
would see to it that he got the necessary briefing from the CIA or from my
office and that any other Chief of Staff who might be involved would get a
similar briefing. In this unusual business I found rather frequently that the
CIA would be well on its way into some operation that would later require
military support before the Secretary and the Chiefs had been informed.
During preparations for one of the most important of these operations,
covered in some detail in this book, I recall briefing the chairman of the
Joint Chief's of Staff, General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, on the subject of the
largest clandestine special operation that the CIA had ever mounted up to
that time: and then hearing him say to the other Chiefs, "I just can't
believe it. I never knew that." Here was the nation's highest ranking
military officer, the man who would be held responsible for the operation
should it fail or become compromised, and he had not been told enough about
it to know just how it was being handled. Such is the nature of the game as
played by the "Secret Team."

I have written for several magazines on this subject, among them the Armed
Forces Journal, The New Republic, the Empire Magazine of the Denver Sunday
Post, and The Washington Monthly. It was for this latter publication that I
wrote "The Secret Team", an article that appeared in the May 1970 issue and
that led to the development of this book. With the publication of the
Pentagon Papers on June 13,1971, interest in this subject area was heightened
and served to underscore my conviction that the scope of that article must be
broadened into a book.

Within days of The New York Times publication of those "Pentagon Papers,"
certain editorial personnel with the BBC-TV program, "Twenty-Four Hours",
recalling my "Secret Team" article, invited me to appear on a series on TV
with, among others, Daniel Ellsberg. They felt that my experience with the
Secret Team would provide material for an excellent companion piece to the
newly released "Pentagon Papers," which were to be the primary topic of the
discussions. I flew to London and made a number of programs for BBC-TV and
Radio. Legal problems and the possible consequences of his departure from the
country at that time precluded the simultaneous appearance of Daniel
Ellsberg. The programs got wide reception and served to underscore how
important the subject of the "Pentagon Papers" is throughout the world.
I have not chosen to reveal and to expose "unreleased" classified documents;
but I do believe that those that have been revealed, both in the "Pentagon
Papers" and elsewhere, need to be interpreted and fully explained. I am
interested in setting forth and explaining what "secrecy" and the "cult of
containment" really mean and what they have done to our way of life and to
our country. Furthermore, I want to correct any disinformation that may have
been given by those who have tried to write on these subjects in other
related histories.

I have lived this type of work; I know what happened and how it happened. I
have known countless men who participated in one way or another in these
unusual events of Twentieth Century history. Many of these men have been and
still are members of the Secret Team. It also explains why much of it has
been pure propaganda and close to nationwide "brainwashing" of the American
public. I intend to interpret and clarify these events by analyzing
information already in the public domain.

Few concepts during this half century have been as important, as
controversial, as misunderstood, and as misinterpreted as secrecy in
Government. No idea during this period has had a greater impact upon
Americans and upon the American way of life than that of the containment of
Communism. Both are inseparably intertwined and have nurtured each other in a
blind Pavlovian way. Understanding their relationship is a matter of
fundamental importance.
Much has been written on these subjects and on their vast supporting
infrastructure, generally known as the "intelligence community." Some of this
historical writing has suffered from a serious lack of inside knowledge and
experience. Most of this writing has been done by men who know something
about the subject, by men who have researched and learned something about the
subject, and in a few cases by men who had some experience with the subject.
Rarely is there enough factual experience on the part of the writer. On the
other hand, the Government and other special interests have paid writers huge
amounts to write about this subject as they want it done, not truthfully.
Thus our history is seriously warped and biased by such work. Many people
have been so concerned about what has been happening to our Government that
they have dedicated themselves to investigating and exposing its evils.
Unfortunately, a number of these writers have been dupes of those cleverer
than they or with sinister reasons for concealing knowledge. They have
written what they thought was the truth, only to find out (if they ever did
find out) that they had been fed a lot of contrived cover stories and just
plain hogwash. In this book I have taken extracts from some of this writing
and, line by line, have shown how it has been manipulated to give a semblance
of truth while at the same time being contrived and false.

Nevertheless, there have been some excellent books in this broad area, among
them The Invisible Government by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross, The Secret War
 by Sanche de Gramont, The Craft of Intelligence by Allen W. Dulles, The Real
CIA by Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., and many others. A partial listing does
injustice to those other excellent scholars, reporters, and writers who have
worked in this field. But many of these books suffer from various effects of
the dread disease of secrecy and from its equally severe corollary illness
called "cover" (the CIA's official euphemism for not telling the truth).

