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Operation Open Eyes

Government insiders reveal how

The United States Government

Finds, Chooses and Creates


Mind-controlled, programmed zombies, also known as:

Manchurian Candidates

An Overview of a

Government Mind Control Program
How the Subjects are Chosen
A preset group of our people (from the intelligence community) canvasses the
county hospitals and immigration centers in order to find viable candidates.
We locate and select people who have no close family or friends. Once they
have been selected, they are put under heavy, Level One hypnosis. At this
time a clear and definitive pattern of their usefulness is determined by our
psychiatrists and field officers. If the candidate possesses a relatively
high IQ, he will be filed in a category file, called "call file. "
Levels One and Two
If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, a “recall” command and an
accompanying “trigger” word will be written into his personality during the
Level One hypnosis session. This “trigger” will activate his recall program
when we are ready for him. We then systematically do a background search and
create a file for future reference.

If there are no relatives, to speak of, the subject will be “recalled” and
taken to a location of our choice. Further tests for vulnerability will be
conducted at this location. If he passes these tests, he is then brought to
Level 2 hypnosis where specific instructions are “written” (placed through
hypnotic commands and suggestions) into his personality and he is given
diverse small orders.

If the subject, upon release, shows that he has retained the instructions
which were “written” into his personality, and if he carries out the small
and unimportant work duties which were assigned under Level 2 hypnosis, he
will receive a “recall service notice".

The timing of a “recall service notice” depends on how quickly we can
determine that the programming which was “written” into the subject’s
personality has enabled him to complete his Level 2 work assignments
properly. Once this determination has been made, a “recall service notice”
will be given to him by a person, or “handler” to whom we have introduced

If the subject was not given a “trigger” word, the “handler” will use a
quick and powerful form of hypnosis similar to Neural Linguistic
Programming. The subject will be told when and where to report. The subject
will have no memory of being given these instructions, he will just report
on time to the proper location. IF the subject was given a “trigger” word or
symbol. He will report to the designated location upon activation of the

Level 3
The next step is Level 3 hypnosis, where the subject will become an
“overwrite” upon his own personality. An “overwrite” is a new identity or
personality. It is similar to having multiple personalities, except the
original personality is repressed or hidden under the “overwrite” and will
not surface for a set period of time which is determined by the Programmer.

The “overwrite” is not a complete new identity. There is just enough
information written into the subject’s personality for us to determine his

In the case of a Field Operative, Level 3 hypnosis is how the operative is
prepared for a covert mission which requires a temporary new identity. Just
enough information will be written in for the operative’s alias and story to
be believable by everyone, including law enforcement officials. In the case
of a field operative who will be using this alias for only one occasion, his
normal personality is not repressed, it is made recessive, but left alert.

For the field operative who is being prepared for a deadly covert mission, a
Level 3 “overwrite” can eliminate all fear and nervousness, and allow him to
function under the nose of his enemies without the added stress of being
discovered. All operatives have to go to, and through these 3 Levels before
they are fielded! Sometimes they go through Level 3 many times.

During Level 3 programming sessions, the new subject is told that anything
his “friends”, i.e. programmers, ask him to do, is okay, even though it may
be against all laws of the land. At Level 3, the subject is also programmed
to believe that he must and can do everything his “friends” i.e.,
programmers ask him to do.

Once Level 3 Programming has been “overlaid” upon the new subject’s own
personality, he/she is once again given a “recall service order” and is then
discharged. The subject will be monitored to see how well he functions with
his new personality. If everything goes well, he will be recalled for
further programming.

The higher the IQ of a given subject, the further the programming goes! If
the IQ is high enough we will study his abilities and our needs, and
determine how the subject can be further used. Once this determination is
made, the subject will be brought to “The Farm” or one of our numerous
facilities throughout the U.S. and Canada for further and final programming.
(Doctors Hospital in Dallas, TX is one of our main centers!)

Level 4
Once at the facility, we will put the subject into Level 4 hypnosis, a place
where he no longer differentiates between right and wrong. The subject will
be told he is a “Super Human” and all laws are written for other people. The
subject’s moral code, respect for the law, and fear of dying is replaced
with new “Super Human” feelings.

