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Mind Control in America

Five Easy Steps To Create

A Manchurian Candidate


Gunther Russbacher sent the original pieces of this article to his wife,
Rayelan in 1996. In December of 1996, Rayelan pieced together Gunther’s many
letters, and published the original article on “Mind Control in America” in
the print edition of Rumor Mill News.
Several days before the Columbine shootings, a man from Austria came to
California to meet with Rayelan and clear up some of the hard to understand
passages in the original article. The man said he was Gunther’s boss in
Austrian Intelligence. Since Rayelan had never met Gunther’s boss, the man
provided information that only Rayelan, Gunther and Gunther Austrian
Intelligence superior would know.

The Austrian told her he had helped Gunther write the first part of the
article on “Operation Open Eyes.” The original article was hand written by
Gunther and sent to Rayelan in several different letters. The man from
Austria said that he had personal knowledge of the 5 Levels of programming,
and that was the part of the article he had helped Gunther write. The second
part of the original RMNews article was taken from other letters written by
Gunther, alone. The man from Austria said he could only correct the part
that he had helped write because he had no personal knowledge of Gunther’s
own mind control experiences, or how the United States used this method of
mind control.

Shortly after the Austrian met with Rayelan, the tragedy at Columbine
happened. Rayelan now believes that the Columbine killings were the
beginning of the final push to take all guns out of the hands of the
American people. One month, to the day, after Columbine, another similar
shooting occurred in Georgia. These killings are not random acts of teenage
violence. These school killings are a planned, methodical attack on the
American Constitution and the freedom which is enjoyed but taken for granted
by citizens of the United States of America.

The method of the attack is designed to inflame anger and hysteria in the
American public. The media whips up the anger and hysteria and keeps it
fresh in America’s mind, with continual graphic, around the clock,
 “overkill” coverage and commentary of the dead and wounded victims, the
pain and suffering of the families, and the traumatic scars left on America’
s children. The President uses the hysteria of the moment to blame guns for
the problems in Americas schools and with America’s children. In the heat of
hysteria, Congress is pressured to pass more guns laws.

The hysteria and anger towards guns, propelled by the President and the
media, continues to sweep across America. No one in media or being
interviewed by the media, is allowed to speak rationally on the subject of
guns. Rational people are shouted down by talk show hosts, as in the
infamous Rosie O’Donnell interview with Tom Selleck. Members of Congress who
try to point out the fact that existing gun laws don’t work, because the
Clinton Administration doesn’t enforce them, are portrayed by the media as
being “on the take” from the NRA.

No one is permitted to step back from the hysteria and consider that all the
gun laws in the world, including a total destruction of all guns, could have
stopped what happened at Columbine.

If there were no guns available to the two young men and their accomplices
at Columbine, the killings would have happened anyway. A gun was not used to
blow up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Guns were not used to kill the
800,000 TsuTsis who were killed in Rwanda by the Hutus.

The children at Columbine and at the other schools across America were
killed by other children. The “child killers” used guns, but they could just
as easily used machetes or bombs. The man who drove his pick up truck
through the window of Luby’s restaurant in Killean, Texas used a high
powered assault rifle to murder dozens of people. He could just as easily
thrown a bomb through the restaurant window. The bomb would have killed more
people than the gun, and the killer would have escaped alive. But a bomb
would not have accomplished the first step in the planned take-over of
America. That first step is the elimination of all guns in the hands of the
American public!

Many of the mass murderers in the recent decade have committed suicide at
the site of the killings, or they are killed by a law enforcement officer,
once the various government agencies arrive. In several cases of school
shootings, the “child killers” have been stopped by teachers or principles
who had guns. If the adult school officials had not had guns, by the time
the law enforcement officers arrive, more victims would have been killed. It
is also possible that the “child killers” would have “self destructed” by
committing suicide. Dead men and boys, tell no tales.

With the “child killers” dead, there is no way to trace back, to its origin
in mind control programming, the true cause of the killing spree. If these
children have been programmed using a Manchurian Candidate type of mind
control, that has been around since the 1920's, and actively used since the
Korean War, a trained psychiatrist can find the mind control tracks! For the
psychiatrist to do his job, he needs a live “killer”, and he needs the
cooperation of the local law enforcement officials.

The only way to stop these shootings is to make the public realize that
“Manchurian Candidates” do exist, and the kids who are committing these
tragic crimes are victims of government mind control. The purpose of the
shootings is to inflame the public against guns so that they force Congress
to pass restrictive gun laws.

Once the guns are out of the hands of the American public, another twist in
random mayhem will begin. More programmed “Manchurian Candidates” will begin
anarchistic attacks on the public using bombs, knives, fires, Molotov
cocktails, baseball bats and any other item that can be used as a weapon.
Anarchy will sweep the streets of the United States.

The public will be disarmed and unable to protect themselves. Therefore, the
government will step in and become everyone’s protector and Big Brother! The
government will do this by suspending the last threads of our barely
surviving Constitution, declaring martial law, rounding up the dissidents,
patrolling our streets with armed United Nations or NATO military,
instituting curfew, and shooting anyone who disobeys any of the newly
imposed laws. In other words, a totalitarian government will take control,
and if you oppose them, you will be sent to the Gulags.

If the school killings escalate as a Rumor Mill News Source said they will,
Congress will be bribed, blackmailed or threatened to pass the bills which
will take away out guns. If this happens in 1999 or the year 2000, Bill and
Hillary Clinton will be the permanent totalitarian rulers of the United

Programmed “Manchurian Candidates” as well as political and government
leaders whose own personal agendas have been replaced with mind controlled
New World Order “overlays”, will work in tandem to bring the United States
under the iron fisted rule of a One World Government.