The man who has not lived in the secrecy and intelligence environment --
really lived in it and fully experienced it -- cannot write accurately about
it. There is no substitute for the day-to-day living of a life in which he
tells his best friends and acquaintances, his family and his everyday
contacts one story while he lives another. The man who must depend upon
research and investigation inevitably falls victim to the many pitfalls of
the secret world and of the "cover story" world with its lies and

A good example of this is the work of Neil Sheehan and his associates on The
New York Times' Pentagon Papers. The very title is the biggest cover story
(no pun intended) of them all; so very few of those papers were really of
Pentagon origin. The fact that I had them in my office, that I had worked
with them, and that I had written parts of some of them proves that they were
not genuine Pentagon papers, because my work at that time was devoted to
support of the CIA. The same is true of General Krulak, Bill Bundy, and to a
degree, Maxwell Taylor and others.

To look at this matter in another way, the man who has lived and experienced
this unnatural existence becomes even more a victim of its unreality. He
becomes enmeshed beyond all control upon the horns of a cruel dilemma. On the
one hand, his whole working life has been dedicated to the cause of secrecy
and to its protection by means of cover stories (lies). In this pursuit he
has given of himself time after time to pledges, briefings, oaths, and deep
personal conviction regarding the significance of that work. Even if he would
talk and write, his life has been so interwoven into the fabric of the real
and the unreal, the actual and the cover story, that he would be least likely
to present the absolutely correct data.

On the other hand, as a professional he would have been subjected to such
cellularization and compartmentalization each time he became involved in any
real "deep" operation that he would not have known the whole story anyhow.
This compartmentalization is very real. I have worked on projects with many
CIA men so unaware of the entire operation that they had no realization and
awareness of the roles of other CIA men working on the same project. I would
know of this because inevitably somewhere along the line both groups would
come to the Department of Defense for hardware support. I actually designed a
special office in the Pentagon with but one door off the corridor. Inside, it
had a single room with one secretary. However, off her office there was one
more door that led to two more offices with a third doorway leading to yet
another office, which was concealed by the door from the secretary's room. I
had to do this because at times we had CIA groups with us who were now
allowed to meet each other, and who most certainly would not have been there
had they known that the others were there. (For the record, the office was
4D1000 -- it may have been changed by now; but it had remained that way for
many years.)

Another group of writers, about the world of secrecy, are the "masters" --
men like Allen W. Dulles, Lyman Kirkpatrick, Peer de Silva and Chester
Cooper. My own choice of the best of these are Peer de Silva and Lyman
Kirkpatrick. These are thoroughly professional intelligence officers who have
chosen a career of high-level intelligence operations. Their writing is
correct and informative -- to a degree beyond that which most readers will be
able to translate and comprehend at first reading; yet they are properly
circumspect and guarded and very cleverly protective of their profession.

There is another category of writer and self-proclaimed authority on the
subjects of secrecy, intelligence, and containment. This man is the suave,
professional parasite who gains a reputation as a real reporter by
disseminating the scraps and "Golden Apples" thrown to him by the great men
who use him. This writer seldom knows and rarely cares that many of the
scraps from which he draws his material have been planted, that they are
controlled leaks, and that he is being used, and glorified as he is being
used, by the inside secret intelligence community.

Allen Dulles had a penchant for cultivating a number of such writers with big
names and inviting them to his table for a medieval style luncheon in that
great room across the hall from his own offices in the old CIA headquarters
on the hill overlooking Foggy Bottom. Here, he would discuss openly and all
too freely the same subjects that only hours before had been carefully
discussed in the secret inner chambers of the operational side of that quiet
Agency. In the hands of Allen Dulles, "secrecy" was simply a chameleon device
to be used as he saw fit and to be applied to lesser men according to his
schemes. It is quite fantastic to find people like Daniel Ellsberg being
charged with leaking official secrets simply because the label on the piece
of paper said "top secret," when the substance of many of the words written
on those same papers was patently untrue and no more than a cover story.
Except for the fact that they were official lies, these papers had no basis
in fact, and therefore no basis to be graded top secret or any other degree
of classification. Allen Dulles would tell similar cover stories to his
coterie of writers, and not long thereafter they would appear in print in
some of the most prestigious papers and magazines in the country, totally
unclassified, and of course, cleverly untrue.