This is the Level that turns a subject into a “Clear Eyes”, i.e., a fully
programmed “sleeper” assassin, who can commit crimes as serious as murder,
and afterwards have no shame, guilt, or remorse.

The Level 3 Super Human “overwrite” replaces the subject’s own morality
and/or religious ethics with a program that makes him believe he is beyond
all human laws. If the intent of the programming is to create a programmed
assassin who will kill on cue, all morality, fear, and revulsion of bloody
body parts must be eliminated. The Super Human “overwrite” eliminates both.
The Super Human “overwrite” also gives the subject the feeling of
immortality and invincibility.

If he has to perform a particularly suicidal or important assignment we do
our job at Stoney Mountain facilities.

At Level 4, diverse programs can be written/or overwritten into the brain.
Any command is accepted at this level. At Level 4 you can give the test
subject a completely new personality and history. You are able to make
him/her believe anything the program requires for the accomplishment of the
desired project. In this case, a completely new person is being created, not
just a partial personality as is Level 3.

Once the Level 4 programming is complete, the subject will be a different
person with no memory of his former life. He will not be an amnesiac, he
will have memories. Ones which we gave him. He/she will be relocated to a
new state and town and given a new life. Everything to complete the
construction of the new person will be provided. Items such as driver's
licence, car, bank accounts, passport, credit cards, and birth certificate
will be created or supplied by us and will be valid and legal.

The subject will also be provided with all the small things that ordinary
people have in their lives, such as photos of his family. His family won’t
really exist, but he won’t know this. He will have all the feelings of love,
hurt or anger that normal family members feel for each other.

The photos of family and friends will be of deep cover agency personnel. If
ever a mission goes “sour” and the news media starts looking for his family,
the “agency created family” will be produced for a news conference or an
interview. Agency personnel have been well coached and are trained actors
and actresses. They will fill their roles perfectly, usually letting the
public know that the “Clear Eyes” subject has always had a deeply troubled
and violent past. The media will present the “Clear Eyes” as a nut case who
went on a tragic and senseless rampage. Within a month, the public will have
forgotten the incident.

Completing the new life and home, will be souvenirs from trips the subject
has never taken, but yet remembers. There will also be small mementos of a
life he has never lived, yet believes he has. Upon the completion of Level 4
Programming, the subject and patient (one and the same) now has an agenda
that he believes is his own.

In other words, if the subject is going to be used to infiltrate a patriot
group, religious commune, political campaign or environmental movement, the
subject will be given all the knowledge and beliefs that are commonly held
by people in his targeted group. The subject will believe that his fervently
held opinions are his own. He will be believable to other members of the

Many politicians and government officials on a world wide level have been
given “new agendas” through the use of Level 4 programming. Their own
beliefs are replaced with the agenda of the programmers. They are given
super human talents such as a photographic memory, and the ability to lie

President Clinton is an example of a world leader who has been programmed
with this technique. Senator John McCain and Secretary of State Madeline
Albright are two other examples of an “agenda overlay” being “overwritten”
onto the subjects own personality. In the cases of these people, their own
personalities and memories are still present, to a large extant, although
childhood and early adolescent memories are sometimes erased when this
technique is used.

Once the future government leader is programmed, he will be recalled on a
yearly basis and given hypnotic reinforcement of the original programming,
or new programming will be “inserted” to modify the original programs. If no
new programming is needed, the reinforcement programming can be done on a
mass scale. In other words, “programmed sleepers” who are part of a lecture
audience or a “think tank retreat”, can have their programming “reinforced”
through a lecture or film. The rest of the audience, such as wives and
children, will notice nothing out of the ordinary.

Upon completion of Level 4, the subject who has been chosen to become a
“programmed sleeper assassin” is fully prepared for Level 5.

Level 5

At Level 5,

The “trigger” which activates

The program is inserted.
At Level 5, very carefully, a code word, sequence of numbers, or a voice
imprint is “etched” into the subject’s brain. This is commonly known and
referred to as the "trigger" which will activate the subject into action. At
this time, the subject will also be implanted with a coded tracking device
so that his location will always be known.

