-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I've posted the study I've done on this mark of the beast several times...
You can go there for a more indepth study of the subject...
First, let me ask you...  WHAT is  *in* your forehead???  Let's hope it's
your frontal brain lobe.  That particular part of the brain has been
scientifically proven to be that part  which governs your thoughts
[involving the mind] and actions [the works of your hands] .  THIS is where
you are marked...  *IN* your mind,  in your spirit (which is the intellect
of the soul),  which causes the hands to perform for what you believe or
what you are governed by.

If you don't want to go to the study site, and want a brief reason why I
believe what I believe... It's because of what the Bible bears witness to
certain facts...
The mark of Cain was not physical.  Scripture?  Genesis 4:10-15
The Hebrew word for mark as used in this Genesis account regarding Cain, is
Strong's Concordance (Hebrew)  #226 - owth (oth), which means - a signal, as
a flag beacon or monument, omen, progeny (offspring), evidence, miracle,
ensign, token. God gave Cain a pledge or promise that he should not be
slain. This being spiritual in nature. It is not saying that He literally
placed a tattoo, color, or anything that can be seen by man, upon Cain. If
God had marked Cain with a physical marking, He would have placed him into a
position where all would know who saw him  *would*  kill him, which would be
contrary to God's negative purpose of keeping Cain and his offspring alive
until the end of this earth age (to the last generation). God gave Cain His
protection from being killed so that His negative purpose could be finally
accomplished in these, the last days.

When studying God's Word it is necessary to research all possibilities of
the subject at hand, in order to find the true meaning, and that which God
intended for us to know. Study is ordered so as to show oneself approved as
we are taught in 2 Timothy 2:15. Most importantly, once you have researched
a subject for yourself, and you, yourself have actually done the footwork,
there is no margin of error left in interpretation. For certainly no part of
the scripture is of any private interpretation, as we are taught by Peter (2
Peter 1:20-21). Always look it up and study a thing for yourself, even if
someone shows you the way to a study. You can settle any issue by being
certain of your own research! Let it not be said that you are one that
'wrestles' with the scripture as we are taught in 2 Peter 3:16-18.

The marks that we are concerned with here in this study, is the "mark of
God", and the "mark of the beast". The word "mark" in the Greek is Strong's
Concordance #5480 charagma (khar-ag-ma) as used in Revelation 9:4 and 13:18
which means 'brand' or 'a badge of servitude'. We are speaking here of the
servitude of Christ or the servitude of the antichrist (one who comes in the
stead of Christ). These marks are literally *in* the forehead, and/or *in*
the right hand. The mark [seal] of God is recognizable and *discerned* by
what you do with the knowledge of God's Word and it's purpose through our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Here we are dealing with the workings of God
through what the prophets taught, and what Jesus taught. The mark of the
beast system, is dealing with the teachings and workings of man [6], who
teaches traditions and doctrinal requirements which are not in God's Word,
but are very important in this sense of this mark of servitude. We are also
dealing in the same respect with the teachings of satan or satan's works
which is also a part of the servitude spoken of.

This mark of servitude is very important. What you believe in your mind,
also known as the 'heart', which is located *in your forehead* where the
brain contains the governing part of your mind; and what you do with your
(right) hand, which is the the works you produce because of your beliefs in
your mind, determines precisely which mark you actually bear. This 'mark of
servitude' is truly a spiritual mark. Anyone who would tell you such
nonsense that it is a card, bar code, tattoo, or computer chip implant or
anything else for that matter, is dealing in speculation of what the mark
truly is. Why would you believe in speculation? God was very exact and true
in explaining this mark, and has gone out of His way to make sure we
understand it in truth. Just remember that the mark of the beast is not
something you can see outwardly. Emphatically, it is *not* a tattoo, a card,
barcode, or a computer chip of any kind. As stated, those ideas came from
people who "speculate" on what the mark of the beast is. If you find
yourself believing that the mark of the beast is any of those nonsensical
things, check out what God has said about it in His Word. This will be the
only way you can know the truth within yourself and settle this issue to
know which mark you possess.

And by the way,  the plagues / vials have nothing whatsoever to do directly
with the mark.  The plagues of the vials is the wrath of God (Revelation
16:1) which are poured out on the unrighteous, the wicked and the rebellious
who followed not the truths of God, but rather followed the spurious messiah
and his false prophets.  The wrath of God is not 'poured out' until after
the tribulation of antichrist,  which involves the marking of the beast.

It is apparent that you are confusing the chronological order of things in
your interpretation and may be why you are also confused on what the mark of
the beast really is.

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
>      It doesn't matter what it is, we won't be here to see it.  But I
> disagree, it is physical thing.
> [Rev 13:16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free
> and bond, to receive a mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads:
>  So, you're saying that's not physical?
> Rev 16:2] And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and
> there fell *a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of
> the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.*
>   So you're saying these people that take this "not physical mark" will
> somehow get a sore from something that's not physical?  It's obvious it's
> physical, and it's going to cause health problems according to Rev 16:2.
> Why do you believe what you believe about the mark?  What scriptures do
> have for support of this theory?
> Jamie
> >>>You are absolutely right, Eagle1. The "mark" is not a physical thing.
> People
> are so worried about being forced to get a smartcard or chip
> implant...ridiculous! Even if this chip were to be used as an
> identification, it only menas that technology has improved. If we aren't
> going to burn for having a social security number, this is no different. I
> just wonder how many people would end up as refugees or dead by insisting
> not getting a chip, if it were ever required. Identification or credit is
> not a crime against God. What did Jesus say about the coin with Caesar's
> image on it? Or what did Paul say about obeying the earthly rulers, for
> put them in power? Put your trust in God, or you might be "marked" by the
> One who really counts.<<<

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