Lastly there is the writer from outside this country who has gained his
inside information from sources in another country. These sources are no
doubt reliable; they know exactly what has taken place -- as in Guatemala
during the Bay of Pigs era -- and they can speak with some freedom. In other
cases, the best of these sources have been from behind the Iron Curtain.

In every case, the chance for complete information is very small, and the
hope that in time researchers, students, and historians will be able to
ferret out truth from untruth, real from unreal, and story from cover story
is at best a very slim one. Certainly, history teaches us that one truth will
add to and enhance another; but let us not forget that one lie added to
another lie will demolish everything. This is the important point. Consider
the past half century. How many major events -- really major events -- have
there been that simply do not ring true? How many times has the entire world
been shaken by alarms of major significance, only to find that the events
either did not happen at all, or if they did, that they had happened in a
manner quite unlike the original story? The war in Vietnam is undoubtedly the
best example of this. Why is it that after more than thirty years of
clandestine and overt involvement in Indochina, no one had been able to make
a logical case for what we had been doing there and to explain adequately why
we had become involved; and what our real and valid objectives in that part
of the world were?

The mystery behind all of this lies in the area we know as "Clandestine
activity", "intelligence operations", "secrecy", and "cover stories", used on
a national and international scale. It is the object of this book to bring
reality and understanding into this vast unknown area.

Colonel, U.S. Air Force (Ret'd)


Preface to the 1997 Electronic Edition

Like it or not, we now live in the age of "One World". This is the age of
global companies, of global communications and transport, of global food
supply and finance and . . . just around the corner . . . global
accommodation of political systems. In this sense, there are no home markets,
no isolated markets and no markets outside the global network.

It is time to face the fact that true national sovereignty no longer exists.
We live in a world of big business, big lawyers, big bankers, even bigger
money-men and big politicians. It is the world of "The Secret Team" and its
masters. We are now, despite common mythology to the contrary, the most
dependent society that has ever lived, and the future of the viability of
that infrastructure of that society is unpredictable. It is crumbling.

As one of the greatest historians of all time, Ibn Khaldun, wrote in his
unequaled historical work The Muqaddimah of the 14th Century:

God created and fashioned man in a form that can live and subsist only with
the help of food . . . Through cooperation, the needs of a number of persons,
many times greater than their own number, can be satisfied.

As this One World infrastructure emerges it increases the percentage of our
total dependence upon remote food production capacity to the mass production
capability and transport means of enormous companies operating under the
global policy guidance of such organizations as the Chartered Institute of
Transport in London, and the international banking community. As individuals,
few of us would have any idea where to get a loaf of bread or yard of fabric
other than in some supermarket and department store . . . and we are all
dependent upon some form of efficient transport, electric power, gasoline at
the pump, and boundless manufacturing capacity and versatility. Let that
system collapse, at any point, and all of us will be helpless. A cooperating,
working system is essential to survival; yet over-all it is a system without
leadership and guidance.

At the same time the traditional family farm, and even community farms and
industries, have all but vanished from the scene. This has created, at least
in what we label, the advanced nations, a dearth of farmers and of people who
have that basic experience along with that required in the food and home
products industries. Furthermore, as this trend is amplified, the transport
of farm produce has become increasingly assigned to the trucking industry,
which has its over-land limits . . . mostly as applied to the tonnage limits
of rural bridges, and the economical availability of petroleum.

As a result, something as simple as a trucking industry strike that keeps
trucks out of any city for seventy- two hours or more, will lead to
starvation and food riots. None of us know where to get food, if it is not in
the nearby supermarket; and if we do have a stored supply of food locked in
the cellar, we shall simply be the targets of those who do not. Food is the
ultimate driving force. Under such predictable conditions, there will be
waves of slaughter and eventually cannibalism. Man must eat, and the only way
he can obtain adequate food supplies is through cooperation and the means to
transport and distribute food and other basic necessities. This essential
role is being diminished beyond the borderline. The lack of food supplies has
already resulted in a form of covert genocide in many countries. Other
essential shortages unavoidably follow.