Once Level 5 programming is complete, the subject is released to live a very
normal and sometimes useful life. The subject will have no memory of being
involved with the intelligence community, and will have no memory of the
hypnosis sessions.

The “sleeper” who has been given a complete new identity will have no memory
of his “former” life, therefore he will never question who he is. The
subject will live a normal life as a doctor, an airline pilot, a politician,
an eccentric loner, or a movie star until the subject is required to perform
the missions for which he was created.

These missions or programs were implanted/written into Level 4 hypnosis.
Once the the Level 5, programmed “sleeper” assassin is finished with the
programming , he is referred to as a “Clear Eyes”. A “Clear Eyes” is a
“sleeper assassin” who is capable of being triggered, i.e. activated.

Once a “Clear Eyes” is “triggered”, accidently or on purpose, the subject is
beyond recall. A Level 5 “Clear Eyes” can only be approached after he
carries out his program or operation.

Because of the programming, the subject will not be able to associate with
the crime he has just committed. Such a programmed subject is Sirhan Sirhan,
the assassin of Robert Kennedy. To this day Sirhan cannot recall anything
about shooting Senator Kennedy.

Only psychiatrists trained in our method of sub mental behavior programming,
overwrites and overlays, will be able to find any tracks leading to post
Level 1 or 2 mind control. In other words, a regular psychiatrist may
discover that the subject has been hypnotized in the past, and may even
discover the original personality. But a regular psychiatrist will never be
able to discover the location in the brain or memory, where Levels 3, 4 and
5 programs are stored.

Without an activation “key”, a normal psychiatrist will never uncover the
programming unless by accident.

If the programmed subject is told to walk into an armed camp and assassinate
an enemy leader, the subject will carry out his program with no regard to
his personal welfare, whether he lives or dies, or how he is supposed to
escape. In most cases of programmed “Clear Eyes” who commit murders or
assassinations, the subject is killed on the spot, either by an innocent
bystander who kills only to end the killing, or by an agency operative who
is on site to insure nothing goes wrong, in other words, that the subject
“self destructs” or is killed.

In some cases the subject is captured and not killed. Due to the type of
programming used in “Operation Open Eyes”, the subject will not be able to
divulge any information. Even if the subject is brutally tortured, he will
not be able to remember the actual killing or terrorist act, let alone why
he did it. This is because all programming is buried deep within long
forgotten childhood memories which were recalled under Level 3 hypnosis.
(This is the level where real childhood memories are accidently destroyed in
politicians and other officials who have agendas “overwritten” on their own

Even under the ‘truth serum” drugs, the subject cannot reveal the truth
because his conscious mind has no access to it. Using “Operation Open Eyes”,
the government can create the perfect assassin, saboteur or terrorist. One
who will perform on cue, not be able to remember anything, or self destruct
before being captured.

End of Part One

* * * * *
Part Two
Written by Gunther Russbacher,
>From his own Experiences
I have personally witnessed Levels 1-5 programming, and was myself a subject
of level 3 programming. In Level 3 programming five different sets of
primary aliases were created for me. It takes two years to fully create a
new personality. All the small gestures, such as grimaces, laughs, smiles
and frowns have to be created, as well as an accent, a specific way of
walking and carrying himself... his bearing.

If a subject has a high IQ, around 130-140, the subject is very quick to
learn anything fed to him/her during the programming sessions. All major
patriot groups, government offices and. government contract corporations
have at least one or more "sleepers" attached to them.

Project Clear Eyes
This is the placing of a “sleeper" or "sleepers" in radical groups,
religious communes, or any other place that a “sleeper” is needed. The the
bombing of the Murrah Building was a clear cut case of project "Clear Eyes".

Tom Valentine's radio show as well as the Spotlight newspaper are vehicles
we have employed in the past to trigger our subjects. In other words, the
“Clear Eyes” subject has been given the suggestion to listen to certain
shortwave broadcasts or read certain newspapers. Knowing that the “Clear
Eyes” has been programmed to listen, religiously, to a certain radio
program, a guest or caller will give the “trigger words” that will activate
the "Clear Eyes."