There is enough research on mind control to convince any rational person
that mind control and programmed assassins exist. Congress will not
investigate this. Our Congress is either bribed with money or promises of
high positions in the New World Government, or they are blackmailed and/or
threatened with death or the death or their loved ones.

The only hope America has of exposing this and stopping it, is for a
courageous community to demand that their district attorney look into the
mind control aspect of the shootings. This courageous community must stand
together as a united front. If only a handful of residents try to force
their local government to investigate and expose the mind control behind the
killing rampages, then that handful can be broken and defused using simple
techniques of “divide and conquer”, and “smear and attack” These courageous
residents will be painted as mentally unstable, or as criminals and
pedophiles. If these simple techniques of “breaking and diffusing the
opposition” don’t work, then the heavier guns of bribery, blackmail, threats
and murder will be used. Only a well coordinated and informed public, with
NO LEADER OR SPOKESPERSON, can expose the horror of what is really happening
in America.

Why no leader or spokesperson? Because you can never be sure you are not
putting a government infiltrator in charge of the attempt to expose the
truth. In other words, the only person whose agenda you can trust is your
own. This means, if you want the truth exposed, YOU have to do it.

One of the places where an investigator can begin research is with Satanic
cults and children’s mental institutions and in house drug rehabilitation
programs. Almost all of the children involved in the school killings had
attended a Satanic cult or had been in a mental hospital.. These are the two
main ways of programming children without parental knowledge. The local
authorities or researchers and investigators need to start there.

There have been many books written about CIA mind control programs, but no
document or book has exposed the method used to create a programmed
assassin. This article covers the basics of the program. Once you read this,
you will understand how and why mass murders such as Columbine, take place.
In the case of the mass murders using guns, these mind controlled assassins
are being used to sow terrorism in order to force Congress to pass tougher,
more draconian gun laws which do not stop terrorism, but take away freedoms
Americans take for granted.

In the case of the children being murdered by children. This is a “CIA
modified” “Hegelian Dialectic” technique. In other words, if you want
society to become something different than it is, you must set up the
conditions which will bring about the desired results. The German
philosopher, Frederich Hegel called it: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. The
CIA calls it: Crisis Creation, Crisis Solution, Crisis Control. (Navy
Captain Trenton Parker describes how the CIA uses this technique in foreign
countries to influence politics. See end of article for information.)

In the case of Columbine and other similar shootings the scenario is as


An armed America


Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with guns


Draconian antigun laws which disarm America
The CIA’s version of Hegel’s Dialectic omits the Thesis, their version
starts with the antithesis:

Crisis Creation replaces Antithesis:

Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with guns, who were
either programmed or in the employee of the CIA or other government agencies

Crisis Solution replaces Synthesis:

Draconian gun laws which take the guns away from everyone, including law
abiding citizens.

Crisis Control Becomes the New Thesis

In the case of gun violence, the new thesis will resemble a police state,
where only the government will have guns
To further illustrate the point. America is a nation full of guns and
guaranteed the right to own and bear arms, by the Constitution of the United

America cannot be taken over by the New World Order and their
socialist/communist agenda, if Americans are armed, (this is the Thesis, an
armed citizenry), therefore conditions must be created that will cause the
American public to demand that their Constitutional right to bear arms be

These created conditions are called “The Antithesis” by Hegel; it is called
Crisis Creation by the CIA. In the case of an armed citizenry, the
antithesis, or anti-thesis, is random, senseless and horrific murders using
guns as the weapon.

When these two conditions, i.e.; an armed citizenry and horrific gun
violence, exist simultaneously, public hysteria can be whipped up making the
public demand that their Congressional representatives outlaw all guns. This
is called “The Synthesis” by Hegel; or Crisis Solution by the CIA..

The “synthesis” then becomes the new “Thesis” for a new triad in Hegel’s
Dialectic. In the CIA’s version of Hegel’s Dialectic, the synthesis i.e.;
the Crisis Solution brings about the new Thesis which is called: Crisis

When Hitler wanted to wipe Jewish DNA from all of Europe, he created similar
“antithesis” conditions which allowed the passage of similar anti gun laws.
If all Jews in Germany had been armed, how easy would it have been for
Hitler to send them to concentration camps? An armed citizenry can protect
itself from its government.

Hitler’s plan to eliminate all gun from German citizens was so successful
that Connecticut Senator Thomas J. Dodd, father of today’s Connecticut
Senator Chris Dodd, used Hitler’s model to frame the Gun Control Act of
1968. (More information at end of article.)

The Government’s Diabolic Plan Must Be Exposed
If this horrendous, diabolic plan to disarm America is not exposed, we can
expect to see many more killings like the ones at Columbine. Each subsequent
episode will be 100 times worse than the others. In Columbine, the real
people behind the killings were sending a subtle message to anyone who can
decipher it: The bombs that were found were not intended to go off. They
were merely there to let “key people” in Congress know what will happen the
next time. In other words, instead of 15 people being killed, hundreds,
maybe even thousands will be killed.

More than likely, there was a “Control Officer” handling these boys. If an
honest police unit uncovers him, he will be sacrificed, just like Tim
McVeigh. He will be portrayed in the exact way the Tim McVeigh has been
portrayed. In other words, he will be part of “The Vast Right Wing
Conspiracy”, he will be a “gun nut”, he will belong to an Aryan Christian
Once you read how “Manchurian Candidates” are created, you will fully
understand what is behind the incidents like the school killings, the crash
of Ron Brown’s plane, The North Hollywood bank robbery, the massacre at Luby
’s, and the killings at the Capitol, (Tom DeLay was the intended target at
the Capitol. Maybe he would be interested in how his would be assassin was

* * * * *

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