As Rudyard Kipling has said: "Transport is Civilization." The opposite is
equally true, "Without reliable transport we are reduced to the state of

These are fundamental statements of fact. In such a world, the Secret Team is
the functional element of the dominant power. It is the point of the spear
and is neither military nor police. It is covert: and the best (or worst) of
both. It gets the job done whether it has political authorization and
direction, or not. In this capacity, it acts independently. It is lawless. It
operates everywhere with the best of all supporting facilities from special
weaponry and advanced communications, with the assurance that its members
will never be prosecuted. It is subservient to the Power Elite and protected
by them. The Power Elite or High Cabal need not be Royalty in these days.
They are their equals or better.

Note with care, it is labeled a "Team". This is because as with any highly
professional team it has its managers, its front office and its owners. These
are the "Power Elite" to whom it is beholden. They are always anonymous, and
their network is ancient and world-wide. Let us draw an example from recent

During the Senate Hearings of 1975 on "Alleged Assassination Ploys Involving
Foreign Leaders," Senator Charles C. Mathias' thoughts went back to November
22, 1963 and to the coup d'état brought about by the surgical precision of
the death of President John F. Kennedy, when he said:
Let me draw an example from history. When Thomas Becket (Saint Thomas Becket,
1118-1170) was proving to be an annoyance, as Castro; the King said "Who will
rid me of this man?" He didn't say to somebody, go out and murder him. He
said who will rid me of this man, and let it go at that. (As you will recall,
Thomas Becket's threat was not against the King, it was against the way the
King wanted to run the government.)

With no explicit orders, and with no more authority than that, four of King
Henry's knights, found and killed "this man", Saint Thomas Becket inside of
his church. That simple statement . . . no more than a wish floating in air .
. . proved to be all the orders needed.

Then, with that great historical event in mind, Senator Mathias went on to

which might be taken by the Director of Central Intelligence or by anybody
else, as Presidential authorization to go forward . . . you felt that some
spark had been transmitted . . .
To this Senator Jesse Helms added:

Yes, and if he had disappeared from the scene they would not have been
There's the point! Because the structure, a "Power Elite", "High Cabal" or
similar ultimate ruling organization, exists and the psychological atmosphere
has been prepared, nothing more has to be said than that which ignites that
"spark" of an assumed "authorization to go forward." Very often, this is the
way in which the Secret Team gets its orders . . . they are no more than "a
wish floating in air."

This book is about a major element of this real power structure of the world
and of its impact upon the CIA and its allies around the world. It is based
upon much personal experience generally derived from my military service from
mid-1941 to 1964: U.S. Army Cavalry, U.S. Army Armored Force, U.S. Army Air
Corps and Army Air Force, and finally the U. S. Air Force; and more
specifically from my special assignments in the Pentagon from 1955 to 1964.
At retirement, I was the first Chief of Special Operations with the U.S.
Joint Chiefs of Staff. All of these duties, during those Pentagon years, were
structured to provide "the military support of the world-wide clandestine
activities of the CIA." They were performed in accordance with the provisions
of an Eisenhower era, National Security Council Directive No. 5412/2, March
15, 1954.

Since this book was first published in 1973, we have witnessed the
unauthorized release of the Defense Department's official "history of United
States involvement in Vietnam from World War II to 1969" popularly known as
the "Pentagon Papers," "Watergate" and the resignation of President Nixon,
the run away activities of the "Vietnam War," the "Arab Oil Embargo" that led
to the greatest financial heist in history, the blatantly unlawful "Iran
Contra" affair, and the run-away banking scandals of the eighties. Many of
these were brought about and master minded by renegade "Secret Team" members
who operated, without Presidential direction; without National Security
Council approval so they say; and, generally, without official Congressional
knowledge. This trend increases. Its scope expands . . . even today.

I pointed out, years ago in public pronouncements, that the ClA's most
important "Cover Story" is that of an "intelligence" agency. Of course the
CIA does make use of "intelligence" and its assumed role of "intelligence
gathering," but that is largely a front for its primary interest, "Fun and
Games" . . . as the "Old Boys" or "Jedburgh's" of the WW II period Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) called it.

The CIA is the center of a vast, and amorphous mechanism that specializes in
Covert Operations . . . or as Allen Dulles always called it, "Peacetime
Operations." In this sense, the CIA is the willing tool of a higher level
High Cabal, that may include representatives and highly skilled agents of the
CIA and other instrumentality's of the government, certain cells of the
business and professional world and, almost always, foreign participation. It
is this ultimate Secret Team, its allies, and its method of operation that
are the principal subject of this book.

