-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I have that book with the same name called Implantable Biochip Technology,
see below. Every technical detail on what the companies are developing for
this whole system. (no preaching!  - all 80 pages of technology) The address
is there below and its $US 10

The Mark of the New WorldOrder:
I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

By: Terry L. Cook

Clinton's proposed health care card, a disguised NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD is
an ingenious device for tracking and controlling the lives of American
citizens. This new ID card will allow Big Brother and Big Sister (uncle Bill
and aunt Hillary, or any other New World Order representative) to maintain
digitized, permanent, and accessible records on every man, woman and child
in America. The government wants us to believe that this socialistic plan
will benefit us by allegedly improving the quality and/or general
availability of health care coverage in the United States. But nothing could
be further from the truth!

Indeed, the ulterior objective of this plan is not to improve the quality or
availability of health care insurance. Rather, it is a devious means of
consolidating and computerizing all available information on each of us into
a new electronically digitized, centralized government data base that will
ultimately lead to a complete loss of privacy, enslavement, and control.

To make this enslaving system work, each of us must have a unique ID number
that can be accessed by various local, national and international computer
banks. That is why the National Health Board, which would be set up under
this socialistic "Health Care" program, would "enforce unique identification
numbers for all consumers," according to government literature. This is
already being done in Canada and other countries.

The Clintonista National Identity Card will become so ubiquitous, so
necessary in order to comply with government regulations, that we will be
forced to carry it with us at all times! That leads to a very serious
problem. What if we lose it? What if someone steals it? Will we be able to
function without it? Probably not! But don't fret, your "friendly"
New-World-Order government has a solution. You see, there is a new, more
advanced and sophisticated system of identification that cannot be lost or
stolen! It will make the ID card obsolete. It's a syringe-implantable ID
transponder biochip that goes into your body. A tiny microchip, the size of
a grain of rice, is simply injected under the skin of your RIGHT HAND!
Unlike laser-light bar code marking systems, biochip implants utilize low
frequency FM radio waves (125 kHz) that pass through objects. These ID
biochips are therefore much more effective and efficient than any previous
method of verifying one's identity. In fact, biochip transponder technology
is the only viable means of identifying living creatures. ID implants will
eventually replace all existing forms of identification devices for people.'

These amazing, relatively simple biochip radio transceiver implants are
battery-free, passive devices that will have everyone's unalterable,
international 18 digit ID number electronically encoded into them. Once they
have been injected under our skin, we will have been ELECTRONICALLY BRANDED
for life! Liken it to a modern, electronic TECHNOLOGICAL TATTOO if you will.

Of course, most of us (especially Christians) will find such a surgically
implanted government microchip unacceptable and repugnant. But it will be
forced on us nevertheless. In fact many will be easily coerced into this new
totalitarian system of identification because without accepting it no one
will be permitted to buy or sell anything, anywhere in the coming cashless,
global economy.

Yes, that's correct! In the coming New World Order system of communistic
control there will be no jobs, no food, no homes, no cars, no health care,
no retirement benefits, no bank accounts or money without this hightech
electronic ID Mark IN YOUR BODY. You'll not be able to function in any
respect whatsoever without this world government ID/debit chip in your right
hand. Nor will you have any privacy. Individual privacy will be eliminated!
Transponder ID/debit chips will not only replace cash, checks and credit
cards, they will supplant all existing forms of identification. These
biochip implants will become our passports, driver's licenses, health care
cards, social security cards, etc. In other words, they will become our
UNIVERSAL ID and ATM / DEBIT CHIPS all in one. One World, One Biochip.
Presently, AT&T advertises it's new contactless, electronic smart card as,
"One World. One Card."

Simply pass your right hand over a radio-frequency (RFID) scanner and you
will be identified instantaneously and processed automatically wherever you
are. A radio wave will pass through the skin of your hand, activate your ID
transponder, and transmit your unique ID number back outside the skin to the
scanner. This entire process of identification will require only about two
seconds. Computers in the new, digitized, fiber-optical Information
Superhighway infrastructure will do the rest. In the very near future, all
buying and selling will be controlled. Scan your hand, and debit your
account. Sounds great, right? Wrong! Welcome to the enslaving, satanic New
World Order! Mr. Tim Willard, executive officer of the World Future Society,
a New Age Washington DC- based organization that claims 27,000 members
globally (including "Future Shock" author Alvin Toffler) was quoted recently
as saying, "The technology behind such a biochip implant is fairly
uncomplicated and with a little refinement, could be used in a variety of
HUMAN applications."

"Conceivably," Willard said, "a number could be assigned at birth and follow
that person throughout life. Most likely, it would be implanted on the back
of the RIGHT or LEFT HAND so that it would be easy to scan at stores. You
simply scan your hand to automatically debit your banking account."Willard
added, "The biochip implant could also be used as a universal type of
identification card that would replace all credit cards, passports and that
sort of thing. It could also become our medical care ID chip. It could even
replace house and car keys someday."

Currently, farmers, pet owners and manufacturers are using radio frequency
biochips or transponders to track and account for animals and equipment, But
one day soon, every human being on the face of the earth will also be
tracked and controlled with this technology, How do I know this? Really, it
is very simple.

Nineteen hundred years ago John warned us about just such a global system of
enslavement. He wrote in Revelation. A man, a world dictator, whose number
would be "666", would arise to power at the end of the Age (I suspect by the
year 2001) to enslave the world. He said that this incarnate devil-man, THE
ANTICHRIST, would make every living person on earth worship him and take his
number in their right hand or forehead. The Bible clearly informs us this
will be the most diabolical system of world government history has ever

Revelation Chapter 13, verses 16 through 18, state it this way, REV 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no
man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation Chapter 14, verses 9 and 11 says that any person who worships
this coming dictator/beast/man/antichrist and accepts his 666 economic MARK
(biochip implant?) in their right hands or foreheads will burn.

Could the Coming NEW WORLD ORDER global government be the final, devil-led
system of world government about which John wrote? Could the ID biochip
transponder be the MARK OF THE BEAST? I believe so, It is looking more and
more like it every day. If so, we should all strive to get closer to the
Lord Jesus Christ as those EVIL days approach us. Scripture says that only
those who believe in Christ will escape the coming horrors of the New World
Order. Choose Jesus Christ not the Antichrist as your master today! God
bless you!

A short bio about Terry Cook

Terry Cook is a retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff and a former State of
California fraud investigator.. He holds A.A., A.S., B.A., & B.S. degrees.
He also holds four teaching credentials and is a California licensed real
estate broker and insurance agent. In addition, he is a FAA licensed airline
transport jet pilot (commercial) and flight instructor. Terry has been
investigating biochip transponder identification technology for the past
five years. He has produced several educational, informative videos and
books on the subject. Presently, he is making available an excellent package
of information on implantable biochip technology arid how it relates to the
New World Order plan to enslave and control us.

Videos by Terry Cook $20 each.
666 Mark of the Beast
Pressing Toward "THE MARK of the Beast!"

Book by Terry Cook
Implantable Biochip Technology $10

All of Terry's books and videos are available by writing:

Second Coming Ministries

61535 S. Highway 97 Unit 9, Ste 288

Bend OR 97702

Return To Prophe-Zine #2


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