If the subject has been told by his “programmers” to subscribe and read a
certain newspaper each day, or week, the “trigger” will be a classified ad
or letter to the editor. If the newspaper happens to be an Agency creation
or proprietary, the “trigger” word or phrase will be worked into an article.
There are some “sleepers” who are kept active by the constant re-enforcement
of their programming through key words and phrases that are published in
Agency newspapers. These “Agency Papers” are usually publications of new age
cults or Christian Identity groups. They usually have a readership of less
than five thousand people.

Waco was a "Open Eyes" operation. There were seven “sleepers” in the
compound. These seven “sleepers” had been programmed to carry out a specific
job. The specific mission was written into their personalities during Level
4 programming. They had not yet received their Level 5 programming, and
should not have been capable of being triggered to carry out their the Level
4 programmed mission.

The Davidian group was created to perform a terrorist acts similar to the
sarin gas that was released in the Japanese subway by the Aum Shin Riko

Shortly after the Waco holocaust, attorney Paul Wilcher was briefed on the
Waco mind control operation by members of the Delta Force Group that oversaw
the programming operation. These men were sent in to neutralize only the 7
“sleepers”. Their programming had somehow been prematurely activated, and
they were creating a device for mass destruction.

Randy Weaver, of the Ruby Ridge incident, was a control subject that ended
up “out of control.” (RMNews: Russbacher never gave further information on

Robert Hunt is a sleeper that was put on hold. At some, not too distant
date, you will see Bob Hunt performing his true and final role.

(RMNews Editor: Bob Hunt is a Navy SEAL and covert operative who was
instrumental in leaking classified documents to Rodney Stich. These
documents confirmed that the government operatives who came forward and
broke their cover to tell the truth, were indeed who they said they were.
Whenever a government covert operative breaks his cover and begins to tell
the truth, he/she is either jailed or killed. Robert Hunt is currently in
prison. Others, who are listed on the documents he released are either dead,
in prison or in hiding. Robert Hunt is quoted on p. 10 of the November issue
of RMNews. He is discussing a group of programmed assassins that he
personally trained at Camp Perry. When you combine the information he
released plus other information on the Pegasus Assassination Unit, you begin
to understand that the men and women who make up these units have all been
programmed at least up to Level 3.

Some, who are trained for suicide missions, are prograrnmed up to Level 4
and 5. The man who killed all the people in Luby's restaurant in Killean,
Texas was probably programmed to Level 5, but he could have been accidently
“triggered”. The Tasmanian mass murderer was also programmed to Level 5 and
to self destruct, but he didn't. If the governments of the world really were
serious about getting to the bottom of random acts of terrorism, they would
take apart this man's brain, one engram at a time, until they discovered the
"Open Eyes" program. But since the Australian government is using the
massacre in Tasmania as an excuse to confiscate all the guns, it is unlikely
that they will want to let anyone do a psychological profile of the
Tasmanian killer. In fact, if any country tries to press the issue, the
killer will probably just commit suicide, or be “suicided”.)

Gunther Russbacher continues:
“I hope it is becoming clear to you the various levels that are used by the
Intel community to get their job done. Remember Jonestown? It was one of
ours that went sour because a "Clear Eyes" was in the group.

“When he, the "Clear Eyes", began firing on the runway, it all self
destructed. Congressman Leo Ryan, who was killed, knew it was a government
operation. The “Clear Eyes” was accidently, through a lone sequence,
activated! There was no way to stop the killings.

All members of the cult were programmed to at least level 3. There were only
3 deaths attributable to cyanide, the rest died of gunfire. Now you know
little more about our line of work. I am glad I am out of it.”

(RMNews: On p. 14 on the September 1996 issue we printed a letter called:
Jonestown: The Whole Story, Project Blue, The Guiana Operation. The letter
is attached at the end of this article.)