It must be made clear that at the heart of Covert Operations is the denial by
the "operator," i.e. the U.S. Government, of the existence of national
sovereignty. The covert operator can, and does, make the world his playground
. . . including the U.S.A.

Today, in the mid-1990's, the most important events of this century are
taking place with the ending of the "Cold War" era, and the beginning of the
new age of "One World" under the control of businessmen and their lawyers,
rather than under the threat of military power and ideological differences.
This scenario for change has been brought about by a series of Secret Team
operations skillfully orchestrated while the contrived hostilities of the
Cold War were at their zenith.

Two important events of that period have been little noted. First, on Feb. 7,
1972 Maurice Stans, Nixon's Secretary of Commerce opened a "White House
Conference on the Industrial World Ahead, A Look at Business in 1990." This
three-day meeting of more than fifteen hundred of the country's leading
businessmen, scholars, and the like were concluded with this memorable
summary statement by Roy L. Ash, president of Litton Industries:
. . . state capitalism may well be a form for world business in the world
ahead; that the western countries are trending toward a more unified and
controlled economy, having a greater effect on all business; and the
communist nations are moving more and more toward a free market system. The
question posed during this conference on which a number of divergent opinions
arose, was whether `East and West' would meet some place toward the middle
about 1990.
That was an astounding forecast as we consider events of the seventies and
eighties and discover that his forecast, if it ever was a forecast and not a
pre-planned arrangement, was right on the nose.

This amazing forecast had its antecedent pronouncements, among which was
another "One World" speech by this same Roy Ash during the Proceedings of the
American Bankers Association National Automation Conference in New York City,
May 8,9,10, 1967.

The affairs of the world are becoming inextricably interlinked . . .
governments, notably, cannot effectively perform the task of creating and
distributing food and other essential products and services . . . economic
development is the special capability and function of business and industrial
organizations . . . business organizations are the most efficient converters
of the original resources of the world into usable goods and services.

The flash of genius, the new ideas, always comes from the marvelous workings
of the individual brain, not from the committee sessions. Organizations are
to implement ideas, not to have them.
As a Charter Member of the American Bankers Association's Committee on
Automation Planning and Technology I was a panelist at that same convention
as we worked to convert the 14,000 banks of this country to automation and
the ubiquitous Credit Card. All of these subjects were signs of the times
leading toward the demise of the Soviet Union in favor of an evolutionary
process toward One World.

In addition to the 1972 White House Conference on the Industrial World Ahead
a most significant yet quite unnoticed action took place during that same
year when President Nixon and his then-Secretary of the Treasury, George
Shultz, established a Russian/American organization called the "USA USSR
Trade and Economic Council." Its objective was to bring about a union of the
Fortune 500 Chief Executive Officers of this country, among others, such as
the hierarchy of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, with their counterparts in the
Soviet Union. This important relationship, sponsored by David Rockefeller of
Chase Manhattan Bank and his associates, continues into the "One World"

This bilateral activity increased during the Reagan/Shultz years of the
Eighties despite such "Evil Empire" staged tantrums as the Korean Airlines
Boeing 747 Flight 007 "shootdown" in 1983.
It is this "US-TEC" organization, with its counterpart bilateral agreements
among other nations and the USSR, that has brought about the massive changes
of the former Communist world. These did not go unnoticed. During a speech
delivered in 1991, Giovanni Agnelli, chief executive officer of the Fiat
Company and one of the most powerful men in Europe, if not the world,

The fall of the Soviet Union is one of the very few instances in history in
which a world power has been defeated on the battlefield of ideas.

Now, is this what Nixon, Stans, Shultz, Ash, Rockefeller and others had in
mind during those important decades of the sixties, seventies and eighties.
For one thing, it may be said quiet accurately, that these momentous events
marked the end of the Cold War and have all but shredded the canopy of the
nuclear umbrella over mankind.

The Cold War was the most expensive war in history. R. Buckminster Fuller
wrote in Grunch of Giants:

We can very properly call World War I the million dollar war and World War II
the billion dollar war and World War III (Cold War) the trillion dollar war.

The power structure that kept the Cold War at that level of cost and
intensity had been spearheaded by the Secret Team and its multinational
covert operations, to wit:

This is the fundamental game of the Secret Team. They have this power because
they control secrecy and secret intelligence and because they have the
ability to take advantage of the most modern communications system in the
world, of global transportation systems, of quantities of weapons of all
kinds, and when needed, the full support of a world-wide U.S. military
supporting base structure. They can use the finest intelligence system in the
world, and most importantly, they have been able to operate under the canopy
of an assumed, ever-present enemy called "Communism." It will be interesting
to see what "enemy" develops in the years ahead. It appears that "UFO's and
Aliens" are being primed to fulfill that role for the future. To top all of
this, there is the fact that the CIA, itself, has assumed the right to
generate and direct secret operations.

-- L. Fletcher Prouty
Alexandria, VA 1997


1998 Preface

How many of us recall that early in June 1971 the official history of "The
United States Involvement in Vietnam from World War II to the Present" burst
upon the scene in several of the larger newspapers of this country? It was
said that this enormous collection, given the name "The Pentagon Papers" of
"37 studies and 15 collections of documents done in 43 volumes" had been
secretly released to these newspapers by a young man, Daniel Ellsberg, who
had stolen them despite their cloak of highest secrecy.

Furthermore, how many recall that the Director of the Study Task Force,
Leslie H. Gelb, whom Secretary Robert McNamara had directed to head this task
force was assigned to the office of the Assistant Secretary, International
Security Affairs, under the Honorable Paul C. Warneke and that his immediate
superior was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Plans & Arms Control, Morton
Halperin? Two important comments are to be derived from the introductory
material published in the Senator Gravel Edition of The Pentagon Papers, Volum
e One:

a) "On June 17, 1967, Secretary Robert S. McNamara directed that a task force
be formed to study the history of United States in Vietnam from World War II
to the present."

Note: Mr. McNamara did not include the word "war" in his directive, nor did
he use it in his recent book, In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of
Vietnam. What took place in Vietnam was not a "war" in the classic sense.

b) "The Pentagon Papers tell of the purposeful withholding and distortion of
facts. There are no military secrets to be found here, only an appalling
litany of faulty premises and questionable objectives, built one upon the
other over the course of four administrations, and perpetuated today by a
fifth administration", Mike Gravel, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. August
Senator Gravel's comment becomes quite obvious to the careful reader.

It is Mr. McNamara's direction to the Task Force that confirms the historical
date, Sept. 2, 1945, as the beginning of the U.S. Armed Forces involvement in
Vietnam. He recognized all too well that United States involvement in Vietnam
had begun on that same date when World War II ended. There had been no hiatus
in our military engagement in that extended conflict from "Pearl Harbor" in
1941 to that ignominious helicopter retreat from Saigon in 1975, and it had
all been planned that way.

Few historians have noted the fact that initial plans for the United States
role in Korea and Vietnam had been made at the "Big Four" Teheran Conference
of Nov/Dec 1943, when Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-Shek and Stalin met to
discuss long range military plans to include the de-Colonialization of
Southeast Asian states. (It is generally over-looked that Chiang Kai Shek was
at Teheran for that most important meeting. This will be thoroughly discussed
in this book, and will include a reference in a U.S. Government publication
which confirms that fact. Also, I was ordered by the military to fly the
Chinese delegation from Cairo to Teheran after the Cairo Conference in Oct

These facts are of grave importance to an understanding of an accurate
appraisal of what some now call "The Vietnam War" . . . despite the fact that
by all conventional standards what took place during those hectic three
decades in Indochina was certainly not a war. First of all this country had
never established a "military objective" for the conflict in Viet Nam.

The reason, of course, was because of the realization that Ho Chi Minh's
potential allies, Russia and China, had combat-ready nuclear weapons and most
certainly possessed the option to employ them against us, either in the
United States or in Southeast Asia, had they chosen to do so. As a result our
combat commanders were prohibited from preparing and pursuing a bona fide
military objective in Vietnam.

By 1954, during the Eisenhower administration, this had become a critical
subject for all U.S. military planning . . . not simply that for Southeast
Asia, but world wide.