Russbacher Continues:
How Sleepers are Produced
“The initial stages of hypnosis are derived by subconsciously distracting a
person to where he/she does not realize that hypnosis is taking place. If
the procedure is done in a doctor's office, or in the emergency room of a
hospital, a Level One hypnosis, with a post hypnotic suggestion, to return
for another session on a specified day, time and location, can be all be
given in less than five minutes.

At an emergency room, the doctors have to be far more cautious because of
the others (emergency room workers) who are about him. At any rate, a second
and far more detailed appointment is made where Levels Two and Three can be
attained within a matter of 2-3 sittings.

At Level Two, a light program is already in place, that makes the subject
pliable to the will of the hypnotherapist. At Level 3, the program is
expanded to include specific trigger words; i.e. “stepdown".

A Level Four program can only be attained by completely removing the already
altered, conscious state of Level three. This procedure is done under drugs!
The needle is inserted into one of the veins of the lower legs, sometimes on
the back of the leg. The needle is never inserted in an easily visible spot
where it can be seen and questions asked as to where such a needle stick
came from.

With the IV fluids of the drugs and the 3 levels already attained,
brainwashing takes effect. Complete blocks of intact memory are taken out
and removed. The “overwrite” is generally placed next to and/or in addition
to childhood memories. The area we choose to attach our program to is pre
puberty. It can range from age 9-12. That's where the “overwrite” is placed.

A complete set of instructions are then entered into the void space and are
assimilated immediately, by the brain as belonging there--and having always
been there. At this point the complete instruction package has been set. It
is no trouble at all to create an unspace (an emptyness of several days
time--time being removed and rewritten into the main brain.) lasting up to
several days or a week. The team, performing the “erase”, “new program” and
“transfer of data”; at random, choose a period of time where there was no
event of special interest to the patient.

The Level Four stage permits the team to go back, one day at a time, in the
victim’s life. It is an easy accomplishment to find such an ordinary
fragment of time where nothing occurred. Remember that the brain assimilates
the “rewrite” immediately as its own.

The program entry can be so well covered and truly hidden that if you were
to revive the patient-without a level 5 trigger in place to bring the
subject to that spot of their lives, the complete program would be lost

Since the brain has continual wave lengths, level 5 is implanted as a
trigger command (just like in a computer) to bring that person, instantly
(by preplanted hypnotic suggestion) to that moment of their lives where this
violent or non-violent program is located. If it is to be a one time mission
(with suicide built-in) a complete remake of the victim is made at level 4.

We can take Subject-A, and impose on them all personality traits, customs
and beliefs of a person we call subject-B... or reverse them. That means my
subject will have to remain in the lab until a complete recycling has been
achieved. At that point I can make him believe anything 1 tell him.
Example: If I tell him that he is a construction worker, and feed him all
the data required to perform the job, he will believe just that. If I tell
him to take another name, change his entire being, leave his family and
become someone else in another town, he will follow through on the command,
but only if I insert a level 5 trigger command instructing him to do that
when he hears certain words; i.e., a nursery rhyme or any trigger word that
I implant.

Certain major corporations and Madison Avenue advertizing agencies have a
long history of working with the government. Nursery rhymes such as
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” can be worked into the advertisements that
are played on television and radio. These ads can be targeted to population
areas where programmed "sleepers" or “sleeper" are living, thereby activatin
g only certain sleepers without having to have personal contact in any

The other viable alternative, for most of the case subjects under our
control, is to implement a “rider package” that will compel him/her to
fulfill the functions of our level four programming, by placing an
appropriate trigger in his mind. He or she will continue to lead a perfectly
normal life until made active by a command from a command file. Any number
of unrelated triggers can be implanted hypnotically--just in case the first
one has been lost in the deep fog when you bring the subject back to the
Pre-Level One stage (state).

We always have a least 300-400, one way mission, Level 5's running about
leading relatively functional lives in the different cities where we have
placed them. At times a man will leave his wife (or vice versa) and just
move away. We don't take into consideration if these men have children. We
use them, because they are tailored to a specific task we see coming up in
the foreseeable future.
However, please bear in mind that most of our level 5 cases lead very normal
lives until they are activated. At that point, the Level Four program takes
precedence in the subject's life, above all else

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