During a National Security Council Meeting, January 8, 1954 on the subject of
"Significant Developments affecting U.S. Security" and with special emphasis
on Southeast Asia, President Eisenhower said:

For himself, said the President with great force, he simply could not imagine
the United States putting ground forces anywhere in Southeast Asia, except
possibly in Malaya . . . to do this anywhere was simply beyond his
contemplation. Indeed the key to winning this war was to get the Vietnamese
to fight. There was just no sense in even talking about United States forces
replacing the French in Indochina. If we did so, the Vietnamese could be
expected to transfer their hatred of the French to us. I can not tell you,
said the President with vehemence, how bitterly opposed I am to such a course
of action. This war in Indochina would absorb our troops by divisions![2]

This remarkable comment by the man who had led U.S. Forces to victory in
Europe during World War II marked a major turning point in Strategic War
Planning both in the United States and the world. It must be noted that by
Jan 8, 1954 President Eisenhower was fully cognizant of the fact that the
Russians had already detonated the first portable, tactical Hydrogen Bomb. As
a result, before the close of this memorable NSC meeting it was agreed that:

d. The National Security Council . . . requested the Department of Defense,
in collaboration with the Central Intelligence Agency, urgently study and
report to the Council all feasible further steps, short of the overt use of
U.S. forces in combat, which the United States might take to assist in
achieving the success of the NSC Action No. 1005 "Laniel-Navarre" Plan.[3]

The President had put his opinion on the record, Jan 8, 1954. In spite of
that, during the following meeting of the NSC, Jan 14, 1954, the Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles made the following significant comment:

If we could carry on effective guerrilla operations against the new Vietminh
government we should be able to make as much trouble for that government as
they had made for our side . . . [4]

At the close of this January 14th meeting the "National Security Council . .
. Agreed that the Director of Central Intelligence, in collaboration with the
other appropriate departments and agencies, should develop plans, as
suggested by the Secretary of State, for certain contingencies in Indochina."[
5] By the end of the month, it had been decided that Allen Dulles' choice for
the head of the CIA's "Saigon Military Mission", Colonel Edward G. Lansdale
would be sent to Saigon to establish that office by July 1, 1954.

Then on March 15, 1954 the National Security Council launched a major new
covert counter-revolutionary, counter-insurgency program aimed at combatting
the Communists, especially in the grey areas and behind the "Iron Curtain."
As a result, NSC 5412 of March 15, 1954 marked the official recognition and
sanctioning of a much larger program of anti-Communist covert activities in
Indochina and throughout the world. In the interests of world peace and U.S.
national security, the overt foreign activities of the U.S. Government should
be supplemented by covert operations.

With this action the U.S. Government for the first time defined "Covert
Operations" as:
All activities conducted pursuant to this directive which are so planned and
executed that any U.S. Government responsibility for them is not evident to
unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the U.S. Government can plausibly
disclaim any responsibility for them. Such operations shall not include:
armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage and counterespionage,
nor cover and deception for military operations.[6]

This was a pivotal decision in the era of the international availability of
the hydrogen bomb. It was not significant solely for the "Vietnam" era of
1954, but also for today . . . 1998 . . . as the nations of the world are
discussing the build-up and strengthening of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization. We continue to face the insoluble "Hydrogen Bomb Weapon"

The cloud over-hanging both these NSC sessions of 1954, and the current NATO
expansion talks of 1998 has been the same: "What is the strategic role of the
Hydrogen Weapon in time of war?" Or to put it in its more basic form, "Can
the Hydrogen Weapon be used in warfare, ever, in any capacity . . .

What has been the motivation for such a series of Strategic discussions by
the National Security Council at that time: January 1954, and today?

On the authority of Bernard J. O'Keefe, formerly Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer of EG & G, Inc. one of the nation's leading
high-technology companies, and the man who armed the first "Fat Man"
five-foot-diameter implosion type Atomic Bomb that was dropped over Nagasaki
during August 1945, stated:

"The true father of the Hydrogen bomb is not Edward Teller, but Andrei
Sakharov of the Soviet Union who detonated the first deliverable hydrogen
bomb on August 12, 1953."

The first test-explosion of a U.S. hydrogen bomb device was the BRAVO shot at
a test site in the Pacific on March 1, 1954.

Note carefully the sequence of dates above from the emphatic statement by
Eisenhower on Jan 8, 1954 through to the National Security Council decision
defining "Covert Operations" on March 15, 1954. These bracket the initial and
operational Hydrogen bomb explosion dates by the Soviets on August 12, 1953
and the first U.S. shot on March 1, 1954.

As the world's military strategists noted those developments they knew all
too well that "Conventional" warfare in any form that had been known before
was no longer the final solution to international conflicts of any size. At
the same time they were beginning to realize that these great
"Fission-Fusion-Fission" hydrogen weapons would not resolve international
disputes effectively either.

Bernard O'Keefe, one of the few men with a total, practical understanding of
the hydrogen weapon, summed up this problem that faces the citizens of the
entire world at the close of his book, Nuclear Hostages
Only when we get economic cooperation can we hope to get political
reconciliation. Only when a prosperous economy permits it, will the barriers
to human rights of the police state begin to fall. Only when these things
begin to happen can mutual understanding and mutual trust emerge. Only then
can come meaningful disarmament. Only then, and generations away, can we
realize the hopes for the world government, the ultimate solution to the
nuclear threat.

We have the time.

We have until the end of the world.

Except for Mr. O'Keefe's 1983 words, the above is an outline of the thinking
of World Leaders of the Mid-Fifties era. It may be noted that the alternative
to that "War Planning" stalemate was first stated by the Dulles brothers
team. They saw a future for "Covert Operations" as a potential alternative.
This led to NSC's approval of CIA's Saigon Military Mission and to the most
important document of those decades, NSC Directive #5412 of March 15, 1994
that became the official recognition and sanctioning of covert operations in
Indochina and throughout the world. Such operations were required to have
been "Approved and Directed" by the NSC, and specifically:
Such operations shall not include: armed conflict by recognized military
forces, espionage and counterespionage, nor cover and deception for military

In other words, during this age of thermonuclear weapons, the United States
would utilize covert operations under the control of the CIA. From that date
on the CIA became:

1. This nation's "Secret Team", and
2. The "Make-War" power-center of this country.

During this period of the early Fifties, I was the Commanding Officer of the
99th Air Transport Squadron of the Military Air Transport Squadron in Tokyo
with regularly scheduled flights to Honolulu on the East and across Southeast
Asia to Saudi Arabia on the West. All during 1952-1954 my squadron operated
in and out of Saigon weekly. As a result I became quite familiar with the
troubled situation in that emerging country, later known as South Vietnam,
first-hand; and with Edward G. Lansdale and his Saigon Military Mission

It became clear that the CIA role in Indochina was to strengthen its SMM, to
recruit as many Vietnamese as possible in order to assist Ngo Dinh Diem with
the task of establishing a new state: South Vietnam.

I was transferred from Tokyo to the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk in
1954, and after that excellent course, transferred to the Pentagon. Shortly
after reporting there I was informed by the Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force,
Gen. Thomas D. White that I had been selected to establish an Air Force
office designed to operate under the provisions of NSC 5412 to "provide
military support of the clandestine operations of the CIA." I was introduced
to selected representatives of each Air Force staff section that would be
involved in this new task, and then Mr. Allen Dulles, Director of Central
Intelligence had me put through a complete indoctrination of his Agency,
which ended with an escorted trip around the world to meet personally with
CIA Station Chiefs of each country where there was clandestine activity. By
the end of 1956, it had become clear to me and to my associates that the CIA
was certainly the "Make War" branch of the government and that new "Secret
Team" would be responsible for most "war-like" activity around the world . .
. provided it had been directed by the National Security Council to do so.

This is the background of the nation's planning for "warfare" during this
Nuclear era, and for the role of the military services in its support. This
was my responsibility from 1955-1964 as my work was cycled first through the
Air Force, then through the Office of the Secretary of State and finally
through the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

This book, The Secret Team relates much of the story with episodes that have
never been made public before.

L. Fletcher Prouty
Colonel, U.S. Air Force (Retired)


1.  Special Operations is a name given in most cases, but not always, to any
clandestine, covert, undercover, or secret operations by the government or by
someone, U.S. citizen or a foreign national . . . even in special cases a
stateless professional, or U.S. or foreign activity or organization. It is
usually secret and highly classified. It is to be differentiated from Secret
intelligence and in a very parochial sense from Secret or Special
Intelligence Operations.

2.  Foreign Relations of the United States: 1952-54, Volume XIII, Indochina,
Part 1. Department of State Publication 9210, Washington, D.C. p.949.

3.  Ibid., p.954.

4.  Ibid., p.963.

5.  Ibid., p.964.

6.  The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War, Part I, 1945-1961, prepared for
the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, by the Congressional
Research Service, Library of Congress, printed by the U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, 1984. See Appendix C on page 330.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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